Prof Ed 9 (Examination) Montoya

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Montoya, Dann Joseph M.

Professional Education 9
Mrs. Rocelia Bayan

Examination No. 1

1. Explain the sentence: “Knowledge of curriculum is, by definition central to the

professional teacher.”.
As for me, the statement could be of in different interpretation, however, I will be
generalizing the thought to construct in a simpler manner. It is said that everything within
the curriculum is a representation or portrayal of what a professional teacher possesses
as he/she is. Whatever the educator caters to the student be it in form of knowledge, skill,
ability, talent and or among the enhancement of the cognitive, affective, psychomotor
and such will define what kind of curriculum the teacher has. This, too, consists of work
etiquette, behavior, passion, and more.

2.Enumerate the fundamental questions teachers need to ask when planning a


As the aforementioned Curriculum Design has been talked in the subject-

discussion, here are the fundamental questions teachers need to ask when planning a
1. What are the sub-goals and objectives?
2. What types of learning experiences will be provided?
3. What will be the locale for the learning experiences?
4. What role will participants play: learners, teachers, others?
5. What will be the time and space dimensions?
6. What criteria will be used in assessment?
7. What arc the needs in relation to the product of the training program?
8. What content should be included?
9. How should the content be organized?
10. What educational strategies should be adopted?
11. What teaching methods should be used?
12. How should assessment be carried out?
13. How should details of the curriculum be communicated?
14. What educational environment should be fostered?
15. How should the process be managed?

3. Compare and Contrast

Planned Curriculum CONTRAST Implemented Curriculum
It is the written document Aside from it is both a It is the set of activities/
with which is set as a curriculum, it also goes performance tasks that fulfills
necessity for every student through rigorous the goals of the system.
to learn. It is brought out of process with which is
policy environments and required to have an
reflect what is required. effective and efficient

Recommended Curriculum CONTRAST Implemented Curriculum

It is a curriculum which was Aside from it is both a It is the set of activities/
given to or recommended by curriculum, it also has performance tasks that fulfills
a professional organization the highest the goals of the system.
who has stake in education. percentage to be
used in a classroom-
based setting

Prescribed Curriculum CONTRAST Supported Curriculum

The most prominent concept Aside from it is both a It is the resources with which
we can use to define curriculum, it both helps the teachers in the
prescribed curriculum is that caters students direct implementing the goals and
it is the content taught by the approach towards objectives of the system.
teachers and learned by the learning.

4. What questions were pose by Tyler in his Rationale Model?

Tyler’s embrace of the student, subject matter, and society as three imperative
sources for the curriculum was not unprecedented, but it was unusual, if not extraordinary
at the time. He made the Rationale model and posed 4 fundamental questions.
 What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?
 What educational learning experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these
 How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
 How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained?

5. Discuss in not more than 5 sentences.

a) Curriculum as plan
a. As we all know, curriculum is a vital written document that helps institution
to render quality education to students, now, curriculum must go through
a rigorous process and must be planned to fulfill its main duty and
responsibility which is to work for the sector it is being implemented with.
Further, there are basis for every curriculum to formally monitor its effectivity
and efficiency (Elements of Curriculum and Curriculum Development).
b) Curriculum as an experience
a. The basics of every learners’ academic path will take years of their lives,
with this, they will be experiencing much from the institution they are
enrolled in. This will nourish their abilities, enhance mobility, transition them
to new ideas and concepts and more which will provide them experiences
as for journeying with educators. Specifically, interaction between learners-
teachers, learners-learners, leaners-self, and learners to environment will
take charge to the said definition of curriculum.
c) Curriculum and Syllabus
a. Curriculum and Syllabus has their significant difference which draw a fine-
line separating them. Curriculum is an overall content taught in an
educational system or course. Its uniformity is similar for all teachers, it is
made for a course and it is prescriptive. On the other side, Syllabus is a
document by which contains the concepts covered in a subject. It is a fixed
term, usually annually, its uniformity varies from teacher to teacher and it is
made for a subject and is descriptive.

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