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Regulations regarding

Coal Ash Utilisation in Europe

Hans-Joachim Feuerborn

Coal Combustion
Products Association
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 1

1. Introduction

2. Regulations for use of coal ash in

- cement production
- concrete
- road construction

3. Environmental regulations

4. Concluding remarks

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 2


Production of CCPs in Europe (EU-15) in 2003

Fly Ash

67.8 %

9.3 %
17.2 %
Bottom Ash
FGD Gypsum Boiler Slag, 3.2 %
SDA Product, 0.8% FBC Ash 1.7 %
total amount 65 million tonnes

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 3


Utilisation of CCPs in Europe (EU-15) in 2003

Utilization in construction Industry

Restoration of Open
and Underground Mining
Cast Mines, Quarries
and Pits
52.4% 35.9%

Disposal, 3.7%
Temporary stockpile, 8.0%

total amount 65 million tonnes

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 4


Demands of the construction market

 availability of huge amounts of material

 constant quality (continuous process)
 sufficient product properties (grain size
distribution, surface,reactivity, ...)
 long term availability
 meeting of technical requirements
 environmental compatibility

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 5


Utilisation of fly ash in the construction industry and in

underground mining in Europe (EU 15) in 2003

Addition Concrete Blocks


Cement 11.3%
23.4% Construction,


Cement Infill, 3.3%

Raw Material Others, 2.5%

(total utilisation 21.1 million tonnes)

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 6

Utilisation of Bottom Ash in the Construction Industry

and Underground Mining in Europe (EU 15) in 2003

Road Construction,
Filling Application


48.2% Others


(total utilisation 2.7 million tonnes)

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 7

Utilisation of Fly Ash in the cement and concrete

industry in Europe (EU 15) from 1993 to 2003
clinker raw material blended cement concrete
utilization in million tonnes

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 8

Regulations for use of coal ash for cement

Chemical parameters of fly ashes from coal and lignite

Parameter Fly ash from Coal Fly Ash from Lignite
SiO2 36 – 60 18 – 80
Al2O3 23 – 35 1 – 19
FeO3 3 – 17 1 – 22
CaO 0,3 – 8,5 2 – 52
CaOfrei 0,1 – 25
MgO 0,5 – 5,4 0,5 – 11
K 2O 0,5 – 6 0,1 – 2
Na2O 0,1 – 3,5 0,01 – 2
SO3 0,1 – 2,1 1 – 15

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 9

Regulations for use of coal ash for cement

Requirements for Siliceous and Calcareous

Fly Ash by DIN EN 197-1
Parameter siliceous fly ash calcareous fly ash
V W1 W2

Loss on ignition ≤ 5 % by mass

Reactive calcium oxide1) ≤ 10 % by mass 10 – 15 % by ≥ 15 % by mass
Free calcium oxide ≤ 1 % by mass 2)
Reactive silicon dioxide3) ≥ 25 % by mass -
Compressive strength at 28d4) - - ≥ 10 N/mm²
Expansion5) - - ≤ 10 mm
CaOreactiv = total CaO reduced by fraction calculated as CaCO3 and CaSO4
CaOfree-= amount up to 2,5 % by mass accepted when soundness is given (see 5))
SiO2reactiv = fraction of SiO2 which is soluble after treatment with HCl and boiling KOH-solution
mortars with ground fly ash as binder, amount < 40µm between 10 and 30 % by mass
mixture of 30 % by mass ground fly ash, 70 % by mass cement

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 10

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

• Utilisation of fly ash as an addition to concrete has

a long history in several countries.

• In 1994, the first European Standard EN 450

"Fly Ash for Concrete" was published.

• About 6 million tonnes of fly ash are used

as concrete addition every year in Europe.

• In May 2005, the harmonized standard EN 450 part 1

and part 2 was published. This standard has to be
introduced to national law in 2006.

