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Quarter 2: Module 4
Compare and Contrast


Compare and Contrast Own Opinion with Those Presented in Familiar Text.

Welcome to the English 8 Module. This module discusses the compare and contrast on own
opinions. Below are the instructions in using this module. Have fun while learning!

How to use this module?

1. Read and follow the instructions carefully before doing each activity.
2. Do not forget to answer Pre-test before moving on to the succeeding activities.
3. Do your best, be honest in doing the tasks, and seek the help of your parents if needed.
4. Return this module to your teacher properly and neatly.
5. Do not hesitate to call or message your teacher if something is not clear to you.

Note: Remember that your teacher cares for you.


This module is made using different strategies and techniques that cope with your
interest and skills. Discussions are made simple for you to understand the lesson clearly. You
may also use your internet connection if you need it.

The module contains the following activities:

• Activity 1 – Makato and the Cowrie Shell (Summary)
• Activity 2 – Former Comelec janitor to lawyer
• Activity 3 – Character Analysis

While going through this module, you are expected to:

1. compare and contrast own opinions with the presented familiar text;
2. explain the similarities and differences of two concepts;
3. make a character analysis of Makato and the Cowrie Shell (Summary), and
Comelec janitor to lawyer.


Let us test if you have ideas about our topic. Answer this Pre-test to begin our adventure!
Choose the letter of your answers and write them on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Juan is a school boy from the province and Maria is a school girl from the city, while
walking they heard the singing of the Philippine nation anthem near the post office, they
both stand straight and put their right hand on their chest until the song ends and
continue walking. What are their similarities?
A. Juan and Maria are both busy students.
B. Juan and Maria do not care what they have heard.
C. Juan and Maria are both students who respect the National Anthem.
D. Juan and Maria run when they heard the singing of the National Anthem.

2. The use of tobacco or cigarette may result to reduction in activity of brain and nervous
system on the other hand, the methamphetamine may cause permanent damage to
blood vessels of heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes
and death. Which is true in the following statements?
A. Methamphetamine can be sold in any drugstore.
B. Tobacco is natural and good for our body.
C. Tobacco and methamphetamine are both dangerous but can be useful.
D. Tobacco and methamphetamine may destroy our brain and nervous system.

3. My sister is a policewoman while my brother is a cook in a restaurant. Which of the

following statement is evident?
A. My brother is better in cooking skills.
B. My sister is stronger than my brother.
C. They sister is brave enough to be a policewoman.
D. Man and woman have the right to equality of opportunity.


Differences Similarities Differences

Dark brown skin
of skin Filipino Curly hair
Thin hair Also known as

Dark skin

4. Which is true among the following statements?
A. Aeta, Malay and Indones are Filipinos.
B. Aeta and Malays are foreign races.
C. Indones, Aeta and Malay came from the same race.
D. They are all in the same community that lives harmoniously.

5. Which of the following does not tell about the Filipino?

A. thin hair
B. dark brown skin
C. also known as Negritos
D. red haired

Pick and Think!

So, before we go on, let us review our previous lesson using the activity below to test your
knowledge and critical thinking ability.
Using your visual multimodal skills, identify the actions portrayed in each picture.

_________________________ ________________________ ________________________


Have you been in a scenario in which you need to choose? Are you having a hard time to
generate or list down similarities and differences of two or more objects? Well, you must know
how to compare things first. So, let me help you on these things.

Compare and contrast is used to get the similarities and differences of two or more different
Compare: Finding how two or more things are alike. Clue words that tell how things are alike;
same, like, both, alike, still, likewise, in the same ways, in comparisons, at the same time, in the
same manner and similar.
Contrast: Finding how things are different. Clue words that tell how things are different; but
unlike, different, however, on the other hand, but, yet, nonetheless and whereas

Tips in Comparison and Contrast

1. Analyze the Question

- You must point out what things you are comparing to one
another. Analyze why and how they are the same or different
from one another.
2. Identify Similarities and Differences in the Content/Structure
- In finding the comparison of two or more things remember that
there is always a clue word that tells you how things are the
same. For examples are alike, same, likewise, in the same
manner, in comparison and similar. With these clue words, it
will be easy enough for you to find their differences.
3. Develop Higher-Order Thinking skills
- Compare & Contrast acts as a practical and easy-to-use
introduction to higher-order thinking. This is because as you
compare things, your ability to analyze and think critically will
improve and develop as well.
What do you usually use when you compare or contrast things? Let me give you some tips!

Compare and Contrast use Graphic Organizers such as:


Venn Diagram -a graphic

organizer that allows students to
create a visual map that contains
two overlapping circles enabling
them to organize their thinking as
they compare and contrast
information in text.


Three Column Notes - this strategy helps students with comparing and contrasting.
Attributes are compared and contrasted using three-columns (different-same-
different). This is similar to a Venn diagram, but in column form.
Birds Chicken
Differences Similarities Differences
Can fly feathers Cannot fly
Lives in forest beak Lives in farm


Character Mapping- is also
known as character analysis is
breaking down the characters in YOUNG
order to better understand them. AGED FARMER
This involves comparing, which is
showing the similarities between
and contrasting, which is showing
the differences between two or
more things.

Use the VENN!

Let us now try if you really understand the lesson.

Objective: Compare and contrast the characters in the story using Venn Diagram.

