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The fundamental doctrine in Buddhism are the Four Noble True.

Second Origin of Dukkha (the origin of suffering or dissatisfaction)

The Third Noble Truth ( the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha)

1. Who (her name) is the Enthusiastic Buddhist?

Mindah-Lee Kumar

2. What is Dukkha?

Dukkha is a Pail word that can be translated as suffering or dissatisfaction. Some of the suffering
includes birth, aging, sickness etc.

3. In the 2nd Noble Truth, Buddha explained that the cause of DUKKHA is...

The cause of suffering is craving. Craving means desire, greed or wanting. In paku, the word
used is “tanha” which means thirst.

4. What is the 3rd Noble Truth? "the ___Noble Truth_ of _the Cessation of Dukkha__."

5. What did the Enthusiastic Buddhist share as a possible Buddhists' MOTTO? (Two words)
“Let go”

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