Term Test 1 Plus

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Term Test 1 PLUS

Name: Score: / 50

1 Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
( / 10)
1 You (look) fabulous in your wedding dress!
2 I’d like to know what (happen) in your life at the moment.
3 Why (click) on the link again and again? It doesn’t work!
4 My uncle (get married) next week so we are all excited.
5 What time (the film, start)?
6 I keep explaining but he (understand).
7 When (have) your party?
8 Why are you asking me if I want sugar? You know I (like) it.
9 My sister (watch) the news every night at 10pm.
10 I need to get my computer repaired because it (work).

2 Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. ( / 10)

1 We … each other for ten years before we finally … engaged.
a knew / got
b were knowing / were getting
c had known / got
2 The guests … when I … at the wedding party.
a had finished eating / arrived
b ate / arrived
c finished eating / was arriving
3 … to hospital when you … a child?
a Were you ever going / had been
b Did you ever go / were
c Had you ever gone / were being
4 I … an email when the computer … .
a wrote / crashed
b was writing / crashed
c had written / was crashing
5 My aunt … three children when she … to adopt a baby.
a had / had decided
b was having / was deciding
c had already had / decided
6 I remember you! … lots of nosebleeds when we … to school together?
a Weren’t you having / were going
b Hadn’t you had / had gone
c Didn’t you have / went

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7 … when I … you? Sorry!
a Were you sleeping / called
b Did you sleep / was calling
c Had you slept / called
8 The wound … still open after a long time because he … enough stitches.
a was / hadn’t had
b had been / wasn’t having
c was / had had
9 I … open the website because the link … .
a hadn’t been able to / wasn’t working
b couldn’t / wasn’t working
c wasn’t able to / hadn’t worked
10 While we … on the beach, the sun … .
a were sitting / had risen
b sat / had risen
c were sitting / was rising

3 Find and correct one mistake in each sentence. ( / 8)

1 I’ve been living here for ten years but I still haven’t been meeting my neighbours.
2 He’s broken his leg four times but he hasn’t never stopped playing football.
3 The couple have been dating for ten months and they just get engaged.
4 I’ve been waiting since four hours and I’ve called you ten times.
5 I’ve been receiving two hundred emails from him because he has been sending me them for weeks.

6 We haven’t finished the project still although we’ve been working for hours.
7 Have you ever gone to the new sports centre that they have just opened?
8 I’ve already open your email and I see you’ve sent the attachment.

4 Rewrite the sentences so they have the same meaning as the one given. Use the prompts given.
( / 6)
1 They moved here ten years ago and they haven’t stopped renovating their house.
They / live / ten years / and / renovate / house / since then.

2 The film started, the lights went off, then I arrived.

The film / already / start / and / lights / go off / arrive.

3 The plan is to have a party for our grandparents’ anniversary next weekend. They got married
40 years ago.
We / celebrate / our grandparent’s anniversary / next weekend / as / they / married / 40 years.

4 There are three books by that writer and ten documentaries.

She / write / three books / and / make / ten / documentaries.

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5 As they walked, it rained. It also got dark.
While / walk / rain / get / dark.

6 I don’t like the smell of that food and I’m disgusted by its appearance.
That food / smell / bad / and / look / disgusting.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be, do or have. ( / 6)

1 We had our new car for long when one day it start.
2 What you doing tomorrow night? The film start until 9pm so we
can do something before that.
3 What you think of my new haircut? It cost much at all.
4 My back hurting. I think I injured it.
5 Where you buy that computer? I never seen one like it!
6 They already built the school when they discovered it big enough
for the town.

