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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

PHYSICS 0625/12
Paper 1 Multiple Choice (Core) February/March 2018
45 minutes
Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet
Soft clean eraser

Soft pencil (type B or HB recommended)


Write in soft pencil.

Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has been done for you.

There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
Electronic calculators may be used.
Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 10 N (acceleration of free fall = 10 m / s2).

The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.

This document consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

IB18 03_0625_12/3RP
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1 A student is asked to find the volume of a small irregularly-shaped piece of rock.

He has the following apparatus available.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

balance measuring cylinder rule

containing water

Which apparatus must the student use to find the volume of the small piece of rock?

A balance and rule

B rule only
C balance and measuring cylinder
D measuring cylinder only

2 The speed-time graph represents the motion of a car travelling along a straight level road.


0 time

Which statement describes the motion of the car?

A It accelerates and reaches a constant speed.

B It accelerates and then stops moving.
C It decelerates and then reaches a constant speed.
D It decelerates and then stops moving.

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6 A measuring cylinder contains 30 cm3 of a liquid.








Some more of the liquid is added until the liquid level reaches the 50 cm3 mark.

The reading on the balance increases by 30 g.

What is the density of the liquid?

A 0.60 g / cm3 B 0.67 g / cm3 C 1.5 g / cm3 D 1.7 g / cm3

7 A car is travelling along a straight horizontal road. The speed-time graph is shown.

In which labelled part of the journey is the resultant force on the car zero?



0 time

8 The diagram shows a uniform metre rule balanced at its mid-point.

0 20 50 70 100

W 6.0 N

What is the weight W placed at the 20 cm mark?

A 0.25 N B 4.0 N C 9.0 N D 21 N

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11 A man pulls a truck a distance of 20 m, as shown in the three diagrams.

1 2
10 m
10 m
10 m
10 m

10 m

10 m

Which statement concerning the work done against gravity is correct?

A Most work is done in 1.

B No work is done in 3.
C The work done in all three is equal.
D The work done in 1 and 2 is equal.

12 Which source of energy is used in a nuclear power station to generate electrical energy?

A different types of atom regrouping

B heavy nuclei splitting
C radioactive isotopes decaying

D radioactive atoms emitting β-particles

13 Two beakers are filled to the same depth, one with water and one with oil.

The density of water is 1000 kg / m3 and the density of oil is 920 kg / m3.

In which position is the pressure the greatest?

water oil


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18 In an experiment, a thermometer is placed in a test-tube of hot liquid. The temperature reading of

the liquid is recorded every half minute. The table shows the results.

time / minutes 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
temperature / °C 73 65 59 55 55 55 51 48 45 42 40 38 36 35 34 33

What is the melting point of the substance?

A 0 °C B 33 °C C 55 °C D 73 °C

19 A teacher demonstrates an experiment to a class. A boiling tube is filled with water and some ice
cubes are trapped at the bottom of the tube. The teacher then heats the boiling tube in the
position shown until the water at the top boils.


ice heat

metal mesh

The ice does not melt.

What does this demonstrate?

A Water is a good conductor of thermal energy.

B Water is a good convector of thermal energy.
C Water is a poor conductor of thermal energy.
D Water is a poor convector of thermal energy.

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23 Light passes through a prism as shown. The light changes direction and produces a spectrum of

white light spectrum

of colours

Which term is used to describe the production of the spectrum of colours?

A diffraction
B dispersion
C refraction
D total internal reflection

24 Which type of waves are produced by a television remote controller?

A infra-red waves
B radio waves
C ultraviolet waves
D visible light

25 Both the amplitude and the frequency of a sound wave decrease.

What happens to the sound heard?

A The sound is louder and has a higher pitch.

B The sound is louder and has a lower pitch.
C The sound is quieter and has a higher pitch.
D The sound is quieter and has a lower pitch.

26 An electromagnet is used to remove a splinter from an eye.

What material is the splinter made from?

A aluminium
B glass
C iron
D wood

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27 Which diagram shows the magnetic field around a bar magnet?





28 A metal conductor is connected to a battery.

Which statement describes the current in the metal conductor?

A It is a flow of electrons from the negative to the positive terminal.

B It is a flow of electrons from the positive to the negative terminal.
C It is a flow of protons from the negative to the positive terminal.
D It is a flow of protons from the positive to the negative terminal.

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29 A student sets up the circuit shown to measure three quantities.

1 the current in the circuit

2 the electromotive force (e.m.f.) of the cell
3 the potential difference across the lamp

How many ammeters and how many voltmeters are needed?

ammeters voltmeters

A 0 3
B 1 2
C 2 1
D 3 0

30 The current in a car headlamp is 3.0 A when connected to a 12 V battery.

What is the resistance of the lamp when it is lit?

A 0.25 Ω B 4.0 Ω C 15 Ω D 36 Ω

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31 The diagram shows a circuit containing a cell, an ammeter, a lamp and a variable resistor.

The resistance of the variable resistor is increased.

What happens to the ammeter reading and what happens to the brightness of the lamp?

ammeter reading lamp brightness

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases

32 Diagram 1 shows two identical lamps connected in series with a cell. Diagram 2 shows the same
two lamps connected in parallel with an identical cell.

diagram 1 diagram 2

Which statement is correct?

A The cell in diagram 1 can supply current to the lamps for longer than the cell in diagram 2.
B The current in the cell in diagram 1 is greater than the current in the cell in diagram 2.
C The lamps in diagram 1 are brighter than the lamps in diagram 2.
D The voltage across each lamp in diagram 1 is greater than the voltage in diagram 2.

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4 An astronaut in a space station orbits above the Earth.

In the space station, the acceleration due to gravity is 7.5 m / s2.

On Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m / s2.

Which statement about the astronaut’s mass and weight in the space station is correct?

mass of astronaut weight of astronaut

A same as on the Earth less than on the Earth

B same as on the Earth greater than on the Earth
C lower than on the Earth less than on the Earth
D lower than on the Earth greater than on the Earth

5 The mass of a full bottle of cooking oil is 1.30 kg.

When exactly half of the oil has been used, the mass of the bottle plus the remaining oil is
0.90 kg.

1.30 0.90
kg kg

What is the mass of the empty bottle?

A 0.40 kg B 0.50 kg C 0.65 kg D 0.80 kg

6 A solid ball has a volume of 4.0 cm3. The density of the ball is 1.6 g / cm3.

What is the mass of the ball?

A 0.4 g B 2.5 g C 4.0 g D 6.4 g

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21 The diagram shows a transverse wave.

1 2 3 5

Which distance is equal to one wavelength?

A the distance between points 1 and 2

B the distance between points 1 and 3
C the distance between points 2 and 3
D the distance between points 4 and 5

22 A ray of light is reflected by a plane mirror.


Which row shows the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection?

angle of angle of
incidence reflection


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26 Which action will not magnetise a rod?

