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MBA 2.5 Marketing ( Evening )

Name: Muhammad Muslim

Roll no: EP- 19543024
Class: MBA Marketing 2.5
Subject: Business Research
Submitted to: Dr Muhammad Asim
Date: 14 - 09 - 2021
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

Question 1
A sales force manager needs to have information in order to decide whether to create a custom
motivation program or purchase one offered by a consulting firm. What are the dilemmas the
manager faces in selecting either of these alternatives? What other alternatives can be proposed.
To choose either option, the sales manager must first determine the goals of the motivation
program, in terms of desired attitudes and behavior. He/she needs to know the current motivation
level of the employees, and the incentives or penalties that would motivate them to adopt desired
attitudes and behavior. If the existing program can achieve the desired results, it would be the
right choice. However, if it only meets some of the requirements, the manager would have to
weigh such things as total benefits, cost, ease of administering the training, implementation time,
cost and development time of a custom program, and so on. You observe the following
condition. “Our female sales representatives have lower customer defections than do our male
sales representatives.
Question 3
You have received a business research report done by a consultant for your firm, a life insurance
company. The study is a survey of customer satisfaction based on a sample of 600. You are
asked to comment on its quality. What will you look for?
I would ensure that the purpose of the research had been clearly defined; that the research
process had been thoroughly documented and planned; that limitations had been revealed; that
highly ethical standards were applied; that there was adequate analysis; that the findings were
straightforward (unambiguous); that the conclusions were justified, and that the researcher’s
credentials were stated. Further, I might evaluate the demographics of the 600. Were they all in
the same age range? From the same region of the country? Buyers of similar insurance products?
Question 2
Toyota had a major problem with unexplained acceleration in several of its top models in 2010.
It closed down production and stopped sales of multiple models. What types of research might
Toyota have conducted to make these decisions & how these decision shall impact the firm.
Despite Toyota’s rich history dating back to 1957, the company came under fire when a potential
safety issue, sticking accelerator pedals, was found in eight of its top models in 2010 (Toyota
Motor Sales, 2014). The problem was identified in late January with Toyota briefly suspending
the sale of the affected models. The company quickly responded with a solution to the problem
in early February, just a few short weeks later. This paper will discuss the possible research types
that Toyota may have employed in order to efficiently mitigate the issue.
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

It is safe to assume that a reporting study may have offered the terrible news to Toyota that
fateful January in 2010. However, their justification for suspending the sale was probably
supported by a combination of a descriptive study, an explanatory study, and a predictive study.
In effect, the 2010 Toyota debacle is a good example of the application of all four types of
applied research — “research dedicated to discovering solutions for immediate problems”.

A descriptive study seems to just scratch the surface of the issue by collecting data that leads to
questions such as, “What caused this to happen?”, “What models are affected?”, “How do we
quickly and safely mitigate the issue?”, “How do we prevent this from happening in the future?”,
and “What kind of consequences can we expect?”.

Truly answering these questions with well-supported and objective data would occur during an
explanatory study — “attempts to explain the reasons for the phenomenon that the descriptive
study only observed” (p. 23). In conjunction with the explanatory study, a predictive study would
proficiently address issues of how the malfunction happened in the first place and, of equal if not
more importance, how it can be avoided in the future.

It is clear that Toyota made use of these research types to their benefit. Despite heavy news
coverage, Congressional hearings, paying three federal penalties, and a slight 0.3% drop in sales
in 2010, Toyota improved internal checks and balances that ultimately led to improved quality
and safety of its vehicles. Much is to be said about a company that suffered such a setback yet
still remained the leader in retail brand with the Camry retaining its title as the best-selling
passenger car in the United States (Toyota Motor Sales, 2014).
Question 5
An automobile manufacturer observes the demand for its brand increasing as per capita income
increases. Sales increases also follow low interest rates, which ease credit conditions. Buyer
purchase behavior is seen to be dependent on age and gender. Other factors influencing sales
appear to fluctuate almost randomly (competitor advertising, competitor dealer discounts,
introductions of new competitive models). If sales and per capita income are positively related,
classify and describe all variables that might appear as dependent, independent, moderating,
extraneous, or intervening.
While interest rates are also an independent variable, it does not carry the direct influence on car
sales that per capital income does. It definitely affects car sales but only after the necessary
income levels are present which is why it’s best categorized as a moderating variable. After
credit approval has been established, based off of income of course interest rates are determined
and in many cases negotiated. As Carter points out, “During periods of easy credit, lenders are so
tightly interwoven into the car-buying process that dealers make money just by getting loans
approved” (Carter, 2015, p. 198). Because of this the base interest rates are not as significant as
the negations of the overall purchase of the vehicle. With the introduction of new competitive
models, the same stands true as with interest rates in regards to the need for sufficient income to
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

