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MENTAL HEALTH adolescence.

Changes in white matter dur-

ing this time likely influence conduction

Adolescent mental health— of electrical impulses across the brain and

(axonal) transport of cargoes essential for
neurotransmission, cell metabolism, and

Opportunity and obligation survival.

Human-imaging studies have shown an
analogous pattern in which low-level sen-
Emerging neuroscience offers hope for treatments sory and motor cortices develop earlier
than do association cortices involved in
By Francis S. Lee,1 Hakon Heimer,2,3 Jay of mental disorders and how they affect rational thought and regulation of behav-
N. Giedd,4 Edward S Lein,5 Nenad Šestan,6 treatment efficacy is imperative. Yet, we ior (10). These regional neurochemical,
Daniel R. Weinberger,7,8 B. J. Casey1* estimate that less than 1% of the budget of structural and functional changes across
the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) development have been posited to lead to

he adolescent brain is more “plastic” was directed toward adolescent brain re- transient imbalances in functional brain
than it will ever be again, capable of search in fiscal year 2014 (6). We highlight circuitry during adolescence, underlying
remarkable adaptability in light of opportunities and priorities for more devel- dysregulation of emotions and actions

Downloaded from on October 30, 2014

the many social, physical, sexual, and opmentally informed research to translate (11). Exacerbations in these imbalances by
intellectual challenges that this devel- basic knowledge of adolescence toward biological, environmental, and genetic
opmental phase brings. This is also a clinical applications to treat mental illness. factors may contribute to a risk for men-
peak time for clinical onset of most men- tal illness. A priority will be to delineate
tal illnesses (see the chart) (1). One in five ADOLESCENT BRAIN DYNAMICS. Ado- dynamics of brain development preced-
adolescents have a mental illness that will lescence is characterized by heightened ing, during, and following adolescence to
persist into adulthood (2). Mental illnesses emotional reactivity, sensitivity to peer in- understand the increase in mental illness
that emerge before adulthood fluence, impulsivity, and novelty seeking, during this time and how these neurobio-
POLICY impose a 10-fold higher cost with a seemingly limited capacity to engage logical changes affect the type and timing
than those that emerge later in self-control to override these emotions and of treatment of these disorders. Too often,
life (3). Mental health costs are the highest actions (7). These behavioral attributes are pharmacological and behavioral treatments
single source of global economic burden in paralleled by hormonal and neurobiological designed for the adult brain are imposed
the world (4). changes that target specific brain regions on the developing brain with little consid-
The chronicity of adolescent-onset dis- and cell populations (see the graph) (8). eration for how neurobiological changes
orders is powerful motivation for early in- Studies in nonhuman primates show across time may impact the effectiveness of
terventions to improve quality of life and that this period is associated with over- these treatments.
reduce burdens on society. Yet, studies of production, followed by selective stabi-
interventions’ economic effect have not lization and elimination, of principally TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES FOR MAP-
demonstrated consistent benefits, which excitatory synapses in the cortex (9) that PING BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR. We have
may be due, in part, to assessment of treat- may alter an excitatory/inhibitory bal- unprecedented opportunities to advance
ments that are not biologically based and/or ance in individual neurons and circuits. understanding of the brain with novel tech-
do not consider how neurodevelopmental Regional changes in synaptic morphology, nologies and data. These must be applied
changes affect long-term effectiveness (5). dendritic arborization, patterns of cortical to both developing and developed brains.
Understanding neurodevelopmental cell firing, and availability of neurochemi- Techniques such as in vivo imaging of
changes and their roles in both emergence cals and their receptors all occur during synaptic activity in deep brain structures,
whole-brain clearing and imaging, and op-
togenetics are illuminating brain circuit
dynamics in animal and cell model systems
Emergence and peak in mental disorders during adolescence and may shed light on dysfunctional cir-
One in fve adolescents have a mental illness that will persist into adulthood cuitry in brain disorders (12, 13).
One example in human research is the
ADHD, conduct disorder NIH Brain Research through Advancing
Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Ini-
Anxiety disorders
tiative. This focuses largely on techniques,
not yet feasible in humans, for under-
standing intricate workings of the brain in
Mood disorders
nonhumans. Another promising initiative
is the NIH Human Connectome Project,
Schizophrenia which focuses on how brain connections
underlie complex behavior (14). A priority
Substance abuse of these efforts should be to focus on de-
veloping brain structures, connections, and
Any mental illness functions to delineate how developmental
changes,—whether fetal, infant, child, or
adolescent—affect the risk for mental dis-
0 5 10 15 20 25
orders that emerge during adolescence. Pri-
Age in years ority should be given to how these changes