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 11

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Chemical Requirements for Fly Ash for Concrete by EN 450

Parameter Requirements Test Frequency

Loss On Ignition max. 5.0 w.-% d

SO3 max. 3.0 w.-% m

Cl max. 0.01 w.-% m

CaOfree max. 2.5 w.-%1) w

d: daily fly ash with CaOfree higher than 1 w.-% but less
w: once per week than 2.5 w.-% must comply with the requirements
m: once per month for soundness

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 12

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Physical Requirements for Fly Ash for Concrete by EN 450

Parameter Requirements Test Frequency

Soundness 1) max. 10 mm w
Fineness 2) max. 40 w.-% d
Fineness variation ⌧3) ± 10 w.-% d

Activity index

after 28 days min 75 % 2m

after 90 days min 85 % 2m

Density variation ⌧3) ± 150 kg/m3 m

d : daily required only if CaOfrei > 1,0 w.-%
w: once per week mass proportion in % of the ash retained when wet sieved
m: once per month on a 0,045 mm mesh sieve
2 m: twice per month average value as declared by the producer

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 13

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-1
Fly ash for concrete - Part 1:
Definition, specifications and conformity criteria

EN 450-2
Fly ash for concrete - Part 2:
Conformity evaluation

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 14

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-1: Fly ash for concrete

Definition of fly ash

fine powder of mainly spherical particles, derived from

burning of pulverized coal, with or without co-combustion
materials, which has pozzolanic properties and consists
essentially of SiO2 and Al2O3,...

Reactive SiO2 min 25 % by mass

Reactive CaO max 10 % by mass

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 15

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-1: Fly ash for concrete

New items of EN 450

Introduction of three categories of loss on ignition

Introduction of two categories of fineness

Acceptance of fly ash obtained from co-combustion

Consideration of processing plants as

production plants

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 16

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-1: Fly ash for concrete

LOI Categories of EN 450-1

Category LOI in % by mass

min max
A - 5.0
B 2.0 7.0
C 4.0 9.0

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 17

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-1: Fly ash for concrete

Fineness Categories of EN 450-1

Category Amount retained on a Fineness variation from

0.045 mm mesh sieve declared value
in% by mass in percentage points

N 40 ± 10

S 12 no requirement

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 18

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-1: Fly ash for concrete

Types of Co-combustion Materials

1 Vegetable material like wood chips, straw, olive
shells and other vegetable fibres
2 Green wood and cultivated biomass
3 Animal meal
4 Municipal sewage sludge
5 Paper sludge
6 Petroleum coke
7 Virtually ash free liquid and gaseous fuels

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 19

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Limitation of Co-combustion Materials

Minimum percentage of coal (Kc) shall not be less than 80 %
by mass of the fuel
Maximum proportion of ash from co-combustion
materials (M) shall not be greater than 10 % by mass of the
fly ash

K1 ⋅ A1 + K 2 ⋅ A 2 + .... + Kn ⋅ An
M = 100 ⋅ ≤ 10 %
K c ⋅ A c + (K1 ⋅ A1 + K 2 ⋅ A 2 + .... + Kn ⋅ An )

Ki and Kc are the proportions of co-combustion materials

and coal being fired

Ai and Ac are the ash contents of the co-combustion

materials and the coal
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 20
Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-1: Fly ash for concrete

The new standard covers also fly ash

produced by:

• classification • blending

• selection • grinding

• sieving • carbon
• drying

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 21

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Processing Plants in Europe

United Kingdom • classification (BS 3892)

• carbon reduction (ST I - process)

STI separation unit

installed at:
- Longannet Power
Station (Scotland)
- Didcot Power
Station (England)

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 22

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete
Processing Plants in Europe
The Netherlands • silo, mixing and sieving installation
(SMZ centre, Rotterdam)
SMZ Center in
Maasflakte near
construction in 1995
250.000 tpa

(source: Vliegasunie)
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 23
Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Processing Plants in Europe

France • re-drying facilities (Carling, Hornaing)

Carling; capacity 80 tph Hornaing; capacity 50 tph

(source: Surschiste)
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 24
Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Processing Plants in Europe

Germany • re-drying facility (Lünen)

