The Purposes of Neuropsychological

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Alan Carson Jon Stone

Series Editor

Series Editor
Series editor Alan Carson is a Consultant Series editor Jon Stone is a Consultant Neurologist and
Neuropsychiatrist and Part-time Senior Lecturer. He Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Clinical
works between the Neurorehabiltation units of the Neurosciences in Edinburgh. Since 1999 he has developed a
Astley Ainslie Hospital and the Department of Clinical research and clinical interest in functional symptoms within
Neurosciences at the Western General Hospital in neurology, especially the symptom of weakness. He writes
Edinburgh. He has a widespread interests in neuropsychi- regularly on this topic in scientific papers and for textbooks
atry including brain injury, HIV and stroke. He has long- of neurology and psychiatry.
standing research and teaching collaboration with Jon Correspondence to: Email:
Stone on functional symptoms in neurology.

elcome to the fifth in a series of articles in ACNR exploring pieces in response to everyday case-based clinical dilemmas. We have

W clinical dilemmas in neuropsychiatry. In this series of arti-

cles we have asked neurologists and psychiatrists working
at the interface of those two specialties to write short
asked the authors to use evidence but were also interested in their own
personal views on topics. We would welcome feedback on these articles,
particularly from readers with an alternative viewpoint.

The Purposes of Neuropsychological
Assessment and How to Achieve Them
Excerpt from a neuropsychological report.
Roberto Cubelli “… A 68-year-old, right-handed, retired man suffered from a recent stroke. The patient presented with Wernicke’s
is Professor of General aphasia, alexia, and agraphia, coupled with limb apraxia, right hemianopia, verbal short-term memory problems
Psychology and Head of the and constructional apraxia. This neuropsychological profile is compatible with a left temporo-parietal lesion”. The
Department of Cognitive site of the lesion had been confirmed by CT scan as a left temporo-parietal infarct at the time of admission, so
Sciences and Education at the
University of Trento, Italy. He
what was the point of this assessment? What is the use of this technical description of the symptoms?
works in the fields of cognitive
neuropsychology and
psycholinguistics, focusing on The remits of clinical neuropsychology dictated by pragmatic reasons, a detailed diagnosis
picture naming, reading and Clinical neuropsychologists are called to investigate allows the neuropsychologist to better inform patients
writing and verbal memory. He
the impairments of higher mental functions following and carers. For example, a meticulous neuropsycholog-
is Managing Editor of Cortex
and President of the Italian brain damage in individual patients. They use methods ical evaluation would permit to differentiate various
Association of Psychology (AIP). derived from experimental psychology, i.e., standard- forms of limb apraxia according to the type of gestures
ised tests requiring behavioural responses. In the dawn impaired. Different types of limb apraxia differently
years clinical neuropsychologists had three main aims: affect everyday activities; problems with intransitive
to identify the cognitive deficit, to locate the associated gestures affect gestural communication, difficulties in
brain lesion, and to devise suitable rehabilitation train- carrying out transitive gestures affect object manipula-
ings.1 The more knowledge accrued on the complex tion, whereas deficits of unfamiliar gestures affect reha-
relationship between brain structures and cognition, bilitation exercises requiring imitation.3 4
the less justifiable the localisation aims of the Furthermore, a sound neuropsychological diagnosis
neuropsychological assessment appeared. It became will allow the consultants in charge of the patients to
clear that the alleged relationship between the advise them and their carers on daily activities, such as
Sergio Della Sala, performance on individual tests and the functioning of renewing the driving licence or suitability to specific jobs.
MD, PhD, FBPsS, circumscribed brain areas was based on ingenuous
assumptions. Moreover, the prepotent advent of The role of clinical neuropsychologists
modern neuroimaging techniques made this enter- To achieve the above aims, neuropsychologists use
is Professor of Human
Cognitive Neuroscience at the prise outmoded, as they were able to address this same relatively simple tasks, such as reading aloud, drawing,
University of Edinburgh, UK question directly, avoiding the fallacies intrinsic in the recognising objects, or memorising lists of words, and
and an Honorary Consultant in probabilistic approach which characterises neuropsy- are equipped with off-the-shelf tests or pre-packed test
Neurology in Lothian. His field
chological localisation. A neuropsychological report batteries. The apparent simplicity of the neuropsychol-
of research is cognitive
neuropsychology and focuses that professes to predict the site of the brain lesion ogist’s trade-mark instruments is deceptive. The core
on the relationship between given a particular cognitive profile is unwarranted and competence of a neuropsychologist is not solely to
brain and behaviour, with necessarily prone to mistakes. administer the tests (which could be presented by
particular reference to memory
In parallel, the remaining two aims, which constitute different professionals), but to plan the individual
and amnesia and the cognitive
impairments associated to the focus of modern neuropsychology, flourished, capi- assessment, to refine the testing programme, to decode
Alzheimer’s disease. He is the talising on the upsurge of cognitive modelling, which the findings, and to unravel the observed pattern of
editor of Cortex. allows clinicians and researchers to account for the performance. Central to their remit is the interpretation
observed patterns of spared and impaired abilities “in of the outcome from such tests, based on both accu-
Correspondence to:
Professor Roberto Cubelli, terms of damage to one or more components of a racy scores and the qualitative analysis of errors. Like a
Dipartimento di Scienze della theory or model of normal cognition” (p.4).2 In turn, radiologist who could carry out a scan, but whose
Cognizione e della Formazione, this refined diagnosis consents to take an informed main chore is to interpret it, the neuropsychologist is
Università di Trento.
decision on whether or not to initiate a cognitive treat- asked to derive hypotheses on the patient’s cognitive
Corso Bettini n. 31,
I-38068 Rovereto (TN). ment and, if so, to make precise the targets and the functioning. Hence, the diagnostic process should not
working hypotheses of rehabilitation programmes. be merely applying gross clinical labels (i.e. Broca’s
Aside from any therapeutic choice, which could be aphasia, dysexecutive syndrome, unilateral neglect,



