Core Marketing Concepts: Assessment Task No. 2

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Assessment Task No.

Name: John Michael Managaytay

Subject: AS3/MM313: Marketing Management



Directions: Explain each questions, before you begin writing, read the words carefully and
plan what you will say. Your essay should ne as well organized and as carefully written as
you can make it. Avoid copying from any resources, use your own words.

1. Which of the two do you agree and why; Marketers create needs or needs
pre-exist marketers.
Answer: Marketers don’t create needs, needs pre-exist in the market, needs are
already there in the market, what marketers definitely does is to create the desires
for its product for advertisements and promotion. For example they will go through a
television commercial, or advertisement in a newspaper they will try to create a
desire for product on your mind. I will tell another example of air conditioner or a
fun, what their need of a fun or an air conditioner and see it was there, but there
were no product to solve this kind of requirements of the customer, this marketer
don’t create needs, needs pre-exist.

2. Why is it important to seek out your target outcomes/market?

Answer: Because, before building a solid foundation for your business, you must first
identify your typical customer and tailor your marketing pitch accordingly. In order
to be an effective and efficient business, firms should seek out their target customer
market. You don't have to exclude folks who don't suit your criteria just because
you're targeting a specific market. Target marketing, on the other hand, allows you
to focus your marketing plan and brand message on a certain market that is more
likely to buy from you than others. This is a far more cost-effective, efficient, and
productive method of reaching out to new clients and generating revenue.

3. Would you agree that without communication channels a product can’t

reach its target market?
Answer: I do agree that without communication channels, because it is the easiest
way to reach a target market. For example, like a new companies or those on a
limited budget may not be able to compete with other companies that can afford
more sophisticated methods to communicate with employees, customers,
distributors and the public. They need to find economical ways to deliver their
messages to their various audiences, such as word of mouth advertising, face to face
meetings, traditional printed newsletters, bulletin boards and telephone

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