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Ethics Performance Task

What do you see as the purpose of the Code of Ethics and Principles of
Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida?
The purpose is to help teachers maintain professionalism. Teachers are held to a
high standard and looked upon favorably in the community. The Code of Ethics and
Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida support
educators in treating students with respect and dignity. Teachers are role models and
must act as such for future adults.
What is a specific detailed example from this semester when you demonstrated
being an ethical educator?
A specific example of how I have demonstrated being an ethical teacher is by
maintaining student confidentiality. I use many examples of student work to
demonstrate my accomplishment of FEAPs. When I use examples of student work, I
use a pseudonym for the student's names in order to maintain student privacy.
How is each specific example connected to the Code of Ethics?
This specific example is connected to 3 (i) “Shall keep in confidence personally
identifiable information obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure
serves professional purposes or is required by law.” I never disclose student names when
using student information to demonstrate my accomplishment of FEAPs. I block out names
or use pseudonyms for confidentiality.

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