Design of A Simple and Robust Control System For A Single-Link Flexible Robot Arm

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Copyright © IFAC Algorithms and Architectures

for Real-Time ControL SeouL Korea, 1992



Kang-Bark Park, Ju Jang Lee

Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of

Science and Technology , 373-] Kusong-dong Yusong-gu 305-70] , Korea

Abstract. Lightweight robot manipulators have considerable structural flexibility.

Hence, the elastic behavior of the robot arms must be considered in control system
design. Owing to the complexity of a dynamic model of flexible robots, it is desir-
able to design a controller simple. Furthermore, since the robot must handle a wide
variety of payloads, the robustness of the control system becomes very important. In
this paper, a simple and robust control system is proposed. The closed-loop system is
shown to be asymptotically stable in the sense of Lyapunov and robust to uncertainty
in system parameters. The simulation results are presented to show the robustness
of the simple controller against payload variations.

Keywords. Variable structure control; Control system design; Robust Control; Feed-
back control; Stability; Flexible manipulator.

INTRODUCTION ported, and so on. For the flexible manipulators,

however, the equations describing the manipula-
Robot manipulators have been widely used both tor dynamics become more complex; besides, they
in dangerous circumstances and for industrial ap- complicate the control system design which fo-
plications. They have been traditionally modeled cuses primarily on the compensation for bending
as a chain of rigid links with colocated actua- effects. Furthermore, since the robot must handle
tors and sensors, to ensure stable and reliable a wide variety of pay loads, the robustness of the
control. Moreover, the robot arms are gener- control system becomes very important.
ally made large and massive in order to remain
its rigidity while carrying an assigned payload. Recently, numerous investigators have analyzed
Present generation manipulators are limited to a several modeling methods of a flexible manipu-
load-carrying capacity of typically 5-10% of their lator. One of them is a modal analysis method .
own weight by the need of structural rigidity. Dominant eigen-modes are identified by experi-
ment, approximated modes are obtained through
Today, there is an increasing requirement for solving the governing partial differential equa-
manipulators with high speed, precision and tions and assumed modes can be chosen from ap-
payload-handling capabilities as a result of de- proximation of the actual system dynamics. Fi-
mand for higher productivity. These qualities nite element method (FEM) has also been used.
cannot be achieved with existing massive and This method discretizes the actual system into
heavy robot manipulators. For higher operat- a number of elements, whose elastic and inertia.l
ing speeds, the manipulators should be made properties obtained from the actual system.
lightweight, but lighter members are more likely These methods give the approximated static and
to deform elastically. Therefore, it is necessary dynamic properties of the actual system. Be-
to include dynamic effects of the distributed link cause the dynamics of mechanical systems with
flexibility in the model of the manipulators. distributed flexibility are described by infinite-
dimensional mathematical models, and a finite-
Such flexible manipulators provide diverse ad- dimensional model of the system is needed for
vantages as follows: higher speed, smaller ac- the design of a finite-dimensional controller.
tuators, lower energy consumption, lower over-
all cost, safer operation due to reduced inertia, There are also various schemes proposed for the
less bulky design, lighter overall mass to be trans- design of controllers. A technique for end-point

control corroborated by experimental work has ertia of the beam about the motor armature ( =
been introduced by Cannon and Schmitz (1984). ~pL3 ).
By using the Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) The following assumptions are made:
controller design method, they successfully im- • The deflection w is small ( w « L ).
plement an noncolocated controller for the robot. • Euler-Bernoulli beam assumptions are used.
However, since the controller is sensitive to pa- • Beam inertia and flexibility are uIliformly
rameter variations, its performance will be de- distributed over the link length.
graded when payload or typical parameters of the • The motion occurs only in the horizontal
robot are varying with time. Rovner and Can- plane.
non (1987) used Recursive Least Square (RLS) Because of the last assumption, the effects of
algorithm to identify the system transfer function gravity are not considered.
with unknown payload on the tip . The scheme
requires a learning period which takes about two The displacement of points along the deformed
seconds with a sampling frequency of 50Hz. The profile of the beam is described in terms of radial
experiments have shown good results, but the ro- and circumferential coordinates x and y. From
bustness of the algorithm still depends upon the Fig. 1, it is apparent that y is related to the an-
number of coefficients of the transfer function to gle of rotation of rigid mode, qo' and the flexural
be identified. Other approaches are as follows: fi- displacement of the beam , w, as follows :
nite element approach, modal control, Model Ref-
erence Adaptive Control (MRAC), conventional y( x, t) = w (x, t) + x' q (t) .

