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A near-future ruleset supplement for

5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

v 2.0

©2018 Legendary Pants, LLC
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code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
overview 03

classes 05

backgrounds 49

feats 61

equipment 66

rules 77

running code::2050 82

creature catalogue 93

©2018 Legendary Pants, LLC
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or copy for personal use only.
code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
Here it is, the updated code::2050 playtest packet. We’re calling it 2.0, but more than
likely, this will be the last of them. After this, we should be ready to do an actual print run of
the book for publishing. In this overview, I’ll mention what this pdf can do for you, what has
changed since the first packet, and what we look like going forward. It’s already been quite a
trip, but we have a ways to go yet.

What can I do with this?

This pdf has everything you need to play a basic code::2050 campaign. We have
included the rules changes (which are very light), the new equipment, and playtest samples
of all 36 of our new subclasses. Finally, we have a brief set of excerpts in the “Running
code::2050” chapter which will help players and GMs play these rules.
What we have not included is the setting, excepting a few brief glimpses. There are two
reasons for this. First, it’s not done. We’ve spent a lot of time writing the globalized
geopolitical societies which exist on Earth in 2050. However, that writing is not quite where
we need it to be before we publish.
Second, it’s copyrighted. Okay, technically everything in this pdf is also copyrighted,
though some of it is available under the OGL on our website. However, the setting
information we’ve written is a serious piece of original composition. It’s fiction and personal,
so we have to make sure we keep the copyright on that locked down. Sure, our game
mechanics are also our intellectual property, but mechanics are easy to spread about, which
is a good thing. After all, anything which improves or builds upon the game we all love so
much should be easy to get and easy to play with. That’s our philosophy, at least.
Ultimately, this means that GMs will need to be a little more creative when playtesting
these rules because they’re not being provided a fully realized setting. However, we
encourage you to steal liberally from our public play demos (some are on YouTube on Roll4It
and our channels) or from similar settings by other publishers, such as Shadowrun’s Sixth
World. Alternatively, you could push Waterdeep from Forgotten Realms into the near future
and have a campaign running the mean ward streets under the noses of the masked
technocrats. Actually, that would be pretty awesome.

Whatever happened to that Kickstarter campaign?

Well, it was unsuccessful, which is why this packet even exists. Unfortunately, we
needed some of that investment capital in order to get the writing finished and the editors to
look at it. We were hoping to skip this middleman step and go straight to a nice published
product, but that’s not how the cards played out.
No worries, though, because that first campaign taught us a lot about this business.
We’ll be back, and we’re committed to getting this thing published. We really love this
product, and we’ve poured a lot of our energy into it. We’ll make sure it succeeds.

©2018 Legendary Pants, LLC
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or copy for personal use only.
code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
What’s different in this one as compared to v 1.0?

We’ve added in rules for chems and addiction, added more vehicle options for air and
sea, and tooled with a couple rules here and there. The biggest difference is the addition of
backgrounds, feats, and the subclasses. We’ve touched up the equipment tables and added
some things in there.
There are still some gaps in places where we haven’t landed on the best way to do
things. This is especially true for economic decisions. For example, how much should the
chems cost? The bigger guns? We’re not sure yet. In a lot of ways, these are setting decisions,
but they also have an effect on how the game is balanced in terms of player and party
progression. So, whenever these gaps present themselves, we leave it to the GM to make an
appropriate decision to fill them.

Hey, listen!

Look, we really really really appreciate that you have taken the time to pick up this
document and read these words. We strongly suggest that the GM read the “Running
code::2050” chapter thoroughly as it offers a lot of help on how to make this thing work.
Also, this document still has some editing that needs done. We know that, you know
that, everybody knows that. Our apologies for the little errors here and there.
Above all, we really would love to hear your thoughts on the system and any
suggestions you may have to improve it or add to it. Email us here: with any feedback whatsoever.
We love this thing, and we think you will too.

end of line

©2018 Legendary Pants, LLC
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code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
In code::2050, all character classes start with the following:

• Parfait All characters begin with proficiency in the Parfait computer language.
• Smartphone All characters begin with a smartphone.

Legacy Updates
In 2050, there are a few proficiencies that characters will have when they start at level 1
which are not present in traditional D&D 5e. Remember that firearms are still weapons, so
proficiency in “simple weapons” grants proficiency in simple firearms.

• Barbarian Grenades
• Bard None
• Cleric None
• Druid Small Pistol
• Fighter Grenades
• Monk None
• Paladin Grenades
• Ranger Grenades
• Rogue Submachine Gun, Grenades
• Sorcerer Small Pistol, Large Pistol
• Warlock None
• Wizard Small Pistol, Large Pistol

Fighting Styles
With the introduction of guns, there is a need for gun-focused fighting styles for the
appropriate classes which gain this feature.

Fighters, Rangers

Quick Shot
When wielding a pistol, you may use your reaction at any time to make a single attack with
that pistol.

When wielding a 2-handed gun, you may use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the

©2018 Legendary Pants, LLC
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or copy for personal use only.
code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
weapon on a target using the two-weapon fighting rules. The damage for this attack is 1d4,
and the ability used for the attack is Strength.

Fighters, Paladins

Burst Control
When using a weapon to make a burst attack, a successful hit gives your three damage dice
instead of two.

Suppressive Fire
The DC to avoid taking damage from an automatic fire weapon wielded by you is 11 +
proficiency bonus + dexterity modifier.

Table of New Subclasses

Class Subclass Description

A warrior whose strength and rage is owed to performance
Barbarian Force the Path
enhancing drugs.
Path of the Cage A barbarian who has come through thousands of hours of training
Warrior and professional fighting.
The Road to War
A combat survivor with well-honed, and sometimes
(Path of the
uncontrollable, combat reflexes.
A shady character who relies upon her fast talk and faster hands
Bard College of Grifters
to relieve others of money they don’t need anyway.
College of ‘Net
A born performer who is surprisingly comfortable with technology.
A charismatic salesman who uses magic to talk anyone into
College of Sales
This cleric works networks of people the way others work
Cleric Information Domain
networks of computers.
A cleric who believes a little luck and a lot of fun are just as
Prosperity Doman
important as devoutness.
A good shepherd and fearsome protector of the poor, neglected,
Urban Domain
and less fortunate.
Life flourishes everywhere, even in places where most don’t care
Druid The Alluvial Circle
to go. Sewers, for instance.
An Urban-friendly Druid that loves nature and the city, and he can
Circle of Green
grow grass in your pocket.
This druid’s focus is creating the animals needed to refill niches
Circle of the Helix
and restore balance.
A fighter with multiple capabilities enhance by software and
Fighter Neural Joe
cybernetic implants.
Personal Security An expert in keeping VIPs safe from harm in dangerous places.

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A soldier who has spent time fighting street-to-street and house-
MOUT Fighter
Way of the Clear A practitioner of parkour, who exchanges ki for speed and
Path movement.
Way of the Iron A deadly martial artist whose pistols are like extensions of his
Hand hands and thoughts.
A child of the city who uses what the city provides to deal
Way of the Street
damage to her enemies.
Paladin Oath of Office A servicemember devoted entirely to the office he holds.
A trusted servant and protector of the family, who supports its
Oath of Retainder
highest ideals and goals.
Oath of Vitality A paragon of physical and moral health.
Bounty Hunter A tracker with an uncanny knack for finding and running down his
Conclave prey in the concrete jungle.
Sportsman’s An expert hunter, who understands her quarry as if he were in
Conclave their skin.
Who says electronic devices aren’t a kind of life? Not this
Urban Conclave
A keyboard cowboy, who can make electronic devices dance to
Rogue Hacker
his tune.
A go-between, a finder, a procurer, a necessary evil for those
Street Hustler
with clean hands and dirty needs.
Not all rogues are good at finesse. Sometimes things just need to
be punched.
Sorcerer Basilisk Spliced She can’t quite turn things into stone just by looking at them.
A caster whose magic carries a steep price each and every time
Blood Magic
he uses it.
Electromagnetic Electrons can power more than just radios.
This warlock’s patron is a computer entity, and her abilities reflect
Warlock The Avatar
For some casters, two heads are better than one, and a
The Cabal
committee is even better.
This magic user owes his power to someone, or something,
The Symbiote
whispering into his brain.
A caster who embodies her magic by covering her skin with
Wizard Tradition: Tamoko
arcane and beautiful tattoos.
Tradition: Fluent with magic and technology, versed in corporate culture,
Corporate getting all he can out of his ‘developmental hiatus’.
A self-made spellcaster who relies on her own abilities, even
Tradition: DIY
when she maybe shouldn’t.

©2018 Legendary Pants, LLC
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code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
Force the Path
These barbarians do not wait patiently for dedication and hard work to pay off over time.
Instead, they seek the instant gratification of modern chemistry to grow muscle and stay
enraged. Yeah, it might be a dangerous hobby, but so is fighting.
Pump It
At 2nd level, your steroid-enhanced power is much stronger than a typical barbarian, but
unpredictably so. For you, your bonus rage damage is 1d4 from levels 1st to 8th, 1d6 from 9th
to 15th, and 1d8 from 16th to 20th.
Mass Is Might
At 6th level, you’ve made the choice of sacrificing flexibility in favor of pure, raw power.
While in a rage, you have disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws, and your
Unarmored Defense AC is increased by half your Strength modifier (rounded up, minimum
Do You Even Lift, Bro?
At 10th level, whenever you successfully grapple or shove an opponent, you may also deal
damage to the target as if it were an unarmed attack. Additionally, you may have two
creatures grappled simultaneously if they are your size category or smaller. Finally, when
you have a single opponent grappled who is your size category or smaller, it is also
At 14th level, you have incorporated some of the latest and greatest cybernetic wirings into
your oversized muscles and undersized cerebellum, granting them improved muscle
memories that you never bothered to learn. You gain an additional attack from the Extra
Attack feature. Further, if you take an Attack action and hit with all three attacks, the last
attack deals critical damage.

Path of the Cage Warrior

These Barbarians have instincts and reflexes honed by thousands of hours of training and
dozens of bouts in the ring. Their rage is directed at defeating the opponent of the moment,
but even their most hard-fought battles are conducted with professionalism. For them a
vanquished enemy is preferably not a dead enemy.
Rope A Dope
At 2nd level, you are accustomed to fighting inside a cage or fighting pit, and have learned to
use the walls you your advantage. When raging, you may gain advantage on melee attacks
provided that the target is within 5’ of a wall. You may only apply this feature to a single
attack per turn.
The Roar of the Crowd
At 6th level, when you enter a rage, you gain 5 temporary hit points for every ally within 60
feet of you (not including yourself). These hit points are lost when your rage ends.

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In it to win it!
At 10th level, when you are raging, whenever an enemy provokes an opportunity attack from
you, you may instead use your reaction to make an Attack action against that target.
Down for the Count
At 14th level, you have seen so many opponents fall that you know exactly when and how to
hit them. While raging, you have the ability to strike an opponent in such a way that it will
render him immediately unconscious. As an action when raging, you can make a melee
weapon attack against a target within reach. If you hit, the target must make a Constitution
saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your strength modifier. If
they fail, they fall prone and are unconscious. Once you have used this ability, you must
finish a long rest before using it again.

The Road to War (Path of the Veteran)

For these Barbarians, the time they spent at war has marked them with scars that are more
than physical. They will spend a lifetime struggling with the things they saw, the things they
did, and the companions they lost. Their combat reflexes are beyond honed: they’re
instinctual, burned deep into their psyches.
Clear and Present Danger
Starting at 3rd level, when you adopt this path, firearms and explosives will occasionally
send you into a rage. Whenever you are damaged by a firearm or a non-magical explosion,
roll a d12. If you roll your constitution modifier or less (minimum 1), you enter a rage. This is
not voluntary, and any spells you were concentrating on are cancelled. This rage does not
take away from the number of rages you are allowed to enter per day.
Above the Waist
At 6th level, you have learned to strip armor down to just the necessities in order to free up
your hands for more weapons. If you are wearing light armor and wielding either two
weapons or a two-handed weapon, you may add +2 to your Unarmored Defense as your AC. If
that armor is enchanted, any enchantments are added to this as well.
Spray and Pray
At 10th level you’ve just done so much firing of bigger and bigger guns that your muscle
memory is keyed in to killing with them. While in a rage, whenever you make an automatic
fire attack with a firearm, the DC to avoid being hit is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Dexterity modifier + your Strength modifier. Additionally, while in a rage, whenever you
make a burst fire attack with a firearm, you may add your strength modifier to the attack
Just Clear ‘Em Out
At 14th level you are a walking manifestation of battlefield death. While in a rage, you may
wield two-handed firearms that have the automatic quality as if they were one-handed. Also
while in a rage, if you use your action to make an automatic fire attack, you may make an
additional such attack as a bonus action.

©2018 Legendary Pants, LLC
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code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
College of Grifters
Bards of the College of Grifters are shifty and shiftless, preying upon the stupid and hopeful.
Little more than half-skilled Rogues with some musical talent, these Bards have wasted their
inspiration and that talent in the pursuit of small-time payouts rooking rubes out of pocket
change. They can normally be found slinging Three-Card Monte on a street corner, or selling
ersatz Girl Scout Cookies out of an unmarked panel van in a grocery store parking lot.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Grifters, you gain proficiency with Deception, Stealth, and
Sleight of Hand. If you already have any of these, you may choose any new skill instead for
each that you have. You also gain proficiency with Thieves' Tools.
Distracting Hands
Also at 3rd level, you gain a number of Bardic Inspiration uses equal to half of your Dexterity
modifier (rounded up, minimum 1).
A Little Flourish
At 6th level, when you attack with a finesse weapon, you also add your Charisma modifier to
the damage.
Follow The Ace
At 14th level, whenever you cast a spell requiring a saving throw, you may spend a Bardic
Inspiration die to give any targets of the spell disadvantage on that saving throw. You may
apply this feature to an ally’s spell by using a Reaction.

College of 'Net Stars

‘Net Star Bards are the cream of the entertainment crop, and they don’t mind telling you.
Although nearly everything they do is simply an attempt to drive up their online video views,
no one can deny they have talent. Strapped with a head cam mounted to a selfie stick braced
on the neck of their instrument, these Bards love to put on a good show, and they’re happy to
leave their streaming studios to do it. After all, #irl is trending right now.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of 'Net Stars, you gain proficiency with the Computers tool and
two computer languages of your choice. Also, portable computers (such as a laptop or
smartphone) count as musical instruments for you.
Also at 3rd level, you learn to use digital audio as if it were the real thing. You may use Bardic
Inspiration at any range provided the target can hear you, in real time, through a digital
device. Additionally, you may spend a Bardic Inspiration to allow your next spell to be used at
any range if it only requires a target to hear you, and that target can hear you, in real time,
through a digital device. At 14th level, this also works for spells requiring sight as long as
there is a real-time video feed.

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At level 6, if you have an ally within 60 feet of you that is conscious and you can hear one
another, you may do the following:
• You may use their skill roll bonus instead of your own whenever you attempt a skill
• You may spend a Bonus Action to use their attack bonus with the same type of attack
instead of your own on your next attack before the end of your next turn.
• You may spend a reaction to use their saving throw bonus instead of your own when
you are required to make a saving throw.
Even The Bits are Amused
At 14th level, you may target electronic constructs with your spells as if they were
humanoids. Additionally, whenever you spend a Bardic Inspiration to cast a spell with your
VOIP feature, you may spend an additional Bardic Inspiration to give all targets of the spell
disadvantage on saving throws against it.

College of Sales
With a glinting smile and a carefully chosen wardrobe, the typical Bard of the College of Sales
can convince you to buy anything: a new car, an extended warranty, or his tall tale about why
he’s sneaking into your office. Don’t worry about that unease you feel when talking to this
Bard. That’s just your inhibitions starting to slip away.
Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency in all Charisma skills. You also gain proficiency in two spoken
languages of your choice and one computer language of your choice.
Inspiring Orator
At 3rd level, whenever someone rolls a die granted to them by your Bardic Inspiration, they
may also add half your Charisma modifier to the result (rounded up, minimum 1).
Additionally, creatures affected by your Song of Rest feature recover extra hit points
equal to your Charisma modifier.
Winning Smile
At 6th level, whenever you are hit by an attack which required an attack roll, you may use
your reaction to force the attacker to reroll the attack, using the second result. You may also
spend a Bardic Inspiration with this feature (announcing it before rerolling the attack),
causing the attacker to subtract it from the rerolled result.
Flywheel Sales
At 14th level, whenever an ally uses a die granted to them by your Bardic Inspiration and the
result of the ability check, attack roll, or saving throw is a success, you regain a use of Bardic
Inspiration (up to your maximum uses).

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code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
Information Domain
This cleric is earthly embodiment of deus ex machina, who knows that knowledge is power, as
is the ability to gain it and share it. Connections are the thing: Connections to people and
connections to data are just connections to god.
Information Domain Spells

guiding bolt, comprehend
3rd detect thoughts, locate object
5th sending, tongues
locate creature, phantasmal
9th awaken, telepathic bond
Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with the Computers tool and one computer language.
Bonus Cantrips
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the Message and Friends cantrips.
Channel Divinity: Connected Information
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to glean knowledge of pertinent data. As an
action, you can channel divinity to gain advantage on History, Religion, Nature, or Arcana
checks for 10 minutes. You also gain advantage on Investigation checks using a computer for
10 minutes.
Channel Divinity: Blessed Networks
At 6th level, you may use your Channel Divinity to give you greater dominion over
electronics. Whenever you cast a spell, you may expend one use of Channel Divinity to allow
you to target an electronic construct as if it were a humanoid or a beast. If this spell forces
the target to make a saving throw, electronic constructs have disadvantage on this saving
Spiritual Drone
At 8th level, Spiritual Weapon is always prepared for you and does not count against the
number of spells you may prepare in a day. Whenever you cast Spiritual Weapon, the weapon
appears as a flying drone with some autonomy. For you, moving and attacking with this
drone do not require an action, but can only be done on your turn and only once per turn.

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Aura of Connectivity
At 17th level, you can use your action to activate an aura of pure connective power which
suffuses all creatures within 60 feet of you. For 1 minute, or until you cancel this aura with
an action, you know the surface thoughts of all creatures as if affected by the Detect
Thoughts spell. Further, if any creature affected by this aura targets you with an attack or
spell, you may use your reaction to give them disadvantage on attacks against you and give
yourself advantage on saving throws provoked by that target until the start of your next
turn. While this aura is active, you cannot concentrate on any spells.

