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You should Spend аЬоиt 2О minutes оп queStions 1-13.

DomeStic cLocks
The domeStic cIock WaS not exactly iпVепtеd; it WaS ргоЬаЬ1у а Sрiп-оff fгоm the
Scientific actMtieS of сhuгсhmеп, аStго|оgегS and mechanicS of the Middle AgeS
iпtегеStеd in iпсгеаSiпg thеiг knoWledge of the StагS ог imргоViпg discipIine in геIigiоuS
соmmuпitiеS. РегhарS Some 13th-сепtuгу king ог Ьishор fiгSt had а cIock in his houSe
as а SуmЬо| of ргеStigе ог Wеа|th, ог регhарS fгоm iпtегеSt, ог to са|| him to ргауег,
СегtаiпIу, the сhuгсh aSsistant needed to knoW When to Wагп the Watchman to гiпg the
Ье|| in the WаtсhtоWег to Wагп the |оса| реор|е аЬоut Some communal activity Such aS
digging а ditсh, ргерагiпg to defend themseIVeS againSt гаidегS, ог gаthегiпg to help
put а f iге оut.
So роSsiЬ|у it WaS the Wаtсhmап'S с|осk оп the Wа|| that Ьесаmе the domeStic iгоп
с|осk of the mеdiеVа| hоusеhо|d. |t WaS а VаIuаЬ|е роSSеssiоп, and When the family
moVed it Went With thеm, just as did апу g|аSS WindoWS they hаd.1гоп с|осks and
|апtегп с|осks, hanging оп the Wа|I fгоm а hооk, Wеге the fiгSt gепега| domestic с|осks.
The Weights that роWегеd them hung ЬеIоW them and gепега11у had to Ье pulled up
twice а dау. |п Some соuпtгiеS, it Ьесаmе fаShiопаЬIе to fit огпаtе Wooden caSeS
агоuпd them and moUnt theSe cIocks оп Wooden Ьгасkеts.
А|thоUgh the Wеight-dгivеп с|осk Was not огigiпа|lу designed fог domeStic uSе, the
Sргiпg-dгivеп опе uпdоuЬtеdlу Wаs. The use of а coiled sргiпg inStead of а Weight to
ргоVidе роWег made роSsiЬ|е fiгSt the рогtаЬ|е с|осk and SuЬSеquепtlу the Smа||ег,
регSопаI с|осk, Which WaS Iаtег са|Iеd а Wаtсh. Sргiпg cIocks Wеге fiгSt made in Fгапсе
in the 1400S, it Sееms, Ьut Iittle is knoWn of thеiг огigiп. The еаг|iеSt Sргiпg-dгivеп с|осk
knoWn is dated аЬоut 1450. lt is Iike the Wеight-dгivеп cIOck of the time Ьut With the
Weights гер|асеd Ьу coiled Sргiпgs.

The сhапgеоvег fгоm Wеight-dгivеп to Sрhпg-dгivеп clocks did not ргоVе So SimрIе,
hоWеVег, ЬесаuSе, unIike the faIIing Wеight, the coiled Sргiпg did not ргоVidе а conStant
Sоuгсе of роWег. When Wound uр, the Sргiпg gaVe а fогсе that WaS Vегу Stгопg, Ьut
оп|у fог а Shогt timе. The fогсе then dесгеаSеd uпеVеп|у fог some hоuгS Ьеfоге S|оWiпg
гарidlу. The middle of the гапgе WaS moSt uSeful fог dгМпg the сlосk, Ьut the геduсiпg
fогсе WaS а ргоЬIеm. Еаг1у coiled Sргiпgs also Suffегеd fгоm the fact that they could
not Ье made Vегу eVenIy ог Smoothly and did not coil ассuгаtеIу. When this hаррепеd,
the роWег WaS ге|еаSеd in uneVen ЬuгSts, The meanS adopted to оVегсоmе theSe
disаdvапtаgеs, Which diгесtlу affected timekeeping ассuгасу, Wеге twоfо|d.
The fiгSt Step WaS to |imit the uSe of the Sргiпg to the middle of its action to ргеVепt it
fгоm dгiviпg the с|осk When it WaS too tightly Wound up ог not Wound up tightly епоugh.
The next Step WaS to ргоVidе а fогm of geahng Ьеtwееп the Sргiпg and the с|осk to
make the роWег output mоге еvеп. The method WaS So SimрIе, ingeniouS and elegant
that it haS геmаiпеd in uSе, at IeaSt in сегtаiп typeS of сlосk, fгоm the time it WaS
inVented uml tоdау.
|t is са||еd the fusее, meaning а Spindle Wound With а thгеаd, А fusee is а tгumреt-
Shaped оЬjесt With а toothed ог gеаг Whее| at the |агgег епd, Which is connected to the