control, feedforward control, and combined state

space and frequency domain techniques, accelera- In terms of this variable a fourth-order partial
tion feedback control (Balas, 1978; Book and Ma- differential equation of motion for a single-link
jette, 1983). flexible arm is given in the form (Cannon, 1984)

For the design of a flexible manipulator controller, (1)

there are two facts to consider: first, the simplic-
ity; second, the robustness. Owing to the com- with four boundary conditions:
plexity of dynamic model of flexible manipula-
tors, it is desirable to design a controller simple. y(O, t) = 0, (2)
Furthermore, robustness of the controller is also EIy"(O, t) + T - hij" 0, (3)
very important for the robot to handle a wide
EIy"(L, t) 0, (4)
range of payload variations. In general, control
systems with state observer have been used. The
EIy"I(L , t) - Mpy(L, t) 0, (5)
control systems, however, require heavy compu- where' and I denote the derivative with 'respect
tational load. Moreover, observer must be var- to time and x . Then the following equation can
ied in operation to cope with payload variations. be obtained.
Hence, load forecast is needed.

In this paper, a simple and robust controller is

proposed . For the simplicity, the control system where IT = h +h+MpL2, qo is a modal function,
only uses measurable data such as : hub ratio, 4>.(x) is a mode shape, and i = 0, 1,2, " '. The
tip position and tip ratio. Sliding mode control model can be reconfigured in the state-space form
method, one of robust control methods, is intro-
duced for the robustness. On account of robust- Ax+BT, (6)
ness, load forecast is not necessary. y ex,
FLEXIBLE ROBOT ARM = [qo cio q1 ql ' " q" q"

Consider a uniform, slender beam connected via °1

a rigid hub to the armature of an electric mo-
tor and having a payload as shown in Fig. 1. °° 1
Where x, L, p, E, I and Mp are distance along
the length of the beam, length of the beam, mass
-w~ -26wl

per unit length, Young's modulus of elasticity and

cross-sectional area moment of inertia and pay-
load mass. h is the hub inertia and h is the in-

Bt = I~ [0 1 0 4>~(0) ... 0 4>~(0)] Srigid erigid + '\1 et
-iio+ '\1 et
L 0 4>dL) 0 ... 4>n(L) 0
C O L 0 4>dL)· · · 0 4>n(L)
1 1
- - T + Alet

[ = o.
o 1 0 4>~(0)··· 0 <p~(0)

Therefore, equivalent iuput torque is

where t denotes transpose and the three rows of
C are the tip-position sensor, tip-rate sensor and
Teq = iT'\let.
the hub-rate sensor measurement vectors.
Now, consider the following control law
Practically, a model based on as few as four
modes may be suitable for simulation and control
system design. In this paper, the model based on
three modes ( n = 3 ) is considered. where '\1 > 0, '\2 > 0, eh = ed - e,,, eh denotes
the hub angle, and

I;' yITm .. ITm;",
s et + '\let,
In this paper, one of the control objectives is to in-
troduce additional damping into the flexible mo-
tion . This has been done by using additional sen-
sors to measure the flexible link vibrations and

