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A. Executive Summary
Centennial Response is a crisis management application that will automate the
people accounting process of Centennial College during a crisis. A crisis is any event that
poses threat or danger to people and community such as earthquake, mass shooting,
riot, fire, hurricane, and other events of the same nature. The system will allow the
designated crisis management team of the school to do the following: create a crisis
event, trigger the event, and document the responses of the people.
An Event will be created by adding a brief description and details of the crisis and
specifying the location of the crisis. The selected location will define the scope of the

event. The user will be able to select from the following communication channels: email

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or SMS. Once the user triggers the event, a mass notification will be sent to all Contacts

—which include Centennial College students, faculty members, and 2staff—whose

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address in the database falls under the crisis’ location through the selected

communication channel. From there, the Contact will be able to respond to the message
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by selecting from the given status options—Safe, or Not Safe—, and his/response will be
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recorded in the system.
This project will allow for a quicker response for Centennial College whenever a

crisis is happening. This will help them identify the safety status of the people during a
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crisis so that they can contact the authorities and bring timely assistance to those who
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are in danger.
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B. Business Objectives
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1. Business Need/Opportunity/Objectives

Centennial Response is an application that will be used to monitor the safety

status of Centennial College's students, teachers, and non-teaching staff during a crisis.

The notification will be sent to the registered users of Centennial Response of specific
crisis location(s), via the communication channel.
The collected responses from the users will help to account the number of

people who need assistance or help in the time of crisis and can be forwarded to the
organizations that provide help.
The main feature of the product is the mass notification about the crisis. The
notification will be sent to the users based on the selected crisis location, and will be
delivered based on the communication method selected in the Event. Apart from this,
this application will prevent the spread of false information as the individuals will send

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their status by themselves. As it is a quick process that will help to provide quick
assistance as the users have to send a small response about their status in that
condition. The stored responses from the users further can be used in the analysis
report of a crisis; for example, the number of people in Centennial who marked
themselves Safe, or not Safe.

2. Product Description
Centennial Response is an application that creates and executes a crisis event for
the people who will be associated with centennial college whether they are students,
teaching or faculty staff. The created event will be sent to the registered users of
Centennial Response of specific crisis location(s), via the communication method which
was selected by the user during the registration process.

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The collected responses from the users will help to account the number of

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people who need assistance or help in the time of crisis and can be forwarded to the
organizations that provide help.

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The main feature of the product is that it will prevent the spread of false
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information as the individuals will send their status by themselves. As it is a quick
process that will help to provide quick assistance as the users have to send a small
response about their status in that condition. The stored responses from the users

further can be used in the analysis report of a crisis, for example how many Centennial
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people was affected by the situation

3. Deliverables
Deliverables includes:
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● A registration system
● Event manager
● SMS and Email event feedback system

● Reports
● Web API

● Database
● SQL job for data migration

Deliverables excludes:
● Server configuration

C. Project Description

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1. Scope
The project is aimed at ensuring compatibility with the latest Windows OS and iOS
version and, also web browsers. It should include minimum changes to the application
required to reach project objectives.
Scope Statement
Centennial Response is a web-based crisis management application that is used in
the people accounting process in all campuses of Centennial College during a crisis. A
crisis is any event that imposes danger to people such as earthquake, shooting, fire,
hurricane, typhoon, and any other difficult time of the same nature.
The following are the detailed steps on how to create an event in the app.
1. Add Event title

2. Add Event description

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3. Select event location (Different levels available: GTA, Municipality, City,

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4. Save the event
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After the event has been triggered, it will send a polling question to the people who are in
scope of that event and will ask for their status whether they are “Safe" or “Not Safe”.
The manner which the polling question will be sent to the people will be discussed by the

group. It could be via SMS, Email, or any other method that is realistic. The response of
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the people will be recorded in the database. This is the part where the actual people
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accounting is done; this is very beneficial to everyone in the school so that school
authorities 3 can keep track of the safety of the people, and bring help or assistance to
those who are in danger.
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The project will start once main work on Centennial Response WebApp is finished.
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First, the team will analyse tasks and produce minimal required project management
documentation: estimates. a list of risks and milestone chart (list) based on which we will
be able to agree on the final scope and dates for the project.

Centennial Response WebApp will deliver only minimal support required for latest iOS

and Windows OS. Only bugs introduced during the implementation of current version
and issues

explicitly request will be fixed.

- Applications should be released in time for latest Windows OS and iOS releases.

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- Additional requests for Centennial Response WebApp update might influence
Centennial Response WebApp schedule.
- Those centennial people who used an address outside GTA Will not receive the
alert/polling question.
Project exclusions:
- iOS 9 and Windows 10 new features support.
- Ul/UX changes related to iOS 9 and Windows 10.
- Tasks defined for first version of Centennial Response WebApp.

2. Completion Criteria

Completion of the project will be marked by a functional registration system capable

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of individual or bulk registration which stores encrypted data to an SQL database.

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A communication system that provides alerts to registered users and allows them to

return information about their status.
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A reporting system that summarizes user responses into easily readable reports for
the college faculty.
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3. Measures of Project Success

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The higher response rate and lower application crash rate corresponds to the success
of the proposed project. A user-friendly reporting system that provides the user with
easily understandable reports and easy navigation throughout the application marks
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the project success.

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D. Project Approval Form


I, Hao Lac, have reviewed the information contained in this document and approve the
project proposal.

_____Hao Lac__________ _______June 9, 2020___________


Signature Date

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