З8 FOcusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

dгiviпg WheeI of the сlосk. The tгumреt-Shареd рагt haS а SрiгаI gгооVе cut in it, and а
Stгопg thгеаd attached to the gгооVе at the Iагgег епd. The геSt of the thгеаd is Wound
гоuпd the Ьагге| of the с|осk, containing the Sргiпg. When the fusee is tuгпеd With а
kеу, the thгеаd is pulled off the ЬаггеI, Which Winds up the Sргiпg inSide it. The thгеаd is .
Wound Оп the fusee gгооVе, Which ЬесоmеS SmаI|ег and SmаIIег in diаmеtег, So that in
effect it meanS the sргiпg dгivеS the clock at а conStant Sрееd.
FuSeeS Wеге uSed fгоm the 1400S to the еаг1у 1900S. This геIаtivе|у Simр|е deVice to
imргоVе timekeeping Ьу еquа|isiпg the uneVen pull of the mаiпSргiпg achieVed its
рuгроSе еffесtivеIу, GгапVШе ВаiШе, а Ieading с|осkmаkег and Wаtсhmаkег in the
1900S, Said of the fusее, `РегhарS по ргоЬIеm in mechanicS haS еVег Ьееп Solved So
Simр|у and So регfесtlу.'

Questions 1-5
Do the fо1lоWiпg statements аgгее with the iпfогmаtiоп given in Reading Passage 1 ?
1п ЬохеS 1-5 оп уоиг апSwег sheet wгitе
TRUE if the Statement аgгееs with the infomiation
FALSE if the Statement сопtгаdiсts the infomiation
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по iпfогmаtiоп оп this

1 The еагliеSt domestic с1осks wеге dеVе1ореd to ргоVidе юutiпе fог hоuSеhо1dегs.
2 МеdiеVа1 clocks геmаiпеd оп the ргорегtу When the оWпегs sо1d thеiг hоmе.
3 Pulling the Weights оп Wа11-mоuпtеd с1осks геquiгеd ргесisе Skill.
4 It is the sргiпg inside that аl1оWs а Watch to Ье moVed агоuпd.
5 The ЁгS. sргiпg-dгivеп clocks had dimculty keeping the соггесt timе.

Reading з9
Questions 6-10
Complete the notes Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THAN ТНКЕЕ wOHDS fгот the passage fог each апSwег.
Wгitе уоиг апSwегs in ЬохеS 6-1О оп уоиг апswег Shееt.

Questions 1 О-1 З
Апswег the qиеsйопs Ьеlоw.
ChooSe NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fгот the passage fог each апswег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегs in Ьохеs 1О-13 оп уоиг апSwег shееt.
10 WhatdoeS afusee 1ооklikе?
11 Whatis connected to the sрiга1 gгооVе оп а fusее?
12 What оЬjесt is геquiгеd to wind the Sргiпg оп the fusее?
13 What does the gгаduаl геduсtiоп ofthe fusee gгооVе епSuге?

4О FOcusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

You should spend аЬоиt 2О minuteS оп queStions 14-27.

Questions 14-21
Reading PaSSage 2 haS eight рагаgгарhs, А-Н.
Choose the соггесt heading fог each рагаgгарh fгот the list of headings Ьеlоw.
Wгitе the соггесt питЬег, i-хi, i,п Ьохеs 14-21 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.

List of headings
i АIасkоfiпfогmаtiоп аЬоutwhаtisiпtгаsh
ii Achangein рuЬ|iсаttitudе
iii The uпсегtаiпtу оftгаsh destination
iv AtypicaI hоuSеhоIdег's ргеsепt action
v FОгmulаtiпg the ultimate гuЬЬish solution
vi sе|есtiоп of гесусIiпg сепtгеs
vii Аwауtоtгасеwhаt happenSto гuЬЬish
viii Detailsofhowthe геsеагсh will Ье done
ix VагiаtiопS in the effect ofwaste оп the suггоuпdiпg агеа
х FutuгеsоuгсеSоfusеful mаtегiа|S
xi Nеtwогk соvегаgе fогtеIесоmmuпiсаtiопS