60.000 tpa

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 (source: SEG) 25

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Comparison of the chemical requirements of EN 450: 1994 / 2005

EN 450:1994-09 DIN EN 450-1:2005-05

LOI ≤ 5.0 % by mass cat. A: ≤ 5.0 % by mass
cat. B: ≥ 2.0 and ≤ 7.0 % by mass
cat. C: ≥ 4.0 and ≤ 9.0 % by mass
Cl ≤ 0.1 % by mass ≤ 0.1 % by mass
SO3 ≤ 3.0 % by mass ≤ 3.0 % by mass
CaOfree ≤ 2.5 % by mass1) ≤ 2.5 % by mass1)
CaOreactive ≤ 10 % by mass ≤ 10 % by mass
SiO2reactive ≥ 25 % by mass, ≥ 25 % by mass2)
based on definition
1) if CaOfree-amount is > 1.0 % by mass soundness has to be proven
2) requirement to be fulfilled for fly ash obtained from co-combustion

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 26

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Comparison of the chemical requirements of EN 450: 1994 / 2005

EN 450:1994-09 DIN EN 450-1:2005-05

SiO2, amount of SiO2, amount of
Al2O3, Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 ≥ 70 % by
Fe2O3, CaO to be provided mass1)
CaO on request
Na2Oeq to be provided on ≤ 5.0 % by mass (as Na2Oeq)1)
MgO - ≤ 4.0 % by mass (as Na2Oeq)1)
P2O5soluble - ≤ 100 mg/kg1)
1) requirement to be fulfilled for fly ash obtained from co-combustion

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 27

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Comparison of the physical requirements of EN 450: 1994 / 2005

requirement EN 450:1994-09 DIN EN 450-1:2005-05

fineness ≤ 40 % by mass cat. N: ≤ 40 % by mass
(residue on cat. S: ≤ 12 % by mass,
45 µm mesh sieve)
fineness variations ≤ ± 10 % by mass cat. N: ≤ ± 10 % by mass
(deviation from cat. S: -
declared value) (note: the ± 10 % percentage
points are not applicable)
density variation 1)
± 150 kg/m³ 1)
± 200 kg/m³
1) average value as declared by the producer

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 28

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

Comparison of the physical requirements of EN 450: 1994 / 2005

requirement EN 450:1994-09 DIN EN 450-1:2005-05
soundness1) max. 10 mm (50/50)2) max. 10 mm (30/70)3)
activity index
after 28 days ≥ 75 % ≥ 75 %
after 90 days ≥ 85 % ≥ 85 %
initial setting time - ≤ 120 min more than cement
paste with test cement 4)5)
water demand - category N: not valid
category S: ≤ 95 % of that for
test cement alone
1) required only if amount of free calciumoxide is > 1 % by mass
2) paste made from 50 % by mass of fly ash and 50 % by mass of cement
3) paste made from 30 % by mass of fly ash and 70 % by mass of cement
4) paste made from 25 % by mass of fly ash and 75 % by mass of cement
5) requirement is assumed to be met for fly ash produced by combustion of pure coal

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 29

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete
EN 450-2 "Conformity evaluation"

DIN 18990
Fly ash for concrete
Attestation of conformity

EN 450-2
Fly ash for concrete - Part 2:
Conformity evaluation

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 30

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

EN 450-2 "Conformity evaluation"

Factory production control
• Internal quality control
• Autocontrol testing of fly ash samples

Certification body
Initial inspection
Evaluation of results of autocontrol testing
Audit testing of fly ash samples

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 31

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete
EN 450-2 "Conformity evaluation"

„operator of a production plant“
„a person (natural or legal) authorised
by the production plant“

The producer is named in the certificate

of conformity !

