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Asking for Directions


Exercise 1

Kata Keterangan
ˈ ni ː r ˈ ba ɪ
not far away
We often visit our grandparents because they live  nearby.

Kata Sifat
ɪ g ˈ z ɑ st ɪ d
extremely tired or worn out
He is exhausted from working all day.

close to
klo ʊ s tu ː
near, not far away
My offi ce is close to my home.
That’s a relief.
ðæts ə r ɪˈ li ː f
used to express happiness when something bad has ended or hasn't happened
He recovered from a fever. // That’s a relief!

Exercise 2

Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Lauren asks for directions at a police station.

Excuse me, may I ask you something?

Sure. How can I help you?

Police Officer
I want to buy something. Can you help me find a convenience store?

There are three convenience stores nearby: 7-Eleven, Lawson,
and FamilyMart.

Police Officer
Which of the three is the nearest? I’m a bit exhausted from walking around.

FamilyMart is the closest.

Police Officer
Can you tell me the way, please?
It is close to the post office. It’s about 50 meters from here.

Police Officer
Oh, that’s a relief. Which direction should I go?

This way. Just go down the street and you will find it on the right-hand side. 
You can’t miss it. It has a big sign.

Police Officer
Okay, thank you so much!

You’re welcome.

Police Officer
Check your understanding:
1. Why did Lauren ask the way to the shop?

2. Which of the three convenience stores is the nearest?

3. Why did the police offi cer tell Lauren that she couldn’t miss the

Exercise 3

Listening Comprehension
Listen to your teacher read the text then choose the correct answers to the

1. What happened to Carol while she was taking photos around

New York?
A. Carol realized she was lost.

B. Carol's heel broke so she had to head home.

2. Who did she ask to help her out?

A. Carol saw her friend and asked him to help her.

B. Carol asked a police offi cer for help.

3. What was the best way to reach downtown?

A. The best way to reach downtown was to take a tram.

B. Metro red line would take Carol downtown.

4. What did Carol ask the police offi cer to do?

A. She wanted the police offi cer to take a photo of her.

B. Carol asked the police offi cer to take a photo with her.

Exercise 4

Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.


 You are lost in a foreign country.

 Your teacher will act as a police offi cer.
 Ask him/her for directions.

Exercise 5

1. Why do you think people find it hard to ask for directions?

2. Would you feel comfortable with giving directions in English?

Why? Why not?

3. Have you ever gotten lost? Please share your experience.

4. Which one do you like more, using a map or asking strangers
for directions?

5. If you got lost in a foreign country, what would you do?

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