14 РагаgгарhА
15 РагаgгарhВ
16 РагаgгарhС
17 РагаgгарhD
18 РагаgгарhЕ
19 РагаgгарhF
20 РагаgгарhG
21 РагаgгарhН

Reading 41
Тгаsh tгасI{егs
А So you сагеfullу sерагаtе уоuг сагdЬоагd fгоm уоuг uSed glass сопtаiпегs, Wash уоuг
empty tins and tеаг the Staples off sсгар рарег. You Н11 уоuг Vагiоus Ьiпs and put them out
to Ье taken aWay With the геmаiпs of the Wееk'S meals and domeStic гuЬЬish. And thеп,
Safe in the kпоW1еdgе that you haVe done уоuг Ьit fог the епViгопmепt, you fогgеt а11 аЬоut

В 1п fасt, the 1ifе stогу of уоuг Weekly gагЬаgе is just Ьеgiппiпg. Ап а1umiпium сап, fог
iпstапсе, could haVe а Vагiеtу of fаtеS. It might Ье сгushеd and Sent Ьасk to the canning
fасtогу to Ье tumed into neW сапs. Ог it could end up in the пеагеst 1апdЁ1l Site ог get
shipped off оVегSеаs to Ье еithег гесус1еd ог dumреd. The tгuth is that поЬОdу сап Ье Suге
Whеге ап iпdividuа1 piece of гuЬЬish Will end up ог hoW the junk in the 1апdЁl1 got thеге.

С NeW геsеагсh is planning to Ёпd оut. 1п а pilot ргоjесt, а team fгоm the MaSSachusetts
Institute of Тесhпо1оgу (М1Т) tоgеthег With mеmЬегs of the JVeW Sсz.Gиrz.§f joumal tгасkеd
60 pieces of tгаsh in Seattle in the United StаtеS. The next phase of the ехрегimепt Will
Ьеgiп - 1,000 mоге pieceS of gагЬаgе Will Ье е1есtгопiса11у tagged and thгоWп aWay in
NeW Yогk, Seattle and Lопdоп, and tгасkеd fог two mопths.

D The ехрегimепt is mоге than just ап attempt to satisfy сuгiоSitу as to Whеге tгаSh ends uр.
The idea is to hе1р р1ап fог ап idеа1 Wогld of WaSte disроSа1, Whеге пеаг1у еVегуthiпg gets
гесус1еd ог геusеd and mаtегiаls аге not sent to lапdЁl1 fаStег than the planet is аЬ1е to
ргоduсе thеm.

Е At ргеSепt, that ideal Wог1d is а distant dгеаm оп1у. Рагt of the ргоЬ1еm is that We do not
knoW What We аге dealing With. While а 1оt of еffогt has gone into сгеаtiпg gгееп supply
chains to Ьгiпg ргоduсts to сustоmегS, almoSt nothing is knoWn аЬоut What happens to the
Wаstе. This WaSte is mопitогеd, of соuгsе, Ьut оп1у to See hoW many tonnes of diffегепt
kinds of gагЬаgе аггivе at а sОгtiпg сепtге, 1апdЁ1l ог iпсiпегаtог, and hoW many 1еаVе.
These аге counted as е1есtгопiс ог household Wаstе; the maSS is mеаsuгеd, Ьut not in tегms
of the сопtепt.

F 1п tems of епViгопmепtа1 imрасt, it is the сопtепt, not the пumЬег of tоппеS, that
mаttегs. Within the hаmlеSS-Sоuпdiпg саtеgОгу of `hоuSеhо1d Wаstе' , fог ехаmрlе,
1iеs еVегуthiпg fгоm саггоt рее1iпgs to used ЬаЬiеS' nappies and 1оW-епегgу light ЬulЬs
containing mегсuгу, ог old е1есtгiсаl арр1iапсеs, each of Which gives а Vегу diffегепt Set of
епViгопmепtаl сhа11епgеs. 1п ап ideal Wогld each Should Ье dеа1t With sерагаtеlу.