A placing a copper rod inside a coil carrying a direct current

B stroking a steel rod with a permanent magnet
C hammering a steel rod aligned with the Earth’s magnetic field
D placing a soft-iron rod close to a permanent magnet

27 The ends of three metal rods are tested by holding end Q of rod 1 close to the others in turn.



rod 1 rod 2 rod 3

The results are as follows.

End Q attracts end R.

End Q attracts end S.
End Q attracts end T.
End Q repels end U.

Which of the metal rods is a magnet?

A rod 1 only
B rod 1 and rod 2
C rod 1 and rod 3
D rod 3 only

28 Which statement about a voltmeter is correct?

A A voltmeter measures the current in a component and is connected in series with the
B A voltmeter measures the current in a component and is connected in parallel with the
C A voltmeter measures the potential difference (p.d.) across a component and is connected in
series with the component.
D A voltmeter measures the potential difference (p.d.) across a component and is connected in
parallel with the component.

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29 Four wires are made from the same metal.

Which wire has the lowest resistance?

length of diameter of
wire / cm wire / mm

A 20 0.20
B 20 0.40
C 40 0.20
D 40 0.40

30 A student sets up a circuit containing a battery of two cells and three lamps, as shown.

– + – +

What is the circuit diagram for this arrangement?


31 The diagrams show different resistor arrangements.

Which arrangement has the smallest combined resistance?


10 Ω 10 Ω
10 Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω 5Ω
5Ω 10 Ω

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20 Four metal mugs with lids each contain the same volume of hot water at the same temperature.

The mugs are made from the same metal and are the same shape and size, but each has its
outside surface painted with a different combination of texture and colour.

Which mug radiates thermal energy at the fastest rate?

A the mug painted shiny white

B the mug painted dull white
C the mug painted shiny black
D the mug painted dull black

21 The diagram shows a wave.

displacement from
undisturbed position
0 position
R S along wave

Which dimensions describe the properties of the wave?

A P = amplitude, S = speed
B P = speed, Q = wavelength
C R = amplitude, Q = wavelength
D R = amplitude, S = wavelength

22 What causes the change in direction when light travels from air into glass?

A The amplitude of the light changes.

B The colour of the light changes.
C The frequency of the light changes.
D The speed of the light changes.

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1 Which device is used to measure the time it takes for a 10 cm3 block of ice to melt in a laboratory
at room temperature?

A measuring cylinder
B ruler
C stopwatch
D thermometer

2 A student determines the average speed of a bubble rising through a liquid at constant speed.

When the student starts the stopwatch the bubble is at position P.

After 2.0 s the bubble is at position Q.


18 Q







What is the speed of the bubble between P and Q?

A 3.2 cm / s B 3.7 cm / s C 6.4 cm / s D 7.4 cm / s

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3 The speed-time graph represents a motorcycle journey.

In which part of the graph is the acceleration equal to zero?

m/s C

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
time / s

4 Which expression is used to find gravitational field strength g?

A mass × density

B mass ÷ weight

C weight × mass

D weight ÷ mass

5 A block of ice is removed from a freezer. Some of the ice melts to produce water. Some of the
water that is produced evaporates.

The original mass of the ice is p. The mass of the ice that has not yet melted is q. The mass of
the water is r. The mass of the water vapour is s.

The diagram shows these changes.

before melting after melting and evaporation

ice ice water water vapour

mass p mass q mass r mass s

Which equation gives the relationship between p, q, r and s?

A p=q+r
B p=q+r+s
C p=q+r–s
D p=q+s

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6 The masses of a measuring cylinder before and after pouring some liquid into it are shown in the

cm3 cm3
200 200

100 100

mass = 80 g mass = 180 g

What is the density of the liquid?

A 100 g / cm3 B 100 g / cm3 C 180 g / cm3 D 180 g / cm3

120 140 120 140

7 A car travels forwards along a straight horizontal road. Only the horizontal forces acting on it are

air resistance
and friction
driving force

The length of each arrow represents the size of each force.

How do these forces affect the motion of the car?

A The car moves at constant speed.

B The car moves backwards.
C The car slows down.
D The car’s forward speed increases.

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8 The centre of a uniform metre rule rests on a pivot. A load of weight 3.0 N is placed at the 70 cm

A force F acts upwards at the 80 cm mark. The rule is in equilibrium.

0 cm 50 cm 70 cm 100 cm

80 cm
3.0 N

What is the magnitude of F ?

A 2.0 N B 2.6 N C 3.0 N D 4.5 N

9 An energy resource is used to generate electrical energy.

Which energy resource uses a transfer of gravitational potential energy to generate this electrical

A geothermal
B hydroelectric
C solar
D wind

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21 Light passes into a glass block.

Which is the angle of refraction?


22 Which diagram shows what happens when a ray of white light passes through a prism?


white white
light light


white white
light light spectrum

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23 The diagrams show four sources of waves.

Which source produces longitudinal waves?


stick pushed up radio loudspeaker lamp

and down in water transmitter

24 The table shows different types of wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio micro- infra-red visible ultraviolet gamma

waves waves waves light waves rays

Where do all the waves travel at the same speed?

A in a vacuum
B in diamond
C in glass
D in water

25 A fire alarm is not loud enough and the pitch is too low. An engineer adjusts the alarm so that it
produces a louder note of a higher pitch.

What effect does this have on the amplitude and on the frequency of the sound?

amplitude frequency

A larger greater
B larger smaller
C smaller greater
D smaller smaller

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29 The circuit diagram shows three resistors connected in series across a 6.0 V supply.

6.0 V

3.0 Ω 4.0 Ω 5.0 Ω

What is the potential difference (p.d.) across the 4.0 Ω resistor?

A 0.67 V B 1.5 V C 2.0 V D 6.0 V

30 A thermistor is connected in series with a sensitive ammeter and a battery.


Which change will give a larger ammeter reading?

A adding another thermistor in series

B cooling the thermistor
C heating the thermistor
D reducing the number of cells in the battery

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31 Three ammeters measure the currents in different parts of the circuit shown. The diagram
indicates the reading on the ammeters.

18 Ω
3.0 A
2.0 A 6Ω
1.5 A

How do we know that at least one of the ammeters must be faulty?

A All three ammeters must read the same value.

B All the current takes the easier path through the 6 Ω resistor.
C The current from the battery must be equal to the sum of the currents in the two resistors.
D The current in the two parallel resistors must be the same.

32 A student connects a variable potential divider (potentiometer) circuit.


12 V

What happens to the reading on the voltmeter as the sliding terminal T is moved from R to S?

A It decreases from 12 V to 0 V.
B It increases from 0 V to 12 V.
C It remains at 0 V.
D It remains at 12 V.

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33 The diagram shows an electric circuit.

20 Ω 0.40 A

10 Ω

What is the potential difference (p.d.) across the LDR?