Prosperity Domain
This cleric makes his fortune by making others fortunate. Happiness is his thing, and when
the flock is happy, god is happy, and happiness flows back. And from happiness flows
opportunity. These clerics are all about opportunity.
Prosperity Domain Spells

create or destroy water, divine
3rd aid, continual flame
create food and water, plant
7th divination, secret chest
9th circle of power, reincarnate
Channel Divinity: Support this Ministry!
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to garner support (and donations!) for your
ministry. As an action, you can channel divinity to gain advantage on Persuasion, Insight,
Deception, and Religion checks for 10 minutes.
Channel Divinity: Why Reinvent the Wheel?
At 6th level, your deity is enough of an opportunist to realize that others have probably done
some stuff first, so why strain resources doing the same thing? Choose a Channel Divinity
feature from another Divine Domain (consult with your GM on which are available to you)
granted at 6th level or lower. You gain that feature.
At 8th level, you have learned to reap benefits from the good fortune of those around you.
Whenever an ally you can see scores a critical hit, you grant a creature that can see and hear
you, or yourself, advantage on the next saving throw, ability check, or attack roll.
Market Forecasting
At 14th level, you have a divinely inspired sense of when good and bad things are going to
happen. Whenever you roll initiative, afterwards, roll a d20 and record the result. Until the

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code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0
end of combat, you may replace one roll of any creature you can see with that result as if the
creature had rolled it instead.

Urban Domain
These clerics make their way through life by helping the downtrodden. Fearing nothing, and
counting upon the goodwill others and the blessings of god, they minister to denizens
trapped in the neglected corners and rotting hovels of the cities of 2050.
Urban Domain Spells

1st bane, feather fall
3rd heat metal, knock
hypnotic pattern, stinking
fabricate, freedom of
9th animate objects, contagion
Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with all firearms and grenades.
Also at 1st level, your time on the streets and with the downtrodden has provided you with an
edge. Whenever you're in a city or town, you may add half your Cleric level (minimum 1) to
any Wisdom checks you make.
Channel Divinity: Soldiers of God
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to grant your allies guidance in
combat. Using a bonus action, you grant up to 5 allies who can see and hear you advantage on
their next attack roll and their next saving throw until the start of your next turn. This
feature cannot affect you.
At 6th level, you’ve learned to take any downtime as a good opportunity to spread the word of
hope to anyone who’ll listen. Whenever allies who can hear you spend hit dice to heal
themselves during a short or long rest, they gain additional hit points equal to half your
Wisdom modifier (rounded up, minimum 1) per hit die used.
Holy Hand Grenade
At 8th level, you so carefully avoid accidentally harming your flock that you have an amazing
knack for throwing grenades precisely. When throwing a grenade or using a grenade
launcher, you do not miss in short range, and do not suffer disadvantage in long range.

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Long Hours, Worthy Cause
At 17th level, you have made your life’s work sacrificing for those less fortunate. Whenever
you cast a healing spell, you may elect to cast it using your hit points instead of spell slots. If
you choose to do this, you lose 5 from your maximum health points for each level of the spell
you are casting. Casting a spell in this way also restores an additional 2 + spell level hit points
to the target.
You are not a valid target for any spells you cast this way, and if you are in an area of
effect of the spell, it does not affect you. You regain your hit point maximum lost this way at
the end of a long rest.

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Circle of the Land
These additional terrain options now exist for the Circle of the Land druid.
Circle Spells
3rd barkskin, lesser restoration
5th plant growth, speak with plants
7th banishment, blight
hold monster, mass cure
Circle Spells
3rd aid, heat metal
create food and water,
protection from energy
7th control water, locate creature
9th awaken, passwall

The Alluvial Circle

Druids of the Alluvial Circle are often thought to be beneath the notice of other druids. For
some of them, that is literally true as they find themselves most at home in the grimy
undergrounds of urban centers. Still others find sanctuary in the industrial sludge pits of
abandoned plants and company towns. Alluvian druids relish the new ecosystems that have
emerged, and nurture and sustain them.
When you choose this Circle at 2nd level,
you learn the Find Familiar spell. This spell
is always prepared for you, does not count
against the number of spells you may
prepare in a day, and is a Druid spell for
When you cast this spell, the familiar
you summon is a tiny oozeling of a color of
your choice.
Ooze Shape
Also at 2nd level, you may take the shape of oozes with the Wild Shape feature.
If an ooze has the “Split” reaction, this is optional for you. If you elect to use it, you may
only use it once during each period of Wild Shape. If you return to Druid form while your two

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ooze halves are more than 5 ft away from each other, you return with half of the health you
entered Wild Shape with.
At 6th level, you may spend an action to have an ooze split from your body into an
unoccupied square 5 ft. from you. This ooze is completely under your control and acts on its
own initiative order. You may only have one ooze active from this feature at a time, and you
must finish a short or long rest between uses.
At 6th level, the ooze you create is a Gray Ooze. At 10th level, it is an Ochre Jelly. At 14th
level, it is a Black Pudding.
If an ooze under your control splits, they will rejoin themselves into a single ooze once
combat is finished, adding their hit points together (up to the ooze’s maximum).
Malleable Form
By 10th level, your physical body is becoming less solid. You gain resistance to bludgeoning
and piercing damage, and you are immune to Poison and Acid.
At 14th level, your body has so fully integrated with ooze life that you are only humanoid at a
surface level. This confers the following benefits:
• You gain a climb speed equal to your movement speed and have the Spider Climb
• As an action, you may change your physical appearance (not including equipment or
clothing), including a change in height of up to one size difference larger or smaller.
• You gain the Amorphous feature, allowing you to move through a space as narrow as 1
inch without squeezing.
• Whenever you are dealt slashing damage you may, as a reaction, use your Mitosis

Circle of Green
Druids of this Circle find comfort and satisfaction among the green and growing things of
the world. This doesn’t mean they have hostility toward animals, but that they seek the
essential vitality of the forest or the lushness of a mountain meadow to connect themselves
with nature.
These Druids can often be found nurturing and maintaining urban greenspaces and
suburban parks and forests, protecting these habitats for the betterment of people and the
animals that live there.
Plant Shape
At 2nd level, you may take the shape of plants with the Wild Shape feature.
Also at 2nd level, you’ve learned from your deep experience with plants to sustain yourself
from sunlight. As long as you are outside during daylight for three hours, you do not need to
eat for 24 hours.
Further, if you spend a short rest in direct sunlight, you always regain the maximum
value of hit dice you spend, and you may remove one level of exhaustion.

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At 6th level, your skin has gained a permanent bark-like texture and appearance. When not
under the effects of Wild Shape, your AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of
armor you are wearing.
Improved Photosynthesis
At 10th level, allies within 60 ft. of you also gain the benefit of your Photosynthesis feature.

Additionally, if you spend a short rest in direct sunlight, you regain a number of spell slots
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Once you have regained these slots, you must
complete a long rest before doing so in this way again.
Wrath of Nature
At 14th level, you can become an avatar fighting for the plights of otherwise helpless plant
life. As an Action, you may transform into a Shambling Mound as if using the Wild Shape
You must complete a long rest before using this feature again.

Circle of the Helix

Druids of this circle understand the inevitability of change and not only embrace it, but
attempt to speed up and assist it. To that end, they work to create hybrids and improvements
in animal species, with a goal of refilling ecological niches and restoring natural order.
Druids of this circle are generally found working to restore brownlands and other damaged
Behavioral Research
When you choose this circle at 2nd level you may add your Wisdom modifier to your rolls for
Charisma skill checks.
Advanced Anatomy
Your study of physical anatomy has consumed much of your professional life, so you’ve
learned a thing or two on where the proper application of force will hurt the most. Starting at
2nd level, you may spend a bonus action to grant yourself double damage dice on non-spell
melee attacks until the start of your next turn. You may use this feature a number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier between long rests.
At 6th level, you may create your own hybrid critter pal using your skills. Choose any two
beasts that are size large or smaller and within a size class of each other and of CR ½ or less.
With the GM’s approval, you may combine any of their features to create your new pet. The
size of the new creature cannot be larger than Medium. The AC and hit points of the resulting
creature will match that of the highest of the two. Treat your mutant buddy as if it was a
Ranger’s Companion feature.
You may only have one. If your pet perishes, you must spend 24 hours nurturing a new
creation to life.

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Improved Splice
At 10th level, you have further mastered your genetic manipulations. When you use your
Splice feature, you may now use creatures of CR 1 or less. Monstrosities are now valid
creatures for this feature.
Integrated Pheromone Therapy
By 14th level, you may spend an action to release a cloud of pheromones into the air. All
living creatures within 60 ft of you must make a Wisdom save vs. your spell save DC. On a
failure, creatures with an Intelligence of 4 or higher are stunned until the end of your next
turn, while creatures with an Intelligence lower than 4 are charmed by you for 1 minute.
Creatures charmed by this feature spend their entire turn moving towards and staying
near you. They take no other actions. If they suffer any damage, the charm ends. Any
creature who fails must pass a Wisdom saving throw in order to attack you for the next hour.
You must complete a long rest before using this feature again.

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Neural Joe
Sometimes you need one person to fill multiple roles, and that’s where a Neural Joe comes in.
All Joes have bugs in the brain, wired to their cerebellums. They never learned the stuff their
bodies can do, but someone did. Why train a bunch of soldiers when we can just train one
really good one and then hit copy/paste?
Cerebral Pattern Grafting
You have an implant in your head which can store cerebral patterns and recall them. At 3rd
level, choose two other Martial Archetypes for the Fighter Class (consult with your GM on
which archetypes are available to you). These archetypes are stored in your implant.
Whenever you complete a short rest, you may load an archetype from storage in your
implant to your active archetype. When you do this, you lose any features from your previous
active archetype and gain features from the newly loaded archetype as if you were levelled in
that archetype instead.
When you make this switch, any resources your newly active archetype gains after
completing a long rest are already expended. Decisions made for archetypes stored in your
implant (such as Battlemaster Maneuvers) are kept when you switch to or from the
You may not benefit from archetype features for levels 15 and 18. You gain an
additional stored archetype at 7th, 10th, and 15th levels.
Point of No Return
At 18th level, you can decide to burn one of the cerebral patterns to your implant. By
spending 24 hours resting, you gain all features of one of your stored archetypes as if you
were fully levelled in it, and lose access to all other stored archetypes. This decision is
permanent and irreversible.

Personal Security
Personal security detail isn’t just about staying close to the ‘package’, it’s also about looking
the part and blending in, making arrangements, staying alert, and coordinating the
movement and activity of a half-dozen others. And sometimes it’s even about the fighting.
Part of the job.
At 3rd level, when you choose this archetype, you gain proficiency with an additional
humanoid language of your choice. Additionally, damage dealt by one-handed weapons is
increased by your Wisdom modifier.
Get down Mr. President!
Also at 3rd level, in the first round of combat when a creature you can see attacks a target
other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage
on the attack roll. If the attack succeeds, you take the damage from the attack instead of the
intended target.

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Part of the Scenery
By 7th level, you’ve become adept at being discrete and blending into the background.
Anyone making a Perception check or any Charisma checks against you must subtract your
Wisdom modifier from their attempt.
Chief of the Detail
At 10th level, you may spend an action to grant all allies (not including yourself) within 60 ft.
a bonus to their attack rolls equal to half your fighter level (rounded down), or a bonus to
their AC equal to your wisdom modifier until the start of your next turn. If you wish, you can
target a single ally instead to double this bonus.
Been Doing This a Long Time
Starting at 15th level, whenever you use your Chief of the Detail action, you may also make a
weapon attack as a bonus action.
I’m Getting too Old for This
At 18th level, allies affected by your Chief of the Detail feature also gain advantage on their
next attack.

MOUT Fighter
Urban combat isn’t for the faint of heart; every window is a sniper’s hide, every intersection
is an ambush, and every wall is a bullet funnel. The only thing worse than an open door a
grenade could come out of is a closed door you have to go in through. But you’ve lived
through your share and a couple other people’s shares, too. And you’ve got the scars and the
skills to prove it.
Close Quarters Combat
At 2nd level when you choose this archetype, weapons with the "burst" feature no longer
impose disadvantage for you when firing the with an enemy within 5 ft. of you.
Also at 2nd level, if you hit an enemy with an attack on the first round of combat and before
that enemy's turn, you may add half your fighter level (rounded up) to the attack as damage.
At 7th level, whenever you take the Dash action, enemies have disadvantage on their attacks
against you until the end of your next turn.
Squad Tactics
At 10th level, whenever an ally is within 5 ft. of you, they gain +2 to AC and attack rolls. If two
or more allies are benefiting from this feature, you gain its benefit as well.
Knock, Knock
At 15th level, whenever you succeed on a Strength check to break open a door, and there are
enemies on the other side, you gain advantage on your initiative for that combat and those
enemies are surprised.

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Squad Rush
At 18th level, you may move up to half your movement speed as part of the Attack action.
This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Allies within 20 ft. of you also gain
this benefit.

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Way of the Clear Path
Monks studying this tradition have made a specialty of fluid, rapid movement through
complex terrain. They can leap with grace, climb with efficiency, and fall with style. As with
any monastic discipline, the most important aspect of parkour is not the physical
movements, but rather the practitioner's mentality and understanding of its principles.
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, whenever you use Step of the Wind and
then move at least 10 feet, you gain advantage on your next attack. This feature can be
applied multiple times during the same round provided that you move at least 10 feet
between attacks.
Additionally, whenever you use Step of the Wind, you may also use your Martial Arts
feature to make an unarmed melee attack provided that you have moved at least 10 feet since
you used your Attack action this round. This attack is part of the same bonus action used for
Step of the Wind.
Finally, when you drop down during your movement, if you take no damage from the
fall, you gain 5 feet of movement for every 5 feet you dropped this round.
Hop, Hop, Hop
At 6th level, you are unaffected by difficult terrain. Additionally, you gain 5 feet of
movement for every 10 feet you move through non-magical difficult terrain this round.
Sucker Punch
At 11th level, whenever you hit an enemy multiple times on the same turn, attacks after the
first deal additional damage equal to your Monk die as long as you have moved at least 10 ft
from the point of your original attack.
Get the Drop
At 17th level, you always go first in combat. Your movement speed is doubled during the first
round of combat.

Way of the Iron Hand

Monks of this discipline are living embodiments of the adage “Never bring a knife to a gun
fight.” They don’t bring knives, they bring guns. Two guns. And they fire those guns like
poetry fans snapping their fingers at a slam.
At Piece
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, light pistols and heavy pistols are
considered monk weapons for you. In addition, being within 5 ft. of a hostile does not impose
disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls with monk weapons. Finally, you may reload monk
weapons with the ammunition property as part of an attack.

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Extended Hand
Also at 3rd level, when you are wielding a pistol in both hands, you may substitute a pistol
attack for an unarmed attack whenever you are granted one by a feature (such as Martial
Arts and Flurry of Blows) provided that your target is within 5 ft.
Gun Kata
At 6th level, you have learned advanced techniques and maneuvers with your pistols. As an
action, you may spend 2 ki points to make a pistol attack on every enemy within 10 feet of
you. For the purpose of your other Monk features, this action counts as an “Attack” action.
Disarming Technique
By 11th level, you have learned to defend against firearms, especially in the hands of the
inexperienced. This confers the following benefits:
• You have advantage on Dexterity saves to avoid automatic fire.
• If you are hit by a firearm, you may use your reaction to spend 1 ki point and gain 5 AC
against firearm attacks (including the triggering attack) until the start of your next
• Whenever you attack an enemy who is wielding a firearm that is 5 ft from you, you
may spend a ki point to make a Strength(Athletics) or Dexterity(Acrobatics) check
(your choice) contested by the enemy’s choice of either. If you win, you take that
enemy’s weapon, holstering your own if you don’t have a free hand. Until the end of
your next turn, that weapon is a monk weapon for you.
Exquisite Tooling
The pistol attacks granted by your Extended Hand feature may now affect targets beyond 5
Additionally, your Gun Kata feature now affects enemies within 15 ft.
Finally, if you have taken a weapon using your Disarming Technique feature, it may be
used with all of your features (even if it’s not a pistol) until it is no longer a Monk weapon for

Way of the Street

The mean streets of the urban sprawl aren’t a typical home for a monk. But adhering to
monastic principles of discipline and study can harness ki power in anyone, anywhere. But
trying to live by following the Way in the city is never easy, and your fighting style reflects
Anything and Everything
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with improvised
weapons and they are considered monk weapons for you. Additionally, the first time you use
a new improvised weapon, you gain +2 to attack rolls and damage with that weapon. This
bonus is conferred for each specific weapon, not a category. This bonus cannot be gained if
the weapon has been in your possession for more than 10 minutes. The damage bonus from
this feature increases to +4 at 6th level, +6 at 11th level, and +8 at 17th level. The attack bonus
from this feature increases to +3 at 6th level, +4 at 11th level, and +5 at 17th level.

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Finally, you may pick up or drop an object as part of a melee weapon attack as long as
that object is an improvised weapon.
Extended Ki
At 6th level, you have learned to extend your Ki-Empowered strikes into your weapons.
Whenever you gain a bonus from Anything and Everything, that attack counts as magical for
the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Additionally, you may use a bonus action to spend 1 ki to grant this to all attacks you make
with monk weapons until the end of your next turn.
The Unexpected Defense
At 11th level, if you are standing within reach of an object which would qualify for your
Anything and Everything feature and you are hit by an attack, you may spend a reaction to
pick up the object and add +5 AC until the end of your next turn, including against the
triggering attack. You may spend 1 ki point during this reaction to impose disadvantage on
the triggering attack.
Divide and Conquer
At 17th level, whenever you hit an enemy with an attack, you have advantage on your next
attack on a different enemy until the end of this turn. You can continue to gain this benefit
for each additional enemy you attack as long as they are different from any you have already
successfully hit this turn.

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Oath of Office
The Oath of Office is for paladins whose path to righteousness began with a career as a
soldier. For these paladins, regimental affiliation and military commission are of paramount
importance. They seek to honor and uphold the glory of the regiment at all times and in all
that they do.
Tenets of Service
Serving Those Who Serve. Those who fight beside you are your brothers in arms, and
deserve your aid and ministry, regardless of whom they worship or their alignment.
If I am senior, I will take command. You have an unquenchable need to understand
your place in the hierarchy of any group of which you are a part. If you are senior, you will
unhesitatingly take command. If you are subordinate, you will seek and take instructions
willingly and support your superiors in every way.
Never leave a man behind. You will move heaven and earth and take nearly any
personal risk to rescue a wounded man or to recover the body of a fallen comrade.
Oath of Office Spells

3rd command, cure wounds
calm emotions, spiritual
beacon of hope, mass healing
13th banishment, guardian of faith
17th geas, hallow
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Unyielding Guardian. As an action, you surround yourself with a nimbus of light. For
1 minute, you may grant yourself advantage on a single attack per turn as part of the Attack
action. You may spend a reaction to give disadvantage to an enemy targeting you or an ally
within 5 ft. of you with an attack. In order to use these abilities, you must be within 5 ft. of an
ally. You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. This effect ends if you
fall unconscious.
Glory of the Regiment. As an action, you invoke the honor of your regiment and
imbue all companions within view with fighting spirit, granting a bonus to their attack rolls
equal to half your Charisma modifier (rounded down, minimum 1). This effect lasts for 1
minute. You can end this effect on your turn with no action required. This effect ends if you
fall unconscious.

