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Essay: “Growth population affects the environmental degradation in India”  

Andrea Mireya Reina Cucaita

¿How growth population affects the environmental degradation in India?

The recent dynamic of the World, has came significant changings such as global
warming, high levels of pollution, lost diversity, growth population, etc. Those
issues have consequences and each of one impact different aspect in the human

India is one the biggest country of all world and in the same way is one of has been
suffering the effects about “growth population” but ¿what does mean “growth
population”? ¿What does produce growth population? And ¿what are the effects in
the world or in this case in India?

First able, the increase in the number of people in a geographic region is called
“Growth Population”, generally the concept is used for human population, but it can
use in animal population as well, but what produce it? There are many causes
between them: fertility and health conditions, longevity increase, migration,
changes in the general quality life.

An overview the main drivers of growth population are:

Fertility: When people reach optimize conditions for life that to permit life more
than the life expectative generally rates of fertility are increasing however if they
have bad conditions people prefer to do not reproducing.

Life expectancy: when people life for more time, the expectative is to have
children and grandchildren, it is carrying increase the rate of fertility and
expectations of life.

Other cause for growth population es migration: Many people decided to live in
other country, it is getting increase of cultural riches and new citizens.

One of the countries has major rate of growth population is India, how this issue
impacts this country? The highest problem in India is -environmental-, among
many consequences there are: pressure on land, degradation of land/soil, forest
resources, pollution air and water, loss of biodiversity, rising demand for energy, in
other words more people make deplete resources, use natural resources, for
example if people is poor, they are looking for lands or rural places for exploitation
of natural resources. Next the data that support the impact in environmental, ratio
of birth has changed in 195 points since 1950 until 2001. Similarly, the forest cover
in India has changed in 2003 has 35.37 Km2 less than 1993. The availability of
forest land was less in 2001 passing since 0.113 to 0.071 hectares, the mount of
cars has been increasing just in 1950 India has 306000 in 2001 has reached
54’991.000 cars, it is affecting the quality air. Before data shows how India got lost
natural resources and has been changed the consumption of energy effecting the
Nagdeve, Dewaram.2007. Population Growth and Environmental Degradation In India.

Countries in the world by population. (2021). recovered


Main factors driving population Growth 2010 – 2050. (2021). Recovered

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