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 32

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete
EN 450-2 "Conformity evaluation"

... The producers documentation and procedures for the

production control shall be described in a works quality
manual. The manual has to contain:

statement on aims and organisation structure,

responsibilities and powers of responsible staff

production and quality control techniques,

processes and systematic actions that will be used

inspections and tests during and after production,

and test frequency

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 33

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete

production scope of the production control according to EN 450-2

control = responsility of the producer / owner of certificate
power plant operator
internal KAT

fly ash non
quality control silo 2
+ - fineness EN Q II
- LOI silo 1 EN 450
QI 450

auto- final product

control testing
fly ash
testing responsibility producer

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 34

Regulations for use of coal ash in concrete


EN 450-1
„Fly ash for concrete“

Part 1: Definitions,
AnyCo Ltd, PO Box 21, B-1050
specifications and 05
conformity criterea 01234-CPD-00234

EN 450-1

Fly ash for concrete

EN 450-2 Fineness Category: N
Declared value of
„Fly ash for concrete“ fineness in case of category N: 25 %
Loss on ignition Category : A
Particle density: 2300 kg/m3
Part 2: Dangerous Substance: NL, F
Conformity evaluation

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 35

Regulations for use of coal ash

Use of fly ash as aggregate (harmonized)

EN 12620 “Aggregates for Concrete“

EN 13055 “Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete“
These standards contain characteristics of
aggregates and conformity criteria. As harmonized
standards categories are defined which allow
restriction based on national experience!
National application documents in Germany!
DIN 20000-104: Aggregates for concrete
DIN 20000-105: Lightweight aggregates for
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 36
Regulations for use of coal ash

Use of fly ash in road construction

• Soil stabilisation

• Landscaping

• Dams and embankments

• Hydraulically bound bearing layers

• Asphalt filler

• Additions to concrete

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 37

Regulations for use of coal ash

Principal use of CCPs in road construction

Filler in asphalt / concrete addition

Hydraulic bound layers

Base layer

Soil beneficiation
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 38
Regulations for use of coal ash

Use of fly ash in road construction

prEN 14227 “Hydraulically Bound Mixtures“

part 3: Fly ash bound mixtures

definitions of mixtures for roads,
airfields and other trafficked areas

part 4: Fly ash for hydraulically

bound mixtures
definitions of specification on physical
and chemical properties of fly ash

part 13: Soil beneficiation with fly ash

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 39

Regulations for use of coal ash

EN 14227- 4 Hydraulically bound mixtures- Specifications -

Part 4: Fly ash for hydraulically mixtures

Siliceous Fly Ash Calcereous Fly Ash

Particle size Particle size
Loss on Ignition Soundness
Free calcium oxide/soundness reactive calcium oxide
water content water content
pozzolanic activity hydraulic activity

DIN V ENV 13282 Hydraulic Road Binders - Composition,

specifications and conformity criteria

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 40

Environmental Regulations

European Construction Products Directive (1988)

requires activities of the authorities regarding emissions
of dangerous substances from construction products

Emissions to air, surface water and ground water

CEN is mandated to develop harmonised assessment

methods and harmonized approaches regarding
dangerous substances

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 41

Environmental Regulations

Limiting values on leaching of heavy metals and

organics are set nationally in several EU member states

Leaching limit values restrict the utilisation of CCPs

in certain applications like unbound use in road
construction (e.g. embankments, grouting, filling)

Tightening up of limiting values by some EU member

states is threatening further applications of CCPs

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 42

Environmental Regulations

Requirements for bound and unbound use of CCPs by Dutch BMD

The “Building Materials Decree” of the Netherlands (Boustoff-
Besluiten) contains rules relating to the use of building
materials and earth in construction and other works. The aim
of the Decree is to establish a general level of protection for
soil and surface waters.
The Decree accords the reuse of materials such as construction
and demolition waste and residues recovered from industrial
processes a full place in the building industry by setting clear
conditions on which their use is permitted.