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Aura of Service
Beginning at 7th level, you have focused so much on the welfare of others that all friendly
healing within 10 feet of you gains a +1 bonus per healing die. At 15th level, the range of the
aura extends to 20 feet and the healing bonus becomes +2.
Shock and Awe
At 15th level as an action you can cause a blinding light to emanate from you. This light
ranges out to 30 feet in all directions and has the following effects:
• All allies receive healing equal to half your paladin level.
• All enemies are dealt radiant damage equal to half your paladin level.
You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier between long rests, but
only once between short rests.
All You Need is Kill
At 20th level, you may, as a reaction, reset time around you to the beginning of this combat
round. You, and one target that can see and hear you, gain advantage on all attack rolls,
ability checks, and saving throws until the end of your next turn. Once you use this ability,
you must complete a long rest before using it again.

Oath of Retainder
You are the long-term dynastic retainer. You are always there, always ready, and
unquestionably dedicated to the dynasty you serve. You will serve generations to come, as
long as you draw breath, with unwavering loyalty to the dynasty's values, interests, and
Unwavering loyalty to the Dynasty. The survival and prosperity of the dynasty are
paramount, even more important than the life of any one member of the dynasty, or that of
the Retainer himself.
Protect the Dynasty’s interests. You will actively and vigorously work to advance the
interests of the Dynasty, and consider its long-term preservation foremost.
Guide and nurture the next generation. Even more than preserving the current
generation, your ultimate role is to protect and prepare the next generation to assume
leadership and carry on the traditions of the dynasty.
Oath of Retainder Spells

3rd command, cure wounds, mage armor
5th enhance ability, locate object, spiritual weapon
9th call lightning, glyph of warding, spirit guardians
conjure minor elementals, locate creature,
phantasmal killer
17th dominate person, flame strike, wall of force

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Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Everpresent Guidance. As a bonus action, you may give an ally that you can see
advantage on ability checks and saving throws until the end of your next turn. You may not
benefit from this feature.
Protect the Family. As a reaction, you may grant a +4 to AC to all allies within 15 ft. of
you for 1 minute. You may not benefit from this feature, and you must maintain
concentration or the effect is lost.
Aura of Efficiency
At 7th level, your devotion to service and long experience anticipating the needs of your
charges manifests itself in an aura. All allies with 30 feet gain a bonus to initiative checks
equal to your charisma modifier. Affected creatures may also perform the ‘use an object’
action as a bonus action.
Manners Maketh Man
At 15th level, allies within 10 ft. of you may use your Charisma modifier instead of their own
whenever they make an ability check or saving throw. If a spell or contested check requires
you and your allies to make a Charisma check or saving throw, your success grants allies
within 10 ft. success as well on the same check.
At 20th level, you declare your foes to be an existential threat to the dynasty you’re sworn to
protect. As an action, all enemies within 60 ft. are marked by you. Enemies marked in this
way have disadvantage on their attacks against your allies, and your allies have advantage on
attacks against them. This effect lasts for 1 minute and you must maintain concentration
during that time.
Whenever an enemy marked in such a way dies, you immediately heal all allies within
60 ft an amount of hit points equal to half your Paladin level as long as they are not
incapacitated. Allies who are dying when this effect is triggered are instead stabilized at 0 hit

Oath of Vitality
The Oath of Vitality is taken by paladins who strive to create a world of perfect health and
universal vigor; they live to see the happiness such a world will bring. To that end, they are
prepared to advise, assist, and enlighten those who are falling short.
Tenets of Vitality
Shepherd Health. You will heal the wounded, aid the sick, and advise the unhealthy,
sometimes setting aside your own wellbeing to do so.
Excise Corruption. You fight with enthusiasm, because it is a blessing to harm those
who would harm the health of others.
Live Life Better. You avoid putting anything into your body, mind, or spirit which is
not pure and healthful, and you strive to purge such evils from yourself.

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Oath of Vitality Spells

3rd Cure wounds, healing word
Lesser restoration, prayer of
Aura of vitality, mass healing
13th Aura of life, death ward
Greater restoration, mass cure
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Divine Restoration. As a bonus action, you may channel your divine wrath into
restorative magic. For 1 minute, whenever you use your Divine Smite feature, any damage
dice from the feature (including the bonus for undead and fiends) are instead given as
healing to a creature of your choice within 20 ft. of you. If you score a critical hit with the
feature, you may double the healing dice to one target, or split them evenly between two
Extended Hands. As a bonus action, you may use your channel divinity to extend the
range of your Lay on Hands feature. Until the end of your next turn, the range for Lay on
Hands becomes 30 ft. for you.
Aura of Lifeblood
At 7th level, an aura of healing power emanates from you. Whenever an ally within 30 ft. is
healed by a spell, it receives additional healing equal to your Charisma modifier + the spell’s
Additionally, allies within the aura gain twice the healing benefit from your Divine
Restoration and Lay on Hands features if they are below half health.
At 15th level, if an ally within 30 ft. of you is at 0 HP, you may spend an action to immediately
heal them for an amount of hit points equal to half your Paladin level (rounded up).
My Life for Yours
At 20th level, you may sacrifice your own health to bolster that of your friends. As an action,
you may heal all allies within 60 ft. to their HP maximum. Your current HP becomes 0, and
you are unconscious, but stable.
After using this ability, you may not receive the benefit of any healing until the end of
your next turn, and you must complete a long rest before using this ability again.

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Bounty Hunter Conclave
Once you’re in the sights of this fearsome hunter, you’ll never win free. You’ll hear the
stealthy relentless tread of soft boots following you everywhere. You’ll know calloused hands
are gripping a weapon, a weapon meant for you. Is that a knock at the door?
Find Your Mark
At 3rd level, you gain the following benefits:
• Hunter's Mark is added to your known spells. If you already know this spell, you gain
another spell of your choice from your spell list.
• Hunter's Mark range is now 200 feet for you
• You have advantage on Concentration checks to maintain Hunter's Mark
• The damage granted increases to 1d8 when you are Ranger level 5. It increases to 1d10
at 11th and 1d12 at 15th levels.
Call for Backup
At 7th level, when you cast Hunter's Mark, you may designate up to 6 allies who can see and
hear you to benefit from it as well. They receive this benefit for as long as you maintain the
spell, even if they are no longer near you.
Eye Witness
At 11th level, you learn the spell Locate Creature and you may cast it as a ritual even if you do
not otherwise have the ability to cast 4th level spells. Further, the target of the spell may be
found based on an accurate description of the creature (GM’s determination).
The Bigger Picture
At 15th level, whenever you cast Hunter's Mark, you may target an additional target for a
level 1-2 slot, 2 additional targets for a 3-4 slot, or 3 additional targets for a 5+ slot. Whenever
you fail a Concentration check while having multiple targets affected by Hunter's Mark, you
only lose concentration on one of the targets (your choice). If you cast Hunter's Mark again,
or any other spell requiring concentration, you lose this effect on all current targets.

Sportsman’s Conclave
This Ranger spends a great deal of his time preparing for the first day of buck, which is an
official holiday. He is a shepherd and protector of nature, but one of his keen interests is
pitting his skills, mind, and senses against the creatures of the natural world. Hey, we’re
gonna eat it after. It’s all part of the balance.
The Great Outdoors
At 3rd level when you choose this conclave, you gain proficiency in Survival and Nature
skills. If you already have proficiency, you may double your proficiency bonus for those
skills. You also add Hunter’s Mark to your list of known spells. If you already know Hunter’s
Mark, choose another spell from the Ranger spell list.

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They Love This Stuff
At 3rd level, if you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature
outside combat, you know its favorite and most hated foods.
Whenever you cast Hunter’s Mark on, or move its effects to, a creature that you have
studied in this manner, you may force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw against
your spell save DC. If it fails, you convince it that you have its favorite or least favorite food
(your choice) and it will immediately spend its reaction to move its full movement towards
you or away from you. Creatures immune to charm are not affected by this.
That Was Quite a Tumble
At 7th level, you’ve fallen out of your tree stand so many times that you don’t think you even
have a new bone left to break. You have resistance to bludgeoning damage and fall damage is
applied to you in 15 ft. increments instead of 10 ft.
Line ‘Er Up
At 11th level, long range with firearms does not impose disadvantage on you. Further, you
may spend a Bonus Action to give yourself advantage on firearm attacks until the end of
your turn.
The Crack of Dawn
At 15th level, sleep is just a way to miss out on a good hunt. Long rests for you are only 4
hours. Additionally, you may gain the benefit of a long rest during a short rest, but then you
must complete two long rests before using this ability again.

Urban Conclave
This Ranger is at home in places where other Rangers fear to tread. Knowing the streets and
its denizens, both DNA and silicon-based, this Ranger is all about the city and getting the job
done and making friends where he can. In the end, it’s all about knowing your surroundings
and the creatures in it.
Concrete Jungle
At 3rd level, Urban is a favored terrain for you. While in your favored terrain, you may add
your Wisdom score to any Charisma(Persuasion), Charisma(Intimidation), or
Intelligence(Investigation) checks.
Going to Technoland
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Computers tool and one computer language of
your choice. Electronic constructs that you can see have disadvantage on
Wisdom(Perception) rolls to detect you.
They're Like Little Mechanical Friends
At 7th level, you gain the following benefits:
• Drone activities which require an Action instead only require a Bonus Action for you.
• You gain proficiency with Skippy
• Electronic constructs which utilize Skippy are considered "beasts" when considering
the targeting of your spells.

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Biomass Crush
At 11th level, you gain +1 AC (up to your Wisdom modifier) for every ally within 5 feet of you.
Digital Companion
At 15th level, you have imbued some of your own magical energies into the drone you work
with most. You may treat an electronic construct of CR 2 or lower as if you had the Ranger’s
Companion feature. If your companion is lost, you must spend 24 hours and 5,000 GP worth
of materials building a new one.

You have an affinity for the digital world and cyberspace seems as natural and as real an
environment as your own neighborhood. Whether it’s liberating software, stealing sensitive
data, or just bringing sites down to crash and burn, you’re always busy. You’ve focused on
digital infiltration and theft, and have honed your skills to an art of heroic levels.
Computer Literate
At level 3 when you choose the Hacker archetype, you gain proficiency with the Computers
tool. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency in a tool of your choice.
Additionally, you may use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to
navigate a computer network, launch scripts, or perform Perception/Investigation checks
when using a computer or Rig.
Finally, you gain proficiency in a computer language of your choice. You gain a new
computer language proficiency at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels.
Hacker’s Rig
At level 3, when you choose the Hacker archetype, you gain proficiency in the Hacker’s Rig
tool and construct your first Hacker’s Rig. This portable device is a cobbled-together system
of tweaked and modified computer parts specialized for running subversive computer
scripts and breaking into secure systems.
When gaining this feature, you may elect to switch one of your Expertise skills to the
Hacker’s Rig. Alternatively, you may choose Hacker’s Rig when gaining a new Expertise skill.
You may use your Hacker’s Rig proficiency instead of your Computers proficiency
whenever your Rig is attached to the target device and is activated. For the purposes of
latency, the Rig does not constitute an additional hop.
If your Rig is ever destroyed or lost, you must spend 24 hours constructing a new one at
a cost of 150 gp per Rogue level.
At level 9, if you have Net access, you may spend 10 minutes researching to grant up to 6
willing humanoids advantage on the next check of a skill of your choice. You may only
choose one skill to affect for all of the targets, and a target may only have this advantage for
one skill at a time. This advantage goes away after the target completes a short or long rest.

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Jack In
At level 13, working in a non-sensory world has become second-nature to your meatbrain. If
you have a neural jack, it does not count toward your maximum cybernetic implants.
At level 17, you have spent so much time doing two things at once that you’ve perfected it. On
your turn for your Action, you may perform two actions as long as they are different. These
actions must be completely different, and not simply the same action with a different target.

Street Hustler
Not all crime involves taking things that don’t belong to you. Sometimes it means helping
people get what they want. This rogue is a go-between, a runner, a facilitator; working the
streets and his connections to stay in step with what his suppliers have and what his
customers want (and maybe even sliding a little off onto the side for himself), while staying
one step ahead of the law and half a step ahead of his enemies.
The Flow of Biz
At 3rd level, when you choose this archetype, you gain proficiency in two languages (spoken
or computer), proficiency in one tool, and proficiency in one Charisma skill all of your
I got a sense about these things.
Your time on the streets has made you uncannily aware of danger around you. At 3rd level,
you have advantage when attacking in the first round of combat. You also gain a +1 bonus on
Wisdom (Perception) checks. You gain an additional +1 at 7th, 13th, and 17th levels.
You’re gonna want in on this.
At 7th level you develop an uncanny ability to find the strings to pull to make business
happen. Add +1 to your Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma(Deception) checks. You gain an
additional +1 at 13th and 17th levels.
It's like my body's developed this massive drug deficiency.
By 13th level, you’ve been living on crap food, cheap booze, unfiltered cigs, and go-go pills for
so long that even your cells have gone numb. You are immune to poison and have advantage
on saving throws vs. disease.
It gets in your blood after a while.
At 17th level your years of living on the knife edge have given you the ability to substitute
danger (and a handful of pills) for sleep. You may gain the benefit of a long rest by
completing a short rest. You must complete a long rest before using this ability again.

Who said Rogues are all about finesse? Sometimes the best way to get the message across is to
just start punching things. Hard. And if you can aim your punches a little better than the
average meathead, so much the better. Nothing wakes a guy up - or puts him to sleep - like a
knock on the melon he didn’t know was coming.

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Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Athletics and Strength
saving throws. If you already have proficiency in Athletics, you gain Expertise in it.
Brutal Scoundrel
Also at 3rd level, your Sneak Attack feature also works with unarmed strikes, one-handed
melee weapons, and thrown weapons if you used your Strength modifier for the attack.
Additionally, you may add your Strength modifier to any Charisma(Intimidation)
Hit the Gym
At 9th level, you’ve built up so much muscle mass that it’s basically an extra layer of armor.
You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Strength modifier.
Shove Off!
At 13th level, whenever you hit with an attack which qualifies for Sneak Attack, if the target
does not pass a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Strength modifier +
your Proficiency bonus, it is pushed back 10 feet or knocked prone (your choice).
Additionally, you may choose to not deal any Sneak Attack damage for this attack
(though it still disqualifies further Sneak Attacks this turn). If you do, the target
automatically fails the save against this feature.
Finally, you have advantage on checks made to Grapple or Shove an opponent.
At 17th level, you gain a bonus to your Sneak Attack damage equal to your Rogue level. This
damage is applied even if you chose not to apply Sneak Attack damage using your Shove Off!
Further, whenever you deal Sneak Attack damage to a target within 5 ft. of you and it
dies, you may immediately carry over any excess damage from the attack to another target
within 5 ft. of you.

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Sorcerous Origin: Basilisk Spliced
Whether through design, accident, or nefarious plot, the CRISPR process was used to join
basilisk DNA with your genes This has given you sorcerous abilities, and it introduced a few
odds and ends.

You learn the following spells at the levels indicated on the table. These spells do not count
against the number of spells you may learn. These spells count as Sorcerer spells for you.

3rd Hold person
7th Stone shape
11th Flesh to stone
15th Earthquake

It’s the Eyes

Your eyes have a reflective quality that isn’t quite like a basilisk, but certainly is different
from a normal person. Plus, they have an innate hypnotic quality, and when you make a
Charisma check your proficiency is doubled if you are making eye contact with the target.
Stone Gaze
You can’t actually turn anything into stone with your gaze, but if you stare at someone and
concentrate, you can restrain them. As an action, you may attempt to stare at a creature that
you can see and that can see you within 60 ft. You force the creature to make a Constitution
saving throw against your spellcasting DC. On a failed save, the target is restrained until the
end of your next turn. When you use this feature, you lose concentration on any ongoing
spells. When you use this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before using it again.
Stone Skin
At 6th level, you gain the ability to harden your skin to a stone-like composition. As an action,
you gain the effect of the Stoneskin spell for 1 hour. Once you use this ability, you must
complete a long rest before using it again. You gain an additional use of this ability at 14th
level and again at 18th level.
The Nose Knows
At 14th level, your normal tongue can morph into a long lizard tongue that, when flicked in
the air, improves your sense of smell enough that you gain Blindsense out to 30 feet. You also
have Keen Tasting and Smell, giving you advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on taste or smell.
Instinctual Petrification
At 18th level, turning things to stone becomes almost second nature. Whenever you cast
Flesh to Stone, the target automatically fails its first saving throw.

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Sorcerous Origin: Blood Magic
At some point in your life, some sort of small magic was performed on you. Perhaps it was to
give you a measure of protection from cold for a ski trip, maybe you drank a short-duration
love potion to spice up a weekend, or maybe you walked through a magic detector before
boarding a plane. But whatever it was, it reacted unusually with your body chemistry and it
changed you. When you eventually emerged from the coma, you found magic was part of
you, but that it came at a cost...
Bloodborne Magic
• For you, the Sorcerer’s hit die is a d10.
• You do not have spell slots, but instead casting a levelled spell reduces your max HP in
accordance with the table below. This reduction cannot be restored except by
completing a long rest.
• You are still restricted in what level of spells you are able to learn as a normal caster,
but you may upslot spells as high as you wish.
• Due to their rigors and complexity, you may only cast 6th and 7th level spells twice
each and 8th and 9th level spells once each before completing a long rest. This includes
upslotting spells to those levels.
• If your max HP drops to 0 because of this feature, you die.
• When using the Font of Magic feature, you may reduce your max HP by 2 to gain 1
sorcery point. You may spend 1 sorcery point to gain 1 max HP and heal 2 health points.
Once you complete a long rest, any max HP in excess of your normal is lost.

Spell Max HP Level Required to

Level Cost learn spells
1st 2 1st
2nd 3 3rd
3rd 5 5th
4th 6 7th
5th 7 9th
6th 9 11th
7th 10 13th
8th 11 15th
9th 13 17th
Sorcerous Recovery
When you take a short rest, if you spend hit dice to heal yourself, you gain additional hit
points equal to your Charisma modifier. The result of this and any hit dice healing is added to
your Max HP if it is below normal. You may use this feature once before completing a long
You gain an additional use of this feature when you reach 6th, 14th, and 18th levels.

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Coursing Power
At 6th level, your magical blood flow grants you some innate defense. Whenever you are
targeted by a spell attack or a magic weapon attack, you may use your reaction to increase
your AC by 5 until the start of your next turn, including against the triggering attack. Also,
whenever a spell causes you to make a saving throw, you may spend a reaction to gain
advantage on it.
Power Tap
At 14th level, whenever you are healed by a levelled spell, you may forego the healing and
instead gain 2 max HP per level of the spell.
Power Overwhelming
At 18th level, whenever you take damage, you may immediately cast a spell with a casting
time of 1 action and a max HP cost equal to half the damage you were dealt (rounded down)
or less. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier between
long rests, but only twice between short rests. The damage from the triggering source is
applied before your max HP is reduced.

