Pay For Performance

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Pay For Performance

There is probably no other item as controversial as the relationship between

appraisals of performance and pay.

Stress in Managing

Stress is a very complex phenomenon. It is therefore no surprise that there is no

commonly accepted definition. A widely used working definition is an adaptive

response, mediated by individual differences and/or psychological processes that is a

consequence of any external (environmental) action, situation, or event that places

excessive psychological and/or physical demands on a person.

Hans Selye describes stress as “the rate of all wear and tear caused by life”.

Physical sources of stress, such as work overload, irregular work hours, loss of sleep,

loud noises, bright light, and insufficient light.

Psychological sources of stress may be due to a particular situation such as a

boring job, inability to socialize, lack of autonomy, responsibility for results without

sufficient authority, unrealistic objectives, role ambiguity or role conflict, or a dual-career


There are the physiological effects that may be linked to a variety of illness. Then

there are psychological effects such as burnout or boredom.

Individuals may try to reduce stress through better time management, healthful

nutrition, exercise, career planning, a change in jobs, and promotion of psychological

health, relaxation, meditation, and prayer.

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