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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Wan, 2-5 November 2003



'Institute of Electronic Engineering Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China

'Institute of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Hebei U&versity,Baoding 071002, China

This paper deals with the inverse kinematics problem of 2 Inverse kinematics of manipulator
manipulator. Based on ANFIS (Adaptive Neural Fuvy
Inference System) neural network, the inverse kinematics Consider an n-degree of freedom manipulator. At any
solution of manipulator is set up. Simulation results indicate time, the relation between the state vector of joint angle
that this method has the advantage of faster learning rate,
higher identifying precision and better real-time ability. 8(t)=[B,(t),8, (t),...,8n(t)]T and the position state
Therefore, a new way for solving the inverse kinematics of
manipulator i s provided. vector of manipulator x ( t ) = [ x l ( t ) , x 2( t ),...,x m ( f ) l T is
given by
Key words: x = f (8) (1)
ANFIS; Inverse Kinematics of Manipulator; Computer Usually, this kind of manipulator kinematics equation
Simulation is regarded as nonlinear transcendental equation, and it
can't determine the analytical solution directly from (1).
1 Introduction While the numerical solution can be achieved only by
iterative method, in this way the control velocity of
Manipulator kinematics is to research the motion and manipulator reduces greatly. In order to get over the
control characteristic of mechanical arm for robot ['I. As a difficulty, the inverse solution in common use is to set up a
rule, people often use Descartesian coordinates to give a differential movement relation between the position state
description of the state vector in workspace, such as vector and joint state vector so as to determine the joint
displacement and velocity in plane coordinate, etc. velocity that is necessary to motion vector of manipulator.
However, the control of manipulator is realized through Differentiate on equation (1) both sides, it becomes
adjusting every angle joint of mechanical arm,and thus the
angle and the angular velocity among the arm joints make x =J(8(t)p(t) (2)
up another description for given motion. In search of where J(B)=af/ae is Jacobian matrix of
position and motion direction of manipulator in manipulator kinematics equation, J ( 8 ) E R"""
Descartesian coordinates, given a set of angle among the
arm joints, is called as direct kinematics problem, and on So, from one motion trajectory x ( t ) that layout in
the other hand, to control the motion of manipulator, on advance or its velocity i ( t ) , we can compute the
condition that the manipulator trajectory has been known, corresponding joint angle vector 8(t) or its angular
solving the corresponding angle problem among arm joints
is called as inverse kinematics prohlemlZ1. velocity 8 ( t ) and realize an effective control on
The inverse kinematics problem of manipulator is very manipulator, i.e., the corresponding joint velocity for given
important in robot kinematics and control. But for the self i ( t ) is in the following manner
complexity, it is hard to set up a universal algorithm. In the
paper we will use ANFIS neural network to realize the 8(t)= J'(s(t))x(t) (3)
inverse kinematics solving problem of manipulator, which in which J ' ( 8 ) = JT(8)[J(8)JT(8)]-1is pseudo
can overcome the disadvantage of huge amount of inverse matrix of Jacobian matrix. Commonly, the solution
calculation and poor real-time property of conventional for equation (3) is known as pseudo-inverse solution of
algorithm, etc. joint velocity. For irredundant robots, we have

0-7803-7865-2/03/$17.00 02003 IEEE

Proceedmgs of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Wan, 2-5 November 2003

J + ( @ ) = J - ' ( @ ), and for redundancy robots, the Ot! = PA,

pseudo-inverse solution is just the least norm solution of Layer 2: Each circular node i completes the fuzzy
joint state velocity. operator computation of fuzzy system (herein use product
3 Structure and theory of ANFIS neural network (i = 1,2)
mi = P A (X)PUa,( Y )

