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Recycled Concrete

Sumia Alghlam Mostafa Jweli Nagat Marami

Lecturer at University of Student at university of lecturer at university of
Alzintan Alzintan Alzawia

Material recycling is being used in all industries around the world, and civil
engineering is one of the industries that material recycling used in, especially,
in concrete productions. This thesis is about recycling concrete by replacing
natural aggregates with the recycled concrete aggregates in different ration,
thus in the experiments and in concrete mixtures used in this thesis only
coarse aggregates were replaced with recycled aggregates with recycled
aggregates and after producing concrete tests were applied and compared on
each specimen in order to see the difference between the produced concrete
specimen and also the concrete reference specimen which contains natural
aggregates without adding any of the recycled aggregates. As a conclusion and
based on the test results we conclude that recycled concrete aggregates can
replace the natural aggregate in different ration and the concrete still can be
.used in structures and concrete products

Keywords: Concrete, Recycling, Recycled concrete, Coarse

.aggregates, Compressive strength

1- Introduction:

The production of demolition and construction waste has been increasing at a
gradual rate in recent years. The main reasons for this situation are changes of
purpose, structural deterioration, rearrangement of a city, expansion of traffic
directions and increasing traffic load, natural disasters (earthquake, fire and
flood), etc. For example, about 850 million tons of construction and demolition
waste are generated in the EU per year, which represent 3% of the total waste
generation. In the USA, the construction waste produced from building
demolition alone is estimated to be 123 million tons per year. The most
common method of managing this material has been through its disposal in
landfills. In this way, huge deposits of construction waste are created,
consequently becoming a special problem of human environment pollution.
For this reason, in developed countries, laws have been brought into practice
to restrict this waste: in the form of prohibitions or special taxes existing for
creating waste areas.

On the other hand, production and utilization of concrete is rapidly increasing,

which results in increased consumption of natural aggregate as the largest
concrete component. For example, two billion tons of aggregate are produced
each year in the United States. Production is expected to
Increase to more than 2.5 billion tons per year by the year 2020. This situation
leads to a question about the preservation of natural aggregates sources; many
European countries have placed taxes on the use of virgin aggregates.

A possible solution to these problems is to recycle demolished concrete and

produce an alternative aggregate for structural concrete in this way.
Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is generally produced by two-stage
crushing of demolished concrete, and screening and removed of contaminants

Such as reinforcement, paper, wood, plastics and gypsum. Concrete made with
such recycled concrete aggregate is called recycled aggregate (RAC) concrete
recycling is becoming an increasingly popular way to utilize aggregate left
behind when structures or roadways are demolished. In the past, this rubble
was disposed of in landfills, but with more attention being paid to
environmental concerns, concrete recycling is being used in all developed
countries while a lot of researches has been done on this topic and most of the
conclusions are approving that recycled concrete aggregates can be used to
produce concrete has the same or stronger mechanical properties as if the
concrete produced with the natural aggregates.[1][2][3]

In this study we took normal produced concrete cubes from our laboratory and
smashed it with concrete smashing to produce aggregates which likely were
the same size of natural coarse aggregate and, we used these coarse
aggregates instead of the natural ones to produce concrete cubes again and
exam the changes -if there any- and results on the produced concrete thus, the
recycle concrete aggregates were used in three different ratios during the mix.
The first mix only 20% of the amount of coarse aggregate used was recycled

The second mix 30% of the amount of coarse aggregates used was recycled
concrete aggregates.
And then 100% recycled concrete aggregates (coarse aggregates) was used in
the mix.

Producing xix cubes for each mix which each two cubes had a different -in
water curing time- and applying compressive strength, ultrasonic and other
tests then comparing them with each other with a reference cube that had no
recycled concrete aggregates with them was the main experimental action had
been done during two and a half months to produce a usable recycled
In terms of overall recycling concrete greatly saves energy compared to mining
processing and transporting new aggregates. And while considered
environmentally damaging ,the large volume of concrete waste generated
during demolition makes it difficult for landfills to accommodate.[4]

2- Concrete recycling process, method and materials…

Process step, materials used and applications were done Anadolu University,
Civil engineering department, construction and materials laboratory and Tripoli
university too, where the provides all the needed materials stating with
cement and aggregates to the crushing machine and test machines under the
supervision of the laboratory staff.