A 4.0 V B 8.0 V C 25 V D 50 V

34 A circuit-breaker is designed to protect a circuit which usually carries a current of 2 A.

The time taken to break the circuit depends on the current, as shown in the graph.

time taken
to break the
circuit / s 0.12
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

current / A

What happens when the current in the circuit is 2 A and what happens when the current is 18 A?

when the current is 2 A when the current is 18 A

A the circuit breaks in less than 0.01 s the circuit breaks in less than 0.01 s
B the circuit breaks in less than 0.01 s the circuit does not break
C the circuit does not break the circuit breaks in less than 0.01 s
D the circuit does not break the circuit does not break

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35 What is the purpose of a relay?

A to change a large voltage into a small voltage

B to change a small voltage into a large voltage
C to use a large current to switch on a small current
D to use a small current to switch on a large current

36 A coil of four loops of wire is placed in a magnetic field. When there is a current, the coil
experiences a turning effect.

Some extra loops of wire are wound on the coil but the current is unchanged.

How does this affect the turning effect?

A It is unchanged.
B Its direction changes.
C It decreases.
D It increases.

37 Which particle has a negative charge?

A an alpha particle
B an electron
C a neutron
D a proton

38 The diagram represents the nucleus of an atom. The charged particles are shown.

+ +

Which row gives the proton number and the nucleon number for this nucleus?

proton nucleon
number number

A 3 4
B 3 7
C 4 3
D 4 7

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39 A sample of radioactive isotope is decaying.

The nuclei of which atoms will decay first?

A It is impossible to know because radioactive decay is random.

B It is impossible to know unless the age of the material is known.
C The atoms near the centre will decay first because they are surrounded by more atoms.
D The atoms near the surface will decay first because the radiation can escape more easily.

40 The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 4.0 years.

A sample of this material contains 24 million radioactive nuclei.

How many of these radioactive nuclei remain undecayed after 12 years?

A 0.5 million
B 2.0 million
C 3.0 million
D 6.0 million

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
International Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2017 0625/12/M/J/17

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

PHYSICS 0625/11
Paper 1 Multiple Choice (Core) May/June 2018
45 minutes
Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet
Soft clean eraser

Soft pencil (type B or HB recommended)


Write in soft pencil.

Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has been done for you.

There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
Electronic calculators may be used.
Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 10 N (acceleration of free fall = 10 m / s2).

The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.

This document consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page.

IB18 06_0625_11/3RP
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1 A length of cotton is measured between two points on a ruler.


cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

When the length of cotton is wound closely around a pen, it goes round six times.

six turns of cotton


What is the distance once round the pen?

A 2.2 cm B 2.6 cm C 13.2 cm D 15.6 cm

2 A car is moving along a straight, level road, with a constant acceleration.

Which graph shows the motion of the car?


distance distance

0 0
0 time 0 time


speed speed

0 0
0 time 0 time

3 A car takes 15 minutes to travel along a road that is 20 km long.

What is the average speed of the car?

A 0.75 km / h B 5.0 km / h C 80 km / h D 300 km / h

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4 Diagram 1 shows a beam balance. A beaker with a wire loop balances the standard masses.

The beaker is then removed and hung from a spring. The spring extends by 5.0 cm, as in
diagram 2.

diagram 1 diagram 2

beam beaker with spring

standard balance wire loop

beaker with
wire loop

The experiment is repeated with the same apparatus on the Moon, where the acceleration of free
fall is less than on Earth.

Which statement describes what happens on the Moon?

A The beam balance is balanced and the spring extends by 5.0 cm.
B The beam balance is balanced and the spring extends by less than 5.0 cm.
C The right-hand balance pan is higher and the spring extends by 5.0 cm.
D The right-hand balance pan is higher and the spring extends by less than 5.0 cm.

5 An empty beaker is placed on a top-pan balance. Some water is now poured into the beaker.

0.062 kg 0.106 kg

empty beaker beaker + water

What is the weight of the water?

A 0.044 kg B 0.168 kg C 0.0044 N D 0.44 N

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25 The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum. The numbers indicate the approximate
wavelength at the boundaries between the various regions of the spectrum.

For a device to be able to make use of electromagnetic radiation, it needs an aerial of

approximately the same size as the radiation it is designed to work with.

1m 10–3 m 7 × 10–7 m 4 × 10–7 m 10–8 m 10–11 m

Which statement is correct?

A A mobile phone uses radiation from region P.

B A television satellite dish uses radiation from region Q.
C The receptor cells in an eye use radiation from region R.
D The remote controller for a television uses radiation from region U.

26 A dolphin has a range of audible frequencies of 150 Hz–150 kHz.

Which range of frequencies can be heard both by humans with good hearing and by dolphins?

A 20 Hz–150 Hz
B 20 Hz–150 kHz
C 20 kHz–150 kHz
D 150 Hz–20 kHz

27 A permanent magnet is placed close to a bar of soft iron.

S N P Q soft iron bar

What are the polarities of end P and of end Q?

end P end Q


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28 Which metal is used for the core of an electromagnet?

A copper
B iron
C magnesium
D steel

29 The diagram shows a cell connected to three resistors R1, R2 and R3.

position 1 position 4
R1 R2

position 2 position 3

A student connects an ammeter first in position 1, then in position 2, 3 and 4 in turn.

In which positions does the ammeter show the current in R1?

A 1, 2 and 4 B 1 and 2 only C 3 only D 4 only

30 A plastic rod is rubbed with a cloth. The rod becomes positively charged.

What happens to the plastic rod and what is the charge on the cloth?

plastic rod charge on cloth

A gains electrons negative

B gains electrons positive
C loses electrons negative
D loses electrons positive

31 A student measures the potential difference across a device and the current in the device.

Which calculation gives the resistance of the device?

A current + potential difference

B current ÷ potential difference

C potential difference ÷ current

D potential difference × current

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32 The diagram shows three identical resistors, three ammeters and a battery, connected in a

ammeter 1 A ammeter 2

ammeter 3

What is the order of the magnitudes of the readings on the ammeters from smallest to largest?

smallest intermediate largest

A ammeter 1 ammeter 2 ammeter 3

B ammeter 1 ammeter 3 ammeter 2
C ammeter 2 ammeter 3 ammeter 1
D ammeter 3 ammeter 2 ammeter 1

33 A student sets up this circuit.

What is the purpose of the circuit?

A to allow a lamp to be made dimmer or brighter as required

B to amplify the sound of a voice
C to light a lamp in the dark
D to sound a bell when the temperature rises

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34 The diagram shows two voltmeters P and Q connected to a potential divider.

V voltmeter P

V voltmeter Q

The sliding connection at point X is moved towards the top of the diagram.

What happens to the reading on P and to the reading on Q?

reading on P reading on Q

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases

35 Which statement about electromagnetic induction is correct?

A A strong magnet that is held stationary near a stationary conductor causes a greater effect
than a weak magnet.
B The effect occurs when a magnet and a conductor are both moved with the same speed and
in the same direction.
C The effect occurs when a magnet is moved away from a nearby conductor.
D The effect only occurs when a magnet is moved towards a conductor.