be present first but this variable can be extremely disruptive or be a great benefit to sales
depending on whether your introducing the new model or dealing with a competitors
introduction of a new model.
In this case there are also several extraneous variables (EV’s). These would include competitor
advertising and competitor dealer discounts. It could also be argued that the introduction of new
models could be an EV instead of an MV depending on the perceived affect it could have on a
particular market segment sales. Competitor advertising and discounts are extraneous variables
because these are assumed to be constant or happening all the time making them part of the
industry competitive structure lacking any significant effect on either the independent or
dependent variables.
Question 4
As research is designed, several ethical considerations must be balanced: Describe few of them
There are many organizations, like the Committee on Publication Ethics, dedicated to promoting
ethics in scientific research. These organizations agree that ethics is not an afterthought or side
note to the research study. It is an integral aspect of research that needs to remain at the forefront
of our work.

The research design must address specific research questions. Hence, the conclusions of the
study must correlate to the questions posed and the results. Also, research ethics demands that
the methods used must relate specifically to the research questions.

Voluntary Participation and Consent

An individual should at no point feel any coercion to participate in a study. This includes any
type of persuasion or deception in attempting to gain an individual’s trust.

Informed consent states that an individual must give their explicit consent to participate in the
study. You can think of consent form as an agreement of trust between the researcher and the

Sampling is the first step in research design. You will need to explain why you want a particular
group of participants. You will have to explain why you left out certain people or groups. In
addition, if your sample includes children or special needs individuals, you will have additional
requirements to address like parental permission.

The third ethics principle of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) states that: “The
confidentiality of the information supplied by research subjects and the anonymity of
respondents must be respected.” However, sometimes confidentiality is limited. For example, if a
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

participant is at risk of harm, we must protect them. This might require releasing confidential

Risk of Harm
We should do everything in our power to protect study participants. For this, we should focus on
the risk to benefit ratio. If possible risks outweigh the benefits, then we should abandon or
redesign the study. Risk of harm also requires us to measure the risk to benefit ratio as the study

Research Methods
We know there are numerous research methods. However, when it comes to ethical
considerations, some key questions can help us find the right approach for our studies.

i. Which methods most effectively fit the aims of your research?

ii. What are the strengths and restrictions of a particular method?

iii. Are there potential risks when using a particular research method?
Question 8
If the direction of a research project is not clear, it is often wise to follow a two-step research
procedure. Please enumerate, identify and discuss.
In a two-stage research design exploration becomes a separate first stage with limited objectives
& second designing the research design separately
(1) Clearly defining the research question
(2) developing the research design.
In these circumstances, one is operating in unknown areas, where it is difficult to predict the
problems and costs of the study. Proposals that acknowledge the practicality of this approach are
particularly useful when the research budget is inflexible. A limited exploration for a specific,
modest cost carries little risk for both sponsor and researcher and often uncovers information that
reduces the total research cost.
An exploratory study is finished when the researchers have achieved the following:
• Established the major dimensions of the research task.
• Defined a set of subsidiary investigative questions that can be used as guides to a detailed
research design.
• Developed several hypotheses about possible causes of a management dilemma.
• Learned that certain other hypotheses are such remote possibilities that they can be safely
ignored in any subsequent study.
• Concluded additional research is not needed or is not feasible.
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

