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Induction Motor
Scalar Control

1/4/2011 1

 Speed Control of Induction Motors
 Pole Changing
 Variable-Voltage, Constant Frequency
 Variable Frequency
 Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control
 Open-loop Implementation
 Closed-loop Implementation
 Constant Airgap Flux Control

1/4/2011 2

Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 1


 Scalar Control - control of induction machine
based on steady-state model (per phase SS
equivalent circuit)
Is Lls Llr’ Ir ’

+ +
Lm Rr’/s
Vs E1
– –

1/4/2011 3


Pull out
Torque Intersection point
(Tmax) Te (Te=TL) determines the
steady –state speed


What if the load must

be operated here?
sm ωω ω
rated rotor s

s rotor

1 0
1/4/2011 4

Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 2


Speed Control of IM
 Given a load T–ω characteristic, the steady-state speed can be
ω curve of the motor
changed by altering the T–ω

Te =
3Rr' Vs
2 Varying voltage
s ω s  R' 

 Rs + r  + ( X ls + X lr ) 

 s  

ωs =
2 4
ω = πf 3 Varying line

1 Pole Changing

1/4/2011 5

Scalar control of induction machine

Given a load T–ω characteristic, the steady-state

speed can be changed by altering the T–ω of the
Pole changing Variable voltage (amplitude),
Synchronous speed change variable frequency
with no. of poles Using power electronics
Discrete step change in speed converter
Operated at low slip frequency

Variable voltage (amplitude),

frequency fixed
E.g. using transformer or triac
Slip becomes high as voltage
reduced – low efficiency

Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 3


Speed Control of IM
Pole Changing
 Machines must be specially manufactured (i.e. called pole changing
motors or multi-speed motors)
 Need special arrangement of stator windings
 Only used with squirrel-cage motors
 Because number of poles induced in squirrel cage rotor will follow
number of stator poles
 Two methods:
 Multiple stator windings
 stator has more than one set of 3-phase windings
 only energize one set at a time
 simple, expensive
 Consequent poles
 Discrete step change in speed

1/4/2011 7

Speed Control of IM
Pole Changing
 Consequent poles
 single winding divided into
few coil groups
 No. of poles changed by
changing connections of coil
 Change in pole number by
factor of 2:1 only

A two-pole stator winding for pole changing.

Notice the very short pitch (60° to 90°) of
these windings.

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 4


Speed Control of IM
Pole Changing
 Consequent poles
 Close up view of one phase of a
pole changing winding.
 In Figure (a): the 2-pole
configuration, one coil is a north
pole and the other is a south
 In Figure (b): when the
connection on one of the two
coils is reversed, they are both
north poles, and the magnetic
flux returns to the stator halfway
between the two coils. The
south poles are called
consequent poles. Hence the
winding is now 4-pole.

1/4/2011 9

Speed Control of IM
Variable-Voltage (amplitude),
Constant Frequency
 Controlled using:
 Transformer (rarely used)
 Thyristor voltage controller
 thyristors connected in anti-parallel
motor can be star or delta connected
 voltage control by firing angle control
(gating signals are synchronized to
phase voltages and are spaced at 60°
 Only for operations in Quadrant 1 and
Quadrant 3 (requires reversal of phase
 also used for soft start of motors

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 5


Speed Control of IM
Variable-Voltage (amplitude), Constant Frequency
 From torque equation, Te ∝ Vs2
 When Vs ↓, Te and speed reduces.
 If terminal voltage is reduced to bVs,:

Te =
3Rr' (
bVs )2

sω s  Rr 
' 2

 sR +  + ( X + X )2

s 
ls lr
 

Note: b ≤ 1

1/4/2011 11

Speed Control of IM
Constant Frequency
 Suitable for applications
where torque demand
reduces with speed
(eg: fan and pump drives
where TL ∝ ωm2)
 Suitable for NEMA Class
D (high-slip, high Rr’)
type motors
 High rotor copper
loss, low efficiency
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Speed Control of IM
Variable Voltage (amplitude),
Constant Frequency
 limited speed range ⇒ when
applied to Class B (low-slip) motors
 Excessive stator currents at low
speeds ⇒ high copper losses
 Distorted phase current in machine
and line (harmonics introduced by
thyristor switching)
 Poor line power factor
(power factor proportional to firing
 Hence, only used on low-power,
appliance-type motors where
efficiency is not important
 e.g. small fan or pumps drives