SCIENCE 31 OCTOBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6209 547

Published by AAAS

affect the type and timing of treatment of (17). This is in contrast to current methods low us to apply precision medicine, direct-
these disorders during these stages. that typically require individuals to self-re- ing the timing and type of interventions
We are in an era of tremendous access port by reflecting back over an extended pe- at the level of an individual. For example,
to large, human-imaging data sets, novel riod, typically many weeks, which often does evidence is emerging on treatment for anx-
imaging tools, and bioinformatics to guide not reflect the person’s true level of func- iety disorders, the most common form of
us. Collaborative “big neuroscience” proj- tioning. The long-term potential of these mental illness in young people, affecting
ects to map the structural and functional technologies could provide remote anticipa- as many as 1 in 10 (1, 2). A core symptom
landscape of the human brain have been tion of critical mental health events such as is difficulty recognizing when situations
proposed and initiated around the world, suicidality. A priority will be to optimize this that have been experienced as dangerous
but should emphasize the developing brain technology for different age groups and in- are now safe. Exposure-based cognitive
and changes that adolescence brings. Ini- tegrate these data with imaging and genetic behavioral therapy is the most common
tiatives are under way or in conceptual data sets to link biology with the social and treatment, based on basic principles of fear
stages to collect or merge large data sets in physical environment to develop and deploy extinction learning, whereby a person is
healthy and at-risk developmental popula- diagnostics and treatments. desensitized to fearful triggers through re-
tions that include psychosocial, clinical, be- peated exposures in a safe context.
havioral, imaging, and/or genetic data (15). TREATING DEVELOPING VERSUS DEVEL- Recent mouse and human studies indi-
It is essential to exploit new knowledge OPED BRAINS. Adolescence is a delimited cate that adolescents have diminished fear
through rigorous hypothesis-driven behav- window of development when the environ- extinction relative to younger or older age
ioral and brain testing. This will require ment has a strong influence on brain and groups (18). This suggests that exposure
support of scientific inquiries that bridge behavior. Understanding the timetable of therapies in clinical practice that build on
and integrate basic nonhuman and human behavioral and brain changes could un- principles of fear extinction may be less
investigations for deployment of new diag- cover patterns of potential therapeutic rele- effective during adolescence than during
nostic tools and treatments. vance, guiding treatments that may vary by childhood or adulthood (19). This illus-
In parallel with brain-imaging innova- age, and informing public health strategies trates the importance of age as a potential
tions and large data sets, systematic profil- and policies for modifying the environment predictor of treatment response and even a
ing of gene expression across regions and for lasting salutary effects. target for novel treatments. A priority for
time points of the developing and adult Too often, children and adolescents are future research will be to delineate treat-
human brain has revealed unforeseen spa- lumped together in large clinical trials ments targeted to the biological state of the
tiotemporal dynamics of the human brain with little consideration for how dynamic developing brain to maximize effectiveness.
transcriptome. Dramatic changes in gene changes in the brain across development
expression are associated with the devel- will impact the effectiveness of treatments. OPPORTUNITY AND OBLIGATION. There
opment of distinct brain regions and with This is often compounded by treatments is a tremendous opportunity to understand
developmental periods. Analysis of devel- being based on evidence from the adult how sensitive windows may shift, con-
opmental transcriptome data is critical brain or from one sex without appreciation strict, or expand in an individual at differ-
for interpreting the mechanism by which for differences between the developing and ent points in development. In parallel, it is
noncoding disease-associated mutations developed brain or female and male brain. essential that we bridge discoveries in hu-
translate into clinical syndromes and for Characterizing sensitive periods may al- mans and animal model systems at genetic,
providing insights into the biology of men-
tal illness (16). We anticipate the expansion
of public data sets based on RNA sequenc-
ing of the human brain across developmen- Developmental course of brain maturation during adolescence
tal stages. A priority will be to characterize Behavioral attributes are paralleled by hormonal and neurobiological changes that target
these transcriptional changes across devel- specifc brain regions and cell populations
opment and translate these basic discover-
ies to direct novel treatments based on the
age and genetic makeup of the individual.
A final example of technological develop-
P a oc