2-1 Concrete recycling process

Crashing concrete specimens to produce recycled aggregates 2-1-1
The process steps were founding an appropriate mix design to start producing
concrete , after finding the mix design next step was making a recycled concrete
aggregates and that was done with crushing concrete cubs and cylinders were
made previously in the laboratory for different purposes ,next figure (1) shows
.exactly the type of used concrete specimens in crashing process

Figure 1
Crushing these kinds of specimen’s needs manual crashing first because the
crashing machine won’t take big size specimen so before putting the
specimens shown in the figures we manually crashed them into smaller pieces
like the next figures (2) and (3).

Figure (2)

After crashing the concrete specimens to a smaller size the specimens were
put into the crashing machine which converts them to aggregates.


2-2 Concrete mix process

Like any concrete mix process, same steps were followed to produce our
concrete specimens, the plan was to produce three types of concrete that
contains recycled aggregates (Coarse aggregates) with different ratios plus a
reference specimen contains no recycled aggregates at all.

Each type of the three types produced were divided into nine concrete
15*15*15 cm 2 cubes, each three cubes were put into water for curing in
different days count, three were put for 3 days long, three were for 7 days long
and, three were put into 28 days long.
The next two tables 1 and 2 clarifies the plan for specimen's production and
curing days:

Table 1: (recycled coarse aggregates percentage amount)

Name Natural Cor.Agg % Recycled Cor.Agg %

Reference 100 -

RC20 80 20

RC30 70 30

RC100 - 100

Table 2: (number of specimens produced and number of curing days)

Name Cubes for 3 days Cubes for 7 days Cubes for 28 days
curing time curing time curing time
Reference 3 3 3

RC20 3 3 3

RC30 3 3 3

RC100 3 3 3

Producing concrete process was as known before, mixing aggregates with

cement, adding water and plasticizer in mixing machine.

After that applying fresh concrete tests and filling them in cubes containers.

Next figures4,5 shows some of the concrete producing process done in the

Figure (4)

After producing concrete, we fill the concrete into 15*15*15 cm3

Figure (5)

After the concrete is dried, we put it into a curing tube figure (6).

Figure (6)

2-2-1 Materials used during mixing process

Provided by Anadolu university, civil engineering department, the following
materials were used during concrete producing process:
Cimsa Portland cement (TS EN 197-JCEM I 42.5 R)

Figure (7)

ADVA superplasticizer (batch NO:10216746) figure (8)

Figure (8)

Aggregates (coarse, medium, and fine) were provided by constructions and

materials laboratory in civil engineering department.

All needed materials were provided in the laboratory with all the security
masks and gloves and all test machines.

Figure (9)

2-3 Mix design

The mix design for the concrete was like the table3 below

Table 3 (concrete mix design)

FOR 1 M 3 Reference RC20 RC30 RC100

Cement (Kg/m3) 341 341 341 341

Effective water (Kg/m3 182 182 182 182

Cor.Agg (Kg/m3) 682 545.4 477.2 -

Rec.Cor.Agg (Kg/m3 ¿ - 136,3 204.5 682

Min.Agg (Kg/m3 ¿ 636.3 636.3 636.3 636.3

Fine.Agg (Kg/m3) 286.3 286.3 286.3 286.3

Seperpasticizer+water 30 30 30 30

Water/Cement ratio 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53

3 - Tests on concrete
In order to tell if the produced concrete cube specimens are ok and also to
examine them and tell if recycled concrete can be used as a normal concrete,
few concrete test was done.

3 – 1 Sieve analysis
Is a practice or procedure used (commonly used in civil engineering) to assess
the particle size distribution (also called gradation) of a granular material.

The size distribution is often of critical importance to the way the material
performs in use. A sieve analysis can be performed on any type of non-organic
or organic granular materials including sands, crushed rock, clays, grain and
seeds, down to a minimum size depending on the exact method. Being such a
simple technique of particle sizing, it is probably the most common.

A gradation test is performed on a sample of aggregate in a laboratory. A

typical sieve analysis involves a nested column of sieves with wire mesh cloth
(screen). See the separate Mech (scale) page for details of sieve sizing.

A representative weighed sample is poured into the top sieve which has the
largest screen openings.

Each lower sieve in the column has smaller openings than the one above. At
the base is a round pan, called the receiver.

The column is typically placed in a mechanical shaker. The shakes shakers the
column, usually for some fixed amount of time. After the shaking is complete
the material on each sieve is weighed. The weight of the sample of each sieve
is then divided by the total weight to give a percentage retained on each sieve.
The size of the average particle on each sieve is then analyses to get a cut-off
point or specific size range, which is then captured on a screen.

The results of this test are used to describe the properties of the aggregate and
to see if it is appropriate for various civil engineering purposes such as
selecting the appropriate for concrete mixes and asphalt mixes as well as sizing
of water production well screens.

