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1. AESTHETIC FUNCTION – As man exerts efforts in attaining perfection, he must be aware

and conscious about the beauty of his environment through arts. He must be receptive to the
complex changes and learns how to use his different senses and at the same time he should know
how to project creative impulses through his symbols and works. This enables man to fully
achieved the aesthetic appeal in every art pieces as well as the attainment of pleasure and
2. CULTURAL FUNCTION – The various production of numerous printed materials and other
various distributive networks like books, newspapers, magazines, comic strips, and other related
types paved the way in providing knowledge and new discoveries to man. Through art, man has
an ability to know more about his own self, becomes more educated, civilized, and refined that
makes his whole life more meaningful.
3. SOCIAL FUNCTION – The new learning and experiences of man and the creation of civic
and graphic arts stimulate inner feelings and emotions conveying positive values where man
learns to participate, empathize and cooperate as an active member of society. The collective
behaviour is greatly influenced by art and it is manifested by every man in the level of his own
thinking, feeling, and how man makes his decision. The different techniques and methods in
presenting art subjects served as a gateway in showing social realities that will provide new
perspectives and insights and may serve as a catalyst of change in society.
4. UTILITARIAN FUNCTION – Art plays a significant role in man’s daily life. Through this,
man can acquire his basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and other necessities and
conveniences. Art serves as an important means of discovering new ideas and techniques and the
invention of utensils, gadgets, machines and other useful needs that help every man to find
appropriate solutions to his problems and enable man to survive.

a. Practical Arts – directed to produce artifacts and utensils which cope with human
b. Liberal Arts – intellectual efforts are considered; take for the cases of AB Courses like
Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Journalism.
c. Fine Arts – products of the human creativity in so far as they express beauty in
different ways and different media like drawing, painting.
d. Major Arts – characterized by their actual and potential expressiveness like music,
poetry, sculpture
e. Minor Arts – connected with practical uses and purposes like interior design,
landscape, porcelain making


a. Plastic arts –perceived by sense of sight like painting, sculpture, architecture
b. Phonetic arts – based on sounds and words like music, poetry, drama, literature
c. Kinetic arts – rhythmic movement like the different kinds of dances
d. Pure arts – which only take one medium of expression as sound in music and color in
painting e. Mixed arts – which use two or more media like opera is a combination of
music, poetry and drama.
1. Space arts – visual arts 
2 Dimensional (seen only in one angle) - painting - printing - photography - drawing/
sketching  3 Dimensional (seen in several angle) - sculpture - architecture
2. Time arts – auditory arts - music - dance –
3. combination: Musical Theatre/ Opera

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