ments is mobile devices. These may be used


rie ia



to measure fluctuations in autonomic func-


ta tio

la n

Change in brain development

tion and arousal, location, and self-reported

nd co


te p


emotion, allowing objective assessment of


m le

po x


individuals in the real world, in real time


Sackler Institute, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell
Medical College, New York, NY 10065, USA. 2Schizophrenia
Research Forum, Brain and Behavior Research Foundation,
Rise in Gonadal Hormones
Providence, RI 02906, USA. 3Banbury Center, Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA. 4Division
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of California, San Regional peak and decline in synapses, neuromodulators, neurotrophins,
Diego, CA 92123, USA. 5Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, cerebral blood fow and metabolism
WA 98103, USA. 6Department of Neurobiology and Psychiatry,
Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale School of Medicine, New Myelination
Haven, CT 06510, USA. 7Lieber Institute for Brain Development,
Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. 8Department of Psychiatry,
Neurology, Neuroscience, and the Institute of Genomic
0 6 12... 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
20215, USA. *E-mail: Age in months Age in years

548 31 OCTOBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6209 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
molecular, circuit, and behavioral levels to
guide novel interventions. Together, these Phulchoki Mountain Forest, Nepal. In this and
efforts will enhance our capacity to develop many other ecosystems, different ecosystem services
and target treatments by age, sex, and ge- are rarely optimized simultaneously by management,
netic makeup of the individual. requiring choices to be made.
Despite the moral imperative and long-
term economic benefit of improved diag-
nosis and treatment of mental disorders
in adolescence, there has not been com-
mensurate investment in research to bring
them about. The NIH budget has not kept
pace with inflation and is threatened by
cutbacks. Increased commitment and re-
sources are needed to help address our so-
cial obligation to reduce the unacceptably
high burden of mental illness on youth to-
day and to ensure a healthier tomorrow. ■
1. T. Paus, M. Keshavan, J. N. Giedd, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9,
947–957 (2008).
2. R. C. Kessler et al., Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 62, 593–602
3. World Health Organization (WHO), Economic Aspects of
Mental Health in Children and Adolescents (WHO, Geneva,
4. D. E. Bloom et al., The Global Economic Burden of Non-
communicable Diseases (World Economic Forum, Geneva,
The value of valuing nature
5. J. Beecham, J. Child Psychol. Psychiatry 55, 714–732
Valuing nature in economic terms is not always
6. These numbers were generated from NIH RePORTER,
beneficial for biodiversity conservation
the publicly available database on NIH-funded research,
using the search terms “adolescent” and “brain” and
“development”; all active grants from 1 October 2013 to By W. M. Adams fore it ceases to provide services is critical
30 September 2014 (FY 2014) were searched, based on a to understanding the relationship between