The results of this test are provided in graphical from to identify the type of
gradation of the aggregate. The complete procedure for this test is outlined in
the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C136¿

And the American Association and State Highway and Transportation Officials
A suitable sieve size for the aggregate underneath the nest of sieves to collect
the aggregate that passes through the smallest. The entire nest in then
agitated, and the material whose diameter is smaller than the mesh opening
pass through the sieves. After the aggregate reaches the pan, the amount of
material retained in each sieve is then weighed.[6]

3-1-1Process of sieve analysis

A 5KG specimens were taking of each size of the aggregates and the test was

Test were made under the supervision of (Ars. Gor. Yildirim BAYAZIT) and the
results were prepared with his help.

Coarse aggregates
Sieve Remained Consolidated remained Consolidated passed
diameter from sieve remained pass
31.5 0 0 0 5000 100
16 370 370 7.4 4630 92.6
8 2530 2900 58 2100 42

4 1010 3910 78.2 1090 21.8
2 500 4410 88.2 590 11.8
1 355 4765 95.3 235 4.7
0.5 90 4855 97.1 145 2.9
0.25 65 4920 98.4 80 1.6
pan 80 5000 100 0 0

Passed (%) Remained Consolidated remained Consolidated

from. remained. passed
100 12 0 0 5000
92.6 390 402 8.04 4598
42 2546 2948 58.96 2052
21.8 1013 3961 79.22 1039
11.8 503 4464 89.28 536
4.7 358 4822 96.44 178
2.9 91 4913 98.26 87
1.6 67 4980 99.6 20
0 20 5000 100 0
Table 4 (sieve analysis result)

Figure 10
We notice from Figure (10) that the curve looks fine duo the ASTM standards
for concrete.

3 -2 Slump test
The slump is a means of assessing the consistency of fresh concrete.
It is used, indirectly, as a means of checking that the correct amount of water
has been added to the mix.

The test is carried out in accordance with BS EN 12350-2, Testing fresh

concrete, Slump test. This replaces BS 1881 : Part 102.[7]

The steel slump cone is placed on a solid, impermeable, level base and filled
with the fresh concrete in three equal layers. Each layer is rodded 25 times to
ensure compaction. The third layer is finished off level is with the top of the

The cone is carefully lifted up, leaving a heap of concrete that settles or
'slumps' slightly. The upturned slump cone is placed on the base to act as a
reference, and the difference in level between its top and the top of the
concrete is measured and recorded to the nearest 5mm to give the slump of
the concrete.

Figure (11)

When the cone is removed, the slump may take one of three forms. In a true
slump the concrete simply the concrete simply subsides, keeping more or less
to shape. In a shear slump the top portion of the concrete shears off and slips
sideways. In a collapse slump the concrete collapses completely. Only a true
slump is of any use in the test. If a shear or collapse slump is achieved, a fresh
sample should be taken and he test repeated. A collapse slump will generally
mean that the mix is too wet or that it is a high workability mix, for which the
flow test (see separate entry) is more appropriate.[8]

3 -3 Flow table test

Is a method to determine consistency of fresh concrete . Flow table is also
used to identify transportable moisture limit of solid bulk cargoes. It is used
primarily for assessing concrete that is too fluid (worktable) to be measured
using the slump test, because the concrete will not retain its shape when the
cone is removed.

Application when fresh concrete is delivered to a site by a truck mixer, its

consistency needs to be checked before it is poured into formwork.

If consistency is not at the desired level, concrete will not have the required
strength and other qualities once it has set. If concrete is too pasty, cavities
may from within it. Rebar may become corroded, and concrete will crack.

Cavities also reduce the concrete strength.[9]

Figure (12)

3 – 4 Fresh and hard unit weight test

The fresh and hard unit weight measuring is the weight of the concrete cube
specimens right after filling them in the cube containers and it is used to
measure the density of the concrete.

While the hard unit weight test is measuring the weight of the specimens after
being dried and removed from the cubic container.[10]

Figure (13)

3 – 5 Compressive strength test
Is the capacity of a material or structure to withstand loads tending to reduce
size, as opposed to strength, which withstands loads tending to elongate. In
other words, compressive strength resists compression (being pushed
together), whereas tensile strength resists tension (being pulled apart).
In the study of strength of materials, tensile strength, compressive strength,
and shear strength can be analyzed independently.[10]

Some materials fracture at their compressive strength limit; others deform

irreversibly, so a given amount of deformation may be considered as the limit
for compressive load. Compressive strength is a kay value for design of

Compressive strength is often measured on a universal testing machine; these

range from very small table-top system to ones with over
53 MN measurements of compressive strength are affected by the specific test
method and conditions of measurement. Compressive strengths are usually
reported in relationship to a specific technical standard.[12]

Figure (14)

4 - Results of tests on concrete specimens

4 – 1 Slump test results
the test results are shown in the table 5below:

Table 5 (slump test results)

- Reference RC20 RC30 RC100

Slump (cm) 7 6.5 7 7.5

By analyzing the results of the slump test, shown in the table, it was concluded
Approximately the same workability was achieved for all the four specimens.
And according to the standards the four specimens have medium workability
mixes and these types of mixes are between 5 to 9 cm.