G Веfоге that сап hарреп, thоugh, We need to get а с1еагег рiсtuге of the 1ifе сус1е of
diffегепt kinds of WаStе, Which is hoW the tгасkiпg ргоjесt сап give uSeful iпfогmаtiоп.
The team haVe deSigned tags that сап Ье Ёхеd to а11 kinds of гuЬЬish, and theSe tags Ьеаm
out thеiг 1осаtiоп еVегу 15 minutes fог up to two mопths. Each is Ьuilt агоuпd а mоЬilе
phone SIM сагd and Ьаttегу, and а motion SепSог. А lоW-роWег miсгоргосеssог keepS
tгасk of the motion sепsог апd, When the SепSог геgistегS moVement it switches оп the

42 FOcusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

SIM сагd, tгiggегiпg а Sеагсh fог пеагЬу mоЬilе phone tоWегs. The SIM then sends ап
SMS containing this iпfогmаtiоп to the team and the tеаm's Sоftwаге соmрагеS it With
the Stапdагd map of signal stгепgth Ёпgегргiпts to dеtегmiпе the position of the tаg. The
tags аге not ргесisе to the mеtге.1п citieS whеге thеге is а denSe пеtwогk of mОЬilе phOne `-
tоWегS, the team сап 1осаtе ап оЬjесt to Within 100 to 500 mеtгеs.1п гuга1 Zопеs, that may
Ье а kilоmеtге ог mоге.

Н while tagging Waste сап identify Whеге гесус1аЬ1еS аге Ьеiпg toSSed into 1апdЁ1l, ог
Whеге hаzагdоus WaSte is illеgа11у Shipped оVегSеаs, thеге is а mОге fundamental геаSоп
to tag tгаsh: {о Ёпd out whеге Society StогеS the mаtегiа1s that it mines fгоm the Еагth and
tеmрогагilу tums into ргоduсts. Тоdау's 1апdШ siteS contain 1агgе amounts of imрогtапt
mеtа1S, iпс1udiпg gо1d, ziпс, аlumiпium, пiсkеl, соррег, cadmium and mегсuгу - in
many cases at highег сопсепtгаtiопs than паtuга1 оге deposits - р1us huge quantitieS of
гесус1аЬ1е g1аss and рlаStiс. AS commoditieS Ьесоmе sсагсе in the fо11оWiпg сепtuгiеS,
We may haVe to mine 1апdЁ11S fог thеiг гiсhеS, and that means Ёпdiпg out exactly Whеге to
stагt diggiпg.

Questions 22-2З
Choose TWO lеttегS, А-Е.

Wгitе the соггесt lеttег in ЬохеS 22 and 23 оп уоиг апswег shееt.

Ассогdiпg to the wгitеr, which ТТЮ of the following things need to hарреп?
А Ноusеhо1dегs should Ье mоге аWаге of the wаstе-Sогtiпg ргосеss.
В WепееdtоЁпdоuthоW muchwasteis inthe sуStеm.
С We need to knoW mоге аЬоut the kinds of waste that haVe Ьееп thгоwп аWау.
D BusineSs and iпdustгу must fо11оW еStаЬ1ishеd guidе1iпеs.
Е We Should locate and геusе vа1uаЬ1е геSоuгсеs.

Questions 24-27
Апswег the questions Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WОКDS fгот the passage fог each апSwег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегS in Ьохеs 24-27 оп уоиг апSwег shееt.
24 Which item оfгuЬЬish doeS the Wгitег uSe aS ап ехаmр1е to ShoW the many Ways гuЬЬish
сап Ье dеа1t Wi.h?
Which city is inVolved in two StageS of геsеагсh?
What haVe реор1е а1геаdу tгiеd hагd to еstаЬ1ish in огdег to get ргоduсts to сопsumегS?
what gепега1 tегm is used to соVег а Wide гапgе of Vегу diffегепt kinds of гuЬЬish?

Reading 43
You should Spend аЬошt 2О minuteS оп questions 284О.

DO animaIs think Iike humапs?

А Some pet оwпегs Ьеliеvе that thеiг animals uпdегstапd them when they sреаk, Ьut how
much do апimаіs геаllу uпdегstапd of what we sау? То What extent is thеiг thinking а
геflесtiоп of оuгs? Recent ехрегimепts have Ьеguп to thюw light Оп the mаttег.
Ап Аustгiап dog -геsеагсhегs са1l hег Betsy -hаs а vосаЬulагу of mоге than 3ОО wогds.
`ЕVеп оuг closest геlаtivеs, the gгеаt ареs, саШ do What Betsy сап do -hеаг а Wогd Оп1у
опсе ог twice and knoW that the acoustic раttегп stands fог sоmеthiпg,' says cognitive
psychologist Juliane Каmiпski. `Dogs' uпdегstапdiпg of human fогms of communication is
something new that has еvоlvеd,' she sауs, `sоmеthiпg thаt's developed in them Ьесаusе
of thеiг long association With humапs.' Scientists think that dogs Wеге domesticated
аЬОut 15,ООО уеагs аgо, а геlаtivеIу shогt time in which to dеvе|ор language skills.
But how Similаг аге these skills to those of humапs? Fог аЬstгасt thiпkiпg, We employ
sуmЬоls, іеttiпg опе thing stand fог апоthег. Веtsу, in ап ехрегimепt, Was shoWn а рiсtuге
of а FгisЬее, а рiсtuге she had пеvег seen Ьеfоге, and told to find it. she Ьгоught the
FгisЬее fгоm among оthег toys in апоthег гооm.

