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ABSORPTION Amount of liquid added to a mix Batter  A pourable mixture of combined

to produce a dough or batter of proper ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs,

consistency shortening and milk  A semi-liquid mixture
made of flour or other starch used for the
Angel Food Cake A type of cake made of
production of cakes and breads: also used for
meringue and flour.
coating products to be fried
Baba A type of yeast bread or cake that is
Bar  A cookie make up method on which the
soaked in syrup made with hard liquor.
shaped into flattened cylinders, baked and
Bagel A ring-shaped lean yeast bread or coffee sliced crosswise into individual cookies.
Bavarian Cream  A light, cold dessert made of
Bag out  To press product out of conical gelatin, whipped cream and custard sauce or
canvass bag onto baking pans in the desired fruit.
forms for oven portioning.
Beat  To whip air into a liquid mass such as
Baking Time  The number of cooking hours for eggs, sweet cream or gelatin solution until the
the baked products. desired lightness is obtained

Blend To thoroughly combine all ingredients Bun Divider  A mechanical device for
until very smooth and uniform. separating a weighed portion of dough into a
certain number of equal parts by volume, thus
Blister  Hollow space on crusts of brad or
saving time in weighing.
pastry generally caused by baking or frying in a
very high heat Caramelization  The burning of sugar Cell

Body  Firmness and response of the crumb to Structure  Refers to the cell formation of
pressure. round, elongated, irregular thick or thin cell
walls in cakes or breads.
Boiled Icing A type of icing that is called Italian
meringue used as cake icing. Charlotte  A cold dessert made of Bavarian
cream or other cream in a special mould,
Bread Box  A covered square wooden box
usually lined with lady fingers or other sponge
where molded dough units are allowed to
products; a hot dessert made of cooled fruit
and baked in a special mould lined with strips of
Brioche  Rich yeast dough containing large bread.
amounts of eggs and butter; a product made
Chiffon Cake  A light cake made following the
from this dough.
chiffon method
Breaking Down  Over creaming of ingredients,
Cleave  To shape a piece of dough into a
causing weakened products will collapsed.
smooth form
Butter cream  An icing made of butter and/or
Close (Texture)  Texture of a loaf or a cake in
shortening blended with confectioner’s sugar or
which individual holes are very small in size.
sugar syrup, other ingredients may also be
added. Coarse (Texture)  Texture of a loaf or a cake in
which individual holes are large in size
Common Meringue  Egg Whites and sugar Dough Development  Refers to the extent
whipped to a foam; also called French Meringue dough has been developed for maximum baking
results. This occurs during the mixing operation
Creaming Method  A mixing method that
and during the fermentation period.
begins with the blending of fat and sugar; used
for cakes, cookies and similar items. Dredge  To sprinkle the dough surface evenly
with materials such as sugar, ground nuts, or
Crumb  Refers to the interior of breads and
toasted coconut meat
cakes as compared to the outer crust
Drop Batter  A batter that is too think to pour
Cream  To rub shortening usually with sugar
but will drop from a spoon in lumps.
or flour in order to incorporate air
Dusting  To prevent adhesion by spraying flour
Consistency (of batter)  Fluidity of the batter,
or cornmeal
closely related to viscosity. A batter of low
consistency is one which is quite fluid; one of Enrichment  Addition of specific amounts of
high consistency is stiff. certain vitamins and minerals0thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin and iron- to flour after milling.
Cookie Depositor  Machine that may be
operated by hand or automatically to divide Fermentation (also called first rise)  Chemical
dough and drop uniform pieces onto baking changes within the dough in which carbon
pan. dioxide and alcohol are released as a result of
yeast breaking down the sugar. Carbon dioxide
Crystallize  To reform sugar into crystals.
causes the dough to rise and alcohol is then
Cutting Method Incorporating shortening or released during baking.
butter into flour for flaky products like biscuits
Fermentation Period  Period of time that
or pie crust.
elapses from mixing of dough to make up.
Custard  A liquid that is thickened or set by
Folding  The act of equalizing temperature to
coagulating of egg protein.
force the gas out of the dough by folding one
Decorating  The art of putting fancy part of the dough over the other.
inscriptions or designs on cakes
Fondant  A type of icing made of boiled sugar
Dividing  The process of separating dough into syrup that is agitated so that it would crystallize
pieces of proper or desired size. into a mass of extremely small white crystals.