total NIH budget of $30.1 billion. he complex ways in which humans biodiversity and benefits from ecosystem
7. L. Spear, The Behavioral Neuroscience of Adolescence
depend on their natural environment services, but it is not easy to answer (4).
(W.W. Norton, New York, 2010).
8. B. J. Casey, N. Tottenham, C. Liston, S. Durston, Trends are increasingly expressed in terms of Both biotic and abiotic processes are in-
Cogn. Sci. 9, 104–110 (2005). ecosystem services, which are often volved in the delivery of many ecosystem
9. P. Rakic, J. P. Bourgeois, P. S. Goldman-Rakic, Prog. Brain assigned economic values to assist services—for example, wave attenuation in
Res. 102, 227–243 (1994).
10. N. Gogtay et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101,
decision-making. The key attraction coastal defense (5). Relationships among
8174–8179 (2004). of the ecosystem services concept to conser- biodiversity, biophysical processes, and the
11. B. J. Casey, S. Getz, A. Galvan, Dev. Rev. 28, 62–77 (2008). vationists lies in the potential for win-win provision of ecosystem services are intricate
12. M. L. Andermann et al., Neuron 80, 900–913 (2013). outcomes (1), where the value of an ecosys- and poorly understood (6).
13. K. Deisseroth et al., J. Neurosci. 26, 10380–10386 (2006).
14. E. R. Kandel, H. Markram, P. M. Matthews, R. Yuste, C. Koch, tem service depends on high Even if it is possible to identify
Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 14, 659–664 (2013). biological diversity and cannot which biophysical processes and
15. These include the Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, be increased by modifying it. ecosystem components under-
and Genetics (PING) study; the Philadelphia
Such outcomes are possible. For pin specific ecosystem services,
Neurodevelopmental Cohort (PNC) study; the National
Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in example, in Costa Rican coffee a focus on those that deliver
Adolescence (NCANDA); The Human Connectome Project plantations, retention of forest particular services is likely to
Lifespan Pilot Study; the Adolescent Brain Cognitive patches doubled pest control affect other components of the
Development (ABCD) study; and the Tokyo Teen Cohort.
16. A. T. Tebbenkamp, A. J. Willsey, M. W. State, N. Sestan, Curr.
of coffee berry borer beetle by ecosystem (such as rare species).
Opin. Neurol. 27, 149–156 (2014). birds, with substantial eco- CONSERVATION SERIES For example, in Maryland, USA,
17. G. F. Dunton et al., Health Psychol. 33, 255–263 (2014). nomic benefits to coffee farm- stream channels were reengi-
18. S. S. Pattwell et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, ers (2). However, attention to ecosystem neered to provide particular services from
16318–16323 (2012).
services does not automatically lead to the streams (storm water management for flood

19. A. T. Drysdale et al., Biol. Psychiatry 75, e19–e20 (2014).

conservation of biodiversity (3). A series of control and sediment and nutrient storage).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS factors challenge the creation of synergies This approach causes the aquatic fauna and
The ideas in this article were generated during a December 2013 between ecosystem services and biodiver- flora characteristic of stream ecosystems to
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Banbury meeting on the ado-
lescent brain, supported by the Allen Institute for Brain Science, sity conservation (see the figure). be replaced by terrestrial and wetland spe-
The Lieber Institute for Brain Development, the National cies, and loss of healthy riparian trees (7).
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the National PROCESSES AND SERVICES. First, chal- Similarly, a focus on ecosystem services
Institute of Mental Health,
lenges arise in the relationship between may lead to management aimed at control-
html. The organizers and authors thank participants for contri- ecological processes and the delivery of ling processes with substantial negative
butions to the meeting and comments on this article. ecosystem services. The question of how social impacts (e.g., disease, flood, or fire).
many species (and how much genetic di- These biophysical processes may be essen-
10.1126/science.1260497 versity) can be lost from an ecosystem be- tial in supporting ecosystem components of

SCIENCE 31 OCTOBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6209 549

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