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Institute of Management, Nirma University

MBA-FT (2020-2022)

Personality Development & Business Etiquette

Individual Assignment

“Report on T- Group Exercise”

Submitted By

Aditi Sharma

Roll Number: 201103

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Nina Muncherji

Date of Submission: 23rd December, 2021

I'd like to thank Nirma University's Institute of Management for allowing me
to pursue 'Personality Development & Business Etiquette' as part of my
studies. This course has helped me to expand my domain knowledge.
Thank you so much to my course facilitator, Dr. Nina Muncherji, for all of
your assistance, support, and encouragement. Her informative comments and
recommendations were quite helpful to me and helped me complete the
assignment effectively.
Table of Contents

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
Part I – The Experience ...................................................................................................... 2-3
Experience with T – Group Exercise .........................................................................................
The Positives and Negatives of T - Group Activity ...................................................................
Rating of the Exercise ................................................................................................................
Part II – The Reflection ...................................................................................................... 4-6
Thoughts and Feelings when the feedback was provided ..........................................................
My patterns of behavior and its impact on others ......................................................................
Part III – The Action Plan ..................................................................................................... 7
Action Plan to improve on my weaknesses ................................................................................

T-Group (Training Group) exercises are a training method focused on experiential learning and
featuring small, unstructured groups in which members learn about interpersonal relationships,
group dynamics, and leadership from their own interactions and growing group dynamics. T-
Group training is commonly used to obtain a better understanding of oneself and personal
growth, as well as to investigate group dynamics and relationships as a tool for team building

T-group exercises require participants to work in groups for a long period of time. The learning
is based on a review of their own interactions with other members of the group, including
feelings, reactions, perceptions, and behavior.

The T-Group exercise focuses on sensitivity training and allows participants to examine
themselves as well as get feedback from others in order to improve their attitude and behavior
and gain a better understanding of themselves.

It was done as part of our individual project with the purpose of helping each other understand
more about ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses, and how to use one another as resources.

The Experience
A. Experience with T – Group Exercise:

T - Group Exercise was a truly great and positive experience for me.

To be honest, being an introvert, I was a little nervous before the T-Group exercise began. I was
worrying about whether or not people would be willing to give me feedback. But the comments
I received, whether positive or bad, surprised me.

This practice has helped me to gain a better understanding of my own strengths and flaws. I also
had the opportunity to learn more about persons with whom I do not regularly engage.

During this activity, I not only received criticism from the class, but I also learned how to give
constructive critique rather than being blunt.

The workshop started with finding an interaction that piques the interest and emotions of a broad
collection of people - in our instance, giving each other feedback. Throughout the sessions, the
group's conductor, Prof. Nina Ma'am, ensured that the participants were safe and comfortable.

As a result, I had a great time doing this workout.

B. The Positives and Negatives of T - Group Activity and the Scope of Improvement:


My participation in the T-Group activity was both enjoyable and educational for me. The manner
in which everyone gave comments was such that another person did not become demotivated and
felt at ease. I am quite pleased with the added value I received from this exercise. As I stated in
my feedback, my MBA is useless until I improve my social skills. This session has aided me in
conducting a deep self-examination, allowing me to recognize the necessity of improving certain
aspects of my life. In order to become more effective, the feedback provided encouraged me to
optimize my strengths and improve on my deficiencies. And, in my opinion, the team as a whole
gets more effective as each member becomes more effective.

As a result, peer comments assisted me in improving team communication. This type of

communication is particularly vital in today's business, since teams aren't usually seated in the
same room. As a result, this activity has benefited me not just today, but will continue to help me
in the future as I go through my corporate career.

As a result, we may conclude that the purpose of this exercise was to create a warm and open
environment in which participants could acknowledge their feelings, assess their needs, and
analyses their patterns of behavior and their impact on others in order to encourage trust and

The only drawback I discovered during this practise was that there were a few cases where
prejudice was exacerbated rather than resolved. I've witnessed a few folks make personal remarks,
and instead of providing constructive input, they were rude. Furthermore, because many of the
participants are introverts, few people know them well, making offering criticism for them

C. Rating of the Exercise:

This activity was an excellent approach for students in a class to learn about one another and
themselves in order to foster acceptance and awareness. People become more sensitive and try to
improve themselves after hearing other perspectives and experiences. I met folks that have
opposing views about me as a result of this practise. Now that I've heard them, I'm attempting to
comprehend their emotions and have begun working on myself. This exercise has aided my
personal development, and I'm looking for a method to increase my interpersonal efficacy as a
result of the exercise, which was both useful and educational for me. As a result, I would rank the
experience as quite rewarding, especially in terms of value addition.