36 An electrical device changes the voltage of an electrical supply from 240 V a.c. to 20 V a.c.

What is this device?

A a generator
B a relay
C a transformer
D a voltmeter

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37 In the atomic model, an atom consists of a central mass, orbited by much smaller particles.

orbiting central
particle mass

What is the name of the central mass and of the orbiting particles?

central mass orbiting particles

A neutron α-particles
B neutron electrons
C nucleus α-particles
D nucleus electrons

38 A neutral atom of argon-40 ( 40 39

18 A ) and a neutral atom of potassium-39 ( 19 K ) are compared.

Which atom has more electrons, and which atom has more protons?

more electrons more protons

A argon argon
B argon potassium
C potassium argon
D potassium potassium

39 Which statement about α-particles and β-particles is correct?

A α-particles are less ionising than β-particles.

B α-particles are more penetrating than β-particles.

C α-particles have greater mass than β-particles.

D α-particles have the same charge as β-particles.

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40 An explosion in a nuclear reactor spread the isotope caesium-137 across a large area.

Ninety years after the explosion, the quantity of caesium-137 present will be 12.5% of its original

What is the half-life of caesium-137?

A 11.25 years B 22.5 years C 30.0 years D 45.0 years

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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
International Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2018 0625/11/M/J/18

Cambridge IGCSE™

PHYSICS 0625/21
Paper 2 Multiple Choice (Extended) May/June 2020
45 minutes

You must answer on the multiple choice answer sheet.


You will need: Multiple choice answer sheet

Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)

• There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions.
• For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct
and record your choice in soft pencil on the multiple choice answer sheet.
• Follow the instructions on the multiple choice answer sheet.
• Write in soft pencil.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number on the multiple choice answer sheet in the
spaces provided unless this has been done for you.
• Do not use correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You may use a calculator.
• Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 10 N (acceleration of free fall = 10 m / s2).

• The total mark for this paper is 40.
• Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
• Any rough working should be done on this question paper.

This document has 16 pages. Blank pages are indicated.

IB20 06_0625_21/4RP
© UCLES 2020 [Turn over

1 A pendulum makes 50 complete swings in 2 min 40 s.

What is the time period for 1 complete swing?

A 1.6 s B 3.2 s C 4.8 s D 6.4 s

2 A student investigates the motion of a ball rolling down a slope.

The diagram shows the speed v of the ball at different times t.

t = 0s
v = 0 cm / s
t = 0.2 s
v = 2.8 cm / s
t = 0.4 s
ball v = 5.1 cm / s t = 0.6 s
v = 7.0 cm / s

Which statement describes the motion of the ball?

A The acceleration is not constant.

B The acceleration is negative.
C The speed is decreasing.
D The velocity is constant.

3 Which statement about acceleration is correct?

A It is related to the changing speed of an object.

B It is the distance an object travels in one second.
C It is the force acting on an object divided by the distance it travels in one second.
D It is the force acting on an object when it is near to the Earth.

4 Which statement correctly describes the effects of placing a heavy load in a car?

A It is easier to accelerate the car and easier to bring the car to rest.
B It is easier to accelerate the car but more difficult to bring the car to rest.
C It is more difficult to accelerate the car and more difficult to bring the car to rest.
D It is more difficult to accelerate the car but easier to bring the car to rest.

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5 A mass of 6.0 kg rests on the surface of a planet.

On this planet, g = 20 N / kg.

What is the weight of the object?

A 0.30 N B 0.60 N C 60 N D 120 N

6 The mass of a measuring cylinder is 190 g.

400 cm3 of liquid is put into the measuring cylinder.

The total mass of the measuring cylinder and the liquid is 560 g.

Four solid objects are lowered in turn into the liquid. The densities of the objects are shown.

1 0.40 g / cm3
2 0.90 g / cm3
3 1.2 g / cm3
4 2.7 g / cm3

Which objects will float in the liquid?

A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 1, 2 and 3 D 3 and 4 only

7 The diagram shows a wooden beam PQ, of negligible weight, which is attached to a wall by a
hinge at P and kept in a horizontal position by a vertical rope attached at Q.

The beam is 3.0 m in length.

A man of weight 800 N walks along the beam from P to Q.

wall man




What is the distance of the man from P when the tension in the rope at Q becomes equal to
500 N?

A 0.53 m B 1.1 m C 1.9 m D 2.5 m

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1 A student measures the volume of a cork.

He puts some water into a measuring cylinder and then one glass ball. He puts the cork and then
a second, identical glass ball into the water as shown.

cm3 cm3 cm3

100 100 100

80 80 80
glass ball
60 60 60

40 40 40 cork
20 20 20
glass ball glass ball

diagram 1 diagram 2 diagram 3

Diagram 1 shows the first water level.

Diagram 2 shows the water level after one glass ball is added.

Diagram 3 shows the water level after the cork and the second glass ball are added.

What is the volume of the cork?

A 30 cm3 B 40 cm3 C 50 cm3 D 100 cm3

2 The graph shows how the speed of a car varies over a period of 10 s.


0 5 10
time / s

How far does the car travel during the 10 s?

A 10 m B 50 m C 75 m D 100 m

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3 The diagram shows how the speed of a falling object changes with time.


0 time

Which row describes the motion of the object between X and Y, and between Y and Z?

between X and Y between Y and Z

A accelerating at rest
B accelerating constant speed
C decelerating at rest
D decelerating constant speed

4 A spring is stretched by hanging a piece of metal from it.



Which name is given to the force that stretches the spring?

A friction
B mass
C pressure
D weight

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5 The graph shows how weight varies with mass on planet P and on planet Q.

planet P
weight / N
planet Q



0 20 40 60 80
mass / kg

An object weighs 400 N on planet P. The object is taken to planet Q.

Which row is correct?

mass of object weight of object

on planet Q / kg on planet Q / N

A 40 200
B 40 400
C 80 200
D 80 400

6 What is needed to determine the density of a regularly shaped block?

A a balance and a beaker

B a balance and a ruler
C a measuring cylinder and a beaker
D a measuring cylinder and a ruler

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7 A student conducts an experiment by hanging different loads on a spring. The diagrams show the
lengths of the spring with different loads.

3.0 cm

6.0 cm

9.0 cm

2.0 N

4.0 N

Which row gives the correct extensions of the spring?

extension / cm
0N 2.0 N 4.0 N

A 0 3.0 3.0
B 0 3.0 6.0
C 3.0 3.0 3.0
D 3.0 6.0 9.0

8 A car mechanic is trying to loosen a wheel nut. He applies a force to the end of a spanner
(wrench) at right-angles to the spanner.

Which method provides the largest turning effect on the nut?

A applying double the force to a spanner that is half as long

B applying double the force to a spanner that is twice as long
C applying double the force to the same spanner
D applying the same force to a spanner that is twice as long

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9 The diagrams show four table lamps resting on a table. The position of the centre of mass of
each lamp is labelled X.