K =
{-~ s>O
s < 0,
1(.8 - l)'\lft - '\2fhl + f3M + '1,
feed measurements of sensors back to the con-
M > 0,
troller. Generally, strain gauges have been used
in order to observe the states. This method, how-
ever, leads to heavy computational load. Hence,
a simple control system using only directly mea-
'1 > O.
surable outputs is presented in this section.
With this controller, following lemma is obtained.
Theoretically, any flexible system has an infinite
number of elastic modes. Due to physicallimita- lemma 1 For the system (6) and the proposed
tions, a limited number of sensors and actuators controller (8), the sliding mode exists provided
can be applied, thus restricting the controller de- that
sign to a few critical modes in case of state utiliza-
tion. Note that outputs of sensors would contain
information about the unmodeled as well as the
modeled modes. This is referred to as observa-
<pi1L) ii;(t) < M.

tion spillover. Similarly, the control action would

affect both the modeled and unmodeled modes
leading to the control spillover. Based on the
It is sufficient to show that ss ~ 0, and ss = 0 if
and only if s = o.
work done by Balas (1978), the higher unmod-
eled modes may have a harmful or destabilizing
effect on the system response . To avoid the ob-
servation spillover, low pass filtering of the sensor
outputs can be used. Control spillover can also be
avoided by inserting the Low Pass Filter (LPF)
in the controller output stage . In this paper, the
controller is designed based on the model equa-
tion (6) .

For the system (6), consider the following switch-

ing surface


where erigid = ed - qo' et = ed - et, ed denotes the

desired tip angular position and et denotes the tip
angular position . In the sliding mode, Srigid = O.
Applying this condition to equation (7) leads to
the following equation:

Now, consider the meaning of the term )..2eh ( =
s~~ [(~: -1)>'let->'2fn-KS9n(S) hub error rate) in the controller (8). Assume
that the exact value of IT is known and K is zero
- :T f L
rP;i ) q;(t)] for the simplicity of analysis. Then the control
law is rewritten in the form:
IT ;=1

< -rllsl· o (9)

Furthermore, following theorem is also obtained And the system (6) is rewritten as follows:
for the stability.
theorem 1 For the system (6) and the proposed
controller (8), the overall system is asymptotically
stable in the sliding mode. Inserting equation (9) into this equation gives:

Let us choose the Lyapunov function candidate

Then V is a p.d.f. And in the sliding mode,

In this equation, the right-hand side does not con-

tain the ith mode and the sign of rP~(O)rP;(L) are
not same for all modes. Therefore, it is desir-
n able to use the eh factor in the feedback mech-
V L [w;q;q; + q; (- w;q; - 2~;w;q; anism. Since the factor )..2eh leads to the term
;=0 >'2 (1,6:(0))2 rl;, additional damping is introduced.
Because dominant vibrational mode is generally
the first one and there is an uncertainty in pay-
load, design of )..2 value must be based on these


In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the

controller developed in the previous section, nu-
merical simulation has been performed on a
single-link three-mode flexible manipulator.
TABLE 1 Modal Parameters ( 0.0 kg Payload)

i w; ( rad/sec ) rP~ (0) 1,6; (L) e;

0 0 1 1 0
Therefore, V = 0 if and only if q; == 0 V i . This 1 42.0 5.478 -0.359 0.0015
fact implies that e't = ei. = 0 and qi = 0 V i and 2 108.2 5.929 0.217 0.002
q; = 0 V i ~ 1. Furthermore, s = et + et = O. 3 261.0 2.387 -0.178 0.002
Hence, et = 0 and for the rigid mode,

Od - t
rP;i ) q; TABLE 2 Modal Parameters ( 0.2 kg Payload )

Od - qo i w; ( rad/sec ) rPHO) 1,6; (L) ~;

o. 0 0 1 1 0
1 41.1 6 .731 -0.286 0.0015
Therefore, qo = Od, q; = 0 Vi ~ 1 point in the 107.4 7.367 0.167 0 .002
state space is asymptotically stable by La Salle's 259.7 2.965 -0.135 0.002
theorem (Vidyasagar, 1978). 0