Question 9
Establishing causality is difficult, whether conclusions have been derived inductively or
i. Explain and elaborate on the implications of this statement.
ii. Why is ascribing causality more difficult when conclusions have been reached through
iii. Correlation does not imply causation. Illustrate this point with examples from business.
Establishing causality is difficult, whether conclusions have been derived inductively or
a. Explain and elaborate on the implications of this statement.
A relationship between variables is hidden, but what is obvious are only the possible effects. A
relationship itself can only be theoretically hypothesized. For instance, a higher income level
may induce the purchase of higher priced cars, and this can be theoretically assumed. Yet the
data focuses on a purchase rather than the psychological processes. However, accuracy of results
of such a study could be questionable if there is a change of any component of the variable.

b.Why is ascribing causality more difficult when conclusions have been reached through
The hypothesis is used to explain inductively any sort of puzzling condition. The hypothesis is
used to further facts in a deduction to seek confirmation or denial of the hypothesis. However,
these conclusions are probabilistic and cannot be demonstrated with 100% accuracy.
The idea of causality is a complex process. To improve understanding John Stuart Mill’s 
Proposals can be used.  Though there is a lack of all relevant information to prove causal linkage
s (without a doubt), two or more cases of a given phenomenon that reveals only one condition m
ay be regarded as the cause (or effect) of the phenomenon. 
C. Correlation does not imply causation. Illustrate this point with examples from business.
A relationship between variables is hidden, but what is obvious are only the possible effects. A
relationship itself can only be theoretically hypothesized. For instance, a higher income level
may induce the purchase of higher priced cars, and this can be theoretically assumed. Yet the
data focuses on a purchase rather than the psychological processes. However, accuracy of results
of such a study could be questionable if there is a change of any component of the variable.
Question 6
Based on an analysis of the last six months’ sales, your boss notices that sales of chicken
products are declining in your chain’s restaurants. As chicken sales decline, so do profits.
Fearing chicken sales have declined due to several newspaper stories reporting virus
contamination discovered he suggests a survey of area restaurants to see if the situation is
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

i. What do you think of this research suggestion?
ii. How could you improve or redefine on your boss’s formulation of the research question?
There are number of reasons why the sales of beef products may be declining. Recent research
has suggested that economic uncertainty and falling grocery prices may be a cause of slow traffic
to restaurants (Kell, 2016). The sales of beef could be down due to fear or consumers making
healthier choices. There may be disturbance in supply of beef where the head chef of the
restaurant may be running out of or low in stock. This could lead to other ramifications within
the restaurant such as waitress not suggesting the beef entrée and recommending others to
customers. A research with all the factors and variables must be conducted within the restaurant
to determine the cause. Sales inventory month by month may be a start to see what entrées have
increased and what have declined and then using those statistics as a benchmark to compare to
other restaurants. A survey of area restaurants might support the idea of diminished sales but
wouldn’t provide a reason for the sales drop or help the manager to correct the situation. This
would lead to manager jumping to unwarranted conclusion that results in misspent research
dollars. The main issue that management is facing is that beef entrée sales are down. The
question that management should be asking and needs an answer tois what should be done to
increase the beef entrée sales? To answer this question, both internal and external causes should
be explored. Other questions that is in the same line of thought that could be answers when doing
exploratory research to answer this issue are: What can management do to reverse the trend of
declining beef entrees? Should beef entrée’s be sold? If yes, in various portions? Should a beef
entrée be marketed as a feature special.
Question 7
Develop the management–research question hierarchy for a management dilemma you had faced
at work or you can design your own if you are not associated with job.
There are six steps to the management research question hierarchy for a management dilemma
that can be faced at work.

Step 1: Management Dilemma:

Here you try to answer that what factors have resulted in the current problem? What
environmental factors have stimulated the issue? What symptom causes management concern?
An increased number of complaints have been received regarding a product due to delay in its

Step 2: Management Question: The management question is seen as the management dilemma
restated in question format
A management question asks what management can do to eliminate the problem
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

How can management fully eliminate the factors that are causing this problem? How can they
avail the opportunity?
What can be done so that the delay in delivery of the product does not occur again?

