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Report by: Group 1 BSIE 2-2 CHAPTER 1 OFA RESEARCH PAPER Sample Titles ® Cost Modeling and Design Techniques for Integrated Package Distribution Systems © Asymptotically Optimal Schedules for Single-Server Flow Shop Problems with Setup Costs and Times © AClass of Hybrid Methods for Revenue Management ® Tradeoffs Between Customer Service and Cost in an Integrated Supply Chain Design Framework ® Facility Location in Supply Chain Design © ACompetitive Marketing/Operations Model of Differentiate Product Decisions ® A Joint Marketing/Operations Model of Differentiated Product Decisions ® Serial Agile Production Systems with Automation ® The Stochastic Location Model with Risk Pooling ® The Project Portfolio Management Problem ® Push and Pull Production in Automated Agile Workforce Environments © Opportunity of Hierarchical Cross- training in Serial Production © Path Planning in an Anisotropic Medium © Capacity Option Transfer Rights: Do They Benefit Suppliers? © Disaster Relief Routing: Integrating Research and Practice ® Models for Relief Routing: Equity, Efficiency and Efficacy ® Sequential Resource Allocation for Nonprofit Operations © Workforce management in periodic delivery operations ® Dynamic Spectrum Management with the Competitive Market Model © Cost-Effective Control of Chronic Viral Diseases: Finding the Optimal Level of Screening and Contact Tracing Parts of Chapter 1 ® Introduction ® Assumptions and fom =t-lol corre Viao Rov t=) Hypothesis Study © Scope and ® Statement of the Delimitations of the Problem Study © Theoretical ® Limitations of the meV NCI Study © Conceptual © Definition of Terms Framework Introduction © Discusses four (4) relevant ideas: e TOPIC or subject matter: define and elaborate using methods of paragraph development like classification and giving examples e IMPORTANCE of the Topic: cite the role that the topic plays in your life and the benefits you derive from it. e REASONS for Choosing the topic: emphasized what motivated you to choose the topic. e PURPOSE of the Study: discusses the objective of the study. Introduction In today's modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of the country’s institutions still do not adapt the high technology. Particularly in most medical clinic facilities, daily clinic transactions are still done on paper. We all know that modem clinics are now operating at great pace striving to serve as many patients as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years rolled by, the number of patients has grown and various medical cases arise that the manual method of managing patients’ records, prescriptions, billing and appointment schedule, is no longer practical In this study, we hope to develop a web-based application that will minimize all paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing doctors and staff ease in keeping track of patients, reducing patients’ waiting time and increasing the number of patients served — a system that is fully automated. user-friendly, time effective and efficient, Background of The Study ® consists of statements on what led the investigator to launch the study. ® may have been generated by some empirical observations, the need to explore the problem and some other relevant conditions. © describe as clearly as possible the problem intended to be addressed and refer to the relevant literature in the field. Background of the Study © it is an overview of factors which have led to the problem, comprise the problem and historical significance relative to the problem. A. Background of the Study ‘All this time. Squash (Cucurbura maxima) fruit stall: was being thrown and set aside After having dhe Squash fruit, its fruit stalk was thrown away without knowing that it can be oi a cg Stan SS Rae lt cing ol trading ate Sine ak ‘as inflammation. In accordance to Godofrede Smart's information within his website, in folklore ‘the caid part of the oquash in contact with the ripe gourd is cut. dried. and made into paste and case to treet various stings nnd ineect hikes: Somme arts of Soph plant finpe been acknowetiged to be applied im other diseases. too. It was smd that the Suit pulp 1s used as poultice for ccarbuncles, boils and wlcers The fresh seeds were used as anthelmintic: seeds were eaten fresh to expel worms ffom the stomach In other places over the world. they also used it as medicinal plane, On the other hand, Lips plant which camer much inflammation and irritation to the skin when encountered was the problem of the people inthe suburb as well as the mountaineers, Based on Gideon Tasco’s article, these plants are a notorious breed of plants that release a primera baie Sls cael ial Ts as a A ng sensation or severe stchiness, rashes, among others Having every information from above being merged. the researchers came up to a