Nuclear Energy

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Good afternoon class,

Is nuclear energy as dangerous as we think it is? Many people will answerer yes, it is dangerous for humans and our
environment. Nuclear energy was initially developed as a weapon with large destructive power. Because of that
many people dislike this type of energy and fight against it.

I would like to present other side of this energy, the side that has positive effect on our civilization, our
planet and technology.
Nuclear energy, also known as atomic energy, is produced by physical reactions involving the nucleus of an atom.
Nuclear reactions such as fission ,fusion, and radioactive decay convert relatively small amounts of matter into large
quantities of energy. Nuclear energy can be harnessed for generating electricity, powering vehicles like submarines
and space probes, pursuing scientific and medical research.

I found these definitions in liberty data base "Nuclear Energy." Environmental Encyclopedia

The serious problem to our planet and environment begun after industrial revolution. A significant portion of
human industry is based on burning coal and fossil fuels. For example, in 2016 about 65 percent of the electricity in
the United State came from power plants that burn fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. These facilities emitted 40
percent of the carbon dioxide produced by human activities in the United States as well as many other harmful air

I found this information in library dada basses "Energy and the environment." Environmental Encyclopedia

On the other hand, according to "Nuclear Regulatory Commission”, nuclear power plants do not emit carbon
dioxide or produce air pollution as part of their operations. In addition, the supply of fossil fuels is limited, which
creates competition for resources and large fluctuations in prices. Since uranium is widely available, nuclear energy
offers more stable, predictable energy prices. Advocates for the use of nuclear energy also assert that nuclear power
plants have a higher electrical generation capacity and lower transmission costs than renewable energy sources such
as wind, solar, and geothermal energy.

If nuclear energy was utilized more we could produce high amounts of electricity without damaging the
environment and atmosphere. Nuclear power plants produce less pollution than many of our other current energy
sources, including coal fire and natural gas plants. Furthermore, this energy source is more efficient than solar, coal
and wind energy. Nuclear energy is not only capable of producing more than these other sources but is eco-friendly
as well. The level of possible radiation exposure from nuclear power plants is less than what we are currently
exposed to daily in our environment.

At the end of this presentation, I would like to say that nuclear energy is very important for us. During presentation
I explained few benefits of nuclear energy. Now I would like to give you example of one country that is world
leader in using nuclear energy. That country is France. Nuclear energy is primary source of energy in this country.
France has 58 operated nuclear reactors that produce more that 80 % of electricity in this country. Also, France is
the world’s largest net exporter of electricity due to its very low cost of generation, and the country gains over 3
billion euros per year from this.

I found the description “History Studies International Journal of History”

To sum up, nuclear energy is a cost effective and eco-friendly way to produce energy. Switching to nuclear energy
will benefit the economy, the environment and the advancement of technology. More countries should adopt the
French model and start investing in nuclear energy.

Thank you.

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