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Xenia Sato Expand her collection

Occult Collector
Cape Town by Night

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●●● Black Market ●●● ● ●●
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ture Hak So (Lead Watchmen)
e Severely Punish those who do you harm.
Shizuo Hei (Watchmen)
Never betrays a friend.
Kazuma Yami (Watchmen)
A promise made is a promise in stone.

Obfuscate ● ■■■■
Cloak of Shadows

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Tien Long Caitiff 12 50

A father figure.
Looks, Beautiful ●● Resources ●●● Flaw: Suspect ●

Flaw: Despised ●●
Museum Community
SUV Black

●●● Jörmungandr

Watchmen ●
Security System ●

Anarch Territory,

A 3 story hacienda, its second and third floor is made to look like a museum displaying artifcats gathered by her
ancestors. Her home office space is at the 3rd floor. Basement is barracks for the watchmen and also there is the Private Room of
Xenia and Tien if he wished to stay there.
Born from a family of Archeologists, her father was a collector of the Occult which influenced her at an early age. She studied
archeology and travelling with him extensively to expand their research and collection. In one of those travels, her father was
involved with a Kindred Artifact being sought by the Camarilla and Anachs, which was recovered by the Camarilla but got
himself fataly wounded. It was because of that incident that he met Tien which saved his father's life.

Ever since then, Xenia has been supporting Tien anyway she can. Now that her father has passed away, she travels to Cape Town
to be with the Kindred that also treated her like a daughter.

She is Tien's major investor of Body Nirvana.

35 A slim, fair skinned woman with waist-length fair hair styled in a hime cut and light
35 coloured eyes, Xenia has black hair with light blue eyes and pale skin. Usually well
1980s dressed, as she favors business suits or similar attire, with or without neckties.

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