Marketing Mix: Assessment Task No. 3

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Assessment Task No.

Name: John Michael Managaytay

Subject: AS3/MM313: Marketing Management



Directions: Explain each questions, before you begin writing, read the words carefully and
plan what you will say. Your essay should ne as well organized and as carefully written as
you can make it. Avoid copying from any resources, use your own words.

1. Write a brief note on the updated four Ps.

Answer: The 4Ps foundation is expanded with the services marketing mix. The 7Ps
mix now includes three new aspects: people, physical evidence, and process, in
addition to the core elements of product, promotion, pricing, and location. Because
of the high level of direct contact between service providers and their consumers, the
highly visible character of the service process, and the simultaneity of production
and consumption, the extension is necessary. Although the 4P paradigm allows for
discussion of people, physical evidence, and process (for example, people can be
considered part of the product offering), this addition allows for a more
comprehensive examination of the marketing factors required for successful services

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