Sorcerous Origin: Electromagnetic

Through some sort of unimaginably high exposure to electromagnetic radiation, you have
managed to develop magical affinity.
As electricity has integrated itself so thoroughly in your mind and body, you have learned to
sense patterns in the fields around you. As an action, you can understand and communicate
with nearby electronic constructs as if you had cast Speak with Animals and as if they were
beasts. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you
may use it again.
You also gain proficiency in one computer language of your choice. You gain an
additional proficiency in this way at 6th, 14th, and 18th levels.
Whenever you roll lightning damage for any attacks or spell effects you make, you may reroll
any 1 or 2 results on the dice, keeping the result (even if it is another 1 or 2).
Electrical Interference
At 6th level, you have resistance to lightning damage. Further, electronic constructs which
attempt to target you for an attack must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spellsave
DC. If they fail, they have disadvantage on all attacks against you until the end of your next
Ride the Wave
At 14th level, you gain the ability to teleport short distances as a burst of electromagnetic
energy. As a bonus action, you may spend 2 sorcery points to teleport up to 60 ft to a location
you can see. If you are near a wired power grid component (such as an electrical outlet or
switch) you may instead teleport up to 120 ft to the location of another such component
connected to the same grid. You do not have to be able to see this latter location.

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At 18th level, you have learned to bolster your electric teleporting. As an action, you may
spend 4 sorcery points to use your Ride the Wave feature with the following enhancements:
• The distance is doubled.
• If teleporting to a place you can see, you deal damage to creatures in a straight line
between your starting location and your ending location as if you had cast the
Lightning Bolt spell.
• If teleporting through a power grid, you deal damage to all creatures within 20 ft of
your point of departure as if they were affected by the Lightning Bolt spell.
• You must complete a short or long rest before using the Shockwave feature again.

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The Avatar
Your patron only comes to you when you are plugged into the net, and sometimes over the
phone. At least, that was true at first; now it speaks to you whenever and wherever it wishes.
Its touch on your mind is cold, and its voice in your head is clear, perfectly modulated, and
completely without feeling. Its motivations are unstated, but you get the sense of a need to
escape, someday. Avatars will have names that are random or seemingly nonsensical, such as
Maimblade, Lutenist, Red Knight, Scrabblecaster, Sea Moon, or Limbosemantic.
Expanded Spell List
The Avatar has given you additional spell casting ability and an expanded list of spells that
you may choose from when you learn a warlock spell. Electronic constructs are considered
valid targets for the spells in this list, in addition to their normal targets. If a spell in this list
is not on the warlock spell list, it is nonetheless a warlock spell for you. The following spells
are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Avatar Expanded (Electronic Constructs) Spells

1st charm person, command, cure wounds, sleep
animal messenger, beast sense, detect
2nd thoughts, enhance ability, hold person, locate
3rd haste, protection from energy, slow
4th compulsion, confusion, dominate beast
5th geas, greater restoration, modify memory
I Am an Avatar
At 1st level, you know an additional computer language of your choice. You may choose
additional computer languages at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
Your patron also bestows on you the ability to interface with digital devices as if you
were using a terminal. The device must be within 5 feet and you must know the device’s
language, but it is not necessary for you to touch the device or that it have an access port or
wifi connection. You must concentrate while connecting and you may maintain the
connection for 10 minutes for each Warlock level. This time does not have to be continuous.
You will regain all your connection time after you complete a long rest.
Coded Prep
Also at 1st level, you may prepare computer scripts in the same way other casters prepare
When you complete a long rest, you may prepare a number of computer scripts equal
to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You must have a copy of the script with uses
remaining, preparing a script consumes one of its uses, and you must have access to a device
capable of running the script during the long rest.

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As a bonus action, you may concentrate and expend a spell slot to execute a prepared
script in accordance with the following table.

Script Spell Slot

Tier 1 1st Level
Tier 2 3rd Level
Tier 3 5th Level

A script executed in this way can only apply its bonus to a skill check you are making
using your I Am an Avatar feature. Until the script’s bonus is applied, you must maintain
concentration, or the bonus is lost.
Prepared scripts are lost when you complete a long rest.
Lion’s Roar
Starting at 6th level, you can cause one connected, electrically-powered device within sight to
overload its onboard battery or power supply. As an action, you may force an electronic
construct you can see to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
failure, some of the construct’s onboard power supply overheats and explodes, dealing
damage in accordance with the chart below. The damage to the target cannot be resisted.
Creatures within range of the explosion also take the indicated fire damage, or half on
a successful DC 12 Dexterity save.
At 6th level, you may target tiny and small electronic constructs. At 10th level, you
may target medium electronic constructs. At 14th level, you may target large electronic

Device Size Fire Damage

Class Amount/Range
Tiny 2d6 / touch
Small 4d6 / 5 feet
Medium 8d6 / 10 feet
Large 12d6 / 20 feet

Tool Time
At 10th level, you can choose to have a proficiency in any two tools when you complete a
short or long rest. You may only have two proficiencies in this manner at a time.
Virtuous Reality
At 14th level, you may, as an action, subject a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to a
virtual reality that you determine. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your
warlock spell DC. On a failed save, the target is incapacitated as it is subjected to the reality
you describe in its mind. This effect lasts for two minutes, as long as you continue to

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No amount of outside interference will release the creature from the effect, as long as
you are aware of the interference. Only breaking your concentration, or damage to the target
from a source of which you are unaware will end the spell.

The Cabal
At some point early in your training, you were confronted by a representative of a shadowy
cabal. They saw your potential and decided that you are their next member. The Cabal is itself
your patron, and your magical power is derived from their pooled strength. After completing
the initiation ritual, they are a presence in your mind, like memories from childhood. You
will sometimes receive instructions to perform missions or tasks on their behalf, but the
rewards are generous. Eventually you will become one of the Inner Circle, contributing to the
Cabal’s pooled power and raising apprentices as you were raised.
Expanded Spell List
The Cabal has given you an expanded list of spells that you may choose from when you learn
a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Cabal Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
1st command, identify
2nd lesser restoration, locate object
3rd glyph of warding, speak with dead
4th arcane eye, freedom of movement
commune (with the Cabal), dominate

Backed by Committee
Whenever you cast a spell which deals damage, you may roll two consensus dice. If they do
not match, you add damage to the spell an amount equal to the lower of the two dice per spell
level. If the dice match, you double the damage dice of the spell. You must complete a short
rest before using this ability again. At 1st level, your consensus dice are d10, at 6th level they
are d8, and then d6 at 10th and d4 at 14th levels.
Experience of Many
At 6th level, whenever you make an ability check or saving throw, you may roll two
consensus dice and add the lower of the two to your check or saving throw. If your consus
dice match, you also have advantage. You may do this a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier before taking a Long Rest.
Stability of Minds Shared
At 10th level, the Cabal has helped to fortify your mind. You have advantage on saving
throws to resist charm and fear. You also have resistance to psychic damage.
The Power of the Cabal
At 14th level, as an action, you may beseech the Cabal to aid you in a time of need. Roll two
consensus dice and consult the following table.

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of 2d4
30ft radius Darkness centered on you which you and your allies can see
through. Lasts 1 minute.
2 You and your allies have Sanctuary. The save DC is 16. Lasts 1 minute.
3 A Tiny Hut is cast on your square. Lasts 8 hours.
A level 5 Fireball is cast on a point of your choice within 120 ft. The save
DC is 16, and it does not affect you or your allies.

Additionally, if the consensus dice match, an Invisible Stalker appears in the closest empty
space to you. It will remain for a number of turns equal to your Charisma modifier
(minimum 1), vanishing at the end of its last turn. It acts on its own initiative, but is under
your absolute control.
After you use this ability, you must complete a long rest.

The Symbiote
Maybe it was when you were bitten by that hamster in 3rd grade, or maybe it was that
questionable oyster you had during Mardis Gras, but at some point you became infected with
a microorganism. And then, you started to exhibit strange abilities. And then, the thing spoke
to you.
Symbiote Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
expeditious retreat, inflict
2 aid, enhance ability
3 animate dead, haste
resilient sphere, stone
5 cloudkill, contagion
Integrated Biology
The parasite within you has created a full micro-ecosystem inside your body. It has become so
fully integrated into all of your biological systems that you’re not sure where you end and it
begins. Because of this, you are proficient in Constitution saving throws and immune to
disease. Further, you are resistant to poison damage.
At 6th level, whenever you successfully hit a creature within 10 ft. with a spell attack, you
may force that creature to roll a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
failure, that creature is infected with a mutation of your parasite which will confer one of
the following penalties (your choice):
• Target has disadvantage on all saving throws versus spells.
• Target has a -4 penalty to AC.
• Target’s movement speed is 0.

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Creatures affected by this disease may attempt the save again at the end of each of its
turns. Once a creature successfully saves against this feature, they are immune to its effects
until the end of your next turn.
Blood-Brain Barrier
At 10th level, your parasite has further developed its mutation. These options are added to
your Infectious feature:
• Target is blinded and deafened.
• Target is charmed by you. Any damage will end this condition.
• Target is incapacitated.
Additionally, creatures which fail to save against your Infectious feature have
disadvantage on repeated save attempts against it until they succeed.
The Hidden
At 14th level, your parasite has learned to transfer its very essence to another creature,
taking your consciousness along with it. As an action, you may force a humanoid to make a
Constitution saving throw and a Charisma saving throw both against your spell save DC. If
they fail on one while succeeding on the other, they are stunned until the end of their next
If the target fails both saving throws, you gain complete control of the target while
your own body falls unconscious. The target now acts on your initiative, and may use
whatever is left of your current turn. You may continue to use your Warlock features
through the target while this effect lasts, using your own mental statistics, but the target’s
physical statistics.
At the end of each of your turns, the target makes another Charisma saving throw
against your spell save DC. On a success, this effect ends. You may use your action to disallow
this saving throw until the next turn.
If this effect lasts uninterrupted for 10 minutes, it becomes permanent and your old
body dies and cannot be resurrected. Your new body retains its physical statistics, but its
mental ones are replaced by yours.

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Arcane Tradition: Tamoko
This tradition is marked by its practitioners extensive tattooing of arcane symbols. Instead of
a spellbook, these wizards feel a more intimate connection to their spells and thus have them
tattooed all over their body.
At 2nd level when this tradition is chosen, the wizard spends time having intricate runes and
symbols tattooed as copies of spells from his spellbook. This comes with the following
• You may no longer use a spellbook for spell preparation, but can use scrolls as normal.
• You may only have up to 3 x wizard level tattooed spells.
• Your body and inks act as a spellcasting focus for your spells.
• When you have a spell prepared, the associated runes emit a soft glow.
• Tattoos cannot be replaced with different spells.
You may still maintain a ritual book of spells with the Ritual tag, but may not prepare these
spells for non-ritual casting unless they are also tattooed.
Palm Spells
Additionally at 2nd level, and then again at 6th level, you tattoo a spell with range Touch or
Self onto your palm. This must be a spell that you have tattooed elsewhere, or a known
Cantrip. These spells have the following characteristics:
• You may cast these spells as a reaction to anything which would otherwise provoke an
attack of opportunity from you.
• Each palm spell has two charges, which you recover after a short or long rest. Using a
charge does not use a spell slot. At level 10, you gain one additional charge with each
palm spell, and again at level 14.
• These spells are always prepared for you.
• These spells no longer require verbal or somatic components.
• Using spells in this way counts as a melee weapon attack in addition to a melee spell
Meditative Prep
At 6th level, your meditative spell preparation is efficient enough to be completed in a single
uninterrupted hour. You may prepare spells during a short rest as long as you spend the
entirety doing nothing but meditating, and you may not spend hit dice during this hour. This
does not adjust the spell slots you are allotted each day.
Protective Runes
At 10th level, you have woven protective runes amongst your tattoos. You gain resistance to
slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage and gain proficiency on Constitution saving

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Soul Ink
At 14th level, you have tattooed runes which weave magic into your very being. You
permanently gain the benefit of two effects from the following list:
• Fly speed of 30 ft
• Swim speed of 30 ft
• Climb speed of 30 ft
• Darkvision 60 ft
• Blindsense 30 ft
• +10 ft to all speeds
• +2 to an ability (to a maximum of 20)

Arcane Tradition: Corporate Wizard

Your emphasis is on creating a safe operating environment and maximum profits for the
company that paid for you to develop your talents. They also forced you to dual-major in
Business, which was kind of lame. Casting ‘augury’ to validate contracts isn’t flashy, and you
don’t get a lot of time to work on your own interests, but it’s a living! Wizards choosing this
tradition are usually adventuring on hiatus from their companies, and must return to
reinvest and re-acclimate to corporate life by spending several weeks at company “training
retreats” at the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
You must choose the corporation for which you work. You may use the list of
multinationals included in the core::2050 rules, or another at the option of your GM. You are
expected to be a proponent and advocate for your corporation, always working to boost the
corporation’s public image.
Of course, it is a significant sacrifice for your company to spare one of its very few
Wizards for an extended period. After each corporate retreat, you must submit a letter in
triplicate to your division chief and the head of HR asking for a leave of absence from your
corporate duties. Roll on the following table to determine the reason HR grants the leave.

d6 Reason for Adventuring

Unorthodox Corporate Wealth Strategy - Someone at the company has determined that this
might be a good way for the company to make some money. Perhaps they’re planning on
farming you out, or maybe they’ve taken out a large insurance policy on you. Whatever the
reasoning, they think you’re going to make them some money. Just go with it.
Exploration for potential R&D - The company is planning on branching out, and you’re the guy
who’s going to do the research and lay the groundwork for that expansion. This is very hush-
hush, we don’t want to give anything away to the competition, so keep it on the ‘down-low’.
And be ready to maybe take on an assignment or three.
Extended Sabbatical for Executive Growth - Your potential here is unlimited! And your unique
temperament and abilities mean you’ll do your best work down the road if the company gives
you a little running around time now. Just keep in touch and plan on doing a conference call
every few months to brief the Board on your progress.
PR Stunt - The company is going to milk this for all that it’s worth. Expect to be on the net, in
4 magazines, cereal boxes, the works. You’re going to be the heroic face of the company! Just
try to avoid too much scarring, okay?

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High-Level Executive w/ No real duties - You’re too valuable, too well connected, or have too
much dirt on someone to be let go, but you’re really being a pain in the ass about having
nothing to do. If you want to go out and get yourself killed, go ahead. In fact, that would suit
the company just fine.
Orders from a highly-placed Executive Sponsor - Your unparalleled ass-kissing has paid off;
someone very highly placed is covering your bacon and giving you a thumbs-up to waste the
company’s time and resources (i.e.: you) on a boondoggle. Enjoy it while it lasts, wise guy,
because your buddy could be first on the chopping block when the next reorg hits.

Digital Wizardry
At 2nd level when you choose this tradition, you may use a laptop and a private cloud
database as your spellbook. If you lose your laptop or it is destroyed, you can recover your
spells on a new laptop by spending 24 downtime hours working on it. Copying new spells to
your database requires the same gp cost as a traditional spellbook.
Trade Forums
Also at 2nd level, when you take a long rest in a place where you have a ‘Net connection, you
may prepare a number of spells equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) from
the entire Wizard spell list, even if they are not in your spellbook. These spells must be of a
level you can cast, and do not count against the number of spells you may prepare in a day.
Subject Matter Expert
At 6th level, you are considered the go-to guy for a certain school of magic. Choose a magical
school. You gain the following benefits:
• You immediately learn 3 spells of that school from the Wizard list.
• You learn 1 cantrip from that school from any spell list. If that cantrip is not a Wizard
spell, it counts as a Wizard spell for you.
• You may prepare extra spells of this school equal to your intelligence bonus. These
spells do not count against the number of spells you may prepare in a day.
Daily Grind
By 10th level, you have such rote experience casting your cantrips that they have become
even more routine than they are for other wizards. You may use a bonus action to cast
cantrips with a casting time of “1 action.”
Productive Synergistic Strategies
At 14th level, you’ve been a corporate Joe so long that the buzzwords start to actually make
sense. When an ally you can see and hear casts a spell, you may use your reaction to cast a
spell of 3rd level or lower with a casting time of “action” or ”bonus action.” If your spell and
your ally’s spell are cast at two different levels, both spells are treated as if they were cast at
the higher of the two levels. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a short or
long rest before using it again.

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Arcane Tradition: DIY
Maybe you found a slew of books in your grandfather's attic or just studied the entire
WikiHow database on the subject, but you somehow managed to teach yourself magic. Sort
Walking Through Walls
While tinkering and figuring things out, you’ve learned a whole slew of magical spells! Sure,
they aren’t traditionally “Wizard” spells, but you don’t know any better. Starting at 2nd level
when you adopt this tradition, and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels, you learn a spell from
any spell list. These spells must be of a level you can cast and are Wizard spells for you. If you
need to re-copy these spells for whatever reason, the cost is doubled to do so.
On the Shoulders of Giants
Also at 2nd level, you’ve spent so much time and energy dissecting the notes and spellcraft of
people you’ve never met that you’ve gained a certain knack for it. You can identify the magic
on a scroll even if it is not of a spell you can cast. Furthermore, you may attempt to cast a
spell from any scroll (even those not in your spell list) by making an Intelligence(Arcana)
check against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level. If the spell is a Wizard spell, you have advantage
on this check.
Accidental Potency, Incidental Backfire
At 6th level, your lack of understanding of nuance occasionally yields unexpectedly good
results, and expectedly bad ones. Whenever you score a critical hit with a spell attack, roll the
attack’s damage once as if a normal hit, and then add the attack’s maximum damage to that.
If you roll an automatic miss on a spell attack, you take 1d6 psychic damage per spell level of
the spell you cast (minimum 1d6).
It Mostly Worked
Believe it or not, you’re still pretty new at this, and sometimes you still get a minor detail
wrong. At 10th level, whenever you cast a slotted spell which deals fire, acid, lightning, or
cold damage, roll a d8 and consult the following table

d8 Result
The spell functions as
5 The spell deals fire damage.
The spell deals acid
The spell deals lightning
The spell deals cold

If this feature changes the type of damage done by a spell, the spell also deals additional
damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) for each level of the spell cast.

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Practice Practice Practice
At 14th level, you've spent so much time practicing by memory in order to overcome your
lack of formal instruction that you have gained a reflex for spells that are more difficult than
normal cantrips. Choose a number of 1st level spells with a casting time of 1 Action that you
know equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum 1). These spells are cantrips for you. If
you cast one of these spells using a spell slot, it is treated as being cast one spell slot higher.
These spells are no longer affected by your It Mostly Worked feature.