Instructions: Read the Summary of Makato and the Cowrie Shell, and answer the
comprehension check that follows. Complete the information using Venn Diagram.

Makato and the Cowrie Shell (summary)


A young boy named Makato was an orphan, and didn't have any way to support himself,
so he worked hard doing whatever jobs that he could to survive. Makato was a very hard
worker, and people noticed that. He would dream of going on an adventure to a bigger place
where the land was fertile and the people were kind, and he was encouraged to do that.

One day, when he had prepared enough, he set out. It took him a month to get to the
bigger town, and when he arrived he asked a woman for water. He told her that he had come
such a long way because he wanted to see the king, who he had heard was kind. He worked
with the king's elephants and he started working for her. After some time working, he did
encounter the king, and during the encounter he picked up a cowrie shell that was lying on the
road and offered it to the king (Cowrie shells were used for money, but just one was practically

When Makato offered the shell to the King, the King said he could keep it, and so
Makato pondered what he could do to honor the king's gift. He saw some lettuce seeds at a stall
in the market and thought that he could grow them. He asked the woman about them, and she
let him have as many as would stick to his finger in return for his treasured cowrie shell. He
grew the lettuces, and next time he saw the king, he gave one to him, telling him he grew them
from the shell the king had given him. The king was impressed, gave him a job in the castle, and
he eventually grew up and married the daughter of the king.

Comprehension Check:
1. Who are the main characters in the story?
2. What is Makato’s dream for his future?
3. How did Makato impress the king?
4. What is the moral of the story?
Now, let us compare Makato’s success to your own example of success using

Who am I?

Objective: Supply information from the reading material using Character Analysis.

Instruction: Using Character Analysis, compare the two characters in the texts you have read.
Put inside the box the characters and their characteristics.

Title Characters Characteristics


Janitor to


To avoid confusion in this lesson, these are the things you need to remember.
1. You must think critically and analyze what things are being compared with.
2. Find the keywords before you compare and contrast two things.
3. Comparing and contrasting is a good way to practice your skills and an
introduction to higher-order thinking skills.
4. Venn Diagram is a visual map that contains two overlapping circles enablingyou to
organize your thinking as you compare and contrast information in text.
5. Three column notes is a strategy that helps you in making comparison and contrast. This
is also similar with Venn Diagram but in column form.
6. Character Mapping is an analyzation and breaking down of the characters and
giving their characteristics as well.


It is time to check if you really understand the topic. Enjoy the activity as you work on the
given graphic organizers.
Objective: Use the graphic organizers to compare and contrast.
Instructions: Using the three graphic organizers, try to analyze the life of a student before
Covid19 and during Covid19
Life of a student before Covid19 Life of a student during Covid19

1. Venn Diagram 2. Three-Column-Notes 3. Character Mapping


Time to find out on how much you have learned from the previous discussions and activities.
You may take some time to review this module and your notes before taking this part.

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of your answers and write them on a separate sheet of

1. The nurses and doctors are working in a hospital while the soldiers and policemen are in
the street. These workers are called frontliners of Covid19. Which of the following
statements is not true?
A. Nurses and doctors work in hospitals.
B. The frontliners are all heroes in fighting against the Covid19.
C. Nurses and doctors have bigger responsibility in the pandemic.
D. Policemen and soldiers prohibit the civilians to go out of their homes.

2. Makato is a boy who fulfills his dreams by hardwork and does whatever job he could to
survive. Ramil works as a janitor while studying law until he passed the board exam.
What characteristics do they have in common?
A. perseverance C. dependent on others
B. happy go lucky D. lazy and satisfied

3. Junk foods do not contain any source of vitamins or minerals while fruits are good
source of vitamins as well as vegetables. Which statement is true?
A. Junk foods may cause different sickness.
B. Junk foods are more delicious than fruits.

C. Fruits and vegetables are good for our body.

D. Junk foods and foods are both good for our body.

4. Nena and Lando separate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable to recycle garbage,
they are also involved in different organizations that help the environment. Which of this
statement is evident?
A. Lando is a better leader than Nena.
B. Both love and protect the environment.
C. Lando is more compassionate than Nena.
D. Nena’s ideas are better than Lando’s ideas.

5. In the early 80’s to 90’s, people used telephone to connect to their love ones who are far
from them. Now, there are lots of ways to connect to them like mobile phones,
computers, and tablets. What is the best description between the two generations?
A. Mobile phone is cheaper to use.
B. Mobile phone can be used outside.
C. Mobile phone is much better to use than landline.
D. Mobile phone and landline unite us with our love ones far from us.

Double Bubble

Good job! Now, let us ponder all the knowledge that you have learned!

Objective: Write an essay using the given details below.

Instructions: Study the Double Bubble below. Write a brief reflective essay regarding
basketball and soccer.
Throw and Kick and
Shoot Catch
Basketball Soccer

Use of ball
Five players Eleven

5 pts. – The essay compares and contrasts items clearly. The essay gives specific examples to
illustrate and the sufficient information for comparison.
4 pts.- The essay compares and contrasts items clearly, but the supporting information is quite
3 pts. - The essay compares and contrasts items clearly, but the supporting information is totally
2 pts. - The essay does not compare or contrasts and there is no supporting information or

Answer Sheet

1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
4. ____________
5. ____________

Looking Back
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

Activity 1
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________

Activity 2
Characters Characteristics

_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________

Check your Understanding

1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
4. ____________
5. ____________


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