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21st Century Literature from the

Philippines and the World

Quarter 1 Module 2: Lesson 1
Literary Genres and Samples Produced in the 21st Century
and the Ones from the Earlier periods
Nikki Joy A. Atibagos 07/10/2021
Grade 12 – Excellence


Let us check what you have learned!

Activity 8 OverDrive
1. Which of the literary genres is easy to identify? Which is difficult? Why?
 Easy = Love and horror, comedy, tragedy
Difficult = Non-fictions, periodicals, reference, narrative
 The genres are easy and difficult to identify. This is due to the style of the
author’s writing and imagination. Literary genres that are easy to identify
are those very obvious or genre-revealing stories. We can immediately
identify based on the flow of the story. On the contrary, genres that are
difficult to identify it is due to the complex direction of the story.

2. Why do you need to identify these literary genres?

 It is important to identify literary genre to determine which genre a literary
piece fall into. And because of that, we can obtain an idea or expectation
towards the piece before reading it.

Activity 9 Run Through

Build your own collection of 21st century and pre-colonial literary genres by creating a LITERARY

1. Look for 5 literary genres and samples in the 21 st century and 5 literary
genres and samples in the pre-colonial period.
2. The chosen literary genre must have the following information:
a. Literary genre
b. Corresponding period
c. The title of the literary sample
d. Short description of each of the sample
e. An image/ photo
Give your chart a good title.
3. Organize and present your literary genre chart creatively.
4. Organize and present your literary genre chart creatively.

Scoring rubric

Indicators 3 2 1
Excellent Good Poor
Title The title clearly A title is present but it No title is present.
relates to the content is not related to the
of the chart. content of the chart.
Content All 5 information such There are 1-2 missing There are 3-4
as literary genre, information in the missing
period, title. Short chart. information in the
description, image/ chart.
photo are present.
Work quality/ Exceptionally Lacks originality, well- Work appears
Creativity creative, well- designed, neat and messy and, in a
designed, neat and attractive hurry,
Timeliness Submitted before the Submitted on the due Submitted 1 day
due date date after the due date
Pre-colonial literary samples

Literary Title Description Image
genre period
1.The Good God
1.Super Natural and the bad God.
2.Love Period 2.Aponibolinayen
1.Pre-Colonial and the sun
3.fantacy/myth Period
1.Pre-Colonial 1.Two superior beings
3.The origin of lived in space but they
Period Rice did not know of each
4.Juvenile 1.Pre-Colonial other’s existence. Then it
literature Period occurred to them
4.How the sky simultaneously that they
1.Pre-Colonial must create matter on Period became high. which they could stand.
2. Aponibolinayen was a
beautiful woman who
5.Bata Mama and married the sun. this
Bata Bahi fable from the
Philippines is has
spiritual quality that will
enchant you.
3. the earliest of the
grain in the Indian
subcontinent have been
found on the Indo-
Gangetic plain and date
from 7000-6000 BC.
4.The sky flew higher
and higher until the dust
couldn’t reach it and
swore never to come
down. And that is why
the sky is so high.
5.this story is about the
love between siblings.
Particularly in the case
of Bata Mama, who,
despite his young age,
brave difficult odds and
circumstances in order to
take care of his little
sister, Bata Bahi.
21st Century literary samples

Literary Title Description Image
genre period

1.Love tragedy
The Road
1.21st Century
period 2.Life of Pi
Adventure 2. 21st Century
Period 1.The Road is the
3.Love & war 3. 21st Century 3.Atonement profoundly moving of a
journey. It boldly
Period imagines a future in
4.Horror/tragedy 4. 21st Century 4.The which no hope remains
Period underground but in which father and
son each other as
5.Adventure/ 5. 21st Century Railroad sustained by love.
Fantasy Period 2. The protagonist,
piscine, Molitor “Pi”
5.The amazing Patel, a tail boy from
Adventures of Pondicherry, explores
issues of spirituality and
Kavalier practicality.
3.Ian McEwan
symphonic novel of love
and war childhood and
class, guilt and
forgiveness provides all
the satisfaction.
4.Cora is a slave on a
cotton plantation in
Georgia. Life is hell for
all the slaves, but
especially bad for Cora,
an outcast even among
her fellow Africans.
5.Joe Kavalier a young
Jewish artist who has
also been trained in the
art of Houdini-esque
escape, has just
smuggled himself out of
Nazi-invaded Prague.

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