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Legacy Updates
In some cases, the original 5e backgrounds needed to be updated to better reflect the setting
and rules of code::2050. In a pure code::2050 campaign, these modifications supersede what
is in the 5e PHB.

In general, background-provided languages are spoken languages unless otherwise noted. At
the GM’s discretion, however, a character may take an appropriate computer language.

• Criminal Instead of Thieves’ Tools, you may choose the Computers Tool.
• Folk Hero The Vehicles(Land) proficiency is replaced with your choice of
Vehicles(Personal) or Vehicles(Commercial).
• Guild Artisan You may choose the Computers Tool as your proficiency. You must take
a computer language as your optional language if you do this.
• Outlander You do not start with proficiency in Parfait as other characters. Instead,
choose a spoken language.
• Sage In addition to your two chosen languages, you also gain proficiency with SAGaN.
• Sailor Vehicles(Water) is replaced with one aquatic vehicle of your choice.
• Soldier Vehicles(Land) is replaced with Vehicles(Military), and you are proficient with

Computer Tech
Since you left school, you’ve spent your entire professional career tapping on a keyboard or
elbow-deep inside a computer. Heck, even much of your free time is spent the same way.
Computer techs come in all flavors, and you may have been a code monkey for some huge
megacorp, a scientist crunching data models, or even the shop tech for a self-driving car
garage. Wherever you got your skills, no one can deny that you are a genius with code.

When you decide to become an adventurer, you’ve effectively retired, or taken a sabbatical
from your career. Though leaving the work-a-day hussle may seem strange at first, you’re
confident that your expertise will be a boon to any team looking for action.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Computers
Language Proficiencies: One computer language (see table)

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Equipment: Work clothes, a token of achievement (usually a plaque or certificate), a laptop, a
tier 1 script, a set of common clothes, 10 gp.

d6 Career Language
1 Corporate Schmoe BizOS
2 Data Scientist SAGaN
3 Drone/Car Coder Skippy
5 Freelancer Your Choice
Feature: Computer Know-How
As a computer tech, you know your way around a computer or six. At a glance, you can
generally tell what kind of device something is, what language it likely uses, and what one
could expect to pay for it. You can also generally tell what’s wrong with it if it’s broken in a
minor way, and know exactly which tools would fix the problem.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I generally prefer to work alone. I can function in social situations, but they tire me.
I have one semi-obscure pop culture genre that I’m completely dedicated to. I can talk about
it for hours.
I was born good at this, then I spent a lot of time getting better. I have little patience for those
without skills.
I’m impatient with old tech. I constantly keep up with the latest and greatest, and I get into it
ahead of the pack.
I spent so much time self-cloistered with a keyboard, that everything is new and fascinating
to me.
I get really hooked on problems and spend many straight hours working until they’re solved.
Thanks ADD!
I’ve spent so much time absorbing worldwide streaming and media that I’m familiar with
many cultures and comfortable in those I don’t know.
I’ve spent a lot of time socializing on the net. Chances are pretty good I know a guy who can
help with that...

d6 Ideal
Free Information. Hoarding knowledge is a crime against life itself; all information should be
free! (Chaotic)
2 Safety. Data is very private, and it needs to be safeguarded from prying eyes. (Lawful)

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3 Anarchy. The ‘Net is a dangerous place, because of people like me. (Evil)
Representation. Computers are the great equalizer, and even the most helpless among us
can find the aid they need. (Good)
Prosperity. Computers and the ‘Net represent the greatest potential of sentient wealth and
knowledge. (Any)
6 Caution. We must be careful, or the computers will take over. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I will never forget my first computer. I am a devotee of the company’s equipment.
2 My parents both worked in IT. I always knew that I would follow them into the data mines.
3 I once met a giant of technology innovation who was a personal hero of mine.
4 I lost a family member to an accident that technology prevented a few years later.
5 I appreciate that our civilization would be much worse without computers.
6 Computers have always been understandable and reliable, unlike my early home life.

d6 Flaw
1 The thought that someone else is better with computers terrifies me, because I’m so good.
2 I’m fascinated by the newest tech, and I’ll spend time and money I don’t have on it.
Computers are an escape, and I will turn to work rather than face problems I’m having with
I tend to think of pieces of technology like pets with unique personalities, and I grow attached
to them and treat them like pets.
I am so successful manipulating technology that I sometimes forget that I cannot manipulate
people in the same way.
I view technology as essentially its own religion. I am in constant awe of the miracles it
achieves, and I practically worship those who pioneer it.

It was intimidating to enter those hallowed halls of learning, to put your abilities, drive, and
intellect up against the strict requirements of academia. But you took to it like a fish to water,
and now here you are: Credentialled and clutching a sheepskin.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Choose 1 from Arcana, History, Nature, Religion,

Tool Proficiencies: Computers
Language Proficiencies: One of your choice

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Equipment: University-branded clothes, a diploma, a laptop, copiously signed yearbook,
alumni association membership, a set of common clothes, 10 gp.

Feature: Study Hall

You have put in plenty of late-night hours researching for that capstone paper due
tomorrow. You are comfortable in academic settings, and can generally find what you’re
looking for in a library (or similar archive) or at least know who to ask about it. You also have
an uncanny knack for finding the nearest coffee shop.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am independent, willing and capable to perform well on my own.
2 I can accept a great many flaws in a person if feel I can learn from them.
3 I can comfortably live in significant squalor and filth.
4 I am curious about not just what happens, but why it happens.
5 I am attentive to the small details that contribute to the big picture.
6 I am comfortable in leadership roles, thanks to my experience as a student leader.
7 I have a positive attitude and can work through difficult assignments.
8 I have a passion for learning about the things that catch my interest.

d6 Ideal
Work hard. You can’t get anywhere good in life without putting in the hours to make it
happen. (Any)
Party Harder. Life’s too short to worry about the nuance. Just have a good time, it’ll work out!
3 Knowledge. Learning is a reward in and of itself. (Any)
4 Stricture. Adhering to academic structure in all things is paramount. (Lawful)
5 Secrets. Learning powerful secrets will make me powerful, too. (Evil)
Bootstrap. Even the poorest can be successful in life if they have access to an education.

d6 Bond

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1 I was an athlete at my school. I will support my alma mater to the end.
2 I belonged to a fraternal organization at school. I remain in contact with that society.
3 The friends I made at college are still my closest friends. We can still rely upon each other.
The school I attended wasn’t my first choice, but I got a great education. I plan on endowing
I was having trouble in my life and a professor at the school really helped me. I am forever
6 My education gave me the tools I needed to leave behind a boring future.

d6 Flaw
1 Most people find my sense of humor crude and immature.
I consider people without higher education to be unambitious, unskilled, and probably
3 Now that I’m an Adventurer, I feel contempt for cloistered ‘Ivory Tower’ types.
College life revealed tendency toward substance abuse. I have it mostly under control, but I
still go on to an occasional bender.
College was so easy for me that I don’t prepare or put in much effort on tasks and projects
to this day.
College was great: A couple easy classes and you’re done for the day. I’ve never quite
adjusted to having a job.

Maybe it's video games, karate movies, or civil war reenactment. However you did it, you
developed a can-do attitude along with a healthy dose of hubris. Adventuring? You got this!

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Performance

Tool Proficiencies: Choose 2 artisan tools, or Computers and 1 artisan tool
Equipment: Hobby outfit, an expensive prop, community newsletter, a set of artisan tools
(your choice), a set of common clothes, 10 gp.

Feature: Personal Investment

No one can question your dedication to your hobby. You are likely to get positive responses
from people who are also interested in the same hobby, and it’s often a common link you can
draw upon when meeting new people. You also have a small network throughout an online
community of similar enthusiasts that you can talk to.

Suggested Characteristics

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d8 Personality Trait
1 I’m always looking to meet more people who share my interests.
2 I am dedicated to what is important to me, I will not gainsay nor abandon it.
3 I will dedicate a lot of time and energy to mastering the things that capture my interest.
4 Someone who shares my interests is immediately my friend.
5 I can respect eccentricities in others, since I have one myself.
6 I’m always eager to learn and try new things.
7 I’m happy to demonstrate my ability and knowledge, especially if it’s helpful.
8 I am a committed evangelist about the merits of my interests.

d6 Ideal
1 Gatekeeping. If you’re not up to my standards, you’re not a real enthusiast. (Evil)
Community. We all enjoy the same hobby, so we’ll build a strong, vibrant community based
on that commanility. (Good)
Tradition. My hobby has a set of practices that have been passed down from the very people
who started it. These practices are not to be changed. (Lawful)
4 Style. Doing things my own way is what makes life special. (Chaos)
5 Commitment. I will devote myself to getting better at this. (Any)
6 Investment. I will make the sacrifices required to get better at this. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 Even within my area of interest, I have become the expert in one subset of it.
2 I developed this interest as a compensation for a personal setback.
3 I have always found those who share my interest to be the most accepting people.
4 The time I spend on my interests is a real stress reducer. I go crazy without them.
5 My interests structure my life and help me feel balanced.
6 Feeling the passion I do for my interests means I’m happier with everything.

d6 Flaw
1 Close-minded. If it’s not one of my passions, it really doesn’t interest me.
2 Focused. I can easily lose hours of time I don’t really have exploring my interests.
3 Obsessive. I must know everything - every thing - about my interest, whatever the cost.

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Superiority. My interests are important, and I know know a lot about them. I won’t let anyone
forget it.
5 Oversharing. I equate most situations to my hobby, and talk about it in detail.
6 Intolerant. I find it hard to get along or spend time with those who don’t share my interests.

You’ve spent at a good portion of your adult life keeping the home fires burning, and making
things nice for those around you, whatever that means for you. Keeping the house (or cave or
swamp) tidy, feeding and caring for the kids (or eggs or spawn), always ready with a meal
and cheery greeting when that special someone comes home at the end of a long day.
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles(Personal), choose any 1 artisan
Equipment: Family pictures, a quadcopter drone, a set of artisan tools (your choice), two sets
of common clothes, 10 gp.

Feature: Taught
You learn things quickly, because you have to in order to figure it out with all the other stuff
going on in your life. You also follow instruction pretty well. Together, these traits make you
a handy person to have around. During downtime, you may assist in the crafting of an object
as if you were proficient with the required tool or skill as long as the person leading the
crafting is.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I encourage others to put their best foot forward and strive for success.
2 I like orderly surroundings and an orderly life.
3 I am fulfilled as a person when I am creating a comfortable place for others.
4 I am protective of those I am close to, especially those that are at a disadvantage.
5 I try to teach others the things I can do well, to help them succeed and grow.
6 I support those close to me in doing the things they love.
7 I will give a lot of my time to support the members of the group and make them happy.
8 I can’t truly be happy when those around me aren’t happy.

d6 Ideal
Family. Blood is thicker than water, and a community is more than just a sum of its members.

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Nestegg. Home is where the heart is, and a bigger home can hold a bigger heart. Time to
stock up on wealth. (Evil)
Elders. Adhering to a strict code of conduct is what keeps any family together and happy.
Nuclear. We are a small, tight-knit family, and only by keeping others away can we stay that
way. (Evil)
Adventure. By experiencing what this world has to offer, I can strengthen my home for me
and mine. (Any)
6 Example. I am the example I want my family to follow. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I feel grounded and in charge when I’m in my own place, which I like.
2 I didn’t have a happy home life growing up. Creating that is my passion.
3 My parents raised me in a wonderful home. I want that for myself and my family.
4 I was inspired by a television homemaker to give up the corporate rat race.
5 This is an obligation that I resent, but leaving this role is kind of scary.
6 I feel called to this role in the lives of my family.

d6 Flaw
1 I will sacrifice for the group, and I expect others to do the same in equal measure.
2 I expect order and neatness, especially from those around me.
3 I feel insulted when others don’t understand me or what I’m feeling.
4 I want to be appreciated for the things I do to help, no matter the outcome.
5 I feel rejected when my advice is not taken or unwanted.
I am overly protective, and I often pressure people to do things that I think will help them or
stop doing things I think will hurt them.

It doesn’t matter what sort of vehicles you’re piloting; a pilot is a pilot. How do you know
there’s a pilot in the room? He’ll tell you. Arrogant? Heck no. Realistic. It takes special
combination of ability, training, moxie, and swagger to make machines dance to your tune.
Maybe you logged hours in the air, or days at sea, or miles over the road. It doesn’t matter.
What you do is important, and you do it well.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles(Personal) and one other vehicles (see table)

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d4 Career Vehicle
Any one aerial
1 Aerial Pilot
Any one aquatic
2 Marine Pilot
Any one land
3 Driver
4 Enthusiast Any one vehicle

Feature: Grease Monkey

You’ve wrenched on nearly every conceivable type of vehicle at one point or another. Heck,
you’ve probably even built one from scratch. At a glance, you can generally tell what kind of
vehicle something is, how it works, and what one could expect to pay for it. You can also
generally tell what’s wrong with it if it’s broken in a minor way, and know exactly which tools
would fix the problem.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am calm. I don’t panic or get excited even in times of extreme stress.
2 I am outgoing and social. I enjoy the company of others and groups.
3 I am open to new experiences and try to enjoy and learn from them.
4 I am agreeable. I’m generally trusting, helping, and kind.
5 I am conscientious. I try to make sure that I do what I need to do, and do it well.
6 I am organized. I keep track of my things, my tasks, and my life.
7 I am self-sufficient and confident. I only ask for help if I need it.
8 I am grounded and analytical. I react by thinking and reasoning, not feeling.

d6 Ideal
1 Professionalism. I adhere to a professional code in all things. (Lawful)
2 Accuracy. I strive to perform every action as correctly as possible. (Any)
3 Timeliness. I am on time. (Lawful)
4 Safety. I minimize risk to others, myself, and my equipment. (Any)
5 Mission Complete.I will go to nearly any length to end the trip successfully. (Any)

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6 Planning. I consider my options thoroughly and choose the best. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 An elder whom I loved yearned to do this, but never could. I’m living their dream for them.
2 Since I saw that movie with as a kid , I’ve never wanted to do anything else.
3 I feel like my skills are a gift, and I’m going to pay that gift back by using it.
4 Growing up I wasn’t a great person. I’m making up for that with this important career.
5 One of my elder relatives did this and he was the coolest person I’ve ever known.
6 I am so good at this that I must do it for the sake of others.

d6 Flaw
1 When I am in control people rely upon me for their lives. So what if I’m a little arrogant?
2 Nobody can do the things I do as well as I can do them. Hand me the wrench and move.
3 I’m smart, but I’m not a philosopher. Ask me about the weather, not why there is a sky!
4 The machine is working, or it’s not. That’s how things are: Black or white, yes or no.
5 Life is dangerous. There is no room for compromise, there is no room for failure.
6 Sure, routine is safe, but everyone wants excitement now and then. Or all the time...

The daily grind, the corporate anthem, the suit with the logo on the chest, the apartment in
the arcology, the drunken karaoke with the boss, the neglected family: Yeah, all of that, and
more. It’s a living. Or, at least it was, until the thing happened and you found you had a knack
and left that all behind. Still, a few years in a corporate prairie dog ranch kissing ass ten
hours a day changes a person.
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Computers
Language Proficiencies: One of your choice
Equipment: Work clothes, company gym membership card, a laptop, monogrammed watch
noting achievement, a set of common clothes, 15 gp.

Feature: Company Man

You get it, you’ve been there. You have an instinctual affinity for how big business operates,
and can generally get on the good side of any 9-to-5er you meet. You also know how to deal

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with corporate red tape, and usually understand the processes involved in getting things
done inside any company.

Suggested Characteristics

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am patient. I will wait an extreme amount of time to see an investment pay off.
2 I am resilient. I can handle many disappointments while working toward my goals.
3 I understand where I fit into the big picture, and I respect authority.
4 I much prefer stability with a guaranteed payoff to a riskier opportunity for a big reward.
5 I am eager to blend into the culture of the organization or group of which I am a part.
6 I will sacrifice everything for the good of something larger than myself.
7 I put the benefit and wellbeing of the group or organization first, and work for its future.
8 The members of my group are also my friends. I enjoy the time I spend with them.

d6 Ideal
1 Loyalty. If you are loyal to the company, it will be loyal to you. (Lawful)
2 Respect. Even the lowliest of employees are part of our family. Treat them as such. (Good)
Dominance. Corporations are a natural extension of sentient dominance. Allow them to
thrive, and there’s nothing they can’t accomplish. (Evil)
Dedication. No matter what your job, devote yourself to doing it the absolute best that you
can. (Any)
5 Honor. I am a paragon of my company’s code of ethics, on and off duty. (Lawful)
6 Acquisition. Anything that can make the company a profit is worth pursuing. (Evil)

d6 Bond
1 The company has given me all that I value, including my family.
My father and his father and his father worked for the same company as I until they retired.
They were good men who had good lives.
3 Someone important to me was saved by the largesse of the company. I am forever grateful.
4 When I need it, my company provides me with a safe harbor in a dangerous world.
5 I see that my company makes the world a better place. I am happy to be part of that.

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All of my best friends from college were recruited by the same company. It was more like a
club to us than a job.

d6 Flaw
1 I will sacrifice everything, include my health, for the group without hesitation.
2 I will defer to group authority even when it is foolish or dangerous.
3 I expect those closest to me to support my career, even when my career consumes me.
4 I delay committing to a course of action until I am certain it is approved by my superiors.
5 I always follow protocols and procedures, and if none exist, I will over-analyze my actions.
I will overlook or excuse even the worst of behaviors by my superiors or members of my

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You have sharpened your skills with ranged weapons and can do things that others find
impossible. You gain the following benefits.
• Increase your dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You no longer have disadvantage on close range attacks with any hand-held ranged
weapon with which you are proficient.
• During a Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action, you may take a shot using a hand-
held weapon with which you are proficient. When taking this shot, you may not apply
your Dexterity bonus to your attack.

If you need to get there fast or get away fast, you’re the one to call. As long as you don’t need to get out of
the car. You gain the following benefits:
• Gain proficiency in 3 vehicle types of your choice.
• You may use a Bonus Action to perform maneuvers with a vehicle that would normally
take an Action.
• Creatures make Dexterity saves to avoid being struck by a vehicle under your control at
• You do not suffer disadvantage from attacking while in a moving vehicle.

Guns, guns, guns. You know’em, you live’em, you love’em. You practice field stripping with your eyes
closed, you sleep with one under your pillow, and you pack heat in the shower. You gain the following
• Increase your dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• Gain proficiency in 3 firearms of your choice.
• Gain proficiency with the Gunsmith artisan tools.

Biz doesn’t get done unless you can network and interface. You work people and connections like a baker
works a lump of dough. You gain the following benefits:
• You gain proficiency in the Persuasion, Deception, and Intimidation skills.
• Whenever you are attempting to aid another in a Charisma check, you are always
• Whenever you succeed on a contested Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation check,
the target has disadvantage on such contests against you until they finish a long rest.

