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Survey Questionnaire

A. Demographics
Name (Optional): ________________________________________________________________
Gender: ______ Age: ______ Location: _______________________________
Occupational Status:
___ Student ___ Employed ___ Unemployed ___ Retired
Art Interest __________________ Had income from own Art ___Yes ____No
B. Marketing Aspect
1. Café

1.2 If you are to go in the café, what would likely be the reason?

__ To spend time with myself

__ To study or do some works
__ Meet-up place
__ To spend time with my family or friends
Insert you poster or explain your DE L’ART CAFÉ…

Are you going to patronize DE L’ART CAFÉ?

Yes Maybe No

1.3 How often would you go to a café like this?

__ Daily

__ Weekly


__ Monthly

__ Less than once a month

__ Others

1.4 Which days are you most likely to visit the café?

__ Monday

__ Tuesday

__ Wednesday

__ Thursday

__ Friday
__ Saturday

__ Sunday

__ Not at all

1.5 What time of the day would you likely to visit the café?

__ Between 7:00 am to 9:30 am

__ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
__ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm
__ 3:00 pm – 6 pm
__ After 6 pm
__ N/A

1.5 On a scale of 1-3 (which 3 being the highest), how important would the following
qualities be to you when choosing a café?
__ Quality of drinks
__ Quality of food
__ Good value food and drink
__ Atmosphere
__ Wi-Fi accessibility
__ Outside setting
__ Inside setting
Other qualities you feel are important (Please specify):
2. Gallery
2.1 Customer Aspect
2.1.2Are you interested to buy art works on exhibit?
Yes ____ No ________

I will buy if I see something that interest me ______

2.1.3 What kind of interior decorating style would be your favorite for a gallery?
__ Cozy and simple with soft chairs, warm colors, dark floors, and low lighting,
but spotlights on the art.
__ Clean, white, bright, monochromatic, with modern accents. White floor,
white walls, and modern art.
__ An even mix of vintage: red brick and old tables with reclaimed wood floor,
paired with modern art, structure and modern display styles.
__ Regal with golds, browns, reds, velvety fabric, and crystal chandeliers.
Other (please specify): ______________________________________________
2.1.4 What other programs would you like an art gallery to have? Please rate them by
your preference.
________ Meet the artist seminars or Q&As.

________ Art performances

_________ Art supplies for sale in the gallery

_________ “Make your own art” Corner

Others, specify ____________________________________

2.2 Artist Aspect

2.2.1 Are you interested to showcase your artwork in an art gallery?
__ Yes
__ No
If interested, What is the DE L’ART CAFÉ share in displaying the artwork if in caase sold?
- commission at 30% YES ______ No ____ specify % ________

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