Which lamp is the most stable?




10 A pendulum bob swings from W, through points X and Y, to Z and then back to W.


Which statement is correct?

A The gravitational potential energy of the bob is smallest at W.

B The gravitational potential energy of the bob is smallest at X.
C The gravitational potential energy of the bob is smallest at Y.
D The gravitational potential energy of the bob is the same at all points of the swing.

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11 A student runs up a flight of stairs.


Which information is not needed to calculate the rate at which the student is doing work against

A the height of the flight of stairs

B the length of the flight of stairs
C the time taken to run up the stairs
D the weight of the student

12 What is a manometer used to determine?

A the difference between two densities

B the difference between two forces
C the difference between two heights
D the difference between two pressures

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13 The diagram shows a simple mercury barometer.

cm vacuum


metre rule 70







Which length is used to find the value of atmospheric pressure?

A 12 cm B 74 cm C 86 cm D 100 cm

14 A pollen grain in a beaker of still water is viewed through a microscope.

Which diagram shows the most likely movement of the pollen grain?


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15 The diagram shows an air-filled rubber toy. A child sits on the toy and its volume decreases.

The temperature of the air in the toy does not change.

How does the air pressure in the toy change and why?

pressure reason

A decreases air molecules move more slowly

B decreases air molecules strike the rubber less frequently
C increases air molecules move more quickly
D increases air molecules strike the rubber more frequently

16 A strip of iron and a strip of brass are firmly attached to each other along their entire length. This
combination is a bimetallic strip.

iron strip

brass strip

This bimetallic strip is heated and it bends as shown.


fixed support


The bimetallic strip is now cooled and becomes straight again.

What causes the bimetallic strip to become straight again?

A The brass contracts more than the iron.

B The brass expands more than the iron.
C The iron contracts more than the brass.
D The iron expands more than the brass.

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17 The diagram shows an electric heater being used to heat a beaker of water and an identical
beaker containing oil. Both are heated for one minute.

water oil

electric heater

The temperature of the water and the temperature of the oil increase steadily. The increase in
temperature of the oil is much greater than that of the water.

Why is this?

A Oil has a higher boiling point than water.

B Oil has a lower boiling point than water.
C The oil has a larger thermal capacity than the water.
D The oil has a smaller thermal capacity than the water.

18 The air temperature in a cold room is 15 °C.

A heater that contains water at 50 °C is used to heat the room.

By which process is most of the thermal energy transferred throughout the air in the room?

A conduction
B convection
C evaporation
D radiation

19 Which statement about convection currents is correct?

A Convection currents occur because, when cooled, liquids contract and become more dense.
B Convection currents occur because, when warmed, liquids expand and become more dense.
C Convection currents only occur in liquids.
D Convection currents only occur in solids and liquids.

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20 The diagram represents a wave travelling along a rope.

Which labelled arrow indicates the wavelength of the wave?


21 The diagram represents plane wavefronts of a water wave about to strike a solid barrier.


Which diagram shows the position of the wavefronts after reflection at the barrier?







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Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

PHYSICS 0625/11
Paper 1 Multiple Choice (Core) October/November 2018
45 minutes
Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet
Soft clean eraser

Soft pencil (type B or HB recommended)


Write in soft pencil.

Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has been done for you.

There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
Electronic calculators may be used.
Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 10 N (acceleration of free fall = 10 m / s2).

The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.

This document consists of 16 printed pages.

IB18 11_0625_11/2RP
© UCLES 2018 [Turn over

1 A pendulum is set in motion and timed. The time measured for 20 complete swings is 30 s.

What is the time for one complete swing of the pendulum?

A 0.67 s B 0.75 s C 1.5 s D 3.0 s

2 The diagrams are distance-time graphs for four bodies.

Which body is moving with an increasing speed?


distance distance

0 0
0 time 0 time


distance distance

0 0
0 time 0 time

3 A runner runs 300 m at an average speed of 3.0 m / s. She then runs another 300 m at an average
speed of 6.0 m / s.

What is her average speed for the total distance of 600 m?

A 2.0 m / s B 4.0 m / s C 4.5 m / s D 8.0 m / s

4 Which quantity is measured in newtons?

A energy
B mass
C weight
D work

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5 Four identical steel blocks are placed on a balance. The reading on the balance is 220 N.

What is the mass of one steel block?

A 5.5 kg B 22 kg C 55 kg D 88 kg

6 A liquid has a volume of 0.040 m3 and a mass of 30 000 g.

What is the density of the liquid?

A 0.075 kg / m3 B 7.5 kg / m3 C 750 kg / m3 D 7500 kg / m3

7 The unstretched lengths and extension-load graphs are shown for each of four different springs.

Which spring is the longest when a load of 5.0 N is hung from each spring?


unstretched length 65 mm unstretched length 90 mm

100 100
extension 90 extension 90
/ mm 80 / mm 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
load / N load / N


unstretched length 105 mm unstretched length 110 mm

100 100
extension 90 extension 90
/ mm 80 / mm 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
load / N load / N

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8 A car moves along a level road.

The diagram shows all of the horizontal forces acting on the car.

800 N
air resistance
2000 N force
500 N from engine

Which statement is correct?

A The car is slowing down.

B The car is speeding up.
C The car is moving at a constant speed.
D The car is moving backwards.

9 Which force and distance produce the smallest moment about a pivot?

A a 6.0 N force at a perpendicular distance of 4.0 m from the pivot

B a 7.0 N force at a perpendicular distance of 6.0 m from the pivot
C a 10 N force at a perpendicular distance of 4.0 m from the pivot
D a 12 N force at a perpendicular distance of 3.0 m from the pivot

10 Which device is designed to convert chemical energy into kinetic energy?

A an a.c. generator
B a battery-powered torch
C a car engine
D a wind-up mechanical clock

11 A man climbs a ladder.

Which two quantities can be used to calculate the useful power of the man?

A the weight of the man and the time taken only

B the weight of the man and the vertical distance moved only
C the work done by the man and the time taken only
D the work done by the man and the vertical distance moved only

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12 A manometer is used to measure the pressure of gas inside a metal container.


container liquid

What is the pressure inside the container?

A equal to the atmospheric pressure

B greater than the atmospheric pressure
C less than the atmospheric pressure but greater than zero
D zero

13 A manometer is used to measure the pressure of a gas supply.


to gas supply


Which change gives a greater value of height h ?

A using a less dense liquid

B using a more dense liquid
C using a narrower tube
D using a wider tube

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14 During evaporation of a liquid, the more energetic molecules escape. The temperature of the
remaining liquid changes.

Which row identifies where these molecules escape from and describes the temperature change?

molecules temperature of
escape from the remaining liquid

A body of the liquid decreases

B body of the liquid increases
C surface of the liquid decreases
D surface of the liquid increases

15 Diagram 1 shows apparatus being used to observe smoke particles.

Diagram 2 shows how a smoke particle moves randomly.

diagram 1 diagram 2



air molecules
light and
smoke particles

Why do the smoke particles move randomly?