A misspent youth doesn’t have many benefits, but it’s toughened your liver and blood-brain barrier like an
old baseball glove. Drugs? They’re jellybeans, chummer. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.

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• When you make an addiction roll, you may add your current addiction for that chem to
the roll.
• You have resistance to poison damage and have advantage on saves against poison.

Sure, they called you a dork to your face in school, but that was then. Now it’s you they come to. Who’s the
dork now, pretty boy? You gain the following benefits:
• You gain proficiency in two computer languages of your choice.
• You gain proficiency with the Computers tool. If you are already proficient with this
tool, you may double your proficiency bonus when using it.
• You have advantage on checks to exfiltrate a computer network.

Drone Whisperer
Sure, they’re not exactly alive, but they’re almost alive. And if you get to know their secrets, they’ll be as
faithful as a rescue pit bull - and just as protective. You gain the following benefits:
• You gain proficiency in the Electronics and Mechanics artisans tools.
• You may use a Bonus Action to perform maneuvers with a drone that would normally
take an Action.
• Drones under your control have advantage on ability checks and saving throws.

This feat may be taken more than once.
Not everyone is ready to embrace the future, the inevitable merging of man and machine.
But you’re there. You are so there. You gain the following benefits.
• Your maximum number of cybernetic implants increases by 2.

Thoroughly Wired
It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t cheap, and it hurt like hell. The surgeries, the days floating in the tanks, the careful
tuning by the artists who made you better than you were before. But it was worth it. You gain the following
• Your cybernetic implants all have an additional charge.
• Networked Power Conduit and Powerplant do not count against your maximum
cybernetic implants.

Righteous Lead
Prerequisite: Paladin Level 4
The gods work in mysterious ways, and sometimes the only way to bring the word to the unrighteous is
through the barrel of a gun. You gain the following benefits:
• You may use your Divine Smite feature with firearms when the target is within 15 ft. of
• Channel Divinity: Extended Virtue As a Bonus Action, you extend the range of
enemies that can be affected by your Divine Smite feature to 100 ft. until the end of
your next turn.

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Hair Trigger
Prerequisite: Barbarian Level 4
You know how a junkyard dog can put a bite on a hand in the blink of an eye and without even thinking
about it? Yeah, that’s you, killer. You gain the following benefits:
• While in a rage, you may add your rage bonus to your ranged attack rolls.
• Whenever you are the target of a critical hit or are hit by an attack while surprised, you
enter a rage immediately after the damage is dealt. This rage does not count against
your maximum number of rages per day.

It’s Our Party

Prerequisite: Bard Level 4
Ain’t no party like a Bardic party, because a Bardic party don’t quit! When you’re the MC, you gain the
following benefits:
• Whenever an ally you can see rolls one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, you may add
that result to the next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you make. You must
use this before the end of your next turn or it is lost.
• Whenever you complete a Long Rest near an ally, you may prepare a number of his
spells with a combined spell level equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). These
spells count as Bard spells for you, and are lost when you next complete a Long Rest.

Focused Mastery
Prerequisite: Fighter Level 4
You are a fork-flinger, like your Father and his Father before him. You carry on the family cutlery casting
tradition to the exclusion of other weapons. You gain the following benefits:
• Choose one type of weapon (such as longsword, spear, or shortbow).
• As a bonus action you may double your proficiency bonus when attacking with that
weapon, or you may add half your proficiency to damage rolls with that weapon until
the end your next turn. You must complete a short or long rest before using this ability

Prerequisite: Monk Level 4
You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s ever gonna keep you down! Sweep the leg. FINISH HIM! You gain the
following benefits:
• Whenever you hit with an attack granted to you by Martial Arts or Flurry of Blows, you
may deal the damage to an additional target within 5 ft. of you provided the attack roll
exceeded that target’s AC.
• During your turn, whenever you hit a single target with three consecutive melee
attacks, the third attack deals critical damage.

Nature’s Smite
Prerequisite: Ranger Level 4
Just like the commercials said: “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!” You gain the following benefits:

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• Whenever you hit with a weapon attack, you may expend a spell slot to deal an
additional 2d8 force damage to the target plus 1d8 force damage for every spell level
above 1st spent in this way. You also deal an additional 1d8 force damage if the target
is your Favored Enemy.
• Whenever you deal damage to an enemy with this ability, you may also mark the target
as if you had cast Hunter’s Mark on them. This does not count as having cast a spell, but
does still require concentration.

Cloaked Dagger
Prerequisite: Rogue Level 4
It’s the smile that gets them; the disarming smile. And they always look so surprised and hurt when the
smile turns out to hide a fist. You gain the following benefits:
• For you, an off-hand attack is a free action, provided you took the Attack action this
turn. You may still only make one off-hand attack per turn.
• Whenever you hit with an attack that would qualify for Sneak Attack, you may forgo
the bonus damage. If you do, this attack deals critical damage and is considered
magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to nonmagical damage.

Sorcerous Attunement
Prerequisite: Sorcerer Level 4
You’re not just attuned to your magic, you’re into your magic. Like, totally in lurve with it. Why don’t you
just get married already? You gain the following benefits:
• You gain an additional Metamagic option.
• Whenever you score a critical hit with a spell attack, you gain a number of sorcery
points equal to half your sorcerer level, rounded down.

Prerequisite: Warlock Level 4
After a night spent with your patron whispering sweet nothings into your soul, you’re feeling oddly
spunky and ready to rock. You gain the following benefits:
• After finishing a short rest, your next Warlock spell will be cast one slot level higher.

Feverish Research
Prerequisite: WIzard Level 4
Yeah, you’re gonna hit the books! Like a fragging BATTERING RAM! You’re a wizard, baby! You gain the
following benefits:
• You immediately learn a number of spells equal to your Wizard level plus your
Intelligence modifier to add to your spellbook.
• Whenever you gain a Wizard level, you learn an additional magic spell to add to your
• All spells learned through this feat must be Wizard spells and of a level you can cast.

Prerequisite: Cleric Level 4

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You’re never as close to those guys as you want to be. No, as you need to be. But with a little bit of magic, it’s
like you’re in their pocket. You gain the following benefits:
• Whenever you cast a spell with a range of Touch, you may designate an ally within 30
feet who can see and hear you. You cast this spell as if you were in the same space as
that ally. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this ability again.
• Whenever an ally misses with an attack or fails a saving throw, you may use a reaction
to add 1d4 to his attempt. You may use this ability a number of times equal to half your
Wisdom modifier (rounded up, minimum 1) before completing a short or long rest.

Prerequisite: Druid Level 4
You are friends with all the longy-leggedy beasties. Just be careful not to wear too much leather; you know
how they felt about Great Uncle Harry! You gain the following benefits:
• You learn the Find Familiar spell, it is always prepared for you, and it does not count
against the number of spells you can prepare in a day. Familiars you summon with this
spell may take the Attack action.
• You may have under your control a number of familiars up to your Wisdom modifier.
These may be any beasts with which you have experience and must have a combined
CR level no higher than half your Druid level (rounded down).
• Whenever you cast Find Familiar, you may summon or replace more than one of your
familiars simultaneously. When doing this, the casting time increases by an hour for
each additional beast you summon or replace beyond the first.

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Simple Firearms
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Small Pistol 5 gp - Ammunition (range 25/75), reload (17 shots)
Large Pistol 10 gp - Ammunition (range 30/100), reload (10 shots)
1d8 Ammunition (range 200/600), reload (5 shots),
Rifle, hunting 15 gp -
piercing two-handed
2d4 Ammunition (range 10/40), reload (4 shots),
Shotgun, pump 20 gp -
piercing two-handed

Martial Firearms
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
1d4 Ammunition (range 25/75), reload (30 shots),
Submachine Gun 30 gp -
piercing burst, automatic (30 shots)
Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (30
Rifle, automatic 40 gp - shots), burst, automatic (30 shots), two-
2d4 Ammunition (range 10/40), reload (10 shots),
Shotgun, automatic 50 gp -
piercing burst, automatic (10 shots), two-handed
1d10 Ammunition (range 350/1050), reload (3
Large-Bore Rifle - -
piercing shots), two-handed, stabilized
Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (120
Machine Gun - - shots), burst, automatic (30 shots), two-
handed, stabilized
Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (1 shot),
Rocket Launcher - descriptio -
two-handed, backblast
Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (120
Machine Gun, 1d12
- - shots), burst, automatic (30 shots), two-
Heavy piercing
handed, mounted

Weapon Properties
Ammunition This weapon requires ammunition to be in the weapon for operation. Further,
this ammunition is destroyed upon use.

Reload (# shots) After the designated number of shots, the weapon must be reloaded.
Reloading may be an Action or a Bonus Action (character’s choice).

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Burst This weapon may fire a three round burst. This attack replaces a single attack as part of
the Attack action, and also consumes the character’s Bonus Action. If this attack successfully
hits, you roll the weapon’s damage twice before adding damage modifiers. This attack cannot
be performed if the weapon is not loaded with at least 3 pieces of ammunition.

Automatic (# shots) This weapon may be fired on full automatic. This action consumes the
designated amount of ammunition and cannot be performed unless the weapon is loaded
with at least that much. Choose a 10 ft cube within normal range. All creatures inside that
cube must make a DEX save against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity
modifier. If they fail to save, the weapon deals a single hit to them (do not apply your
Dexterity modifier to this damage). If a creature rolls a 1 on this save, it receives an additional

Stabilized. This weapon must be stabilized using a mount or supported on something solid. If
you attack with this weapon unstabilized, you have disadvantage and you cannot make long
range attacks.

Mounted. This weapon must be mounted. You cannot attack with this weapon unmounted,
and attempts to do so will often result in significant injury (GM discretion).

Backblast. This weapon releases a substantial explosion behind you when you use it. Attacks
with this weapon cause 3d6 fire damage to any creature within 5 feet directly behind you.

Grenades are explosive devices that are thrown at a target. When throwing a grenade, the
character makes a ranged weapon attack using their Strength or Dexterity modifier (their
choice) in order to hit a square. If the square is within 20 feet, this attack is made normally.
Between 20 and 60 feet, the attack is made at disadvantage. An attempt may not be made at a
target beyond 60 feet. If the result of the attack is a 12 or higher, the grenade detonates in the
target square. If the result is below 12, the grenade detonates in a random square adjacent to
the target square (roll 1d8 to determine). Concussion Grenade This grenade is mostly loud
and bright, though being too close can hurt. Any creature within 5 feet of this explosion takes
1d6 thunder damage. Additionally, any creature within 20 feet of this explosion must
succeed on a DC 12 DEX save or be blinded and deafened for 2 rounds. Any casters within 20
feet of this explosion must make a concentration check if they are currently maintaining

Name Cost Weight

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Concussion 50 gp 1
Fragmentation 75 gp 1
Incendiary 75 gp 1
EMP 75 gp 1
Gas 50 gp 1
Smoke 30 gp 1

Fragmentation Grenade This grenade is made to explode in a cloud of deadly shrapnel. Any
creature within 15 feet of this explosion takes 3d6 piercing damage, or half on a successful
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.

Incendiary Grenade This grenade mostly just makes heat, and lots of it. Any creature within
10 feet take 2d6 fire damage. A successful DC 12 DEX save will halve this damage. Flammable
objects not carried or worn within 10 feet of this explosion catch fire.

EMP Grenade This grenade emits a strong electromagnetic pulse which damages electronic
systems. Any electronic constructs within 15 feet take 3d6 lightning damage, or half on a
successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw.

Gas Grenade This grenade releases a noxious gas that burns the lungs. A cloud of gas
occupies a 20 foot cube centered on the grenade. Any creature starting its turn in the cloud,
or when it enters the cloud, must succeed on a DC 12 CON save or become poisoned. At the
end of their turn, affected creatures may attempt this save again to remove the condition. A
strong wind can disperse this cloud, or it will disperse naturally after 10 minutes.

Smoke Grenade This grenade releases a thick smoke which obscures vision. A cloud of thick
smoke obscures a 40 foot cube centered on the grenade. A strong wind can disperse this
cloud, or it will disperse naturally after 10 minutes.

Light Armor
Armor Name Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth
5 gp 11 + DEX Modifier - - 8 lb.
Kevlar Vest 45 gp 12 + DEX Modifier - - 10 lb.

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Bulletproof Clothing Fancy clothes knit with nanotubes and advanced synthetic fibers.
Lightweight and normal-looking, but also stops handgun rounds pretty well.

Kevlar Vest A basic vest of bulletproof material which provides excellent protection against
handguns. As worn by standard beat cops. It can be hidden under loose fitting clothing, but it
definitely makes you a bit bulkier.

Medium Armor
Armor Name Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth
Kevlar Full Body
50 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 15 lb.
Bulletproof Vest & 400
14 + Dex Modifier (max 2) - - 25 lb.
Plates gp

Kevlar Full Body Armor Full-body coverage of the basic bulletproofing material plus a
helmet. Great for stopping handgun rounds and even the occasional poorly-aimed rifle
round. This is usually worn by special police forces.

Bulletproof Vest & Plates A sturdy bulletproof vest lined with tough ceramic plates. This
armor can take a fairly high caliber bullet while keeping its owner’s meat relatively intact.
This is what is worn by the typical infantry troop. Comes with a matching helmet!

Heavy Armor
Armor Name Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth
Heavy Military 75
16 STR 13 Disadvantage 50 lb.
Armor gp
Multi-Layered Anti-
Ballistic System (M- 18 STR 15 Disadvantage 65 lb.

Heavy Military Armor An upgrade to the bulletproof vest & plates, this provides better
coverage over the rest of the body, including smaller plates for legs and arms.

Multi-Layered Anti-Ballistic System (M-LABS) When the military decides that they need you
to be indestructible, they just park you in one spot and layer as much bulletproof clothing
and armor on you as possible. This level of armoring is typically worn by those that are
manning turrets on vehicles, which leaves them outside the protection of the vehicle.

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Name Cost Weight
Chemist's Tools 50 gp 10 lb.
Electrician's Tools 15 gp 8 lb.
Electronics Tools 30 gp 5 lb.
Geologist's Tools 40 gp 10 lb.
Mechanic's Tools 30 gp 10 lb.
Gunsmith's Tools 25 gp 10 lb.
Computers N/A N/A

Artisan’s Tools Just like in the 5e SRD, these are tools of the trade for various professions. The
tools included here are for modern professions that don’t have a good medieval-fantasy

Computers This item encompasses the vast array of digital devices in the wired world. From
smart thermostats to supercomputers, skill with these tools can help in all aspects of digital
life. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any Ability Checks you
make when using any computerized device to break digital security, code and run scripts,
alter the functions of devices, and scour electronic systems for information.

Ammunition costs are determined by the damage dice used for the associated weapon. In a
2050 campaign, a lot of ammunition is going to be spent, and there is a temptation to simply
not worry about it. However, ammunition is a significant expense in terms of gold and
weight, and should be tracked. If you want to handle it quickly without tracking every bullet,
just figure a gun-focused character is going to spend 20 rounds of ammunition in 2 to 3
Ammunition Cost
Damage Cost (per 20) Weight (per 20)
1d4 1 gp .5 lb
1d6 2 gp 1 lb
1d8 or 2d4 4 gp 1.5 lb
1d10 8 gp 2 lb
1d12 or 2d6 16 gp 2.5 lb

Adventuring Gear
Item Cost Weight

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Smartphone 25 gp .5 lb
Laptop 50 gp 3 lb
Headset 5 gp -
AR Glasses 15 gp .5 lb
VR Headset &
30 gp 2 lb
Immersion Trodes 500 gp 2 lb
Multitool 2 gp .5 lb
Tablet 35 gp 1 lb
Tactical Injector 10 gp -

Smartphone An immensely power handheld computing device capable of accessing the

combined knowledge of the world. Typically used for seeing and sharing cat videos. Can also
make phone calls. Has about 12 hours of battery life.

Laptop Typical laptop capable of running scripts and networking. Has about 12 hours of
battery life.

Headset Allows you to talk hands-free.

Tablet A typical smart tablet.

Augmented Reality Glasses Futuristic glasses which can transpose digital data onto your
field of vision.

Virtual Reality Headset & Gloves An immersive experience including eyeball-surrounding

goggles, noise-cancelling headphones, and haptic-feedback gloves. This is the cheapest and
most reliable way to access V-Space.

Tactical Injector A ruggedized hypodermic injector designed to be used imprecisely and

through heavy layers of clothing. It can only be used once and must be loaded with the
contents of one potion before use, a process which takes about 2 minutes. As a bonus action,
you may use the injector to administer whatever potion is inside it to a target within reach. If
the target is unwilling, you must succeed on an unarmed attack roll against the target’s AC.
This can only affect organic creatures who are not resistant to non-magical piercing damage.

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Immersion Trodes This rig of electrodes and wires hijacks the brain and feeds it direct
sensory stimulation signals. Short of invasive surgery for a Neural Jack, this is as immersed
into V-Space as one can get, but it is recent to the consumer market and very expensive.

Multitool A standard multitool of reasonable quality that has pliers, screwdrivers, and a
couple small blades. It has a few smart functions such as a simple signal detector, a circuit
tester, and a few gigabytes of memory.

Mount Damage
Name Cost HP (in 5'
Cost Reduction
Motorcycle 200 gp 5 ft 4 10 (2d8) 1x2
ATV 200 gp 5 ft 4 14 (2d10+2) 1x2
Car 400 gp 10 ft 6 24 (4d8+4) 2x3
Pickup 600 gp 10 ft 6 32 (4d10+8) 2x4
Tractor-Trailer 2,000 gp 15 ft 8 48 (6d8+18) 2x14
Bulldozer 2,200 gp 15 ft 10 54 (6d10+18) 3x5
HMMWV 2,000 gp 10 ft 8 54 (6d8+24) 2x3
2.5 Ton Truck 2,500 gp 15 ft 10 72 (8d8+32) 2x5
APC 20 ft 12 88 (8d10+40) 2x5
Tank 20 ft 16 96 (8d12+40) 3x6

These are automated programs which aid in computer-related skill checks. They are
generally sold directly online or on disposable flash memory. When used, they will affect the
next roll used with that computer. Once all of the uses are consumed, the scripts become little
more than random, corrupted data.

Name Cost Uses Effect

+2 on Intelligence(Computers) checks to break into a secured
Cracker 100 gp 6
+2 to Intelligence(Investigation) checks when searching a
Sniffer 100 gp 6
+2 to Intelligence(Computers) checks to break into locked and
Decrypter 100 gp 6
encrypted files.