episodic amnesia), but to identify the damaged Moreover, there are several different ways to fail The neuropsychological evaluation can come
component(s) of the cognitive processes in a test. A patient may fail the Token Test, not to an end when the full picture of spared and
individual patients. because of aphasia, but because of colour impaired cognitive mechanisms of the individual
agnosia or a working memory problem in patient is specified. Even if the instruments used
The neuropsychological interpretation binding shapes to colours, or in keeping track of by the neuropsychologists are deceptively simple,
A single error is per se opaque. Take a patient the word sequence. as any other diagnostic procedure, the interpreta-
who reads the word “deer” as “beer”; this error Moreover, the validity of a test should not be tion of their outcome requires considerable
could be classed as letter substitution, but it taken for granted. A test might not assess expertise which only a psychologist trained in
could be interpreted by means of five different exactly what it was devised for, because of clinical neuropsychology is able to offer. The
accounts. The error could be (i) perceptual (d faulty selection of the stimuli.The Judgement of assessment of the consequences resulting from
→ b), revealing a problem in coding the spatial Line Orientation Test,7 widely assumed to detect brain damage is incomplete without a thorough
orientation of the letter shape, which will selective visuo-spatial deficits in right hemi- neuropsychological examination, as this will
involve also non-orthographic stimuli; (ii) sphere damaged patients, is biased by an better serve the needs of the patients.
orthographic (<D> → <B>), due to a deficit in uneven distribution of the stimulus lines, which In the case above, a detailed neuropsycho-
processing the letter identity, specific to reading are easier to discriminate in the left space.8 logical assessment allows going beyond any
tasks; (iii) lexical-semantic (deer → beer), clinical label or meaningless list of symptoms
because of the selection of another lexical unit Structure of the neuropsychological and provides useful information to plan a reha-
which could be semantically related (like in assessment bilitation program tailored upon the specific
deer-beer root beer or in Beer Deer - or Beef - A sound neuropsychological assessment should deficits shown by the patient. Instead of naming
Roast); (iv) phonological (/d/ → /b/), reflecting entail four separate but intertwined steps. The the deficit (for instance, by using the word
the substitution of one distinctive feature, in this clinical neuropsychologist begins with an inter- “alexia” which means “inability to read”) and
case the point of articulation, which would be view aimed at gathering a targeted personal and adopting a fixed set of exercises to be applied
apparent also in spontaneous speech; (v) atten- clinical history, in order to isolate and contextu- to all patients belonging to the same vague
tional (deer → -eer), due to a defective coding alise the problem(s). The context within which category, the treatment approach requires
of the beginning letter, as in neglect dyslexia. the complaint arises is relevant as it allows the detailed hypotheses concerning the impaired
The ambiguity of single errors needs to be clinician to ascertain whether other, non- linguistic and cognitive mechanisms in order to
disentangled considering the overall pattern of neuropsychological, factors (e.g., familiar, socio- plan an effective strategy. Indeed, only the
spared and impaired abilities and their economical, professional) may play a causal role. correct identification of the underlying
matching onto the relevant cognitive model. This should be followed by a screening phase, cause(s) of the functional deficit allows
It is paramount to distinguish between error whereby a comprehensive battery of brief tests is choosing the most achievable goal of the treat-
classification and their interpretation. The given.9,10 The purpose of this step is twofold. On ment, either the restoration of the damaged
labelling of an error, like “letter substitution”, one hand it confirms the existence of the stated mechanisms or the enhancement of the spared
derives from agreed mutually exclusive cate- problem, on the other it informs further, deeper, processes or the everyday managing of the
gories, that is, a given response could be listed investigations by revealing expected errors as impaired behaviour. l
under one, and one only, error category. Classing well as flagging unexpected hints. Limiting the
an error does not imply its interpretation, which examination to this level would only attain the
instead ought to be vetted against the full assess- scope of corroborating the problem as lamented REFERENCES
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