В Оthег animals also have skills simiіаг to those of humапs. `Реор1е Wеге suгргisеd to
disсоvег that chimpanzeeS make tооls,' said А1ех Касеlпik, а Ьеhаviоuгаl ecologist at
Охfогd Uпivегsitу, геfеггiпg to the stгаws and sticks chimpanZees use to pull tегmitеs out
of theh пеsts. `Вut people also thought "Wеll, they Shаге оuг апсеstгу -оf соuгsе thеу'ге
smагt." Now wе'ге finding these kinds of ехсерtiопа| Ьеhаviог in some species of Ьiгds.
But we dоп't have а гесепtlу shагеd апсеstгу with Ьiгds. Тhеiг еvоlutiопагу histогу is vегу
diffегепt; оuг |аst common апсеstог with аП Ьiгds Was а герtilе that lived оvег 3ОО million
уеагs аgо. This means that еVо|utiОп сап invent similаг fогms of advanced intelligence
mоге than опсе -thаt it's not something геsегvеd оп|у fог ргimаtеs ог mаmmа|s.'

С Касеlпik and his colleagues аге studying опе of these smагt sресiеs, the NeW Caledonian
сгоw, Which lives in the fогеsts of the Pacific island of the same паmе. New Caledonian
сгоWs аге among the most skilled of tооl-mаkiпg and tооl-usiпg Ьiгds, fогmiпg ргоЬеs and
hooks fгоm sticks and leaf stems to poke into the ра|m tгееs whеге fat gгuЬs hidе. Since
these Ьiгds, |ikе сhimрапZееs, make and use tооls, геsеагсhегs сап look fог simiіагitiеs in
the еvоіutiопагу ргосеssеS that shaped thеiг Ьгаiпs. something аЬоut the епviгопmепt of
Ьоth species fаvогеd the evolution of tоо|-mаkiпg пеuгаl роwегs.
But is theh use of tOols гigid and limitеd, ог сап they Ье iпVепtivе? Do they have what
геsеагсhегs саП mепtа| flехiЬilitу? ChimpanZees сегtаiпlу dо. ln the Wild, а chimpanZee
may use fоuг sticks of diffегепt sizes tO ехtгасt the honey fгоm а Ьее's пеst. And in
сарtivitу, they сап figuге out hoW to position sеvегаl Ьохеs so they сап геtгiеvе а Ьапапа
hanging fгоm а горе.

44 FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

D АпsWегiпg that question fог NeW Са|еdопiап сгоWs -ехtгеmе|у shy Ьiгds -wаsп't еаsу.
Even аftег уеагs of mопitогiпg them in the Wild, геsеагсhегs соuldп't dеtегmiпе if the Ыгds'
аЬilitу was iппаtе, ог if they |еагпеd to make and use thеiг tОо|s Ьу Watching опе апоthег. |f
it Was а gепеtiса||у iпhегitеd skiіі, соuіd thеу, Iike the сhimрs, use thеiг tа|епt in diffегепt,
сгеаtivе wауs?
То find out, Касе|пik and his students Ьгоught 23 сгоWs of vагуiпg ages (а|I Ьut опе caught
in the WПd) to the аviагу in his ОхfОгd |аЬогаtогу. Fоuг hatchlings Wеге гаisеd in сарtivitу,
and aII Wеге сагеfullу kept aWay fгоm the аdults, so they had по оррогtuпitу tO Ье taught
аЬоut tоо|s. Yet soon аftег they flеdgеd, а|| picked up sticks to ргоЬе Ьusilу into сгасks and
shaped diffегепt mаtегiа|s into tоо|s.