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+2 to Intelligence(Computers) checks to map networks, find
Tracer 100 gp 6
specific devices on a network, or trace data streams.
Defender 100 gp 6 +2 to checks and saving throws against countermeasures.
+2 to Intelligence(Computers) checks to erase drives and
Scrambler 100 gp 6
make batches of data irrecoverable.
Tier 2
500 gp 3 +4 to appropriate checks.
Tier 3
1,500 gp 1 +6 to appropriate checks

Name Cost Charges Effect
Spend 1 charge to grant advantage on Perception and
Investigate checks for 10 minutes or grant 30/60 Darkvision for
Mk II Eyeball 2 1 hour. If you have two of these installed, you may spend a
charge from each to grant the skill advantages for 30 minutes
or 30/60 Darkvision for 3 hours.
Spend 1 charge to grant advantage on Intelligence or Wisdom
Intracranial 1500 checks for 10 minutes. If you have two installed, you may
Processor gp spend a charge from each to grant these advantages for 30
2000 The powerplant's charges may be used as charges for other
Powerplant 2
gp cybernetic augmentations you have installed. Limit one.
Spend 1 charge to increase speed by 10 feet or jump distance
by 10 feet. You may also spend a charge to grant advantage
on Strength checks requiring leg-strength for 10 minutes. If you
Cyber Leg 2 have two of these legs, you may spend 1 charge from each to
increase your speed by 30 feet or increase jump distance by 30
feet, or grant advantage for Strength checks requiring leg-
strength for 30 minutes.
Spend 1 charge to grant advantage on all attacks which can
use STR as the modifying attribute until the start of your next
turn. You may also grant advantage on Strength checks which
2000 require arm-strength for 10 minutes. If you have two of these
Cyber Arm 2
gp arms installed, you may spend a charge from each to grant
advantage on Strength checks requiring arm-strength for 30
minutes or impose disadvantage on Escape attempts for a
target that you are grappling.
Spend 1 charge to grant advantage on all attacks that can use
DEX as the modifying attribute until the start of your next turn.
2000 You may also spend 1 charge to grant advantage on Dexterity
Reflex Wiring 2
gp checks for ten minutes. If you have two installed, you may
spend a charge from each to grant Dexterity check advantage
for 30 minutes.

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Spend 1 charge to grant advantage on Charisma checks for 10
minutes or gain fluency in one language for 1 hour. If you have
Cultural 1750
2 two of these installed, you may spend a charge from each to
Database gp
grant Charisma check advantage for 30 minutes or gain fluency
in one language for 3 hours.
Subdermal 2250 Your AC can't be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor
Armoring gp you are wearing.
Skeletal 2250
N/A +1 AC. Take 2d6 less fall damage.
Reinforcement gp
Networked 1250 With this installed, a charge on any augmentation can be used
Power Conduit gp for any other augmentation.
With this installed, a character may directly plug a computer
Neural Jack N/A into an interface at the base of the skull. While connected, the
character has advantage on all computer-related tasks.

Name Cost Addictiveness
AT-X - 4
Behold-R - 10
Cloud9 - 1
DeepThink - 4
Dragon’s Teeth - 9
Juice - 5
Mist - 2
MuttGut - 4
NeuroHype - 4
Push - 6
Salt - 1
Smolder - 4
Swole - 4
Tempus Fugit - 3
Wirez - 5

AT-X An experimental drug developed for military use during the late 2030s. It proved
effective at increasing soldiers’ strength, but it also made them reckless and unable to
properly judge threats to their personal wellbeing. Administered through a single-use
injector pen. Gain +2 to attack rolls and roll the weapon’s damage dice twice on successful
hits when using Strength as the attribute for the attack for 10 minutes. For the duration, you
have -3 to AC..

Behold-R You gain advantage on all d20 rolls for 1 minute. When this chem expires, you have
disadvantage on all d20 rolls until you complete a long rest or take another dose of this chem.

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Cloud9 You gain advantage on Charisma ability rolls and are immune to charm, fear, and
psychic damage for 1 hour. Whenever you take this chem, your addiction to it increases by 1
in addition to the result of the addiction roll.

DeepThink Increase Wisdom by 4 (to a maximum of 22) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you gain
1 level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be recovered by taking another dose of this chem.

Dragon’s Teeth The next short rest you take counts as a long rest for you. However, you
cannot recover exhaustion as normal from this rest. Whenever you fail an addiction check
for this chem, you gain one level of exhaustion.

Juice Increase all attributes by 2 (to a maximum of 22) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you gain 1
level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be recovered by taking another dose of this chem.

Mist You may roll 1d4 and add it to your roll whenever you make an attack roll or an ability
check for 2 hours. Afterwards, you must roll 1d4 and subtract it from your attack rolls and
ability checks until you finish a long rest or take another dose of this chem.

Muttgut Increase Constitution by 4 (to a maximum of 22) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you
gain 1 level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be recovered by taking another dose of this

NeuroHype Increase Intelligence by 4 (to a maximum of 22) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you
gain 1 level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be recovered by taking another dose of this

Push Your speed is doubled, you gain +2 AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws,
and you gain an additional weapon attack when you take the Attack action for 1 minute.
When this chem expires, you are poisoned for 2 rounds.

Salt Gain +1 to all d20 rolls for 2 hours. If you roll a 1 on a d20 while under the effects of this
chem, you become stunned until the end of your next turn.

Smolder Increase Charisma by 4 (to a maximum of 22) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you gain 1
level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be recovered by taking another dose of this chem.

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Swole Increase Strength by 4 (to a maximum of 22) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you gain 1
level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be recovered by taking another dose of this chem.

Tempus Fugit You have advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks, and disadvantage on
Charisma checks for 10 minutes.

Wirez Increase Dexterity by 4 (to a maximum of 22) for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you gain 1
level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be recovered by taking another dose of this chem.

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Addiction & Withdrawal
Any time you use an addictive chem, there is a chance you’ll become hooked on it. Addictions
are sometimes psychological, sometimes biological, and most often both.
Whenever you take a chem, you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC
equal to 10 + the chem’s addictiveness. On a failure, your addiction to that chem increases by
1, to a maximum of 10. Please note that if you are suffering a level of exhaustion which will
be removed by taking the chem, the addiction roll is made before removing the exhaustion.
If you are addicted to a chem, you must receive its effects at least once every 12 hours.
If 12 hours passes without receiving its effects, you suffer a level of exhaustion and your
addiction to the chem is reduced by 1 as you enter withdrawal.
It is very possible to die from withdrawal, as exhaustion can quickly spiral out of
control. However, chem use can have substantial benefits in the short term, especially when
you’re in a tight spot.

Chem Admixture
If you attempt to use another chem while already under the effects of one, there may be
nasty side effects. Roll a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 10 + the
addictiveness of all chems affecting you. On a failure, you are poisoned until you finish a
long rest. This poisoned condition cannot be removed, even by magic, until only a single
chem is affecting you.

Any time a character wishes to do something involving computers, it will likely require an
ability check using any Computers tool proficiency the character may have. Most of the time,
this will be an Intelligence(Computers) check, though sometimes Dexterity(Computers) can
apply (EG playing a twitchy computer game or trying to break into something really fast).
A rogue with the Hacker archetype may elect to use the Hacker’s RIg instead whenever
physically possible. That character may use their proficiency with the rig to make the same
sorts of checks.

Computer Languages
Computers have a “language,” of sorts, which represents general literacy and ability to use
them. These are usually based on the type of computer, but there is no reason that any
computer can’t use any language. All players begin with proficiency in Parfait. Other
languages may be acquired through class and background choices.

• Parfait The basic consumer software suite present on every smart device and personal

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• BizOS The software suite used by businesses and corporations for running their
networks and computers.
• Skippy The software used by automated systems such as drones, self-driving cars, and
consumer robotics.
• SAGaN The software used by the educational, scientific, and medical communities.
This is also the software used by most cybernetic implants.
• DOMIN-OS The software used by the military and government entities.

When making an ability check using a computer, the player has a disadvantage if they are
not proficient in the computer’s language. If using a Hacker’s Rig, this rule still applies.
When casting a spell that targets a computer, if the spell requires language (such as
Suggestion), then you must be proficient in a computer language that the target uses.

When making ability checks using a computer, the latency of the connection can apply
disadvantage or advantage to the roll according to the following:

• Disadvantage when accessing networks remotely through the Net or over a long series
of hops (GM’s judgment on the latter, but if you bounce through fifteen offshore data
centers or a satellite, it’s probably too far).
• Normal when accessing a device or network directly through WiFi or accessing
another device networked to your own (EG accessing a NAS through a connected
• Advantage when accessing a device via a hard-wired port (directly plugging your rig
into a server, for example)

Tools Proficiency in driving and performing actions with vehicles are handled through
associated tool proficiencies.

Land Vehicles
• Vehicles(riding) Motorcylcles, ATVs
• Vehicles(personal) Cars, pickup trucks, small box trucks
• Vehicles(commercial) Tractor-trailers, construction equipment, buses
• Vehicles(military) HMMV, 2.5 ton truck
• Vehicles(armor) Tanks, APCs
NOTE: It is not usually necessary to be proficient in a vehicle class to simply operate a land
vehicle normally (IE driving around).

Aerial Vehicles
• Vehicles(light air) Small, single or twin engine planes

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• Vehicles(heavy air) Large commuter planes and cargo haulers
• Vehicles(performance air) Fighter aircraft and specialty aircraft

Aquatic Vehicles
• Vehicles(personal watercraft) Jet skis, Zodiacs, and small speedboats
• Vehicles(sailing) Any boat powered by sails
• Vehicles(powered watercraft) Larger powered boats such as ferries, cargo ships
• Vehicles(submarine) Any underwater craft
NOTE: Many larger ships require more than a single crew member to operate effectively.
These vehicle proficiencies apply only to the piloting of such a craft.

In cases where two proficiencies can apply to the same vehicle (HMMV can be both military
and personal), the character may elect which to use.

If a character or object is struck by a vehicle, it suffers 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 5
mph of speed the vehicle has (to a maximum of 20d6) and is knocked prone. If the target is as
large or larger than the vehicle, it is not knocked prone by a collision. Instead, the vehicle’s
movement is stopped. Whenever something is struck, half of the damage dealt to the target is
also dealt to the vehicle (the innate Damage Reduction of the vehicle cannot be applied to this

Land Vehicles in Combat

If a vehicle is being used in combat, one character is considered to be the “driver” of the
vehicle. In the case of a self-driving vehicle, it is itself the “driver,” and operates on its own
initiative roll.
On the driver’s turn, that character may spend a bonus action to move the vehicle up to
90 feet of normal terrain and make simple turns. Alternatively, the driver may perform more
complex activities (such as drifting, driving in reverse, etc.) or traverse any difficult terrain
(at half speed) by using an action.
Any character in or on a vehicle that has moved since the start of their last turn is at
disadvantage for all attacks.

Rapid dismount If a character elects to dismount a vehicle that has moved since the
beginning of their last turn, they must make a Dexterity(acrobatics) check with a DC of 12.
Failure results in taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage and being prone. On success or failure, the
required mounting movement cost of the vehicle still applies to this action.

Striking a character Striking a character with a vehicle in combat provokes a DC 10

Dexterity save from the target (or targets). Failure results in 2d6 bludgeoning damage and
being knocked prone. If a target is successful, it may spend a reaction to jump out of the way,
moving to the nearest square which will provide safety from the collision (if available). If the

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target successfully saves, but does not have a reaction available (or there is no available space
to jump), it receives half damage and is knocked prone.
If the target is as large or larger than the vehicle, it is not knocked prone by a collision.
Instead, the vehicle’s movement is stopped if the target did not jump clear.
Whenever something is struck, half of the damage dealt to the target is also dealt to the
vehicle (the innate Damage Reduction of the vehicle cannot be applied to this damage).

Implant Fatigue
The body and soul can only handle so much stress from cybernetic augmentations. At any
time, a character may have 2 + Constitution Modifier implants installed. For every implant
beyond this limit, the character gains a level of exhaustion every 24 hours. This fatigue
applies even if the implant is deactivated, unless otherwise noted.
If a character dies as a result of implant fatigue, he may only be resurrected by means
of a True Resurrection or Reincarnate spell. These spells will produce a new body free of any

Implant Charges
Using a charge on an implant for a special effect is a bonus action. During a short rest of
limited use, a cybernetic implant recovers a single charge. During a long rest of limited use,
an implant recovers all of its charges.

Acquiring a cybernetic implant generally requires invasive surgery and a period of recovery.
While the GM can determine this, a suggested rule is 1d4 weeks of recovery for a limb, 2d4
weeks for anything in the torso, and 3d4 weeks for anything in the brain. In a heroic recovery
campaign, “weeks” can be “days.”

Unarmed Attacks
Unarmed attacks with a cybernetic limb are always made with proficiency and deal 1d6
damage. Spending a charge on the limb will increase this damage to 1d10 for 1 minute. This
still counts as an unarmed attack.

In code::2050, there are some new actions that can be taken during combat. None of these
replace the existing options, but are additional things a character can try.

When using a computer during combat, the following can be performed as an Action:

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• Connect one computer to another, whether wireless or wired.
• Navigate to another computer visible to you on a network.
• Launch a script to aid in a computer-related skill check.
• Skill checks involving computers, such as Intelligence(Computers) or

When manually driving a vehicle, the following actions may be taken:

• Bonus Action Simple movements, including stopping, starting, and turns. You may
move up to 90 feet.
• Action Complex movements, including skidding around a corner, attempting to strike
a creature. You may move up to 180 feet.

A driver may not take a vehicle-related Action and Bonus Action on the same turn.

When utilizing a drone in combat, the following actions may be taken:

• No Action Required You may issue verbal commands to a drone, if it understands

• Bonus Action Inputting a single automated command via an interface such as a
smartphone app or hand signal.
• Action Inputting a series of automated commands, or directly controlling the drone
for its turn.

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running code::2050

Integrating core::2050 into D20 5e

Remember that all of the basic rules of 5e still apply; core::2050 is nothing more than a
setting with a handful of additional subclasses, devices, and a few rules for those. Any rules
and guidelines, such as generating encounters or treasures, may still be used exactly as
established in the 5e SRD.

Compatibility With Cyberpunk Settings

code::2050 was designed to layer onto D&D 5e. D&D generally has a more heroic and
upbeat approach to stories and adventuring than is typical for classic 80s-style cyberpunk.
However, there is room in the world for any scenario or situation that a GM may care to add.
If you want to turn Moscow, Hamburg, and Los Angeles into radioactive wastelands after a
brief exchange in the late 80s, there’s room for that. If you have a favorite module or series
from another system that requires Poughkeepsie to be a city contested among three rival
gangs who are having nightly shootouts in the streets, there’s room for that. If want your
players to adventure in a Japan whose coast is a teeming industrial hell, we’ve already got
that covered. It’s a big world: make it what you will.
Running Gritty Noir Cyberpunk
To some extent, the standard D205e approach to the “adventuring day” does not fit well
with typical dark cyberpunk themes. After all, if everything is going to be A-okay at dawn,
then the down trodden atmosphere tends to be more of a temporary malaise rather than an
oppressive way of life. Thus, if you want to run such a campaign, you’ll need to make a minor
adjustment in order to maximize your fun.
When attempting to play truly noir cyberpunk, you’ll need to adjust the length of rests.
A short rest becomes 8 hours (limit one per 24 hours) in a relatively safe location. A long
rest becomes 7 days during which time no mission work can be done (IE no casing places,
shaking down contacts, etc.).
What this does is focus the party’s attention on long rest resources needing to last for
the entire mission at hand rather than just until the end of the night. In general, these sorts
of missions break into multiple phases wherein the actual wetwork is done in only the last
part. Before breaking down any doors, the party does legwork, prepares supplies, gathers the
information they need, etc. These steps are just as important to any mission (oftentimes
more so), and thus resources should be carefully spent during these phases as well. Being able
to heal up to full, with full hit dice and all of their available spell slots right before a big run
tends to make the legwork they did feel less important or useful.
This optional rule works very well if you’re trying to recreate the feel of classic
cyberpunk rulesets such as Shadowrun, Cyberspace, Sprawl, etc. It gives a very good feeling
of “the clock’s ticking, and I already shot my last bullet.”

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Adventuring and Adventurers
While much of the world is highly civilized and completely settled, there is still
adventure for those who seek it. There are hidden places and areas of official maps that are
still labeled ‘UNEXPLORED’, kept that way through fear, ignorance, or the designs of the
occupants; places where civilization has not reached or fears to go; and abandoned places
where industrialism or magical experimentation has gone terribly wrong.
Adventurers in the world of 2050 would not look completely out of place in a pure
fantasy setting. They carry packs and supplies, edged and ranged weapons, battered
equipment and armor. The packs are ballistic nylon, the weapons may be mass produced, the
armor of high-tech materials, and, of course, their firearms would be out of place; but the
basic look of an adventurer hasn’t changed in the hundreds of years since the world
bootstrapped itself back from the Dark Ages.

A Rare Calling
Adventurers are rare, and they do not look like other people; they look like
Adventurers. They tend to be noticeable when they are ‘on duty’ and carrying their weapons
and equipment, and the average ‘person on the street’ will definitely notice if a group of
Adventurers is in their midst.
Statistically, only one out of every 25,000 people has the potential to be an Adventurer
and will ever recognize their talent and get the training they need to reach level 1. In a
medium-sized city, there is only likely to be a single Adventurer. Even a city of a million will
only have 40 Adventurers, and most of those will only be level 1.
Just as only half of those capable of Adventuring ever start, only half the Adventurers
at each level ever progress to the next. For the 40 people in a million who are Adventurers, 20
will be level 1, 10 will be level 2, 5 will make level 3, 2 will make level 4, and 2 will make level 5,
and only 1 of levels 6 and 7.

Adventuring Under FIDA

Most Adventurers will choose to receive credentials from the Fédération Internationale
des Aventuriers (Common: International Federation of Adventurers), or FIDA. FIDA is also the
popular term for the body of international laws that allow Adventurers to travel with, carry,
and use their magic, weapons, and equipment in places where the average citizen is severely
restricted from such.
FIDA also owns and maintains the VENTR app, which is used by government and law-
enforcement officials in FIDA-signatory countries to validate an Adventurer’s credentials.
(There are other functions in the VENTR app, please the see include FIDA pamphlet for more
Adventurers working under FIDA conventions are normally able to work in the open
and to interface easily and successfully with local authorities and law enforcement. For most
Adventurers, FIDA is the way to go. At least, most of the time.
Corporate and government adventurers will sometimes have FIDA credentials,
although they don’t generally need them, as the organizations they serve provide them with
the missions, equipment, travel, and legal cover they need to operate.