.ANFIS is a kind of configuration equivalent Layer 3: Each square node i completes the scale
connection of fuzzy system and neural network. That is to conversion of fuzzy rule's fitness value
say, fuzzy system can be expressed by an equivalent 0, = q / ( q+ w 2 ) (i = 1,2)
configuration neural network, which both nodes and Layer 4 Each square node i denotes the following
parameters have certain meaning and corresponding to the function
membership function or the inference process of fuzzy 0;' = q f=iq ( p i x + q i y + r i )
The system is a fuzzy inference system used to realize Layer 5 : The node completes the nonfuzzification
a Takagi-Sugeno model based on adaptive neural network. process of fuzzy system (herein use weight average
The fuzzy inference system of Takagi-Sugeno model adopts method)
the following rule: If x I is Ail and x 2 is Ai, , then
Y= >i2).
Here, a hybrid-learning algorithm that combined LSM
The condition part of rule is fuzzy, but the conclusion (Least Square Method) with gradient descent method, in
part is often a quantificational linear function, i.e., general, is used to adjust the parameters of member
J . ( x l , x 2 ) = a i x 1+bix2 + c i (4) function and rule conclusion in network.
Using weight average method, t we get the output of After introducing ANFIS neural network to the inverse
fuzzy inference kinematics problem of manipulator, the neural network

control system constructed is shown in Figure 2.
i=l I i=l
The ANFIS neural network structure with two inputs
and one output is shown in Figure 1.
As seen in figure 1, the square nodes have parameter
variables and the circular nodes are fmed nodes without
parameter variables. For existential adjustable parameters,
xd/T ANFlS Manipulator
the whole network is referred to as adaptive neural
network.. The meanings of nodes in each lay are as follows:
Figure.2 The control structure of ANFIS neural network
layer I rayer 2 layer 3 layer 4 rayer 5
The control process is: every other time T ,there will
1 ~ 11 1 1 produce a sampling input vector i d and an arm state f ,
accordingly, adjust the parameter weight value of network
until the objective function least. Then the joint angle
vector 0 can be obtained by integral on the final
equilibrium state and applied to the accurate control of arm.
The obiective function of network is given bv

where id is the velocity vector of disired state

vector xd of manipulator in the Descartesian coordinates;
Figure.1 ANFIS neural network structure with
two inputs and one output
x is the velocity vector of actual state vector, 11
Layer 1: Each square node i denotes the represents the vector 2-norm.
membership function of fuzzy system

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,Wan, 2-5 November 2003

4 Identification results for inverse kinematics mode coordinate of the center of a circle is (0.8,0.8) and the
of manipulator radius is 0.4. As we can see, the simulation curve accords
with the desire trajectory very well. The total simulation
In order to validate effectiveness of the method process only needs 54s ~ d . t h esimulation precision has
discussed above, a simulation experiment on a 2-degree of attained 0.2rad. Figure 4 is the simulation curve, which the
freedom manipulator is carried out. Here, the joint angle coordinate of the desired center of a circle is (1,l) and the
vector is e =[e, e2y , the terminal position vector is radius is still 0.4. But for the limit of reachable ‘workspace
x = [x, y y . of manipulator, the effector can’t reach the desired position.
The direct kinematics equation for 2-degree of From the above simulation curves, it can be easily seen that
freedom manipulator is the ANFIS neural network constructed in this paper realizes
the inverse kinematics solution o f . manipulator with
= I, cos(e, ) + I,cos(e, +e,) ,
satisfaction, and both the identification precision and
y = I, sin(0,) + I, sin(8, + 02). velocity well attained performance index. It is provided a
The aim of this experiment is to finish the task of new way to solve the inverse kinematics problem of
drawing a circle for end effector in the first quartile of x-y manipulator.
plane. The expected position vector x, y are expressed by
x = a *sin f + x o 5 Conclusion
y = a *cost + yo In this paper, an ANFIS neural network has been used
the coordinate of centre of a circle is ( x o , y o ) and to solve the problem of manipulator kinematics and a
theradiusis a . neural network control system is constructed. Compared to
conventional number value method, simulation results
indicate that the method provides a simple algorithm and
faster learning as well as higher precision.


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Fig.4 The result of effector trajectory

Figure 3 is the simulation curve using neural network,
which chain line represents the desired position: the


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