Batwoman: Green d6

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1/22/22, 6:36 PM 💯 {Staff Pick} - [Sentinel Comics RPG] Marvel/DC/other Characters Conversion Thread | Page 5 | RPGnet Forums


Appears: Batwoman S1
Alias: Kate Kane

Background: Military
Power Source: Powered

Archetype: Close Quarters Combat

Personality: Impulsive

Status: Green d6 (30-23), Yellow d6 (22-12), Red d10 (11-1)
Maximum Health: 30

Qualities: Acrobatics d10, Close Combat d10, Actual Philanthropist d8, Self-Discipline d8, Stealth d8,

Fitness d6

Batsuit d10, Sensory Suite d8, Swingline d8
Powers: The

Green Abilities​
Principle of Equality (A): Overcome to protect the rights of the underprivileged and use your Max die. You
and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle of the Veteran (A): Overcome
a tactical challenge using knowledge of a previous conflict and use
your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Automated Systems (A): Take any two basic actions using The
Batsuit, each using your Min die.
Enriched Carbon Nanotube Weave (I): Reduce physical damage you take by 1 while you are in
the Green
zone, 2 while in the Yellow zone, and 3 while in the Red zone.
Hooked (A): Attack a minion using Swingline. Whatever that
minion rolls as defense Attacks another target
of your choice.

Styles (A): Attack using Close Combat. Ignore all penalties on this Attack, ignore any
Expert In Twelve
Defend actions, and it cannot be affected by Reactions.
Yellow Abilities​ 1/2
1/22/22, 6:36 PM 💯 {Staff Pick} - [Sentinel Comics RPG] Marvel/DC/other Characters Conversion Thread | Page 5 | RPGnet Forums
Batarangs (A): Attack up to three different targets using Sensory Suite. Apply your Max die to one, your Mid
die to another, and your Min die to the third. If you roll doubles, take a minor twist or take irreducible
damage equal to that die.
Kickflip (A): Defend using Acrobatics. Attack using your Min die.
New Features (A): Boost yourself using Power Suit. Use your Min+Mid dice. That bonus is persistent and
Red Abilities​
Paragon of Courage (A): Overcome using Self-Discipline. Use your Max+Min dice. Hinder all nearby
opponents with your Mid die.
Smoke Bomb & Grapple (A): Boost yourself using Swingline. Use your Max+Min dice. Then, you may end up
anywhere else in the scene, avoiding any dangers between your starting and ending locations.

Out Ability: The hero who goes directly after you may take 1 damage to reroll their dice pool.

(Retcon: Increase your Red status die by one size) 2/2

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