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(PEDH-112) WEEK 11-19
Which of the following is not a symptom of weight loss?
A: lack of sufficient sleep

You must net at or below your BMR in terms of caloric intake.


True or False: A 35000 calorie excess or deficit for a person meeting his assumptions, would lead to the gain
or loss, respectively of one pound of body weight.
A: false

makes up lean muscle mass.

A: Protein

The term referring to the activity level use of little or no exercise.

A: sedentary

One of the simplest aerobic exercises in which your intensity varies to match your fitness level.
A: Walking

True or False: Rare latency periods vary from three days to two weeks after ingestion.
A: false

Bone loss increases as part of the natural ageing process.

A: true

Total energy expenditure is computed by adding 100% of the calories for activity
A: strenuous

diets are also referred to as balanced percentage diets.

A: low-calorie

Aerobic exercises starts with


years occur from age 5 to 18.

A: bone building
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a minimum daily calorie intake of 1,200 for men.

Unintentional weight loss occuring because of an inadequately nutritious diet relative to a person's energy
A: malnutrition

True or False: Weight gain is associated with excessive consumption of fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates.
A: true

The cause of this disease-related malnutrition is poor appetite.

A: impaired intake

are microscopic sacs where oxygen enters into the blood.


True or False: Adults of all ages are advised to spare at least 75 minutes of rigorous exercise every week.

The disease-related malnutrition which is caused by changes to metabolic demands caused by illness, surgery
and organ dysfunction.
A: altered requirements

True or False: Depression is also a contributing factor to increase in weight.

A: True

True or False: Children are advised to take at least one hour of physical activity a day.
A: true

The other term for fat.

A: adipose tissue

True or False: Intentional weight loss is the loss of total body mass as a result of efforts to improve fitness and
health or to change appearance through slimming.
A: True

The heart has the ability to decrease in size, slow and eventually fail.
A: true

BMR increases as you age.

A: false

Aerobic exercises become anaerobic exercises if performed at a level of intensity that is lower.
A: false
state means that the digestive system is inactive which requires twelve hours of fasting.
A: post-absorptive

Lean muscle tissue requires more calories than other tissues.

A: true

The amount of oxygen the muscles extract, or consume from the blood.
A: oxygen consumption

True or False: All medications can potentially cause weight gain or loss.

facilitates fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates to short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs, contributing to weight

A type of aerobic exercise that is a good choice for people who are greater than 50 pounds overweight as it
helps the heart without the mechanical stress on some parts of the body.
A: Cycling

A volume of blood sent with every beat of the heart.

A: stroke volume

BMR decreases with the loss of lean body mass.

A: true

This is calculated from age, gender, weight, height and the activity factor.
A: total energy expenditure

The oxygen is filtered through small branches of tubes called

A: bronchioles

The amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive
A: basal metabolic rate

Hard exercise/sports for 6 to 7 days a week is a

A: very active

BMR increases if there is an increase in muscle mass.

A: true

Skipping meals to lose weight improves your BMR.

A: false
True or False: Social networks contribute to weight gain.
A: True

True or False: Our muscles use fat and carbohydrates to function.

A: true

The average woman weighed ___ pounds in 1994.

A: 147

An average healthy adult inhales and exhales 7 to 8 liters of air per hour
A: true

True or False: Depression is also a contributing factor to increase in weight.

A: true

Which of the following is not a gentle exercise routine?

A: walking

Cycling may be too strenuous to be enjoyable and depends on the person's capability to use the bicycle.
A: false

Conditions such as burns can be associated to this problem such as skin exudates.
A: Excess nutrient losses

It is recommended by dieticians to consume Vitamin D as supplementation to prevent weight gain.

A: false

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a _____ daily caloric intake of 1,200 for women and
1,800 for men.
A: minimum

Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a highly temperate environment.
A: false

Improving reflexes is one of the advantages of playing badminton. Which of the following benefits apply?
A: develop athleticism

cholesterols decrease the size of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
A: bad

Which of the following is not one of the levels of the body that should be taken care of or given extra
A: arms and legs

Total Energy Expenditure is calculated by adding 100% calories to the BEE for moderate activity.
A: false

The lean muscle tissue requires less calories than others.