The immission of anorganic leachable constituents to soil and

water is calculated by the emission of the constituent. The
calculation includes leaching behaviour of the building material,
also factors as temperatur, thickness of the building material,
degree of contact to ground water, isolation measures, a.o..
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 43
Environmental Regulations

Requirements for bound and unbound use of CCPs by Dutch BMD

Unbounded Bounded utilisation
Percolation (column) test Diffusion test (standtest)
according NEN7343 according NEN 7345
percolation at L/S=10 in mg/kg Immission in mg/m2

Element > 10 m Element max

Antimoon Sb 0,03 Antimoon Sb 39
Arseen As 0,83 Arseen As 435
Barium Ba 2,20 Barium Ba 6300
Cadmium Cd 0,02 Cadmium Cd 12
Chroom Cr 0,36 Chroom Cr 1500
Cobalt Co 0,23 Cobalt Co 300
Koper Cu 0,33 Koper Cu 540
Kwik Hg 0,02 Kwik Hg 4,5
Lood Pb 0,99 Lood Pb 1275
Molybdeen Mo 0,17 Molybdeen Mo 150
Nikkel Ni 0,70 Nikkel Ni 525
Seleen Se 0,03 Seleen Se 15
Tin Sn 0,08 Tin Sn 300
Vanadium V 1,10 Vanadium V 2400
Zink Zn 2,30 Zink Zn 2100

Fluoride F 3,80 Fluoride F 14000

Chloride Cl 560 Chloride Cl 30000
Sulfaat SO4 1090 Sulfaat SO4 45000
Bromide Br 3,40 Bromide Br 90

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 44

Environmental Regulations

Requirements for selected CCPs for use in earthworks and road

construction by German LAGA (leaching criteria)
(German federal states working group of waste)

In the requirements of LAGA different classes for

utilisation of industrial residuess in earthworks and road
construction (Z 0 to Z 2), and for disposal areas (Z 3 to Z 5)
are defined.

Class “Z0”: unrestricted use

Class “Z1.1”: restricted open use and
Class “Z1.2”: restricted open use with defined technical
safety measurements
Class “Z2”: restricted use with defined technical safety

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 45

Environmental Regulations
Requirements for selected CCPs for use in earthworks and road construction by
German LAGA (leaching criteria)
CCP Fly Ash Bottom Ash Grate Ash Boiler

wet bottom

dry bottom


class Z2 Z2 Z2 ZO Z 1.1 Z 1.2 Z2 ZO Z 1.1 Z 1.2/ ZO
1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
colour x x x x x x x x x x x
1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
clouding x x x x x x x x x x x
1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
smell x x x x x x x x x x x
pH-value 8-13 10-13 8-13 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 7-12 7-12 7-12 6-9
conductivity µS/cm 5000 10000 5000 500 1000 1000 1000 500 1000 1000 200
As 100 40 100 10 10 40 100 10 10 40
Pb 20 40 20 40
Cd 10 10 10 2 2 2 2
Crtot 350 300 350 15 30 15 30
Cu µg/l 50 50 50 50
Ni 40 50 40 50
Hg 0.2 0.2 1 2 0.2 0.2 1
Zn 100 100 100 100
Cl mg/l 50 100 50 10 20 50 50 10 20 20
SO3 mg/l 1000 2000 1000 50 75 200 200 50 75 200
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 46
Environmental Regulations
Requirements for selected CCPs for use in earthworks and road construction by
German LAGA (content of trace element)
CCP Bottom Ash /Grate Ash

class ZO Z 1.1
1) 1)
colour x x
1) 1)
clouding x x
1) 1)
smell x x
As 20 30
Pb 100 200
Cd 0.6 1
Crtot 50 100
Cu mg/kg 40 100
Ni 40 100
Hg 0.3 1
Zn 120 300

= to be declared
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 47
Environmental Regulations

DIBt-insignificance threshhold values for evaluation of building products

unit insignificance
threshold values
Antimon Sb 10
Arsen As 10
Blei Pb 25
Cadmium Cd 5
Chrom gesamt Cr 50
Chromat CrVI 8
Kobalt Co 50
Kupfer Cu 50
Molybdän Mo µg/l 50
Nickel Ni 50
Quecksilber Hg 1
Selen Se 10
Zink Zn 500
Zinn Sn 40
Cyanid gesamt CN- 50
Cyanid leicht freisetzbar CN- 10
Fluorid F- 750

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 48

Environmental Regulations

DIBt-insignificance threshhold values for evaluation of building products

unit insignificance
threshold values
PAK, gesamt 0,2
Naphthalin 2
LHKW, gesamt 10

Aldrin 0,1
DDT 0,1

PCB, gesamt 0,05

Mineralölkohlenwasserstoffe 200

BTX 20
- Benzol als Einzelstoff 1
Phenole 20

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 49

Environmental Regulations

DIBt-evaluation procedure for building products

(for technical approval with use of industrial by-products in concrete, only!