decision which was to conduct a study that regards the Squach fuit stalk and the Tipa plant Squash is widely distributed to the country and Lipa plant as well. So, they decided to test the eflectiveness and efficiency of the squash fut stalk in testing inflammation caused by Lips plant. The produced product is the form of ointment because this is the most appropriate compared to cream for the cream may give dry effect to the skin Statement of the Problem There should be a general statement of the whole problem followed by the specific questions or sub problems into which the general problem is broken up. n Whitening ugh knowledge 1. How does ethnic identity develop for Southeast and East Asian young offenders? What patterns or commonalities exist in the process of ethnic identity for ‘mation for these adolescents? ‘What factors are influential in their ethnic identity formation? How has their ethnic identity formation influenced their risk for offending? Are there ethnic cultural protective mechanisms that may serve as buffers against offending? (Dong, 2000, p. 68) Anumber of subquestions were subsequently generated 1. Do organizations intend performance evaluations to have an impact on motivation and performance either positively or negatively? What is their Purpose and impact in different organizations or as implemented by differ ent supervisors? What is the process and experience of those who are motivated or demo vated by performance evaluations? Under what conditions is performance appraisal harmful to employees’ motivation? Does performance feedback work to improve performance and motivation, and under what conditions? Are providing feedback and evaluating perfor mance the same thing? What hypotheses might experiential data reveal? What existing bodies of theory might be related to the outcomes of this study that could help explain the revealed relationship between performance appraisals and motivation? How might they be integrated to form a unifying theory? 1. In what ways have the ideological inser! s of values that In what ways has the process of construction of meaning through symbols, beliefs, and patterns resulted in actions of leadership as culture in the In what ways has the process of identity and identification through sym bols, beliefs, and patterns manifested in the merging of culture following, the acquisition of this organization? B. Statement of the Problem his study aimed to determine whether the squash fiuit stalk ointment can be an alternative treatment for ieflammation caused by Lipa Plant Here the study sought to answer the fellowing questions L. What is the correct proportion of equach fut stalk that produced the best quality ointment for the indammation caused byLipa plant? 2. Ts the ointment produced out of squash fruit stale exact more effective and eficient than the commercial cintment? Theoretical Framework ® This is the foundation of the research study. These are highly related theories and principles that were established and proven by authorities © refers to the set of interrelated construct, definitions, and prepositions that presents a systematic view of phenomena Theoretical Framework © an organized body that explains what has been done and what has been said on the topic or problem being investigated. What must be obtained from a theory? © The name/s of author/s of the theory must be taken including the place and the time / year when he or she postulated such a principle or generalization. © the part or parts of the theory that are relevant to your study © synthesis by relating to your findings Strategy formation in large companies Strategy formation in small compantes SR 1 Be MOT PLES GOVERNTMENT POLICY: Early Childhood Education Local Content of Curriculum LOCAL POTENTIALS. BARRIERS Traditional Rituals Internal and External ECE IMPLEMENTATION multicultural awareness BKB-Posyandu-PAUD Conceptual Framework © a tentative explanation or theoretical explanation of the phenomenon or problem and serves as the basis for the formulation research hypotheses. © consists of the investigator’s own position on a problem after his exposure to various theories that have bearing on the problem Conceptual Framework © The conceptual framework becomes the central theme, the focus, the main thrust of the study. It serves as a guide in conducting investigation. © Paradigm. A paradigm is a diagrammatic representation of a conceptual framework. It depicts in a more vivid way what the conceptual framework wants to convey. Conceptual Framework: Paradigm FIGURE 2 A GENERAL RESEARCH PARADIGM Independent Dependent Variable. (3) Veriable 41) (2) Dependent | Independen’ Variable| variable ~People raf fect/ -Situations COGNITION Conation -Products Sequence ~Awareness -Comprehension -Attention -Learning Materials |Assembly Planning Je Componens Sub-Systems} fethodology to Integrate