Lectures On Psychiatric Activities

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It a simple group therapy which aims to bridge the fantasy world of the psychotics
to the real world.
The therapy aims to reach the unwounded areas of the patient’s personality and
get them moving again in the direction to reality.
Commonly facilitated by an attendant with their own patients.

It is highly indicated for chronic, regressed, long term hospitalized patients.

1. To stimulate patients to be fellow explorers of the real world.
2. To develop their ability to communicate and share ideas and experiences with
other people.
3. To develop feelings of acceptance and recognition.
4. To promote group harmony and identification.
Values to the Patient:
1. Stimulates patient to think about something and think about himself.
2. Gives patient reason to value himself and increase his self-respect.
3. Takes him out of the darkness of the world life.
4. Makes him part of the group.
5. Takes the patient out of the vegetable class.

Physical Set-Up and Arrangement

1. Patients may be seated in a circle or U-formation.
2. Requires 10-15 patients per session.
3. Takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour for at least once or twice a week by non-
professional staff member.
4. 12 sessions completes a series of remotivation technique.

Subjects to be Covered:
1. Geography
2. History
3. Nature
4. Hobbies
5. Literature
6. Industry
7. Sports
8. Science
Subjects Not to be Covered:
1. Religion
2. Politics
3. Love
4. Family problem
5. Sex

In the administration of the Remotivation Technique, the use of the 5 W’s (why, where,
when, who, whom) is utilized.

The Steps:
1. Climate of Acceptance (5 minutes)
a. Leader stays at the center, greets each patient and introduces self.
b. If it is the first session, the leader asks the patients to introduce
themselves one by one.
c. The leader makes the patients feel relaxed or comfortable by commenting
about the weather and/or commenting patients’ appearance.
d. Patients are asked about the day and or the date to make them oriented.

2. Bridge to Reality (15 minutes)

a. Questions are asked that lead to the topic to be discussed.
b. The leader asks anybody from the patient to recite a poem related to the
c. Questions asked are from general to specific in nature.
d. The leader at times reads a poem to the group and then asks a patient to
read it back to the group.
e. The leader makes use of visual aids.

3. Sharing the World We Live In (15 minutes)

a. The leader asks stimulating questions regarding the topic.
b. The leader tries to explore the topic discussed.
c. Patients are encouraged to share with the group regarding their views on
the topic; they are asked to talked one by one.

4. Appreciation of the Work of the World (15 minutes)

a. This step is blended with step number 3.
b. The leader makes sure that the patients are able to relate to the topic so
that he may be able to relate it to himself and/or with his job.
5. Climate of Appreciation (5 minutes)
a. The leader asks for a summary about the topic.
b. Appreciation is expressed to the patients for the coming session.
c. Patients are informed of the topic to be discussed for the next session or a
suggestion of topic may be asked from them.

Client centered activity


1. The group will search for and plan a game or play activities which may promote
cooperation, exercise and a positive outlook of life.

2. The group will then plan on how they would implement it or what methodology/strategy
will they use so as to make the play activity a pleasant, relaxing and easy to moderate
activity. The age, physical characteristics and ability of the clients should be kept in
mind while planning the play/game.

3. The play or game activity should not be strenuous, needing complex thinking nor
require undue exhaustion on part of client. No sharp, pointed or breakable (e.g. glass
and others) materials should be used for safety purposes.

4. The play should not incite intensive competition and the group should be ready to
control the clients should a disruptive behavior ensue.

5. The game should be approved by the respective clinical instructor/s of the group and
the purpose, materials, techniques and procedure should be recorded in the workbook.

6. The group will then prepare all materials, visuals or equipment needed for the activity.


Music Therapy –isa psychotherapeutic interventon.This therapyform uses music as
medium and has variety of objectives .Music and musical experience are essential
parts of human culture.It serves purposes of mental hygiene and social INTEGRATION.

1. To know as a diagnostic tool, collecting signs and symptoms to supply
psychiatric and to give correct diagnosis
2. To release past trauma in life unconsciously
3. To interpret psychological drawing
4. To discuss emotional problem and to give reasons and ideas regarding such
5. To develop IPR – (Inter-Personal Relationship)

Music Therapy activities includes the following :

1. Listening to music (sound experience with therapeutic instruments or recorded
music and conversaiton.
2. Joining singing and music making (eg.popular songs =Playing guitar)
3. Improvisation ( with easy to handle instruments
4. Singing of songs to learn the language
5. Rhytmic work
6. Movement of music
7. Guitar lessong in single therapy
8. Spontaneous interventions as response to a client’s reaction (eg.Role play with
instruments,actingout an emotional situation or an experience

Objectives: Generally improved condition through beneficial

effects of joint music making

1. Simulation of breathing and vital funtions through singing and movement.

2. Improved mood.
3. Distraction from problem oriented thinking
4. Emotional release through discharge effect
5. Experience of compassion and comfort ina a group
6. Raised self esteem through experience of success
7. Improved Motivation for participation
8. Resources are discovered
9. Expansion of mental horizon through new experience
10. Promotion of creativity –ability to find solution
11. Improved self perception and self confidence eg.through orientation to
experience of one’s own voice and effects of personal activities on others.
12. Improved perception of environment through directed listening ( perception of
instruments in concert).
13. Improved perception of others ,atention directed to other group members
14. Experience and awareness of group dynamics
15. Awareness of behavior patterns
16. Changes in behavior ( wrong attitude ,antisocial behavior.

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