RC20 and RC100 maybe had some kind of additional and lack of water that
could probably caused the slump average to be above and below the average
compared with the reference's average.

4 – 2 Flow table test results

The results of the flow table tests were as shown in the table 6 below:

Table 6 (flow test results)

- Reference RC20 RC30 RC100

Flow table 32 31 31 32

From these results and comparing the results of the recycled concrete
specimens with the reference specimen we don’t see big difference between
them and we can say that the four mixes are medium workability mixes.

4 – 3 Fresh and hard unit weight test results

The results were as shown in the table 5.3 and 5.4 below:

Table 7 (fresh unit weight results)

- Reference RC20 RC30 RC100

Fresh weight 2.41 2.47 2.42 2.43

(gram/cm 3

Table 8 (hard unit weight results)

Hardened Reference RC20 RC30

(gram/cm 3
3 days 2.451 2.463 2.453 2.470

7 days 2.462 2.477 2.462 2.483

28 days 2.502 2.510 2.506 2.514

All the specimens are approximately equal in fresh unit weight measurement
which means that the density is equal as well.

4 – 5 compressive strength test results

The results are shown in the Table ( 9 ) below ( recycled concrete cubes with
different ratios )

- 3 days 7 days 28 days

Reference 21.5 MPa 28.7 MPa 45.3 MPa

RC 20 20.39 MPa 29.4 MPa 46.6 MPa

RC 30 21.01 MPa 30.31 MPa 46.93 MPa

RC 100 25.15 MPa 33.70 MPa 49.76 MPa

Results for the specimens are around 45.0 MPa for 28 days which is a good
rate for concrete strength. And as seen in the table and the chart below (Figure
15) recycled concrete cubes with different ratios had almost the same amount
of strength as well as reference which means there is no difference and RC100
had the highest amount.

Compressive strength






Reference RC20 RC30 RC100

Figure (15)

5 -Conclusion
Based on the test results written and shown in this thesis and the studies have
done in it, a general conclusion can be written as the following

- Recycled concrete specimens that contain 100% coarse aggregates have

mostly the same properties of any normal concrete.

- This means recycled concrete can be used the same areas normal
concrete used in.

- RC20% and RC30% also can be used but they are less quality.

- In general, recycled concrete has almost the same properties as normal

concrete and it can be used.

- In some cases, recycled concrete may has less workability than normal

- Recycled concrete is economic and a budget saver because of the

transportation and producing coats that will be saved.

- The quality of any recycled concrete depends on the quality of the raw
material used in aggregates (Recycled concrete aggregates).

- In other words, the higher quality of recycled concrete aggregates used

to produce concrete, the higher quality of recycled concrete you get.

- The way of preparing recycled aggregate of concrete mixtures influences

the concrete workability of concrete with natural and recycled aggregate
is almost the same if – water saturated-surface dry l recycled aggregate
is used and additional water quantity is added during mixing, the same
workability can be achieved after a prescribed time.[12]


[1] J. Schaertl and Tuncer B. Literature Search and Report On Recycled Asphalt
Pavement and Recycled Concrete Aggregate Edit University of Wiscocsin-
Madison March 18, 2009

[2] K.Obla, H. Kim, and C.Lobo Crushed Returned Concrete as Aggregates for
New Concrete Final Report to the RMC Research & Education Foundation
Project 05-13 September 2007

The Advantages of using recycled concrete aggregates

Recycling concrete

The cement Sustainability Initiative WBCSD and CSI

Characterization of bulk solid" by Donald Mcglinchey, CRC Press, 2005

M. Gambhir Concrete technology. Tata McGraw-Hill. Pp. 127,128. (2004).

W.B.Mckay; J.M.Mckay Building Construction Vol. Ii (Fourth Edition).
Orient Longman Private Limited. (1 January 1971). p. 32. ISBN 978-81-250-
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NIST, Large Scale Structure Testing Facility, retrieved 04-05-2010

Journal of Testing and Evaluation: 31-40. Retrieved 13 May 2014



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