the CAD and Virtual Realty Swe gystns Assembly Production é System Immersive Virtual Reality System, Demographic characteristics Size of company {no of amploaes) ‘Size of marketing department {no of ampioees) eee Dogres of product standardization ‘are using intarnet Product Managamant Strategy Une Intensity (% of Marketing romatian Strategy Budget that Internet accounts for Gales Strategy ogres of product compienlly ‘Strunture of customer portfolio Galea Performance Export Performance Impeat upon the marketing sttart Impant upon tha Distribution channels INPUT PROCESS Profie of the respondents, 1) Cate cobection of students’ profiles: according to: Astassed Level of ai Ls] 2} Admnisienng (LA Satataction of Comege 1" TY shadants in the use of 1b) yoar-tovel 3) Organization of Google Classroom as an ‘chinlernot accomsibeety shidents’ responses. online teatning platform. 4} Statstical anplysis of ‘Curent curriculum used by | | dala the inattution: FEEDBACK Deductive Reasoning © : In deductive reasoning, a conclusion is reached reductively by applying general rules that hold over the entirety of a closed domain of discourse, narrowing the range under consideration until only the conclusion is left. © amethod of reasoning by which concrete applications or consequences are deducted from general principles or theorems * Postulates + Theorems * Definitions * Specific Case + Proof * Conclusion + Specific Case + Assumptions + Testing Assumptions and Hypothesis © Historical and descriptive investigations do not need explicit hypotheses and assumptions. Only experimental studies need expressly written assumptions and hypotheses. © Assumptions- a belief that forms one of the bases for the research. This belief is not to be tested or supported with empirical data. Very often belief is not stated in a research proposal. Assumptions and Hypothesis © Hypothesis is a tentative answer to a research question, it can be derived e from the observation before the research is conducted. This is called inductive hypothesis. from the theory. This is called deductive hypothesis. Assumptions This study is conducted based on the following assumptions: 1.) That the doctors and staff will use the proposed system; 2.) That the current clinic management is done manually and now requires automation The prot the respon F, ecoupation and civil Kinds of Hypothesis © Research hypothesis is usually developed from experience, literature or theory, or combination of these. This is the expected relationship between variables. © Null hypothesis is the one that states NO relationship between varibales. The function is to let the research test the hypothesis statistically. Scope and Delimitations © The scope and delimitations should include the following: ¢ Abrief statement of the general purpose of the study. e The subject matter and topics studied and discussed. ° The locale of the study, where the data were gathered or the entity to which the data belong. Scope and Delimitations e The population or universe from which the respondents were selected. This must be large enough to make generalizations significant. e The period of the study. This is the time, either months or years, during which the data were gathered. Scope and Delimitation in general, the focus of this study is drected towards the design and development of an online clinic management system. About five small to medium sized medical clinics with its doctors, staff and patients are randomly selected within Cebu area only from December 2007 to January 2008. The study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents. n this proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored online for accessbilty and portablity. However, the proponents limit the online feature of the system to doctors and staff only. Web-access of the patierts is not inchided. The system has @ secure log-in for doctors and staff. Managing appointments is also integrated and billing statements and official receipts are automated as well as medical Prescriptions and medical certificates Limitations of the Study ® include the weaknesses of the study beyond the control of the researcher. © The weaknesses spring out of the inaccuracies of the perceptions of the respondents. 