TABLE 3 Modal Parameters ( 0.4 kg Payload ) tional modes of the system as states . Hence, it re-
quires heavy computational load because of many
matrix and vector operation. In addition, be-
i Wi ( rad/sec ) ~(O) ifJi (L) ei cause the conversion matrix that is used in state
0 0 1 1 0 estimation is affected by payload variation, con-
1 40.6 7.788 -0.244 0.0015 ventional control system may be sensitive to pay-
2 107.1 8.565 0.140 0.002 load variation and parameter uncertainty. In the
3 259.1 3.446 -0.113 0.002 proposed controller, these drawbacks are elimi-
nated by using robust control law: variable struc-
The model parameters for the first three flexible ture controller. It is clear that the proposed con-
modes with various pay loads are given in TABLE troller has a simple form. In order to verify the
robustness of the controller, the simulation results
1,2 and 3.
are given in the previous section.
In the TABLE 1, 2 and 3, mode number zero
means the rigid mode. For the rigid mode, 4>0 (x)
is defined as follows: REFERENCES

Balas, M. J. (1978). Feedback control of flexible

systems. IEEE Trans. Aut. Control., 23,
From these tables, it is obvious that the system 673-679.
parameters are largely affected by payload varia-
tions . Book, W . J., and M. Majette (1983) . Controller
design for flexible, distributed parame-
It is assumed that the flexible manipulator is ini- ter mechanical arms via combined state
tially at rest . The controller in equation (8) is space and frequency domain techniques.
discontinuous and it is well known that synthe- J. Dynamic Syst., Meas, and Contr., 105,
sis of such a controller gives rise to chattering of 245-254.
trajectory about sliding surface s = O. In order
Cannon, R. H. Jr., and E. Schmitz (1984).
to avoid the chattering phenomenon, the function
Initial experiments on the end point
sgn(s) in the controller (8) has been replaced by
control of a flexible one-link robot.
sat (s) . The function sat (s) is defined as follows
Int. J. Robotics Res., !t 62-75.
s> 6
Itkis, U. (1976). (Ed .) Control Systems of Vari-
sat( s) Isl ::;
able Structure. Wiley & Sons, New York.
s < -6 ,

where 6 > O. Meirovitch, L. (1967). (Ed.) Analytical Methods

in Vibrations. MacMillan, New York.
Figs. 2~5 show the performance of the proposed
Rovner, D., and R. H. Jr, Cannon (1987). Exper-
controller. These figures demonstrate that the
iments toward on-line identification and
tip angular position Bt is successfully regulated
control of a very flexible one-link manip-
for various payloads. Figure 3 shows that there
ulator. Int. J. Robotics Res., ~ 3-19.
is no chattering in the control torque T .
Utkin, V. I. (1977) . Variable structure systems
In practice, gripper of the flexible manipulator with sliding modes. IEEE Trans. Aut.
may drop payload in the course of motion . In Control., 22, 212-222.
this case, the payload is changed abruptly. Figs.
4~5 show the performance of such a case. In Fig. Vidyasagar, M. (1978). (Ed .) Nonlinear Systems
4, gripper drop the O.4kg payload at 0 .9sec, and Analysis. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
Fig . 5 shows the control input .


A simple and robust control system of a single-

link flexible arm is proposed. This controller
does not need to estimate the modal functions
of the system. It only uses output measurements
such as: tip position, tip position rate and hub
rate. Conventional control system uses vibra-

Regulation - Payload is varied from O.4kg 10 O. ~ at 0.9 aocond


y 0..8

~ 0..6
8 0.5
1 0..4



Fig . 1. Geometry of the flexible arm. Time (IIOC)

Fig. 4. Tip position ; payload variation .

Regulation - Pay load is varied from O.4kg to O.~ at 0.9 KlCond

Time (aoc) TUne (aec)

Fig. 2. Tip position. Fig . 5. Control Input; payload variation .

Regulation fo< 0..2kg. 0..4kg poyl",,"


Time (ICe)

Fig. 3. Control input torque .


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