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Should You Use Wood in a Weber Charcoal Grill?

Good food is a necessity and who doesn’t like it? Everybody does. One of the popular ways to
cook food would be via Grilling.
Today, we have a wide variety of cooking grills whether they be fuelled with charcoal or wood.
But then arises a question, are you allowed to use wood in a charcoal grill?
In short, yes. We will be deciphering all the puzzles you may have in mind in this article.
Can I Have a Wood Fire in My Weber Charcoal Grill?
There are no safety concerns here so, you can use wood as fuel in the grill. But you should about
some issues you will be facing.
For instance, proper ventilation is necessary or you won’t be able to cook your food. Also, as
wood does not produce as much heat as charcoal and burns quickly as well, you’ll have to add
more wood every often.
Now, if you have better quality hardwood such as apple, hickory, oak, etc. they may prove to be
better than charcoal. Fun fact, oak tends to burn hotter than some charcoal briquettes.
Also, using flavored wood gives your food a better taste. Charcoal doesn’t provide you with that.
Furthermore, firewood is controllable so, you can control its extent and flavor. 
Plus, you won’t be needing any accelerant or lighting liquid for firewood as long as you don’t
use wood logs.
How Do You Turn a Weber Grill into a Fire Pit?
Roll up your sleeves because it’s time to unscrew some tips and some disassembling. 
Step 1: Take out the iron dome, cooking grill, and charcoal grate from the Weber grill.
Step 2: the handles and the legs are secured with screws. So, take a screwdriver and first unscrew
the legs and then, remove them by pulling them out. 
Step 3: move towards the handle and unscrew the holding.
Step 4: take a measuring tape and note down the depth and diameter of the Weber grill (without
the iron dome).
Step 5: Now, it’s time to dig a hole so, get a shovel. You already have the measurements so,
simply add 2 (for cm) to the diameter and depth and then, dog a hole. For instance, the diameter
is 63 cm and the depth is 48 cm. So, dig a hole of 65 cm in diameter and 50 cm in depth.
Step 6: take the grill and push it gently and firmly inside the ground.
Step 7: there will be gaps left. To fill them, simply get rocks or gravel and put them inside them.
Put sufficient gravel to ensure a good grip. Also, if you want, you can decorate it a bit with
Step 8: At last, put back the charcoal grate in the grill and start the fire. On a safety note, put the
Weber dome back on the pit to prevent any damage.
That’s it, with the help of some household tools, you’ll be able to make it happen.
How Do You Cook with a Wood on a Weber Charcoal Grill?
It’s pretty simple compared to charcoal. Simply add wood to the grill then, pour accelerant or
papers to aid burning. Start the fire and wait for a few minutes. 
Once the wood turns greyish in color, stop the ventilation which will kill the fire. Now, your
wood coal will be smoldering rather than burning in flames.
Once you reach this state, you’re ready to put in your food and start grilling. Remember to keep
the lid slightly for some ventilation and to keep the smoke trapped.
Now, you must use certain flavor food for certain food. For instance, prefer hickory wood for
beef brisket, a whole turkey, etc. as they provide a robust flavor.
If you’re going to grill fish then, go with alder, it’s meant to provide that mild flavor. Hence, it
would be great if you get specific wood after doing some research.
Is It Okay to Burn Wood In a Weber Grill?
You may also be asking, “is using wood in the grill bad?”. The answer is no. charcoal, gas, and
wood go through the same reactions. What’s bad here is to char or partially blacken your food.
If you char the food a lot, you will be looking at a lot of carcinogens. So, simply grill it and avoid
charring your food and your health would be great.
But this doesn’t mean that wood isn’t a good choice. You should know the right technique. The
professionals suggest that you should keep the burning wood on the side and keep your food
above on the other side.
It’s wrong to keep your food directly above the burning wood. By keeping them separate, the
food will get time to absorb the smoke and develop the taste eventually.
This will prevent overcooking and charring. Plus, if you use flavored wood, your food will be
smoky and delicious.
Can I Perform BBQ with Wood instead of Charcoal in a Weber Grill?
Yes, absolutely. But it would be even better if you used both of them. Use charcoal and wood for
your food. As charcoal burns for longer it would be a perfect heat source and wood tends to burn
hotter so, cooking will be perfect.
But if you want to solely rely on wood then, it’s a green light. You have to look out for the
merits and demerits regarding wood.
The advantages are known to most of us. Let’s recall them quickly. Wood burns hotter and
provides a better smoky flavor to the food.
Plus, wood is considered a safe option compared to charcoal. The reason is that charcoal
sometimes has fluid which when burnt can be harmful to humans.
You’ll find wood being all-natural with flavor and no additives, making it the perfect choice as
Now, make sure your wood isn’t moist. It will directly affect your food as you’ll be struggling in
lighting it and a dark smoke may also generate which doesn’t provide that good taste.

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