A: False

These are microscopic sace where oxygen enters the blood.

A: alveoli

Playing badminton also builds and exercises the quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings. What advantage is this?
A: increased muscle tone

exercise is an activity that causes you to be quickly out of breath.

A: anaerobic

Lack of sufficient sleep is a cause of weight gain.

A: true

Playing badminton can reduce or eliminate the risk of health problems such as high blood presure and heart
disease, among others. What advantage is this?
A: good for overall health

The air we breathe contains approximately

A: 20

People with osteoporosis must avoid exercise altogether as it may further damage their already fragile bones.
A: false

Eating restrictions often from treatment or lack of food are some of the causes of this problem.
A: Impaired intake

People with knee or hip problems should avoid this as it can put extra stress on the joints.
A: Stair Climbers and Steppers

Which of the following components is not included in the computation for the Total Energy Expenditure.
A: Endurance

Running games is still recommended for bone-loss years.

A: false

The cause of this problem are because of symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea.
A: Excess nutrient losses

Basal Energy Expenditure refers to the amount of calories burned by the human body in one day.
A: false
Playing badminton reduces the risk of death by about 30 percent.
A: false

Weight loss that is said to be unexplained if it is not caused by reduction in calorific intake or exercise is called
A: cachexia

Interactions while playing badminton will result in positive feelings. What advantage is this?
A: social health

Aerobic exercises are also called cardioexercises that require pumping of oxygenated blood by the heart to
deliver oxygen to working muscles.
A: true

Which of the following is not a gastrointestinal disorder often contributing to unexplained weight loss?
A: pancreatic cancer

The term for the activity level use that requires extremely hard exercise/sports or physical job and twice more
A: extremely active

This term refers to the acceleration, one of the known benefits of playing badminton.
A: glutei

As your metabolism slows, it becomes harder to eat normal amounts of calories without gaining weight.
A: true

Playing badminton decreases the level of bad cholesterol.

A: true

Which of the following is the only good cholesterol in our body?

A: high-density lipoprotein

The basal heart rate reduces to a few beats per minute while blood pressure rises in playing badminton.
A: false

Playing badminton decreases the liver's production of sugar. What advantage of playing badminton is this?
A: decrease diabetes

The BMR calculator gives the maximum number of calories you should eat on a daily basis.
A: false

Healthy individuals seeking to maintain their weight should consume an average of 2,000 caleries daily.
A: true

Playing badminton lubricates the joints, eventually preventing arthritis. What advantage of playing badminton
is this?
A: mobility

This machine requires above-average coordination to master.

A: Ski machines

The release of energy in the post-absorptive state is sufficient only for the functioning of the vital organs.
A: true

Achieving weight loss through playing badminton alone is possible.

A: false

Medications can cause both weight gain and weight loss.

A: true

For a beginner in swimming, the recommended time of activity is 30 to 60 minutes to achieve desired results.
A: false

Badminton is allowed for both adults and children, of any age.

A: true

It helps improve communication between old and young people.

A: Offers a social outlet

An increase in motor skills and cognitive awareness.

A: Keeps your brain sharp

The player works out a solution for puzzles involving the speed, spin and placement of the ball.
A: Develops mental acuity

Tennis players tend to be more optimistic and to have greater self-esteem.

A: Boosts mood

The player uses strategic planning to return the ball to the opponent.
A: Stimulates various different parts of the brain

Aerobics and cycling burns more calories than tennis.

A: false

is the ability of the brain to change based on an experience or environmental factors.

A: plasticity

is a protein that promotes neuron growth and survival.

A: brain-derived neurotrophic factor

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with overall fitness and resistance to disease of a
player's body.
A: immune system

Tennis takes patience and dedication.

A: Improves discipline and social skills

Playing tennis increases oxygen intake and heart rate.

A: Improved aerobic and anaerobic health

A physician dubbed ping pong/table tennis as " world's best brain “sport for being highly aerobic and the use
of brain in planning and executing shots.
A: world's best brain

It has been proven that the risk of death for tennis players are half than usual.
A: true

It helps the player in following the ball's trajectory as it moves.

