Department of Education: Science 5 Quarter II - Written Test 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Quarter II – Written Test 4

Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. How do interactions of fish and corals occur in an ecosystem?

A. Fishes harm the corals.
B. Corals serve as food for fishes.
C. Fishes use the corals as their habitat.
D. Corals compete with fish in order to grow and survive.

2. What will happen to the animals if the sea grass will be removed in the food chain?

sea grass small fish bird

A. The small fish will depend on a bird for food.

B. The bird will still survive in the absence of a plant.
C. The small fish has no source of food and it will affect the bird.
D. The small fish and bird will look for other food in the ecosystem in order to survive.

3. After the food making process, plants help other living organisms in the estuary. How do
plants ensure that life continues with the help of sunlight?
A. They serve as food for other living organisms.
B. They provide habitat for other living organisms.
C. They give protection to young plants and animals.
D. They prepare resting places for other living organisms.

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)
E. How does a snail benefit from the grass in an estuary as shown in the picture?

A. It is protected by the grass.

B. It feeds on these grasses in order to live.
C. It stays on the leaves of the grasses to breathe in oxygen.
D. It climbs on the stalks of these grasses to warm themselves.
For questions 5-6. Refer to the food web below.

4. What is the feeding relationship between sun, plankton and mussel in an estuary?
A. The mussel survives through consuming planktons without the help of sunlight.
B. The plankton uses sunlight to make its own food in the process called photosynthesis.
C. The sunlight is the source of energy, the plankton is the producer and the mussel is
the consumer.
D. The plankton and mussel compete with one another in terms of the amount of sunlight, air,
water and space.

5. What is the relationship of sun, plankton and shrimp in the food web? Their interaction shows
A. how energy is transferred from the sun to plants and to animals
B. the feeding relationship where one organism feeds on another organism
C. how important the role of every organism in an estuary in order to ensure the survival of
every species
D. All the given answers are correct.

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)
6. How do the bird and fish interact in the estuary as shown in the picture?

A. The bird is the predator and the fish is the prey.

B. The bird benefits from the fish without harming it.
C. The bird and fish compete for food in the estuary.
D. The bird and the fish both benefit from each other.

7. How important is freshwater to plants and animals in an estuary?

A. It forms a unique habitat to plants and animals.
B. It filters minerals needed by animals within the estuary.
C. It provides salinity balance that supports breeding grounds for plants and animals.
D. It washes out excess saltwater that is no longer needed by plants and animals.

8. Why do living and non-living things interact in an estuary and intertidal zone? Living things
and non-living things ___________________.
A. survive without helping each other
B. exist dependently in an ecosystem
C. interact in order to harm each other
D. compete with each other in an ecosystem

9. How do plants contribute to the survival of animals in an estuary?

I. as shelter of different wildlife.
II. as nesting areas for coastal birds.
III. as a nursery for fish and shellfish.

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II, and III

10. How do living things affect non-living things in an estuary or intertidal zone?
1. Non-living things ensure survival of living things in the ecosystem.
2. Non-living things prevent the growth of living things in the ecosystem.
3. Non-living things help living things to adapt or adjust in the ecosystem.

A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)
11. How do mangroves help other marine organisms in an estuarine ecosystem?
A. The roots of the mangroves serve as hiding places for animals.
B. Mangroves give out oxygen needed by other plants and animals.
C. Mangroves protect animals from being washed away during floods.
D. All answers are correct.

12. Soil is a non-living thing while crab is a living one. How does the crab benefit from its
interaction with soil?

I. The soil provides food for the crab.

II. The soil serves as the habitat of the crab.
III. The soil helps the crab to hide itself from predators.
IV. The soil serves as the place where crab keeps its food.