A They are hit by air molecules.

B They are less dense than air.
C They are moved by convection currents.
D They gain energy from the light.

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25 A woman hears the first note produced by a clarinet.

She then hears a second note that has a higher pitch and is quieter.

Which row compares the frequency and the amplitude of the two notes?

first note second note

A higher frequency larger amplitude

B higher frequency smaller amplitude
C lower frequency larger amplitude
D lower frequency smaller amplitude

26 The diagram shows a bar magnet and four plotting compasses.

Which compass shows the direction of the magnetic field due to the magnet?


27 Iron is used for the core of a transformer and steel is used to make a bar magnet.

Which statement explains these uses of iron and of steel?

A Iron is a magnetic material and steel is a non-magnetic material.

B Iron is a permanent magnetic material and steel is a temporary magnetic material.
C Iron is a temporary magnetic material and steel is a permanent magnetic material.
D Iron is a non-magnetic material and steel is a magnetic material.

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28 A negatively charged plastic rod P is placed above a positively charged plastic rod Q.

– – – – –

+ + + + +

What are the directions of the electrostatic forces on rod P and on rod Q?

electrostatic force electrostatic force

on rod P on rod Q

A downwards downwards
B downwards upwards
C upwards downwards
D upwards upwards

29 The diagrams show the scales of three ammeters.

2 3 2 3 4 6
1 4 1 4 2 8



ammeter 1 ammeter 2 ammeter 3

Which ammeters show the same current reading?

A all three ammeters

B ammeter 1 and ammeter 2 only
C ammeter 1 and ammeter 3 only
D ammeter 2 and ammeter 3 only

30 The resistance of a component in a circuit is found using an ammeter and a voltmeter.

How are the ammeter and the voltmeter connected?

A the voltmeter and ammeter in parallel with the component

B the voltmeter and ammeter in series with the component
C the voltmeter in parallel with the component and the ammeter in series with the component
D the voltmeter in series with the component and the ammeter in parallel with the component

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31 The diagram shows a circuit with a power supply and four components.

+ –

What is component N?

A fixed resistor
B fuse
C thermistor
D variable resistor

32 Two lamps are connected in parallel.

S1 S2


Which switches must be closed so that both lamps light?

A S1 and S2 only
B S1 and S3 only
C S2 and S3 only
D S1, S2 and S3

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33 The circuit diagram shows a variable potential divider.



The slider is moved from P towards Q.

What happens to the reading on the voltmeter and to the brightness of the lamp?

reading on brightness
voltmeter of lamp

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases

34 Either a fuse or a circuit-breaker can be used to protect electrical cables from large currents that
could cause overheating.

X cable

electrical Y appliance


When a fuse is used, where should it be connected, and when a circuit-breaker is used, where
should it be connected?

position position of
of fuse circuit-breaker


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1 A student measures the volumes of three liquids using three different measuring cylinders.


cm3 cm3
2.0 4.0
1.5 3.0
1.0 2.0 10
0.5 1.0

1 2 3

The table shows the volumes recorded by the student.

measuring volume
cylinder / cm3

1 1.2
2 2.2
3 25

Which readings are correctly recorded?

A 1, 2 and 3 B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 1 only

2 A car driver measures the time taken to complete four separate journeys.

In which journey does the driver have the greatest average speed?

distance / km time / h

A 60 2
B 60 3
C 120 3
D 120 4

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3 The graph shows how the speed of an object varies with time.


P Q time

Which row describes the motion of the object at times P and Q?


A at rest accelerating
B at rest decelerating
C moving with constant speed accelerating
D moving with constant speed decelerating

4 A stone has a weight of 4.1 N.

What is the mass of the stone?

A 0.41 kg B 2.4 kg C 4.1 kg D 41 kg

5 Which quantity is weight an example of?

A acceleration
B force
C mass
D pressure

6 A rectangular metal block is 20 cm long.

The cross-sectional area of the block is 25 cm2.

The mass of the block is 4000 g.

What is the density of the metal?

A 0.13 g / cm3 B 0.32 g / cm3 C 8.0 g / cm3 D 2000 g / cm3

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7 A force of 4.0 N acts on a beam as shown.


4.0 N

The line of action of the force is a distance x from a pivot. The moment of this force about this
pivot is 8.0 N cm.

What is distance x?

A 0.50 cm B 2.0 cm C 12 cm D 32 cm

8 The diagram shows a stand. The stand holds a heavy mass above the bench.

heavy mass



Which two changes would definitely make the stand more stable?

A Lower the mass and make the base narrower.

B Lower the mass and make the base wider.
C Raise the mass and make the base narrower.
D Raise the mass and make the base wider.

9 Two wind farms supply electrical energy to consumers in different ways.

Wind farm 1 supplies energy directly to consumers and for every 1000 J of energy extracted from
the wind, 360 J is transferred to consumers as electrical energy.

Wind farm 2 stores electrical energy in batteries and then supplies energy from the batteries to
the consumer. For every 1000 J of energy extracted from the wind, 270 J is transferred to
consumers as electrical energy.

Which statement about the two wind farms is correct?

A Wind farm 1 is less reliable and less efficient than wind farm 2.
B Wind farm 1 is less reliable but more efficient than wind farm 2.
C Wind farm 1 is more reliable but less efficient than wind farm 2.
D Wind farm 1 is more reliable and more efficient than wind farm 2.

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10 Work is done.

Which physical quantity is transferred?

A distance
B energy
C force
D temperature

11 To calculate the power produced by a force, the size of the force must be known.

What else needs to be known to calculate the power?

the distance that the force the time for which the
moves the object force acts on the object

A   key
B    = needed
C   = not needed

12 The diagram shows a mercury barometer.

Which height is used as a measurement of atmospheric pressure?


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13 A man who weighs 540 N stands with both feet on the ground. The area of contact between one
foot and the ground is 0.015 m2.

What is the pressure exerted on the floor by the man?

A 1800 N / m2
B 3600 N / m2
C 18 000 N / m2
D 36 000 N / m2

14 On a warm day, a driver checks the air pressure in a car tyre. At night, the temperature drops and
the air pressure in the tyre decreases. There are no air leaks in the tyre.

Why does the pressure decrease?

A The air molecules in the tyre move more slowly.

B The air molecules in the tyre stop moving.
C The volume of the air in the tyre decreases.
D The volume of the air in the tyre increases.

15 Wet clothes are put out on a line to allow the water in the clothes to evaporate.

Which type of weather would cause the water to evaporate most quickly?

A a cold day with no wind

B a cold day with wind
C a hot day with no wind
D a hot day with wind

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16 A bimetallic strip is used to control the temperature of electrical appliances. It is made of two
different metals fixed together.