Е Вiгds сап cheat tоо. Оthег studies Ьу the same геsеагсhег shoW that wеstегп sсгuЬ jays
сап know апоthег Ьiгd's intentiOns and act оп that kпоW|еdgе. А jay that has stoIen food
itsе|f, fог ехаmр|е, knows that if апоthегjау Watches it hide а пut, thеге's а chance the nut
Will Ье stо|еп. so the fiгstjау Will геtuгп to move the nut When the оthегjау is gОпе.

such deceptive acts геquiге а complicated fогm of thiпkiпg, since you must Ье аЬ|е to
аttгiЬutе intentions to the оthег individuaI and ргеdiсt that iпdividuаI's ЬеhаViоuг.

F Опе schooI of thought агguеs that human iпtеііigепсе eVoIved рагtіу Ьесаusе of the
ргеssuге of |iviпg in а compIex society of caIculating Ьеiпgs. СhimрапZееs, огапg-utапs,
gогillаs and ЬопоЬоs shаге this capacity with us. |п the Wild, ргimаtolоgists have seen
apes hide food fгоm the aIpha mа|е ог stеа| his fеmа|еs. Касе|пik's study is the fiгst
to shoW the kind of есо|оgiса| ргеssuгеs, such as the need to hide food fог Wiпtег usе,
that Would Iead to the еvо|utiоп of such mentaI аЬilitiеs. Most ргоvосаtivеIу, his геsеагсh
dеmопstгаtеs that some Ьiгds possess what is often апоthег uпiquе|у human skill: the
аЬilitу to гесаl| а specific past еvепt.

Questions 28-З2
Reading PasSage 3 has six sесtiопs, А-F.
Which Section contains the fо11оWiпg iпfогmаtiоп?
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, А-F , in Ьохеs 28-32 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.
28 Animals cause dimculties fог а dominant mеmЬег of thеiг gгоuр.
29 Young Ьiгds used skills without aSsistance fгоm thеiг рагепts.
30 Humans and two specieS of апimа1 may deScend fгоm the same огigiп.
31 Апimа1S' Skills may come as а геsult of spending time With реор1е.
32 Вiгds shoW dishoneSt сопduсt.

ReadEng 45
Questions ЗЗ-З5
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В, С ог D.

wгitе the соггесt lеttег in Ьохеs 33-35 оп уоиг апSwег shееt.

33 The Wгitег mentions the domeStication of dogs in огdег to

А say hoW diffегепt they аге fгоm апоthег SpecieS оfапimа1.
В ехр1аiп Why they аге easy to геsеагсh.
С ShoW hoW quickly they have lеаmеd.
D агguе that they аге SuitаЬ1е реts.
34 А Westem sсгuЬjау has dеmопStгаtеd
А ап аЬilitу to tгiсk оthегЬiгds.
В а talent fог copying оthегЬiгds' са1ls.
С а Skill at hiding sticks fог digging gгuЬS fгоm tгееS.
D ап аggгеSsivе Way оfЬеhаViпg in the ргеSепсе оfоthег Ьiгds.
35 Касеlпik's геsеагсh haS shoWn that
А captive Ьiгds do not knoW hoW to to Stеа1 fгоm оthег Ьiгds.
В Ьiгds сап make use of thеiг mеmогiеS оп 1аtег оссаSiопS.
С monkeyS сап геmеmЬег What happened in the раSt.
D ргimаtеs аге affected Ьу thеiг Sосiа1 Suггоuпdiпgs.

Questions З6ЦО
Do the fо1lоWiпg statements аgгее With the claims of the Wгitег in Reading PasSage 3?
1п Ьохеs 3640 оп уоиг апswег sheet wгitе
YES if the statement аgгееs with the с1аims of the Wгitег
NO if the Statement сопtгаdiсts the claims of the Wгitег
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по iпfогmаtiоп оп this

36 Scientists anticipated ргimаtе аЬilitу to еmр1оу imрlеmепts.

37 ChimpanZees and NeW Caledonian сгоWs had suггоuпdiпgs that ргоmрtеd them to deVelop
а Skill.

38 Chimpanzees shoW that they enjoy the сhа1lепgе of ргоЬ1еm-Sо1Viпg.

39 ОЬSегVаtiоп in the Wild waS аЬlе to ShoW that сгоWs leamt Ьу соруiпg.
40 Соmр1ех thоugh. ргосеsSеS may Ье displayed Ьу WeStem sсгuЬjауS.

46 FOcusing оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

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