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Adam Smith’s new form of

organizational structure based on
division of labor. Max Weber introduced the concept
rational organizations; and initiated
the concept of charismatic leadership.

“The Taylorism” Organizational

Behavior considered to have
1876 “The Hawthorne effect” by
begun as an academic discipline Australian Harvard Professor Elton
with the advent of scientific Mayo & his colleagues that focuses
management, introduced by on the analysis of how human
Fredrick Winslow Taylor
1890 factors and psychology affected

The field was strongly influenced

by social psychology and emphasis
on academic study.

1960’s &


Frank Gilberth and Lillian

Gilberth’s “ Therbligs” aims
Fredrick Winslow was
1856 - 1915
at elimiating unnecessary
considered the father of motions & reducing task
scientific management who fatigues. Lillian focuses on
focused on overall managerial both analysis and synthesis.
organization. She also had an interest in
1868 -1924 human implications of
scientific management.
1978 - 1972
Henry Gantt’s “the Gantt
1861 - 1919
chart”, a graphic aid to
planning, scheduling, and
control. It encourages
supervisors & workers to
work more efficiently by 1930 – 1950 Raymond Mill’s “The human
awarding bonuses. relations movement”, the
management places heavy
emphasis on employee
cooperation and morale or
classified as human relations.

1923 & 1924

A research which
investigates the cause of
high turnover. The
interviews consulting
workers resulted in greatly
reduced turnover and more The Hawthorne studies on
positive worker. the impact that social
1928 - 1931 aspects of the job had on
productivity, especially the
attention form supervisors
and relationship among
group members.

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