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Total Assessment 3 

Length should be  500 - 700  words. You must  accurately

reference all of your external sources of information  
You have been employed as Operational Manager with responsibility for  legal
compliance by a large Conference and Banqueting Venue in Sydney. The venue
can    provide food and beverage and conference services for up to 800  persons.  
You have been requested to review the business  regulatory policies and

Food handling and hygiene

Policy statement

We aim to give a standard of quality in the way food is handled and the level of
food safety to give a level of protection to all persons. We aim all customers gain
the standard of quality in the way of food is clearly identified. Effective food
labelling will give a level of protection to all persons who have access to food.
High standards of hygiene will be maintained throughout all food handling,
preparation and storage.

How to implement

However, in terms of processing, we will follow this rules for making sure that
every area and all staffs have followed the food safety and hygiene;

1) Cross contamination of food

Cross-contaminating occurs when germs are accidentally passed into foods, either
from your hands, cooking utensils or other foods (this is called physical
contamination of food).

The good news is the risk of food contamination can be lowered with these basic
kitchen hygiene rules:

- Wash your hands with soap and clean water before touching food and
immediately after handling raw food (e.g. meat, eggs), handling bins,
touching pets, or going to the toilet.
- Clean and disinfect all surfaces immediately after preparing food.
- Ideally, use different colour-coded chopping boards for raw and ready-to-
eat foods.
- Cover food or keep it in sealed containers to stop germs getting in.
- Store and prepare raw food away from cooked and ready-to-eat foods.
- Keep any pets or animals away from food preparation and eating areas.
2) Cleaning

Cleanse items in the right way at the right time to remove any germs and help
stop them dispersal to food:
- Make sure all utensils and equipment are clean before use.
- Regularly clean and disinfect things that people often touch, such as taps,
cupboard handles and switches.
- Clean all food preparation surfaces with surface disinfectant spray or wipes
immediately after preparing food. For direct food contact surfaces, rinse
thoroughly with water after product has been used.
- Use paper towels or disposable cloths if possible and if you reuse cloths,
decontaminate them between each task.
3) Cooking

Cook meat thoroughly to kill the germs that cause food poisoning. When
reheating food, make sure it is steaming hot all the way through.
4) Chilling
- Between 5°C and 60°C is known as the ‘Temperature Danger Zone’ as these
temperatures are ideal for the growth of germs that can make you sick.
Food should be kept either below 5°C or above 60°C, so either in the fridge
or freezer or served hot.
- A simple way to figure out what to do with your food is to follow the 2
hour/4-hour guide:
- Total time between 5°C and 60°C:
- Less than 2 hours – refrigerate or eat immediately.
- Between 2 and 4 hours – Eat immediately.
- More than 4 hours – throw it out.
Communication methods

- Manager will set the meeting twice in three months to provide both basic
and updated information of food safety and hygiene which all staffs can
attain and be trained; moreover, manager will provide a professional
person to train and to give the information to all staffs.

- Manager will put all information both basic and updated information to the
company website that everyone (all staffs and customers) can see and
know that we use these policy and regulations for our meeting

- Via email – Manager will send the important information in food safety and
hygiene to people who work related to these area to remind and to confirm
that we will use this policy to be a standard for our working process

Roles and responsibilities

Operation manager

- Demonstrate the authority to act as a Food Safety Supervisor with a

Statement of Attainment from a nationally registered RTO
- Supervise staff in food handling to ensure compliance with food safety
- Manage the food business’ Food Safety Plan and Food Safety Program
- If away, ensure the food business is protected and maintains high
standards of food safety in their absence

All staffs

- Have skills and knowledge relevant to their food duties

- Follow the protocol set by the Food Safety Supervisor
- Take all reasonable measures to maintain food integrity and keep
customers safe

The policy will be reviewed before holding up a Conference and Banqueting

Venue in Sydney on 14th February 2021. And the date for next re view is the
during of the conference which is on 20th February 2021.

Evaluation methods for non-compliance

From the evaluation methods for non-compliances, there are some problems or
not be safety and hygiene in some areas; therefore, more training should be held
up again for that area. Moreover, the operational manager should monitor or
investigate every day until these sections will be improve and provide the food
safety and hygiene following both policy and regulation.

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