1/4/2011 13

Speed Control of IM
Variable Frequency
 Speed control above rated (base) speed
 Requires the use of PWM inverters to control frequency of motor
 Frequency increased (i.e. ωs increased)
 Stator voltage held constant at rated value
 Airgap flux and rotor current decreases
 Developed torque
Te ∝ (1/ωs)
 For control below
base speed –
use Constant
Volts/Hz method

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 7


Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

 Airgap flux in the motor is related to the induced stator
voltage E1 :
E1 Vs Assuming small voltage drop
φag = ≈ across Rs and Lls
f f
 For below base speed operation:
 Frequency reduced at rated Vs - airgap flux saturates
(f ↓ ,φag ↑ and enters saturation region oh B-H curve):
- excessive stator currents flow
- distortion of flux wave
- increase in core losses and stator copper loss
 Hence, keep φag = rated flux
 stator voltage Vs must be reduced proportional to reduction in f
(i.e. maintaining Vs / f ratio)

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Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

 Max. torque remains almost
 For low speed operation: E1 Vs Vs
φag = ≠ Tmax ∝
 can’t ignore voltage drop across f f ωs
Rs and Lls (i.e. E1 ≠ Vs)
 poor torque capability
(i.e. torque decreased at low
speeds shown by dotted lines)
 stator voltage must be boosted
– to compensate for voltage
drop at Rs and Lls and maintain
constant φag
 For above base speed operation
(f > frated):
 stator voltage maintained at
rated value
 Same as Variable Frequency
control (refer to slide 13)
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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 8


Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

Vs vs. f relation in Constant Volts/Hz drives Boost - to
compensate for
Vrated voltage drop at Rs
and Lls

Linear offset curve –

Linear offset
• for high-starting
torque loads
• employed for most

Non-linear offset
curve –
• for low-starting
Non-linear offset – varies with Is torque loads
1/4/2011 17

Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

 For operation at frequency K times rated frequency:
 fs = Kfs,rated ⇒ ωs = Kωs,rated (1)
(Note: in (1) , speed is given as mechanical speed)

 KVs , rated , when f s < f s ,rated

 Stator voltage: Vs =  (2)
 Vs , rated , when f s > f s , rated
Voltage-to-frequency ratio = d = constant:

d= (3)
ω s,rated

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 9


Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

 For operation at frequency K times rated frequency:
Hence, the torque produced by the motor:
3R ' Vs
Te = r (4)
sω s  R' 

 Rs + r  + K 2 ( X ls + X lr ) 

 s  
where ωs and Vs are calculated from (1) and (2)

1/4/2011 19

Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

 For operation at frequency K times rated frequency:
The slip for maximum torque is:

smax = ± (5)
Rs + K 2 ( X ls + X lr )
2 2

 The maximum torque is then given by:

3 Vs
Tmax = (6)
2ω s  R ± R 2 + K 2 ( X + X )2 
 s s ls lr 
where ωs and Vs are calculated from (1) and (2)
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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 10


Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

Torque Area Field Weakening Mode (f > frated)
Rated (Base) (below base speed)
frequency • Reduced flux (since Vs is constant)
• Torque reduces
⇒Constant Power Area
(above base speed)

Operation restricted
between synchronous
speed and Tmax for
motoring and braking
regions, i.e. in the
linear region of the
torque-speed curve.
1/4/2011 21

Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control

Constant Torque Area

Constant Power Area

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 11


 A 4-pole, 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1470 rpm induction
motor has a rated torque of 30 Nm. The motor is used to
drive a linear load with characteristic given by TL = Kω,
such that the speed equals rated value at rated torque. If
a constant Volts/Hz control method is employed,
 The constant K in the TL -ω characteristic of the load.
 Synchronous and motor speeds at 0.6 rated torque.
 If a starting torque of 1.2 times rated torque is required, what
should be the voltage and frequency applied at start-up? State
any assumptions made for this calculation.