5.3 Limitations of the study Although the research has reached its aims, there were some unavoidable limitations. First, because of the time limit, this research was conducted only on a small size of population who Were attending the Writing 3 course in their third semester at CTU. Therefore, to generalize the results for larger groups, the study should have involved more participants at different levels. Second, the students’ overloaded work, to some extent, might affect the result of the correlation between the students’ motivation in learning to write in English and their writing performance because they were required to take part in many studies at the same time, Finally, the slow network might discourage participants’ interests and motivation in joining peer feedback activities, Variables © is the operationalized way in which the attribute is represented for further data processing. © Values of each variable statistically "vary" (or are distributed) across the variable's domain © Basically, a variable is any factor that can be controlled, changed, or measured in an experiment. Types of Variables © The independent variable is the one condition that you change in an experiment. © The dependent variable is the variable that you measure or observe. It is the factor that is dependent on the state of the independent variable. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE VARIABLE THAT IS CHANGED VARIABLE AFFECTED BY THE CHANGE Size of Plant Amount of Water Number of Leaves Living or Dead? a. 7 Types of Variables © Acontrolled variable or constant variable is a variable that does not change during an experiment. © Extraneous variables are "extra" variables that may influence the outcome of an experiment, but aren't taken into account during measurement. Independent Variable Extraneous Variable We want to know if the independent variable affects the dependent Wattable In some way Dependent Variable —<——_ Unfortunately, an extraneous variable that we're not interested in might also affect the dependent variable in some way. Significance of the Study ® The rationale, timeliness and/or relevance of the study. The rationale, timeliness and/or relevance of the study to existing conditions must be explained or discussed. ® Possible solutions to existing problems or improvement to unsatisfactory (orelgTo/tifolgcn Significance of the Study © Who are to be benefited and how they are going to be benefited. It must be shown who are the individuals, groups, or communities who may be placed ina more advantageous position on account of the study. ® Possible contribution to the fund of knowledge. Significance of the Study ® Possible implications. |t should be discussed here that the implications include the possible causes of the problems discovered, the possible effects of the problems, and the remedial measures to solve the problems. Significance of the Study Socio-economic signiticance. In this study, the proposed system will nspire other students to develop an effective and efficient system. Technological significance. The propased system will introduce technology to the medical cinics that are until now adapting the manual method of clinic management ‘The result ofthis study is beneficial to the following: Clinic, The proposed system will simplify and automate everyday clinic tasks and can help maximize time spent with clients thereby providing better service making it more proftable. Doctors. The proposed system will make iteasier for the doctors tomanage the Giinic and convenient when it comes to retrieving pationt records, Doctor's staff. Doctors secretary and staff can benefit lot from this study, as they are an intogral part of the whole clinic management Patients. Patients are the doctor's principal assets, And the reason why this study is conducted is to provide a solution to dactors’ need to better serve their patients, Researchers. The researchers have developed their writhg, analysis, and intorprotation skills neaded to make a good thesis, Definition of Terms ® Only terms, words, or phrases which have special or unique meanings in the study are defined. © Terms should be defined operationally, that is how they are used in the study. © The researcher may develop his own definition from the characteristics of the term defined. Definition of Terms © Definitions may be taken from encyclopedias, books, magazines and newspaper articles, dictionaries, and other publications but the researcher must acknowledge his sources. © Definitions should a\be brief, clear, and unequivocal as possible. ® Acronyms should always be spelled out LUN vascular plants and some funei Many allaloss, such as aiconne. quinine. cocaine. and ‘momphine, are known for their poisonous or meaicinal armibutes 2 potscnou: cubetance that causes tence smitation to the stan which wnclude a bumias sensation ORNTMENT.- a tatty or oily medicated fornmulation applied to the skin te heal or protect, TANNINS - Any of various compounds, including tannic acid, that occurs naturally in the Dark land fast of various plants, especially the nutgalls. certain oaks, and sumac. Tannins are polyphenols, and form vellowish to light brown amorphous maces that can be powdery, aks orspongy They are wed sn photography. dyeing. in tanning leather. n clarifjang wine and beer I Operational Definition TREAT - to deat with (a disease, patient, etc) in order to selieve or cure Thanks for your attention

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