13. Soil, air and sunlight are abiotic factors. How do they affect the intertidal and estuarine
ecosystem? The abiotic factors ____________________.
A. prevent reproduction of organisms
B. limit the growth of specific organism
C. interrupt numbers of organism to exist
D. help organism to grow, reproduce and survive

14. How do organisms benefit from the rocks found on rocky shores?
A. It is a place to get their food.
B. It is a habitat of plants where they are attached
C. It serves as breeding grounds of living organisms
D. all answers are correct

15. As a grade five learner, how can you raise awareness to protect and conserve our estuaries
and intertidal zones?
A. I will practice improper waste management at home, school and community level.
B. I will tell my father to use commercial fertilizers in farming because its run-off goes to
C. I will practice 5 R's and encourage everyone to do it so we can control pollution which
harms the estuarine ecosystem.
D. Answers A and C are correct

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)
16. People sell corals in the market. How would you encourage them to stop the activity? I will
tell them that___________________.
A. they should practice selling corals by season
B. little by little it is okay to get corals because it may not harm intertidal zones
C. collecting corals harm the marine animals like fish because we are destroying their habitat
D. collecting corals is allowed in areas with overcrowding corals because it may not have an
impact on intertidal zones

17. People tend to collect marine organisms for home decoration and as souvenirs. How can you
encourage them to stop their practice?

I. tell them to collect only a few numbers of those organisms

II. make them aware of the law that might put them under imprisonment
III. explain to them that the activity might cause extinction of those organisms
IV. advice them to take pictures instead of collecting things in the intertidal zones


18. Animals interact with plants in an intertidal zone. This interaction should be protected because
i. animals eat plants to survive
ii. animals use plants to gain energy
iii. animals protect plants from human and predators
iv. animal may use plants as their nesting and breeding place

A. i only B. i, ii, iv C. i, ii, iii, iv D. i, iii and iv

19. Why is there a need to ensure interaction among living and non-living things in an estuary and
intertidal zones? Living and non-living things interact in an estuary_____________________.
I. to transfer energy
II. to fight extinction
III. to ensure survival
IV. to balance ecosystem

A. I and II B. II and IV C. I, II and III D. I,II, III and IV

20. How can we protect the intertidal zone? We can _____________________.

1. dismantle rocks on the rocky shore.
2. build artificial reefs for small fishes
3. destroy plants and animals while visiting the seashore.
4. collect samples of living and non-living things from the shore.
A. Answer 1 only C. Answers 1 and 2
B. Answer 2 only D. Answer 4 only

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)
21. You saw people eating along the beach and observed that they were simply throwing their
wastes everywhere. How are you going to respond to what you have seen? I will _________.
A. ignore them
B. suggest to them to eat along the beach again
C. let them enjoy eating and throw their garbage everywhere
D. tell them to gather all their wastes and put it on the garbage bag

22. Cynthia and her friends turned the rocks and threw it anywhere on the beach. Her friend told
her not to do it again. Why do you think Cynthia should stop turning rocks over in the
1. Plants attached to rocks will be uprooted.
2. Plants attached to rocks will be replanted.
3. Animals laying eggs under the rocks will be disturbed.
4. Animals seeking shelter under the rocks will be dispersed.

A. 1,2,3 B. 1,3,4 C. 1,2,4 D. 1,2,3,4

23. Why do we need to protect and conserve the estuaries?

1. They provide food for humans.
2. They serve as nurseries for birds and fishes.
3. They serve as home to a wide variety of organisms.
A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 C. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1 and 3
24. Why do we need to protect and conserve intertidal zones? Intertidal zones ______________.
A. attract tourist
B. give space for us to swim
C. act as nursery of freshwater animals
D. serve as recreational place for children

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Quarter II – Written Test 4


1 C 16 C

2 D 17 C

3 A 18 B

4 B 19 B

5 C 20 D

6 D 21 B

7 A 22 D

8 C 23 D

9 B 24 C

10 D 25 C

11 C

12 D

13 B

14 D

15 D

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Quarter II – Written Test 4

Multiple Multiple Multiple %

Content Choice Choice Choice Number
MELCs of
Quarter Standards of Items
Knowing Applying Reasoning Items
2. Interactions among
living things
The learners Discuss the
demonstrate interactions
understandin among
g of… the living things
interactions and non- 9, 10, 11,
1, 2,3, 4,
Week 6 for survival living things 12, 13, 14 , 15 60 %
5, 6, 7, 8
among living in estuaries 15
and non- and
living things intertidal
that take zones
place in (S5LTIIh-8)
and intertidal Explain the
zones need to
protect and
conserve 16, 17,
estuaries 18,19,
Week 7 23, 24, 25 10 40 %
and 20, 21,
intertidal 22,

Competency: 1. Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIh-8)
2. Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones (S5LTIIi-j-10)

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