6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs which
you do not need to use. ( / 10)

climb · cut · die · get · give · give up · hear · know · lose · miss · see · shout

you about that guy who 2 off his arm to save
himself when he alone in the mountains and 4 trapped between
5 6
two rocks? After three days, he anyone at all and he his phone
signal. He 7 almost hope of surviving. Finally, he decided to
amputate his own arm. Amazingly, he 8 but escaped and made it to a road. Since
then, there have been two films made about him and he 9 lots of talks around the
world. I 10 if he has been climbing again!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Shape the Future 1 – 3

Name: Score: / 50

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not
need to use. ( / 10)

bandage · bruised · cut · ex-wife · hard drive · hashtag ·

niece · siblings · sprained · windows · wounded
1 My laptop memory is full so I need to buy an external to store everything.
2 The soldiers took their colleagues to the medical tent.
3 I am badly after falling downstairs but nothing worse than that.
4 My brother often lets me take my out to the park.
5 Closing some of those open means your computer will run faster.
6 The doctor put a on my ankle.
7 He gets on well with his and they share time with the children equally.
8 When you use Twitter, you need to understand how to use a .
9 It’s only a small but it’s painful and you need to clean it.
10 My are always the first to wish me happy birthday in my family.

2 Put the letters in order to complete the sentences. ( / 6)

1 You can’t just copy and teaps from the Internet when doing school projects.
2 I stopped playing rugby at 18 because I didn’t want to enriju myself any more.
3 Did you know you can topad abandoned dogs and cats instead of buying them from
pet shops?
4 Click on the icon and grad it to the place you want it on the screen.
5 The first time I went skiing I fell over and ruth myself so many times, I wanted to
give it up completely.
6 Why don’t you raches on the web for a good restaurant for tonight?

3 Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. ( / 8)

1 When does the new copy of Sports and Fitness magazine get through / come out / settle down?
2 I’m sorry for not doing my share of the work; how can I blow it up / settle down / make up for it?
3 The divorce was so difficult, at the time I thought I would never settle down / get through it / make up
for it.
4 A strong supportive family is very helpful when you have to deal with / come out / stick to problems.
5 My nephew was visiting my town so, of course, I offered to put him up / deal with him / make up for him.
6 The sign says don’t smoke near a petrol pump as there is a risk it could get through / come out / blow up.
7 My parents and I disagree about the best age to get married and deal with / make up for / settle down.
8 When you have exams it’s important to make a plan and stick to it / deal with it / get through it.

4 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. ( / 10)

1 I know it’s silly but I find cat videos on the Internet really entertained.

2 She pushed the car so hardly that she sprained her shoulder.

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3 I won’t tolerate such inmature behaviour! Go to your room!

4 I’m very confusing about this week’s homework; what do we have to do?

5 He switched on the wrong part of the oven accidental and burnt himself.

6 Some people unapprove of graffiti but others recognise how artistic it is.

7 They loved each other but happily separated because their families didn’t agree with the marriage.

8 I’m not going to use this news website any more as its reports are inreliable.

9 Can you ask your stepbrother to stop that noise; he’s so annoyed!

10 It’s no good being untolerant if you live in a big family with lots of siblings.

5 Choose the best word to complete the sentences. ( / 6)

1 You really need to … all your files so you don’t lose them if your computer stops working.
a log on b back up c upgrade
2 The exam results were quite … as we had expected higher grades.
a disappointing b convincing c depressing
3 I got a … in my hand when I was climbing the tree.
a blister b concussion c splinter
4 I’m sure my brother … deleted my documents when I lent him my laptop; he’s so naughty!
a deliberately b casually c patiently
5 You can’t ask someone out again if you … the first time!
a fancied them b agreed with them c stood them up
6 The customer was very … with the response from the shop about her complaint.
a informal b unlikely c displeased

6 Complete the words in the text. The first letter is given to help you. ( / 10)
Last Saturday was possibly the worst day of my life so far! It all started in the morning when I was trying
to finish an essay for school and my computer suddenly 1 c ! I hadn’t 2 u
the essay on to my cloud account or saved it on a 3 h d ,
so it was completely lost. I 4 p started writing it all again, when my neighbour came
round and asked for help as he had just got a dog 5 b while he was out playing football.
I could see he needed 6 s so I called an ambulance. While we were waiting for it to
arrive, my little sister walked in and when she saw the wound, she 7 f ! She fell
8 9
h on the floor and when she woke up she had a d shoulder!
To make matters worse, I forgot I had asked a girl out that afternoon and when I told her later why I
had stood her up, we 10 f o and she hasn’t spoken to me since then.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Shape the Future 1 – 5

Name: Score: / 50

1 Read the text and answer questions 2–7.

VR tourism: the holiday of the future?