A: Improves coordination

One of the psychological reasons to play tennis associated with adapting to stress and ongoing to recovery.
A: learn how to recover

Singles tennis can make players lose around 400-600 calories per hour.
A: Burns calories and fat

An example of neurotransmitter that is related to mood, appetite, sleep and memory.

A: serotonin

Identify the advantage of playing Table Tennis being described: Improving leg, arm and core strength in
standard mode.
A: It's easy on the joints

One of the psychological reasons to play tennis associated with learning to adjust to the elements and still have
the ability to compete.
A: manage adversity

An example of neurotransmitter that is related to stress response.

A: norepinephrine

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with short intense bursts of activity during a point
followed by rest which helps muscles use oxygen efficiently.
A: anaerobic fitness

An hour of playing can help reduce the calories.

A: Burns calories

Tennis requires 300 to 500 bursts of energy per match.

A: Great cross-training for other sports

The part of the brain that a game of ping pong stimulates which is responsible for allowing us to form and
retain long term facts and events.
A: hippocampus

Bursts of exertion and recovery.

A: Improves reflexes

One of the psychological reasons to play tennis associated with the ability to create strategies based on
knowledge of geometry and physics.
A: learn to solve problems

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with court movement and ball-striking skills
requiring control of the body's large muscle groups.
A: gross motor control

Tennis involves planning, tactical thinking, agility and the coordination of parts of the body.
A: Boosts brain power

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with hundreds of starts, stops, changes of direction
and hitting on the run.
A: dynamic balance

are vital chemicals that regulate various brain functions.

A: neurotransmitters

is a troublesome illness caused by bones losing density due to complex interactions between the body
hormones, bone forming and bone dissolving cells.
A: osteoporosis

A psychological reason for playing tennis exhibited by the ability of a doubles team to form a cohesive unit.
A: learn teamwork

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by burning fat and improving cardiovascular fitness.
A: aerobic fitness

This is referred to as the second most popular organized sport in the world.
A: table tennis

Playing badminton may cause heart attacks.

A: false

A psychological reason for playing tennis exhibited by anticipation of an opponent's moves and planning
A: plan and implement strategies
People with hypertension are encouraged to play badminton that slows their basal heart rate.
A: true

The neurotransmitter responsible for mood, appetite, sleep and memory.

A: serotonin

Which of the following muscles is not trained by playing badminton?

A: Pectineus

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by constantly judging the timing between the oncoming ball and
the proper contact point.
A: eye-hand coordination

helps lubricate joints, preventing arthritis and similar conditions from developing
A: mobility

Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) promotes ____ growth and survival.

A: neuron

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by hundreds of starts, stops, changes of direction, and hitting on
the run.
A: dynamic balance

Table tennis technique executions are often quick-paced problem solving challenges.
A: true

An average person can burn 272 calories in playing table tennis.

A: true

Table tennis is highly anaerobic.

A: false

Coordination helps because it can give you a wider range of motion, help prevent injuries and reduce muscle
A: false

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by a series of side-to-side and up and back sprints to chase the
A: speed

Tennis helps maintain aerobic health, allowing muscles to use oxygen in a better way.
A: false

Playing badminton improves longevity by at least 5 years.

A: false
The cerebellum is the part of the brain that lights up when doing any voluntary movement.
A: false

Playing badminton burns fat at approximately 300 calories per hour.

A: false

A study has proven that playing badminton can reduce the production of sugar.
A: true

Ping pong has a relatively low injury risk.

A: true

A psychological reason for playing tennis exhibited by proper control of the pace of the play.
A: develop discipline

Aside from being a great aerobic workout, playing table tennis is also a good exercise
A: cardiovascular

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by forcing on the player change of direction for at least 5 times
in 10 seconds.
A: agility

Exercise increases which are referred to as the brain's feel-good neurotransmitters.

A: endorphins

Advanced cardiac tests are required before playing a round of badminton for people from the age of 35 and
above. Which of the following parts of the body must the player take extra precaution of?
A: sensory

The ability of the brain to change based on an experience or environmental factors.

A: brain plasticity

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