Building Material

step 1 Determination of trace element content

requirement Criteria met?
not met

information on yes
environmental compatibility
comparison with requirement
similar products met

Restriction Dangerous substances

Toxic substances (R-crierias) LAGA criterias Z2

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 50

Environmental Regulations

step 2 production of leachate/

realistic situation!

2.1 determination of general parameters

requirement yes harmful changes by
not met general characteristics

determination of trace element content

requirement no yes requirement

threshhold insignificance
not met met
param. ecotox. values, TOC met
2.3 ecotox.harmlessness not proven

determination of biological parameters

requirement yes no requirement

not met met

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 51

Environmental Regulations

Areas of application and tests required for cement bound products in drinking water areas
German Technical and Scientific Association of Gas and Water (DVGW)

tests to be performed drinking water raw-water supply products in

supply and products in drinkingwater-area
drinkingwater-area II+III
migration test

Appearance + + +
TOC-loss + + -
Arsen-loss1) + + +
Lead-loss + + +
Chrom-loss + + +
mikrobiological test

DVGW-working paper + + -3)


test: +, no test: -
1)test to be performed only when fly ash is used
2)test to be performed only when organic additives are used
3)test only for mortar

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 52

Environmental Regulations
UK: Water supply regulations:
This regulation has requirements for materials, such as cementitious materials, for
use in contact with public drinking water supply. Specifications of testing is covered
by BS 6920, which gives limiting values for certain metals leachates from such material.
BS 6920 max. allowable
Aluminium Al 200
Antimony Sb 10
Arsenic As 50
Barium Ba 1000
Cadmium Ca 5
Chromium Cr 50
Iron Fe 200
Lead Pb 50
Manganese Mn 50
Mercury Hg 1
Nickel Ni 50
Selenium Se 10
Silver Ag 10
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 53
Environmental Regulations

parameter Limit values Limit values Limit values

regardin regarding for fly
g table table 2 ash
Provisional limit 1 [mg/kg] [mg/kg]
values for table 1 antimony Sb 5 20 40
and table 2 of the arsen As 30 80 10
lead Pb 100 500 300
cadmium Cd 1 2 2
recommendation chrome total Cr 200 500 300
copper Cu 200 500 200
nickel Ni 200 500 200
mercury Hg 0.5 1 1
thallium Th 0.5 1 3
Ministry for Zinc Zn 400 1000 1000
Environment, tin Sn 30 80 30
barium Ba 1500
Forestry and
beryllium Be 10
Agriculture) cobalt Co 100
selen Se 5
vanadium V 300
Cr VI 2

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 54

Concluding Remarks

52.4 % of the total CCPs produced in Europe is produced

to meet technical requirements to replace natural materials
in construction.

CCPs are accepted as raw materials due to their chemical,

mineralogical and physical properties. The acceptance is
based on more than thirty years of experience.

For nearly every field of application technical regulations or

requirements have to considered.

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 55

Concluding Remarks

The new standard for fly ash for concrete introduces a

quality control system including
• internal quality control by the producer
• audit testing by a certification body notified by the
building authorities.
In order to avoid any negative impact on the environment
and on human health environmental regulations have been
developed in some European countries for
• raw materials (trace elements, leaching behaviour)
• products (prediction models for bound applications).

As a result of the environmental regulations no negative

impact on the environment or on human health by the
utilisation of CCPs has been reported so far.

NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 56

Thank you for your attention!

Hans-Joachim Feuerborn

European Coal Combustion Products Association
NCAB_workshop_Nov. 23/24, 2005 57

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