Do you love travelling and experiencing new places, sounds, sights and sensations? But does the
hassle of booking tickets, packing your suitcases, getting to the airport and your destination mean
holidays often turn into hard work for you? Then you need to try out VR travel. With a suitable
headset and one of the virtual reality travel apps we tested, you no longer need to get hot under
the collar to enjoy faraway places.
Engineers started using the first virtual reality programs to help them model new planes and oil
refineries, and thus check for design problems early enough to save their companies millions of
dollars. By the early 1990s, computer game designers were recognising the potential for VR in
their industry. However, it has taken until now for the graphics and other technical limitations to be
overcome. The uses of VR now extend from pilot training, to geologists who use it to survey huge
areas and architects who use it to show people around their future creations. Even housebound
elderly people can enjoy a virtual break from their routines and go on a trip down memory lane or
somewhere new using VR travel. The travel industry is using it to give customers a taste of what
their holiday will be like, but you can dispense with paying for travel almost completely with some
of these amazing truly immersive applications.
One of the first VR experiences available, which caused a lot of excitement when it first came out,
was a space exploration app. We’ve probably all dreamed of riding in a spaceship and exploring
our solar system, and with this app you can do exactly that. It gives you a theme-park style ride
through space, while providing facts and information about the planets you are passing on the
way. This is the closest you’ll ever get to feeling like an astronaut! For those who prefer your feet
firmly on the ground, the Everest-based VR app is the one for you. This app is great value for
money as it contains a lot of exciting interactive mountain-climbing action with astonishing
graphics. You move between the various base camps while getting through the challenges of
avalanches and other threats, but, of course, at the same time avoiding injuring yourself as you
might in reality!
Other travel VR apps on the market include museum and art gallery tours, Grand Canyon kayak
rides, deep-sea exploration and many more. What are you waiting for? Jump on board!

2 Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Justify your answers with words from the text.
( / 5)
1 VR tourism is good for people who like holidays but hate organising them.

2 In 1990, the computer gaming industry was ready to use VR.

3 VR can be used to check the geology of big extensions of land.

4 Using the space app is exactly like being an astronaut.

5 Mountain-climbing in real life can cause you to get injured.

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3 Choose the best answer according to the text. ( / 5)
1 ‘To get hot under the collar’ means …
a to feel hot
b to feel stressed
c to travel
d to wear too many clothes
2 The graphics and other technical problems …
a were solved in the 1990s.
b have recently been solved.
c haven’t been solved yet.
d will stop VR being popular.
3 Older people can enjoy …
a walking down lanes.
b leaving their homes.
c a new routine.
d travelling virtually to somewhere from the past and a new place.
4 With the space exploration app you’ll get …
a a ride in a theme park.
b a trip through the universe.
c to explore and learn about the solar system.
d a book about space.
5 The Everest app lets you …
a experience how it feels to be injured.
b face the dangers of the mountains.
c keep your feet on the ground.
d experience camping.

4 Answer the questions in your own words. ( / 5)

1 What aspects of tourism do some people dislike?

2 What was VR first used for?

3 How do travel agents use VR?

4 Why is the Everest app worth the cost?

5 What other travel apps are available?

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5 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. ( / 5)
1 A VR travel app and a is all you need for VR tourism.
2 VR can give elderly people a from their limited daily lives.
3 The space exploration app allows people to fulfill their of space travel.
4 The Everest app presents you with several to try and beat.
5 You will not get using the Everest app, although in real life you might.

6 Find the words or phrases in the text with the following meanings. ( / 5)
1 stressful, unwanted work (paragraph 1)
2 to solve a problem, to get through a challenge (paragraph 2)
3 unable to leave the house (paragraph 2)
4 to avoid, to forget about (2 words) (paragraph 2)
5 dangers (paragraph 3)

7 Write an opinion essay (100–150 words) about whether you think VR travel is as good as real
travel. ( / 25)

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2019 Shape the Future 1 – 8

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