Case Study Analysis: Perfect Taste Bakery Products

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Case Paper Analysis Guidelines:

1. Case study Analysis per Group ( same group on your midterm exam case study)
2. Each member of the group will present his/her part during the video recording.
3. No time limit for each case presentation
4. The Case Study paper(case analysis parts format) will be submitted together with
the evaluation paper per group unto each of their group members
5. Finals exam composition:

Paper 30%
Case Analysis Parts

Video Presentation 60%

Manner of delivery
Business Attire
In depth analysis of the case

Evaluation Paper 10%


Perfect Taste Bakery Products is a company that is already on its 12 th year of

operation. A line of bakery products manufactured by the company is delivered to
the different marketing outlets in five provinces of Luzon.

To facilitate delivery of its products, the company maintains fifteen mini trucks. Each
delivery van is manned by a driver and a helper who are both salaried employees.
Products are delivered twice a week on each outlet.

For the past 12 years, the company appeared not to have been affected by any
conflict either between management and employees or between employees. This
has been so until just recently the drivers and the helpers of ten delivery vans went
to seethe general manager. They denounced the manner by which the dispatcher
makes delivery assignments. They complained about the easy routes assigned to five
drivers whom they thought to be the favorites of the dispatcher. One of the
complaining drivers mentioned that he discovered that the five drivers and the
dispatcher are members of a certain fraternity, another driver also complained that
the newer vans were assigned to the “favorites”. Some other issues were also
mentioned. One of these is the indicated high ratings for the “favorites”. The
complainants are agitated and they became more angry when they were informed of
the performance-based salary adjustments scheduled within thirty days.
The general manager promised that he will do something. After a month, there was
no indication that the general manager did anything about their complaints. The
complainants, however, noticed that the dispatcher has changed his behavior
towards them. He became more strict with them. It was then that they began to
harbor ill feelings toward the dispatcher. They began to talk about how to get even
with him.

IV. Areas of Consideration

i. How will the alternatives foster and improve the company’s work
ii. How will alternatives be able to exhibit fairness and equity in the
iii. How will the alternatives be able to help out in handling the
unresolved problems and complaints?

How Workplace Fairness Affects Employee Commitment

Workplace fairness is there to ensure the maintenance of fair practices in the

workplace to avoid and manage conflict.
Being a Fair Manager in the Workplace

Conducts Disciplinary Action Company Policy

Regarding the case indicated, instead of having no indication about the

complaints of their employees, the general manager had to initiate an action
to aid in dealing with incidents of inappropriate personal behavior. Having a
company disciplinary policy in place will definitely uphold a set of performance
and conduct standards that are reasonable, fair, and evenly applied. Any
disciplinary action conducted in accordance with this policy must be justified
on at least one of the following grounds: poor job performance, including
gross inefficiency, or unacceptable personal conduct. To ensure that all
employees receive prompt, consistent, and fair treatment, as well as to aid
both the employees, they should engage and follow the company’s ethics so
that the breach will not be tolerated.

i. How will the alternatives foster and improve the company’s work

ADVANTAGE: According to ERC's NorthCoast 99, Great workplaces provide

clarity on how to help other employees become top performers, and assist
existing top performers in maintaining top performance through performance
management practices that guide, support, and develop exceptional
performance. So, by this, a prescribe corrective steps and describe
disciplinary consequences that has been implemented by the company might
take to fix the situation whereas the dispatcher of the van will be given a
chance to appeal and explain his misconduct behavior before making
disciplinary decisions with the general manager and the employees who gave
their complaints will solicit feedback on how their workplace may be improved
on a regular basis. The business must have its own healthy corporate culture
which will determine its worth and usually sets a standard for employees to

ii. How will alternatives be able to exhibit fairness and equity in the

ADVANTAGE: Upon ensuring that the company has a fair process that treats
everyone equally, every employee should be the ones who must be
evaluated. If and only if the general manager took an action as he promised to
the complainants, the metric by which determines the just treatment of
employees can be possibly promptly arrayed. The general manager should
make certain that the employee has access to and understanding of policies,
procedures, professional development, and training opportunities, as well as a
work environment that is suitable to perform assigned job duties and
responsibilities. Because when appropriate, fair workplace environments
ensure that management professionals choose appropriate disciplinary action
for their employees. Having the perception of fairness and equity in the
workplace may help employees to be safer and more involved in their work
which will foster a productive work environment for them as well as the
company's success is typically increased in this setting.

iii. How will alternatives be able to help out in handling the unresolved
problems and complaints? 

ADVANTAGE:  As the general manager has the control over policy to ensure
fairness and equity in the workplace, he must fully comprehend and be able to
deal with the concerns and complaints as soon as feasible. This alternative
can possibly be a corrective action to the dispatcher for his misconduct in
having the personal attachment between the other five delivery van drivers or
the so-called “favorite.” Such as what complaints arise, the general manager
has choices to either give the dispatcher a warning, formally notify him about
the complaints, and discipline him by giving the appropriate sanction. After
doing it, if he still does it, the general manager may give him a suspension for
a few days, for the dispatcher to notice that he really is doing something
wrong. If does it again, after being suspended, the general manager can have
a good reason to fire and discharge the disrespectful dispatcher from the
position and probably hire a new one. Because of situations like this, the
general manager can create a system that handles workplace concerns
privately and effectively and demonstrates that the concerns are not only
about the company's success, but also about the well-being of their

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