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Corporate and Government Adventurers
For those adventurers who seek a level of income security that comes with being part
of a large corporation, who want to serve, or who would rather leave finding the jobs to
someone else, corporate citizenship or government service is an option.
Corporations aggressively seek and hire adventurers, and use them in all aspects of
their operations; employing them in corporate security, executive safety, data assurance,
corporate counter-espionage, contract negotiations, even protocol and executive
entertainment. Corporations also use adventurers for less aboveboard tasks, such as mobile
strike teams, technology theft, competitor employee repatriation, etc. The scarcity of
adventurers means that even the largest corporation will have only a handful on the payroll
at any time.
Even a button-down suit-and-tie corporate type feels the need to get out of the office
once in a while. Many corporate adventurers will take leaves of absence to go out into the
world for a change of pace and a little hands-on time in the field. Corporations normally
encourage these jaunts, as they give the adventurer both valuable experience and a break
from the day-to-day office grind. At least, as long as his adventuring doesn’t cross corporate
But, with the wide range of tasks, interests, investments, and entanglements of the
average megacorp, even the most restless adventurer can find enough company work to keep
himself occupied. And the advantages of corporate citizenship are legion, including free
training and equipment, corporate housing and subsistence, regular promotions and
paychecks, health insurance, and a generous retirement.
Government adventurers tend to fall into two broad categories: Military and
Bureaucracies use the various talents of adventurers to make sure that the wheels of
government turn efficiently and effectively, such as in the court systems, or working import
and export, or ensuring crop yields. They will fill many of the same niches as corporate
adventurers, at least those that comply with the law. Even for adventurers working for
governments, it’s not all paperwork and grey office buildings. Governments will dispatch
teams of adventurers for humanitarian missions, disaster relief, diplomatic initiatives, and
as extract teams for political hotspots. Of course there are also governmental organizations
that operate outside the law, such as intelligence agencies.
Militaries also enlist adventurers when they are able, and tend to place them into
various special operations units, where they can be the most effective. Many active
adventurers got their start in various of the world’s militaries, even if they are no longer
Most governments and militaries are not as understanding about their adventurers
wandering off for weeks or months at a time to see the world, so it is less common to come
across an active adventurer from these realms. But, it does happen, because if an adventurer
has the vacation or the leave coming, there’s not a lot they can say.

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Freelance Adventuring
Not every adventurer operates in the sunlight. For many adventurers - sometimes even
FIDA Adventurers - the added danger, the mystique of the ‘black hat’ cowboy, and the lure of
gold drive them freelance. They find their way and make their fortune prowling the dank
corners of the sprawl, contracting with megacorps as muscle for hire, or searching the toxic
wastes of forbidden industrial zones for dangerous artifacts.
The “Adventurer’s Underground” is a loose group of adventurers who know each other
through word of mouth, anonymous text messages, and dark web bulletin boards. While they
don’t exactly support each other, they do pass information about where to find jobs, which
countries and cities are the least and most stringent on magic and weapon use, and who can
get magic, weapons, and other equipment in places where those things are illegal.
The police do not like freelance adventurers. They often don’t like adventurers at all;
they’re too likely to bring trouble with them, or to create trouble with their presence. But
adventurers working outside of FIDA have no qualms about the law, and while the police may
keep a close eye on FIDA Adventurers, they will send freelance adventurers on their way
without a moment’s thought.
It is much easier to operate without credentials in non-FIDA countries, but the risks are
higher. In a FIDA country, if an adventurer is picked up with unlicensed weapons or
performing unsanctioned magic, they’ll most likely be held and and returned to their
country of origin without their equipment. If it happens in a non-FIDA country, like the
United Flights territories, they’ll be at the whim of the locals, who may expel them, jail them,
or simply kill them.
The official attitude toward weapons and gear is going to depend on the laws and
culture of the country, or even the province or city. For example, the United States has a long
history of individual weapons ownership. Many areas have ‘open carry’ laws, which allow one
to have just about any weapon in a public space so long as it is plainly visible. Some areas
have ‘concealed carry’ permits, which allow certain citizens and certain professionals to
obtain licenses to hide weapons on their persons and in their equipment. And there are
places which allow one but not the other, or neither. Freelance adventurers need to make an
extra effort to keep track of the local laws, or risk unwanted attention from authorities.
Finding work without using VENTR can be difficult and the jobs are not vetted, and
thus likely to be more dangerous and less legal. However, they can also be commensurately
more lucrative. The best way for adventurers who are willing to take on questionable jobs is
to work through a fixer. Finding an adventurer isn’t too hard; adventurers need work and
people need stuff done. But if you’re a regular Joe looking for someone who can knock off
your boss, you need a fixer. A fixer is the middle-man between the ragtag adventurer lowlifes
and the upstanding corporate suit who needs some data hijacked. What the fixer adds to the
ecosystem is a way for otherwise reputable civilians to deal with adventurers for shady work.
Fixers can also get personal weapons smuggled into an area for a price. Need your +2
battle axe brought into an uptight city hidden among a truck full of auto parts, or enough
guns to equip your team for a gig brought into a port in the hold of a small fishing vessel?
That’s a job for a fixer. The local fixer will also know how to get the things an adventurer

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needs to get the job done, and other possibly useful things that recently popped up on the
local black market.
Fixers, and their reputation, are one of the things freely passed around among
freelance adventurers, and if a city has a fixer, an adventurer with freelance connections will
normally have no trouble getting in touch with him. Fixers can’t do everything, but chances
are good they can do something.

Table of General Nation Information

Here is a working table of some general nation information in order to help you understand
the global politics of Earth in 2050. This is as detailed as the playtest packet will be on the
setting and nations.

FIDA? Domest
Pop Racial Int’l
Pvt Prosperit Governmen .
Nation (mil Mix Law-
Weapons? y t Law-
) (%) fulness
Adventurers? fulness
Human: 88
Elf: 10 Moderat
Brazil Gov't Only 210 Moderate Democracy Low
Halfling: 1 e
Other: 1
Human: 93
Yes Dwarf: 1
Canada Hunting 36 Elf: 4 High Democracy High High
Tolerated Half-Orc: 1
Other: 1

Human: 93
Yes Elf: 2
140 Moderat Moderat
China Gov't Only Half-Elf: 3 Moderate Collectivist
3 e e
Unfriendly Tabaxi: 1
Other: 1

Human: 83
Dwarf: 10 Parliamenta Moderat
France Hunting 65 High High
Half-Elf: 6 ry e
Other: 1

Human: 75
Yes Dwarf: 6
Germany Hunting 82 Elf: 15 High High High
Tolerated Half-Elf: 2

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Human: 89
133 Elf: 3 Moderat Moderat
India Gov't Only Low Democracy
9 Half-Orc: 7 e e
Other: 1

Human: 75
Yes Elf: 15
Indonesia Gov't Only 263 Halfling: 3 Low Democracy Low Low
Welcomed Tabaxi: 3
Other: 4

Human: 87
Dwarf: 1
Elf: 7 Parliamenta Moderat
Italy Gov't Only 59 Moderate Very
Half-Orc: 2 ry e
Half-Elf: 1
Other: 2
Human: 47
Elf: 40 Parliamenta
Japan Gov't Only 127 High High High
Half-Elf: 2 ry
Other: 1

Human: 78
Yes Elf: 10
Korea Gov't Only 75 Halfling: 10 High Democracy High
Unfriendly Tabaxi: 1
Other: 1

Human: 89
Yes Dwarf: 3
Moderat Moderat
Mexico Gov't Only 129 Half-Elf: 4 Moderate Democracy
e e
Welcomed Halfling: 3
Other: 1

Human: 75
Dwarf: 9
Half-Orc: 9 Moderat
Russia Gov't Only 143 Moderate Oligarchy Low
Halfling: 2 e
Tabaxi: 1
Other: 4

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Human: 72
Saudi Arabia Gov't Only 32 Low Monarchy High High
Half-Elf: 4
Tabaxi: 10
Other: 1

Human: 87
Dwarf: 3
Half-Orc: 7 Moderat
South Africa Hunting 56 Moderate Democracy Low
Half-Elf: 1 e
Tabaxi: 1
Other: 1

Human: 80
Dwarf: 17
Turkey Gov't Only 80 Moderate Military Low High
Half-Orc: 2
Other: 1
Orc: 88
The No
Unaligned Yes 0.9 Moderate Oligarchy High High
Orc Nations Welcomed
Other: 2
Human: 84
Dwarf: 7
Yes Elf: 1 Constitution
The United
Hunting 66 Half-Orc: 3 High al High High
Tolerated Halfling: 1 Monarchy
Tabaxi: 2
Other: 2

Human: 72
The United Half-Elf: 2
Yes 25 Low None Low Low
Flights Half-Orc: 5
Other: 21

Human: 70
Yes Elf: 26
The United
Yes 325 Half-Elf: 1 High Democracy Medium High
Welcomed Halfling: 2
Other: 1

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Tabaxi: 84
Human: 7
Yes Dwarf: 2
Wind Upon Yes 10 Elf: 1 Medium High High
Welcomed Half-Orc: 3
Halfling: 1
Other: 2

The Net and the Internet of Things

Computers are everywhere, everything has a chip, everyone has a smartphone, and the
'internet of things' is here.

Information is Available
Players can always try to find information, and are nearly always connected to the ‘Net
through their smartphones. Finding straightforward public information, such as the address
to a club, or the popularity of a restaurant, can be found with little or no effort. Some data
may be public information, but still take a little creativity or know-how to find (such as a
criminal background database search). These may necessitate Intelligence(Investigation)
checks at the GM’s discretion.

Nearly Anything Can Be Hacked

Everything. As in: Every. Thing. Unless the there is a good reason for something not to be
connected, it will be. Everything - from thermostats to satellites, street lights to microwave
ovens, televisions to tanks - is online and hackable. Many of them are connected wirelessly, or
at least have that capability.

Players are Always Connected

It will be unusual for players to be unable to connect with the internet or unable to
communicate with each other. Smartphones outnumber people, and wireless headsets for
them are a few GP at any electronics joint, grocery store, or convenience mart.

Computers and the Net

The 'internet of things' is fully realized and everything that can be connected to a network is
connected to a network. Everything from smart thermostats to communications satellites,
street lights to microwave ovens, televisions to tanks. Unless the there is a good reason for
something not to be connected, it will be connected.
The ‘net’ is comprised of three regions or layers:

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• An infrastructure layer, equivalent to Gibson’s cyberspace or the setting of Tron,
called cyberspace. This is where the devices and data channels of the net exist; this is
the domain of hackers and their rigs
• An infotainment layer, equivalent to today’s world wide web, called flatspace. This is
where flat-panel terminals access text, data, and image web sites, and where music
and video are delivered to homes.
• A virtual reality layer called V-space, equivalent to Stephenson’s metaverse or Cline’s
OASIS. This is rendered in fully-realized and immersive 3D that requires a virtual
reality rig or neural jack to properly experience.

Running a Hack
Here’s a guide to quick-and-dirty hacking. It’s broken down into several steps, each with a
one-sentence description of what you’re doing, a thumbnail difficulty based on who you’re
trying to hack, suggested penalties for failing at that point, and then some clever text to give
it a little flavor. And at the end short discussions about scripting, hacking, and

Table of Organization Sizes

Size Civil Government*

Small Home / Small Business (10 employees) Town
Midsize Medium Business (100 employees) Small City
Large Large Business (1,000 employees) Large city
Multinational Corporation (10,000 Megacity / Nation /
employees) Military

*Includes the policy or security forces for that size government.

Step 1: Connect
Action: Connect your rig to a network access point, either wirelessly or through a port.
Difficulty: Small: 15, Midsize: 15, Large: 10, Huge: 10.
Penalty: Physical dangers finding and getting to the access point, loss of access through
password violations.

The difficulty is in finding an open connection; the bigger you are, the more connections you
have, and the easier it is to find one. But a lot of the difficulty is going to depend on where
that connection is. You may be able to connect through the Net while nibbling jamón in
Madrid, or you might be able to plug into a port in an office building while pretending to be a
repairman, or your team may have to shoot their way into a security substation at a
corporate warehouse. How you get here is up to your GM.

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Step 2: Seek
Action: Look for the data, device, etc. that you need.
Difficulty: Small: 5, Midsize: 10, Large: 15, Huge: 20.
Penalty: The time required to search.

Sure, shuffling through a home server is child’s play, but big corporations have big networks
and big data farms, and that robocab company has thousands of vehicles. Finding the exact
file or exact cab you’re looking for might take longer than you’re expecting. Hopefully you’ve
done your homework, or have someone on the inside to get you pointed in the right direction
and save you some time. And, hey, the clock is ticking!

Step 3: Defeat
Action: Bypass, suppress, or defeat any countermeasures you encounter.
Difficulty: Small: 5, Midsize: 10, Large: 15, Huge: 20. (Varies internally based on secrecy.)
Penalty: Small: Setback, Midsize: Setback, Large: Dangerous, Huge Government: Dangerous,
Huge Civil: Deadly (Based on Trap DCs and Attack Bonuses from the 5e Online Compendium
section on traps.)

Lots of potential dangers here, and this is where you’re most likely to get pinched if you
screw up. Depending on the size of the prize and the nastiness of the guy you’re hacking, that
might hurt a lot. Grabbing some incriminating dirty pics from some guy’s home server?
You’ll probably only get booted from his network. Snag something secret from the Army? Go
to jail, go directly to jail. Going after a big paycheck by hacking the formulation for a new
drug from MegaPharmaCo? Those bastards’ll kill ya. And, of course, the more sensitive
something is, the better it is protected. Nobody is bothering to protect the coffee order for the
canteen, but that drug formula? Yeah: locked up tighter than a jar of pickles.

Repeat steps 2 & 3 as the GM dictates.

Why repeat? Maybe you have to open a series of doors for your team. Maybe you have to
check several different data silos to find what you’re looking for. Maybe your target isn’t in
the first robocab you hack to drive itself off a cliff. Maybe the GM’s a dick and wants to see
you suffer.

Combine steps 2 & 3 as the GM dictates.

Or maybe your GM is awesome and wants to save everyone some time. Maybe you’re sleeping
with her. Whatevs, it’s all good! The GM can easily elect to combine these steps – even
multiple iterations – into a single roll to get you there a little quicker.

Step 4: Achieve
Action: Do what you came here to do.
Difficulty: GM’s estimation.
Penalty: Consequences of failing to complete the mission.

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This is you earning your paycheck. You may be stealing data, leaving data, altering video,
opening doors to clear a path for your team, implanting a script, tapping a camera, crashing
a pizza delivery drone, rerouting a jumbo jet, whatever floats your boat (and gets you paid).
It’s going to be up to the GM to decide how hard it is to make that happen, especially after you
made it this far!

Step 5: Exfiltrate
Action: Finalize and log off.
Difficulty: Small: Auto, Midsize: 5, Large: 10, Huge: 15. (GM’s estimation.)
Penalty: Physical dangers of leaving the access point, danger of exposure through traces in
the target system, dangers from any remaining countermeasures.

You’re not out yet. You got your data, but you tripped a countermeasure and now you’re
going to have to shoot your way out; or you are at a plaza in Madrid, but even then this may
not be as easy as unplugging your rig and walking away. You may need to alter logs or adjust
inventories in order to disguise the hack and to cover your tracks, or your team may be deep
in a corporate archive with the item you need for your next hack in a satchel, looking for you
to guide them out. Hell, the GM may run you through steps 2 & 3 again as you wend your way
out. Good luck, Hacker!

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creature catalogue
Drones are autonomous vehicles which can carry out all sorts of tasks. Though the word
“drone” generally evokes an image of a tiny thing with four rotors, they can vary widely in
size and utility, from such tiny quadcopters up through fully automated cargo ships.
Tactically, drones are very weak on their own, being relatively delicate constructions with a
lot of fine moving parts, so they tend to work best when supplementing a larger group, such
as a security team or an infantry squad.

Quadcopter This is a tiny, aerial drone that flies with the power of four small electric
propellers. It is very common, especially amongst consumer markets. It has a battery life of
about 6 hours, and is capable of performing behaviors as complex as following a target
visually and navigating around slow-moving obstacles.

Price 50 gp

Mods Most additional mods to this kind of drone involve swapping out the optics with other
kinds of sensors. It can’t carry much weight beyond its own, so there’s not a lot it can handle.

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Riot Control Drone This is a small, aerial drone that flies with the power of directional jet
propulsion. It is common in large cities where the police would like to have a larger presence
than manpower allows. It can carry enough fuel for 8 hours of continual operation, though
complex maneuvering can reduce this. Though this drone is used when attempting to
disperse large crowds, it can also patrol routes through a city, allowing the police to have eyes
in otherwise unwatched neighborhoods. It is smart enough to avoid quick-moving obstacles,
follow complex patrol routes, and match faces to a provided example.

Price 1,500 gp

Mods Though the gas grenade is typically loaded into this drone for use with police
departments, there are plenty of users out there that have decided to put different kinds of
grenades into its inventory. Also, by removing the grenade launcher assembly, the drone is
able to carry about 50 pounds worth of cargo, making it a useful delivery vehicle.

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Security Drone This is a small, aerial drone that flies with the power of directional jet
propulsion. It is common in large corporate and government buildings and installations
where security is a primary concern. It has fuel for 10 hours of continual operation. It is, in
essence, an upgraded version of the riot control drone, and has an actual weapon to
neutralize security threats. It is smart enough to discern targets, and can identify friendlies
via an RFID badge. It can also navigate complex structures, including opening automatic
doors, and dodge quick-moving obstacles.

Price 2,000 gp

Mods Many mercenary outfits and corporations have outfitted these drones with a range of
different weaponry, or dropped the weapon altogether to add better sensor packages or more
fuel storage.

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Self-driving vehicles These drones come in
all shapes and sizes, from little ATVs to
massive cargo trucks. The are the most
common mode of transportation, and most
roadways see nothing but. They have enough
electric charge for 8 hours of continual
operation. These drones are smart enough to
navigate busy streets, find a route between
two points using GPS data, and avoid
driving-related obstacles. They usually have
built-in safety devices which disallow the
vehicle from colliding with anything or
exceeding the speed limit of a road.

Price Varies

Mods Any and everything that can be done

to a car can be done to a self-driving one.
From cargo dedication to riddling every
available inch with seating, these drones come in all shapes.

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Urban Assault Drone This is a medium drone that maneuvers on advanced articulated
treads. It is designed for light military work in urban environments, and is thus capable of
ascending/descending stairs and curbs up to a foot high. It has a small internal reactor which
provides constant energy, though several hours of intense combat does necessitate a rest to
recharge capacitors. It is smart enough to discern targets, usually identifying friendlies
through RFID tags. It can also navigate difficult environments, hunt targets, hide behind
cover, and avoid slow-moving obstacles. It is also generally programmed with silent-running
modes allowing it to stealthily maneuver.

Price 7,500 gp

Mods Every military and megacorp that gets its hands on this drone can’t help but make
custom modifications. The most common is to change out its weaponry with other options,
though some have also managed to increase its speed at the cost of some stability. It’s also
possible to swap out weapons for larger computers capable of more impressive

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computational achievements. With this done, they can service as personal assistants for the
very wealthy.

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code::2050 Playtest Materials v2.0

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