1/4/2011 23

Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control –

Open-loop Implementation


Note: ωe= ωs = synchronous speed

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 12


Constant Volts/Hz (V/f)

Control – Open-loop Implementation
 Most popular speed control method because it is easy to
 Used in low-performance applications
 where precise speed control unnecessary
 Speed command ωs* - primary control variable
 Phase voltage command Vs* generated from V/f relation
(shown as the ‘G’ in slide 23)
 Boost voltage Vo is added at low speeds
 Constant voltage applied above base speed
 Sinusoidal phase voltages (vabc*) is then generated from Vs* &
Θs* where Θs* is obtained from the integral of ωs*
 vabc* employed in PWM inverter connected to motor
1/4/2011 25

Constant Volts/Hz (V/f)

Control – Open-loop Implementation
 Problems in open-loop drive operation: P
ωr = (ωm )
 Motor speed not controlled precisely 2
primary control variable is synchronous speed ωs P
= (ω s − ω sl )

 actual motor speed ωr is less than ωs due to ωsl 2
 ωsl depends on load connected to motor
 ωsl cannot be maintained since ωr not measured
 can lead to operation in unstable region of T-ω characteristic
 stator currents can exceed rated value – endangering inverter-
converter combination
 Problems (to an extent) can be overcome by:
 Open-loop Constant Volts/Hz Drive with Slip Compensation
 Closed-loop implementation - having outer speed loop with
slip regulation
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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 13


Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control –

Open-loop Implementation
Open-loop Constant Volts/Hz Drive with Slip Compensation
- Slip speed is estimated and added to the reference speed ωr*

Vdc = Vd Idc


Note: ωe= ωs = synchronous speed

1/4/2011 27

Constant Volts/Hz (V/f)

Control – Open-loop Implementation
Open-loop Constant Volts/Hz Drive with Slip Compensation
 How is ωsl estimated in the
Slip Compensator?
 Using T-ω curve, ωsl ∝ Te
 ωsl can be estimated by
estimating torque where:
Pag Pin − PSCL − inverter losses
Te = = (7)
ωs ωs
Note: In the figure,
Pin = Vdc I dc (8) ωslip= ωsl = slip speed
ωsyn= ωs = synchronous speed
 T 
ωsl =  e ωsl , rated
 (9)
 Te,rated 
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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 14


Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control –

Closed-loop Implementation
Open-loop system
(as in slide 23)

Slip Controller

Note: ωe= ωs = synchronous speed

1/4/2011 29

Constant Volts/Hz (V/f) Control –

Closed-loop Implementation
 Reference motor speed ωr* is compared to the actual speed ωr
to obtain the speed loop error
 Speed loop error generates slip command ωsl* from PI
controller and limiter
 Limiter ensures that the ωsl* is kept within the allowable slip
speed of the motor (i.e. ωsl* ≤ slip speed for maximum torque)
 ωsl* is then added to the actual motor speed ωr to generate
synchronous speed command ωs* (or frequency
 ωs* generates voltage command Vs* from V/f relation
 Boost voltage is added at low speeds
 Constant voltage applied above base speed
 Scheme can be considered open loop torque control (since
T ∝ s) within speed control loop
1/4/2011 30

Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 15


Constant Airgap Flux Control

 Constant V/f control employs the use of variable frequency
voltage source inverters (VSI)
 Constant Airgap Flux control employs variable frequency
current source inverters or current-controller VSI
 Provides better performance compared to Constant V/f control
with Slip Compensation
 airgap flux is maintained at rated value through stator current
 Speed response similar to equivalent separately-excited dc
motor drive but torque and flux channels still coupled
 Fast torque response means:
 High-performance drive obtained
 Suitable for demanding applications
 Able to replace separately-excited dc motor drives
 Above only true is airgap flux remains constant at rated value
1/4/2011 31