The diagram shows the shape of the bimetallic strip before and after heating.

metal P

metal Q
before heating after heating

Which statement is correct?

A Metal P contracts more than metal Q on heating.

B Metal Q contracts more than metal P on heating.
C Metal P expands more than metal Q on heating.
D Metal Q expands more than metal P on heating.

17 Samples of four different substances are heated in turn by the same heater, for the same time
duration and in the same conditions. The increase in temperature for each sample is recorded in
the table.

Which sample has the highest thermal capacity?

rise / C

A aluminium 6.0
B copper 8.0
C mercury 10.0
D water 5.0

18 Thermal energy is supplied at the same rate to four bars made from different materials.

energy X Y

After several minutes, there is a temperature difference between X and Y for each bar.

Which statement identifies the bar with the greatest temperature difference between points X and
Y, and gives the correct reason?

A copper because it is a good conductor of thermal energy

B lead because it is the densest metal
C plastic because it is a poor conductor of thermal energy
D wood because it is a good conductor of thermal energy

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19 A scientist measures the air temperature at different heights from the floor in a cave. The results
are recorded in the table.

height / m temperature / C

0 10
10 11
20 13
30 14
40 16

Why does altering the height affect the temperature of the air?

A The molecules in warm air have less energy than the molecules in cool air.
B The molecules in cool air are further apart than the molecules in warm air.
C Warm air is less dense than cool air.
D Cool air rises above warm air.

20 Which row correctly describes light waves?

wave type direction of vibrations

A longitudinal parallel to direction of wave travel

B longitudinal perpendicular to direction of wave travel
C transverse parallel to direction of wave travel
D transverse perpendicular to direction of wave travel

21 Waves travel across the surface of water.

What is meant by the amplitude of the wave?

A the maximum distance of a water particle from its mean position

B how far the wave travels every second
C the number of waves passing a point every second
D the distance between the top of consecutive waves

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22 Which diagram shows the image correctly formed by reflection?

object image object image

mirror mirror

object image object image

mirror mirror

23 A man sees a stone at the bottom of a pool of water.

Which path could be taken by light from the stone to the man?





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24 White light can be split into different colours by passing it through a prism.

What is the name of this process?

A diffraction
B dispersion
C reflection
D total internal reflection

25 Which type of radiation does a remote controller use to send its instructions to a TV set?

A -rays
B infrared radiation
C ultraviolet radiation
D X-rays

26 A police car with its siren sounding is stationary in heavy traffic. A pedestrian notices that,
although the loudness of the sound produced does not change, the pitch varies.

Which row describes the amplitude and the frequency of the sound?

amplitude frequency

A constant constant
B constant varying
C varying constant
D varying varying

27 A student sets up four experiments using bar magnets and other metal objects. The N and S
poles of the bar magnets are labelled N and S.

1 2

S N S N S N iron

3 4

S N copper S N N S

Which pairs attract each other?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4

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28 A student uses three small plotting compasses to investigate the magnetic field around a bar

Which diagram shows the directions in which the compass needles point?





29 A polythene rod is charged negatively by rubbing it with a cloth.

Which statement explains why the rod has become charged?

A The rod has gained electrons.

B The rod has gained protons.
C The rod has lost electrons.
D The rod has lost protons.

30 There is a current in a variable resistor when a potential difference (p.d.) is applied across it.

In which situation is the current increased?

A Decrease the p.d. and keep the resistance the same.

B Decrease the p.d. and increase the resistance.
C Keep the p.d. the same and decrease the resistance.
D Keep the p.d. the same and increase the resistance.

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31 The circuit shown includes a battery, three lamps X, Y and Z and three switches S1, S2 and S3.

lamp X

lamp Y

lamp Z

Lamp X is off but lamps Y and Z are lit.

Which switches are closed?

A S1 and S2 only
B S1 and S3 only
C S2 and S3 only
D S1, S2 and S3

32 A student uses four ammeters P, Q, R and S to measure the current in different parts of the
circuit shown.




Which two ammeters read the largest current?

A P and Q B P and R C R and Q D R and S

33 An electrical appliance is powered from a mains supply.

The appliance normally uses a current of 3 A, but the current briefly rises to 4 A at the instant the
appliance is switched on. The cable to the appliance is designed for currents up to 6 A.

A fuse is used to protect the circuit.

What should be the rating of the fuse?

A 1A B 3A C 5A D 13 A

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1 A pendulum makes 50 complete swings in 2 min 40 s.

What is the time period for 1 complete swing?

A 1.6 s B 3.2 s C 4.8 s D 6.4 s

2 The motion of an object is represented by the speed–time graph shown.


area under
the graph

0 time

Which quantity is equal to the area under the graph?

A acceleration
B average speed
C distance travelled
D kinetic energy

3 Which statement about acceleration is correct?

A It is related to the changing speed of an object.

B It is the distance an object travels in one second.
C It is the force acting on an object divided by the distance it travels in one second.
D It is the force acting on an object when it is near to the Earth.

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4 Two metal blocks P and Q have identical dimensions. They hang on identical spring balances.

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


Which statement about P and Q is correct?

A They have different volumes and different weights.

B They have different volumes and equal weights.
C They have equal volumes and equal weights.
D They have equal volumes and different weights.

5 A mass of 6.0 kg rests on the surface of a planet.

On this planet, g = 20 N / kg.

What is the weight of the object?

A 0.30 N B 0.60 N C 60 N D 120 N

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6 The mass of a measuring cylinder is 190 g.

400 cm3 of liquid is put into the measuring cylinder.

The total mass of the measuring cylinder and the liquid is 560 g.

Four solid objects are lowered in turn into the liquid. The densities of the objects are shown.

1 0.40 g / cm3
2 0.90 g / cm3
3 1.2 g / cm3
4 2.7 g / cm3

Which objects will float in the liquid?

A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 1, 2 and 3 D 3 and 4 only

7 A sledge is pulled in a straight line by dogs, as shown.


The dogs produce a total horizontal driving force of 600 N.

The frictional force between the sledge and the surface is 150 N and the air resistance on the
sledge is 450 N.

What is the resultant force acting on the sledge?

A 0N B 300 N C 900 N D 1200 N

8 Forces are applied to four identical objects.

The lengths of the arrows indicate the magnitude of each force.

Which object is in equilibrium?


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9 The diagram shows part of a rollercoaster ride with the car at different positions.

The car runs freely down from position X to position Y and up the hill on the other side.


What happens to the kinetic energy and to the gravitational potential energy of the car as it
moves from position X to position Y?

kinetic energy
potential energy

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases

10 Student P uses a force of 35 N to push a box 3.0 m across the floor.

Student Q uses a force of 22 N to push another box 1.8 m across the floor.

Which statement gives a full explanation why student P uses more energy than student Q?

A Student P pushes his box a greater distance than student Q.

B Student P pushes his box a greater distance and uses a bigger force than student Q.
C Student P uses a bigger force than student Q.
D Student P pushes a heavier box than student Q.