Step 3: Research Question:

By taking which course of action can the management eliminate the factors that are causing the
problem? What course of action is available so that opportunity can be availed?
Should the delivery service be switched to another company?

Step 4: Investigative Question:

Which alternate is most suitable for the managers to avail the opportunity?
Which specific delivery company can be used for the delivery of this product?

Step 5: Measurement Question:

How can the questions be measured? What needs to be asked or observed for the information
needed to solve the problem and the management research question?
What is the approximate delivery time of the best delivery company in the city?
Measurement questions are the questions asked of participants or the observations that must be
recorded. • Measurement questions should be outlined by the completion of the project planning
activities. • Two types of measurement questions are common in business research: 
Predesigned measurement questions s.  Custom-designed measurement questions 

Step 6: Management Decision: Based on the findings gained from the research, what action
course should the management take?

Question 10
Discuss your own opinion from a prospective and futuristic view of the importance of studying
business studies and in particular business research. Do you think it will be instrumental for your
future job career?
A business degree is a great way to develop many of the transferable skills needed for working in
a business environment. There are a number of business degrees which you can undertake, one
of the most common of which is an undergraduate business studies degree. Often a business
studies degree will cover subjects such as accounting, finance, management and, increasingly,
entrepreneurship. This wide range of subjects reflects the multidisciplinary nature of business,
and the importance of understanding all the key elements needed to make a business successful.
If you’re looking for a degree which specializes more in a particular aspect of the business world
(e.g. economics or marketing), consider taking a dedicated program in that area, or a joint honors
degree (e.g. Business & Economics). The advantage of a joint degree is that you acquire general
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

business skills along with more specialized ones, leaving you well placed when it comes to
applying for graduate jobs. Business studies demonstrates how a variety of areas of study can be
combined in productive 1. Develop key management skills
One of the biggest highlights of studying a business management degree is the key management
skills that will allow you to be a valuable asset to any organisation. You will build a skill set to
respond to challenges and current developments in business and society, giving you the ability to
make informed managerial decisions that consider ethical, economic and social implications.
Some of these essential business management skills include:
• critical and strategic thinking
• communication
• problem-solving
• organisation
• presenting
• reporting
• leadership
• project management.

2. Employability
Students who choose to study business management at university graduate with highly desirable
transferable skills and strong business knowledge, two things that are sought after by potential
employers. As you progress through your business management degree you will be able to shape
the direction of your career, choosing a specialist area of business that interests you such as
entrepreneurship or human resource management. Graduates of business management are
presented with a variety of job opportunities in:
• management
• consultancy
• marketing and advertising
• human resources
• retail and sales
• finance.

3. An introduction to the business world

A business management degree will help you gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the
core elements of business and management - it’s also a great introduction into the world of
business if you have no prior experience. It provides industry insights, such as market trends and
industry reports, which can prove to be invaluable and you will be encouraged to apply academic
theory to real-life business situations that will help you kickstart your career once you graduate.
4. Be your own boss
Not only will you have fantastic career opportunities after you graduate, but you will also have
the core elements to start your own business - all you need is a business idea to get you started.
Through developing your entrepreneurial skills and being able to test launch any business ideas
you might have, a business management degree puts you on the path to be your own boss - you
might even meet your future business partner at university.
Universities such as Kingston, offer specialist extracurricular activities to help keen
entrepreneurs who want to start their own business. You can take advantage of inspirational
guest speakers who run multi-million pound businesses and even pitch your business ideas to
Muhammad Muslim EP-19543024

expert judges through the University’s annual Bright Ideas competition - there’s £1,000 to be
5. Learn about multiple disciplines
If you’re not 100% certain on what you want your future career to be, or you just want to have a
broad knowledge, then a business management degree is an excellent choice. You will learn an
overview of the main business functions that contribute to the success of a business and then
often be able to specialise in an area of your choice. These typically include:
• human resource management
• entrepreneurship
• finance
activity. It provides an increased understanding of mutual dependence through business system,
as people becoming increasingly dependent on others. Finally, as the business environment is
dynamic and ever-changing, it can be an important tool to develop skills to cope with change.

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