The Reflection
A. Thoughts and Feelings when the feedback was provided:
• I Listened carefully to the feedback given. This involves not interrupting the other person and
not presuming to know what they are going to say. Instead of becoming defensive and focusing
on what kind of reaction I could give, I simply listened intently and concentrated on what they
were saying.

• Positive Body language. The tone of your voice and the way you carry yourself frequently
speak louder than words. Make an effort to avoid erecting barriers. It also sends a bad impression
if you appear inattentive and bored. On the other hand, attentiveness shows that you care about
what someone has to say and puts both of you at ease. Therefore, I was sitting calm, quiet,
acknowledging to people’s opinion with a smiling face reflecting a positive attitude while
receiving feedback.

• Be open. This entails being open to new ideas and points of view. There are often multiple ways
to accomplish a task, and others may hold an entirely different perspective on a given subject.
You could learn something useful.Therefore, I reflected myself that I am open to listen to
everyone’s feedback.

• Understand the message. Before reacting to the feedback, be sure you comprehend what is
being said to you. If you need more information, ask questions. Actively listen by repeating
crucial points to ensure that you have accurately interpreted the criticism. Before replying in a
group setting, seek feedback from others. Also, whenever feasible, make it clear what kind of
input you're looking for ahead of time so you're not caught off guard.

• Reflect and decide what to do. Assess the feedback's usefulness, the implications of using or
ignoring it, and then determine what to do with it. It is entirely up to you how you respond.After
I received the feedback, I thanked everyone and told them that I am definitely going to
work upon my negative aspects.
B. My patterns of behaviour and its impact on others:
The positive aspects which were mentioned are as follows-
1. Sorted-
I am sorted in the sense that I know what I want and don’t want and what to do first. I prioritize
each and everything and then act accordingly. This gives me a sense of self-assurance,
organisation, and emotional equilibrium.

2. Doesn’t intrude in your personal space-
I understand that everyone has their personal life and needs personal space. I respect everyone’s
decisions and priorities and doesn’t trouble them by asking personal questions. Moreover, I
understand that people need their personal space and do not intrude them while they are in their
private zone.
3. Intelligent and Smart-
My friends mentioned that I am intelligent and smart and knows my work very well.
4. Hardworking and Dedicated-
This is the most common feedback that everybody has given to me that I am very hardworking
as well as dedicated towards my work. This quality will help me in making a successful career
5. Gives her 100% best –
Some friends mentioned that whatever I do, I give my 100% best and this what sets me apart
from others.
6. Morning Alarm Clock-
I believe in “early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealth and wise”. My friends
highlighted that I woke up early in the morning and also wakes them up for either breakfast or
7. Thorough research-
One of my good friends said that I always do thorough research before working on my
assignments which is a great quality.
8. Consciously knows her flaws-
I have been told that I consciously know where I stand wrong or right and thereby always try to
improve and correct myself.
9. Very helpful
I was being told in the class that I am very helpful and try to help each and every one who
approach me for help. Also, in group assignments I help my team members and make sure their
work has been done properly.
10. Sweet-
My classmate says I'm a nice person who treats everyone with respect.
The negative aspects which were mentioned are as follows-
1. Reserved/Introvert-
I am a bit reserved and introvert and talk less to other people.
2. Stress Management-

During work I take stress a lot which reduces my productivity and work efficiency.
3. More time to myself-
I don’t give time to myself and just concentrate on work and studies.
4. Doesn’t enjoy-
I don’t enjoy a lot and keeps myself busy with the work.
5. Not open to people-
As I am reserved and introvert, I usually not open up to people.
Impact on others-
Overall, I have a good impact over others. A person who is more engaged in her work, help others
and doesn’t speak much.

The Action Plan
To improve on my negative aspects, I decided to act in order to improve myself which is explained
in the below mentioned points:
1. Reserved/Introvert-
• I will try to interact with more people starting from my batchmates.
• I will try to interact more when I am in a group.
2. Stress Management-
• I will start doing meditation which will increase my concentration and patience level.
• In chaotic situation I will try to remain calm and handle things calmly.
• I will take short walk and listen soft music whenever I feel stressed out.
• Also, eating ice creams reduces my stress level and calms me down. Therefore, I will try to
have such things which makes me feel less stress.
3. More time to myself-
• From now onwards, I will have my ME TIME in which no one is allowed.
• I will go on a walk or just simple do cycling.
4. Doesn’t enjoy-
• I will try to go out and hangout with more people.
• I will make sure that now upcoming weekends I do something interesting and enjoyable.
5. Not open to people-
• I will interact more and share my experiences with others.
• I will take initiatives and greet people with smile which reflects that I am open to have

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