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11 A man can either take an escalator or a lift to travel up between two floors in a hotel.

escalator lift

The escalator takes 20 seconds to carry the man between the two floors. The useful work done
against gravity is W. The useful power developed is P.

The lift takes 30 seconds to carry the same man between the same two floors.

How much useful work against gravity is done by the lift, and how much useful power is
developed by the lift?

useful work
useful power
done against
developed by lift
gravity by lift

A more than W less than P

B more than W P
C W less than P

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12 The diagram shows a solid block resting on a bench. The dimensions of the block are shown.

40 cm
20 cm

R bench
80 cm P

On which labelled surface should the block rest to produce the smallest pressure on the bench?

D P, Q and R produce the same pressure

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13 Four submarines are submerged. The density of fresh water is 1000 kg / m3 and the density of
sea water is 1020 kg / m3.

Which submarine experiences the greatest pressure due to the water?

water surface water surface

fresh water 100 m fresh water

120 m


water surface water surface

sea water 100 m sea water

120 m


14 A gas is heated in a sealed container.

The volume of the container does not change.

What happens to the molecules of the gas?

A The average distance between molecules increases.

B The average kinetic energy of the molecules increases.
C The mass of each molecule increases.
D The volume of each molecule increases.

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15 A student is investigating evaporation. She soaks a piece of cotton wool in a liquid and attaches
this to the bulb of a thermometer.

As the liquid evaporates the temperature reading on the thermometer changes.

cotton wool
soaked in liquid thermometer

Which statement is correct?

A The more energetic molecules leave the liquid and the temperature reading decreases.
B The more energetic molecules leave the liquid and the temperature reading increases.
C The less energetic molecules leave the liquid and the temperature reading decreases.
D The less energetic molecules leave the liquid and the temperature reading increases.

16 The thermometer in the diagram has no scale.

Before this thermometer can be used to measure temperature, two standard temperatures known
as fixed points are needed. These are labelled X and Y.


Which row describes these fixed points on the Celsius scale?


A temperature of pure boiling water normal body temperature

B temperature of pure boiling water temperature of pure melting ice
C normal body temperature temperature of pure boiling water
D temperature of pure melting ice temperature of pure boiling water

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17 When a hot gas is left to cool, its internal energy decreases.

What causes this?

A a decrease in the kinetic energy of the gas particles

B a decrease in the gravitational potential energy of the gas particles
C an increase in the average speed of the gas particles
D an increase in the average distance of separation of the gas particles

18 The diagrams show four blocks of steel. The blocks are all drawn to the same scale.

The same quantity of thermal energy is given to each block.

Which block shows the greatest rise in temperature?


19 One ice cube is placed on a metal block. An identical ice cube is placed on a plastic block. The
blocks are left next to each other on a table in a laboratory.

ice cube

metal block plastic block

Which ice cube melts first and why?

A The ice cube on the plastic block melts first because plastic is a good insulator of thermal
B The ice cube on the plastic block melts first because plastic is a good conductor of thermal
C The ice cube on the metal block melts first because metal is a good conductor of thermal
D The ice cube on the metal block melts first because metal is a good insulator of thermal

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20 Two freezers X and Y are identical except that one has a door opening at the front and the other
has a door opening at the top.





Both doors are the same size and are opened for the same amount of time.

Which freezer gains the least amount of thermal energy in this time and why?

freezer gaining the

least thermal energy

A X cold air falls

B X warm air falls
C Y cold air falls
D Y warm air falls

21 The diagram shows a wave.

8 cm

3 cm

6 cm

4 cm

What are the amplitude and the wavelength of this wave?

amplitude / cm wavelength / cm

A 3 4
B 3 8
C 6 4
D 6 8

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22 Waves travel more quickly on the surface of water when the water is deep.

A stone is dropped at point X into a pool of varying depth. The diagram shows the first three
wavefronts on the surface of the pool.

The region between X and which labelled point is likely to be the deepest?



23 The diagram shows a beam of light travelling through glass and meeting a glass-air interface.


60° glass

Which row correctly describes what is happening at the glass-air interface?

angle of incidence
at the interface

A 30° some internal reflection

B 30° total internal reflection
C 60° some internal reflection
D 60° total internal reflection

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24 A narrow beam of white light passes through a prism and is dispersed into a spectrum.

white 2
light 3

Which row is correct?

colour 1 colour 2 colour 3

A blue yellow red

B red blue yellow
C red yellow blue
D yellow blue red

25 An intruder alarm sensor detects that a person is warmer than his surroundings.

Which type of electromagnetic wave does the sensor detect?

A infrared
B radio
C ultraviolet
D visible light

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28 Four nails A, B, C and D are tested to find which makes the strongest permanent magnet.

One of the nails is placed against a bar magnet and the number of paper clips which the nail can
support is recorded.

bar magnet

paper clips

The bar magnet is then removed and the number of paper clips remaining attached to the nail is
recorded. Each nail is tested individually.

Which nail becomes the strongest permanent magnet?

number of paper clips attached to the nail

bar magnet present bar magnet removed

A 2 0
B 2 1
C 4 3
D 5 2

29 Three statements about electric charge are given.

1 An ammeter directly measures how much electric charge is in an object.

2 A moving electric charge can be detected by an ammeter.
3 A flow of electric charge is an electric current.

Which statements are correct?

A 1 and 2 only B 1 and 3 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2 and 3

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30 Each of the four diagrams M, N, O and P shows a separate pair of insulating rods. Each rod is
charged as shown.

diagram M diagram N
– – – – – – + + +
– – +
– – – – – – + + +

diagram O diagram P
– – – + + + + + + + + +
– + + +
– – – + + + + + + + + +

In which two arrangements do the pairs of rods experience a force of repulsion?

A M and N B O and P C M and P D N and O

31 A student uses the circuit shown to determine the resistance of two identical resistors.

The voltmeter reading is 2.2 V and the ammeter reading is 0.25 A.

What is the resistance of each resistor?

A 0.275 Ω B 0.55 Ω C 4.4 Ω D 8.8 Ω

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32 In the circuit shown, A1 and A2 are ammeters.

A1 A2

Switch S is closed.

Which row is correct?

the resistance of
reading of A1 reading of A2
the whole circuit

A decreases stays the same increases

B decreases increases increases
C increases stays the same stays the same
D increases decreases decreases

33 What happens to the resistance of an LDR when the brightness of light falling on it increases?

A Its resistance decreases.

B Its resistance increases.
C Its resistance increases then decreases.
D Its resistance stays the same.

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34 A student constructs four circuits, each containing a fuse.

The fuse blows in one circuit and both lamps in the circuit go out.

In which circuit does the fuse blow and both lamps go out?



35 A transformer has 200 turns on its primary coil and is connected to a 240 V a.c. supply.

The output voltage of the transformer is 60 V a.c..

How many turns are on the secondary coil of the transformer?

A 20 B 50 C 72 D 800

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