Docking  For single crust pies, to make small Gateau  French word for CAKE
holes in bottoms and sides of crust.  For
Gelatin  A water soluble protein extracted
double crust pies, to make slits in top of crusts
from animal tissue word for cake.
so that the steam created during baking can
escape.  Docking is done with a fork, knife or Glaze  Solution brushed on after baking to
special tool similar to a small paint roller with give a glossy finish.
small nails protruding all the way around
Gluten  The rubbery, elastic substance formed
Dough  Uncooked mass of combined when flour and water are mixed into dough.
ingredients used to make bread, cookies and
Gradually  The act of proceeding by stages.
Greasing  Application of shortening to the and is designed to maintain proper temperature
inside of a pan with a brush to prevent mixture and humidity needed for yeast action in dough.
from adhering to the pan when baked.
Retarded Dough  Yeast dough that has been
Ice  To decorate a product by applying sugar fermented then refrigerated either in bulk or
preparation. after having been made up into individual
Improver  Common ingredients added to
bread to speed up production and the Scald  To bring milk to a temperature just
ingredients depending on their use and the below the boiling point at which tiny bubbles
manufacturer specifications.  It gives the bread have formed around the edge of the pan.
product longer shelf life.
Scrape Down  To scrape the batter from the
Knead  To work the dough with the heel of the sides of the kettle so that is may blend with
hand with a pressing and folding motion. batter uniformly.

Line  To line the baking paper into baking pans Shrink  To contract or lose volume during and
after baking
Light and Firm  The degree of lightness and
stability normally applied to whipped eggs and Sifting  Running material through a sieve  To
creamed batters. incorporate air

Meringue  A thick, white foam made of Soggy  Presence of excess moisture giving the
whipped egg whites and sugar. product a very wet appearance.

Moist  The condition of having the proper Sponge cake  A type of cake made by whipping
moisture, keeping the product fresh longer. eggs and sugar to a foam then folding in flour.
Silos Circular deep bins with diameter of 30 ft
Peel  A flat wooden shovel used to place and and 100 ft in height arranged in row of 9 or
remove hearth breads in oven. more bins.
Petit Four  A delicate cake or pastry small Steaming  The act of injecting steam into the
enough to be eaten in one or two bites Pour oven while baking.
Batter  A batter that is liquid enough to pour Stippling  Piercing the dough by means of a
Puff Pastry  A very light. Flaky pastry made straight piece of heavy wire to allow the escape
from a rolled in dough and leavened by steam. of gas while baking.

Proof/proofing  A process during which gas is Storage Life  Period during which a product
produced within the bread dough after shaping can be stored under specified temperature
but before baking.  Full proof: point at which conditions and remain suitable for use
bread dough has reached its maximum volume, Tart  A flat, baked item consisting a pastry and
after which gas will escape and dough will a sweet or savory topping of filling: similar to a
collapsed during baking. pie but usually thinner.
Proofer (Proofing Cabinet)  Cabinet used to Texture  The inside grain or degree of product
hold shaped yeast breads during proofing smoothness.
period before baking. It is equipped with a
water reservoir, heater, thermostat, and timer
Volume  The final size of a product upon being

Wash  Solution brushed on surface of unbaked

rolls, pies and cookies  E.g melted butter,
cream, milk, water or egg or a combination of
several of these ingredients  Main reason to
improve the color.

Ganache  a rich cream made of chocolate and

heavy cream.

Marzipan  A paste or confection, icing, or

filling made of meringue and gelatin

Compote  Cooked fruit served in its cooking

liquid, usually a sugar syrup

Zest  The colored outer portion of the peel of a

citrus fruits.

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