Constant Airgap Flux Control

 Constant airgap flux in the motor means:
E1 Assuming small voltage drop
φag = = Lm I m = constant across Rs and Lls
 For φag to be kept constant at rated value, the magnetising current Im
must remain constant at rated value
 Hence, in this control scheme stator current Is is controlled to
maintain Im at rated value Controlled to maintain Im at rated
Lls Is Llr’ Ir ’

+ +
Lm Rr’/s
Vs E1 ≈ Vs
maintain at rated Im

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 16


Constant Airgap Flux Control

 From torque equation (with φag kept constant at rated value),
since sωs = ωsl and ignoring Rs and Lls,
2 2
 PV Rr' PE
Te = 3  s ≅ 3  1
 2  sω s  R' 
 2 ω 
  sl  R '


 Rs + r  + ( X ls + X lr ) 
 r
ω s  + (ωs Llr )2 
 s    ω sl  
 By rearranging the equation:
 Rr'   Rr' 
   
 ω sl  ω sl
P E  P 2 
Te ≅ 3  12 ⇒ Te ≅ 3 φag
 2  ω s  Rr'  2  R ' 
2 2
 
  + (Llr )   r  + (Llr )2 

 ω sl    ω sl  

Te ∝ ωsl ⇒ ωsl can be varied instantly ⇒ instantaneous (fast)

1/4/2011 Te response 33

Constant Airgap Flux Control

 Constant airgap flux requires control of magnetising current Im which is
not accessible
 From equivalent circuit' (on slide 31):
R jω slTr + 1
jω s L'lr + r Is = Im,
Im = s I  σr  (10)
s jω sl  Tr + 1
jω s ( L'lr + Lm ) + r 1+ σ r 
 From equation (10), a plot of Is against ωsl when Im is kept at rated value.
 Drive is operated to maintain Is against ωsl relationship when frequency
is changed to control speed.
 Hence, control is achieved by controlling stator current Is and stator
 Is controlled using current-controlled VSI
 Control scheme sensitive to parameter variation (due to Tr and σr)
Lr L'lr
Note : Tr = , σ r = , ω selec = ω selec − ω r
1/4/2011 Rr' Lm 34

Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 17


Constant Airgap Flux Control -

Implementation Current Controlled VSI

3-phase Source
supply Rectifier
C Inverter IM

Current controller options:

• Hysteresis Controller Current
• PI controller + PWM controller

ωr* + ωslip |Is| i*a

ωs i*c
ωr Equation (10)
+ (from slide 33)

1/4/2011 35

Current-Controlled VSI
 Hysteresis Controller
i*a +

i*b + Inverter

i*c +

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Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 18


Current-Controlled VSI
 PI Controller + Sinusoidal PWM
i*a +
i*b + Inverter

i*c + PWM

•Due to interactions between phases

(assuming balanced conditions)
→ actually only require 2 controllers Motor
1/4/2011 37

Current-Controlled VSI
 PI Controller + Sinusoidal PWM (2 phase)
id* PWM
i*b dq →abc Source
abc→dq iq* Inverter


id abc→dq

1/4/2011 38

Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 19


 Krishnan, R., Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control,
Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 2001.
 Bose, B. K., Modern Power Electronics and AC drives, Prentice-Hall,
New Jersey, 2002.
 Trzynadlowski, A. M., Control of Induction Motors, Academic Press,
San Diego, 2001.
 Rashid, M.H, Power Electronics: Circuit, Devices and Applictions, 3rd
ed., Pearson, New-Jersey, 2004.
 Nik Idris, N. R., Short Course Notes on Electrical Drives,
 Ahmad Azli, N., Short Course Notes on Electrical Drives,

1/4/2011 39

Dr. Ungku Anisa, July 2008 20

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