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Adult Learners Youth Learners

Problem-centered; seek educational solutions Subject-oriented; seek to successfully

to where they are compared to where they complete each course, regardless of how
want to be in life course relates to their own goals

Results-oriented; have specific results in Future-oriented; youth education is often a

mind for education - will drop out if mandatory or an expected activity in a youth's
education does not lead to those results life and designed for the youth's future
because their participation is usually

Self-directed; typically not dependent on Often depend on adults for direction

others for direction

Often skeptical about new information; prefer Likely to accept new information without
to try it out before accepting it trying it out or seriously questioning it

Seek education that relates or applies directly Seek education that prepares them for an
to their perceived needs, that is timely and often unclear future; accept postponed
appropriate for their current lives application of what is being learned

Accept responsibility for their own learning if Depend on others to design their learning;
learning is perceived as timely and reluctant to accept responsibility for their own
appropriate learning

Visual learner

 Needs and likes to visualise things

 Children’s Learning Styles

 Learns through images - can remember the pictures on a page

 Enjoys art and drawing
 Reads maps, charts and diagrams well
 Interested in machines and inventions
 Plays with Lego and other construction toys, and likes jigsaw puzzles.
 Can be a daydreamer in class.

Kinaesthetic learner

 Processes knowledge through physical sensations

 Highly active, not able to sit still long
 Communicates using body language and gestures
 Shows you rather than tells you
 Wants to touch and feel the world around them
 May be good at mimicking others
 Enjoys sports or other activities where they can keep moving.
Auditory learner

 thinks in words and verbalises concepts

 spells words accurately and easily, as they can hear the different sounds - so tends
to learn phonetically rather than through 'look and say' techniques.
 Can be a good reader, though some prefer the spoken word
 Has excellent memory for names, dates and trivia
 Likes word games
 Enjoys using tape recorders and often musically talented
 Usually able to learn their times tables with relative ease.

Logical learner

 Thinks conceptually, likes to explore patterns and relationships

 Enjoys puzzles and seeing how things work
 Constantly questions and wonders
 Likes routine and consistency
 Capable of highly abstract forms of logical thinking at early age
 Does mental arithmetic easily
 Enjoys strategy games, computers and experiments with a purpose
 Creates own designs to build with blocks/Lego
 Not so good at the more 'creative' side.

Beginning as early as the first few months of life children reveal their particular preference
for learning. Meredith already displays the characteristics of a Listener, Carlitos, a Looker,
and Wyatt, a Mover. Learning styles can be identified so early because they're inborn and
run in families.

In my own practice I've noted that in over 80 percent of the children I've seen, learning
style is either identical to that of one parent or a blend of both parents' styles. Another 10
percent have a learning style like that of a close relative such as an grandparent or uncle.

From the time they're in the crib, Listeners are attuned to sounds and words, talk early and
have large vocabularies. From the first year of life Lookers are drawn to color, shape and
motion and display excellent eye-hand coordination. As babies Movers often crawl, stand
and walk ahead of schedule and are well-coordinated.

It's never too early to introduce variety in play with your baby. For example, if your baby
tends to favor Looker toys (such as crib mobiles or a busy box), make it a point to bring in
Listener and Mover toys as well.

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