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STM32 Security Workshop

03 SBSFU presentation

1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion


1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion

Basic principle of a secure boot

• A secure boot is a code executed after reset that verifies the application firmware
is genuine before launching it or not!

Secure Boot
Read firmware Application firmware execution
Reset Check integrity &

Launch application
only if authentic 03-4
What makes a secure boot secure ?
Secure Boot is the only possible code executed after reset

Secure Boot code is immutable (cannot be modified in any manner)

Secure Boot

Reset Immutable

Launch Boot lock

Root of trust

How integrity & Authenticity are checked ?

• Integrity is checked thanks to hash

• Secure boot reads the whole application firmware to generate a hash
• This hash needs to be compared to a reference
• Authenticity is checked thanks to a signature
• Usually, signature is computed on a hash value
• Signature is generated thank to a private key
• Signature is checked thanks to associated public key

• Hash value and signature value need to be provided with the firmware !
• They are stored in a container called either meta data or header
• No need to encrypt the meta data thanks to signature mechanism.

Meta data

• Meta data is located besides the application firmware

• It provides necessary information to the secure boot to perform the checking

Secure Boot
Read firmware Meta data: Application firmware
Reset Check integrity &

Launch application
only if authentic 03-7
How meta data is built ?

RSA or
Private key
ECDSA Fw digest Hash Secure
Sign Room

Meta data: Application firmware


How secure boot verifies the signature ?
Public key
RSA or
Computed Fw

Secure boot

Meta data: Application firmware

Secure Boot Signature


1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion

From secure boot to secure firmware update

• We have defined what is a secure boot

• How it checks the application firmware thanks to the meta data
• Now let’s see how we can update this application firmware in a secure way, that is
secure firmware update

Secure firmware update principle

• An update is transmitted to the target

• This update contains an application firmware and associated meta data.
• With the meta data, the secure boot can check the application firmware integrity
and authenticity
• If check is ok, the secure boot installs the new firmware

First step : create an update file

RSA or station
Private key
ECDSA Digest Hash Secure
Sign Room
Firmware build

Update file Meta data:

Application firmware

Second step : transmit update file to target

• 2 possible ways:
• 1- File sent remotely. Case of IOT with connection to a server
• 2- File transmitted thanks to a local connection (UART, USB, SDCard, I2C, SPI)
• In all cases the update file needs to be written on target flash with a loader
• The loader can be
• 1- part of the secure boot
• 2- a standalone application
• 3- part of the application firmware

Third step : installation of the update

• Secure boot can now access the update file

• Secure boot will check integrity and authenticity thanks to meta data
• If check is ok the update file can be installed

How new firmware can replace old one

• Local transfer
• Can be handled from secure boot, standalone application or even application itself
• If loader is located in secure boot or standalone application, it can first erase application and
then load the new one
• Remote transfer
• IOT common case : application transfers new firmware from remote server.
• New firmware needs to be stored locally while current firmware is still running
• If application has to manage the update, 2 slots are required:
• a slot storing the active firmware
• A slot storing the downloaded firmware

Local update example

Server/update station
• Erase old firmware
• Transfer update firmware
• Check integrity & authenticity. Erase if fail


Meta data Application firmware new
Secure Boot Meta data
Public key

Remote Update Server
Remote update example

• Transfer update firmware

• Reset : secure boot detects new fw
Remote link
• Secure boot checks new firmware
• Secure boot install new firmware (swap)


Application firmware Meta data Application firmware

Secure Boot Meta data
New New
Public key
Reset RSA or ECC

Launch 03-18
Slot Active Slot Update
Update firmware encryption

• Firmware is most of the time a valuable asset

• To protect this asset during update, the encryption is needed
• This encryption is performed with a symmetric key
• This symmetric key is used to
• Encrypt the firmware when generating the update file
• Decrypt the firmware when installing the update file
• Same symmetric key is required both in secure room AND in secure boot

Create an encrypted update file
RSA or Secure Development
Private key station
ECDSA Digest HASH Room

Firmware build

Application firmware

Update file Meta data:

Encrypted application firmware
Local update with encryption example

• Erase old firmware

Server/update station
• Transfer update firmware
• Decrypt new firmware (could be done during
• Check integrity & authenticity. Erase if fail
communication • Launch application if OK

Meta data Application
Application firmwarefirmware new
encrypted new
Secure Boot Meta data
Public key

Launch new application 03-21

only if check ok
Keys Management

• As we could see we need

• An asymmetric key pair to generate and check the signature
• A symmetric key to encrypt and decrypt the firmware
• The asymmetric key pair can be generated with a tool like openssl
• The private key is used to sign the firmware. It has to be kept in a safe place
• The public key is used to check signature. It is provisioned on the device staying immutable
• The symmetric key can be generated with a random
• The key is used to encrypt and decrypt the firmware
• The key needs to be kept in a safe place
• The key is provisioned on the device

Key protection

• The keys require different protections

• The keys used in secure room (private key and symmetric key) must be stored in a
safe place by the OEM
• The public key is provisioned with the secure boot
• The knowledge of the key is not a problem: it is public
• But, as this key is used to check the firmware signature, it must remain immutable
• The symmetric key is also provisioned with the secure boot
• The key must remain secret !
• So, it needs to be protected inside the secure boot
• The protection against read access must use an isolation mechanism


• We have seen the basic principles used in a secure boot and secure firmware
• As you can see this involves many concepts that require some development
• Also, STM32 family implements different security mechanisms

• To address this complexity, ST proposes the X-CUBE-SBSFU package


1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion

What is X-CUBE-SBSFU ?

• This package is an implementation of a secure boot and secure firmware update

• It addresses nearly all the STM32 families (except F0 to F3)
• It takes into account the STM32 family diversity
• SBSFU is provided to help ST customers developing their own SBSFU adapted to
their level of requirement

Important notice

• X-CUBE-SBSFU is provided as reference code to demonstrate state-of-the-art

usage of the STM32 security protection mechanisms. It is a starting point for
OEMs to develop their own Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update
applications as a function of their product security requirement levels.

SBSFU in a Nutshell

• X-CUBE-SBSFU is a standalone package containing full functional secure boot and secure
firmware update examples for each supported STM32 family: F4, F7, G0, G4, H7, L0, L1, L4,
• Current version is STM32CubeExpansion_SBSFU_V2.4.0
• 34 examples available
• 1 image (10) : Use of 1 SLOT
• 2 images (13) : Use of 2 SLOTS
• 2 images OSC (6) : Use opensource crypto instead of X-Cube-Cryptolib
• 2 images STSAFE (1): Use of STSafe to store the certificate chain
• 2 images KMS (2) : Key Management System : key store
• 2 images ExtFlash (2) : Use of external memory to store firmware
• Documentation :
• Introduction to STM32 microcontrollers security (AN5156)
• Getting started with the X-CUBE-SBSFU STM32Cube Expansion Package (UM 2262)
• Integration guide for the X-CUBE-SBSFU STM32Cube Expansion Package (AN5056)

Package content

Everything needed in one single

package !

This is the example we will work

on in this workshop


1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion

How SBSFU addresses security requirements ?

• SBSFU support all protection mechanisms available in STM32!

• Confidentiality of the firmware
• Unique entry point
• Immutability of the secure boot code
• Isolation mechanisms to protect against inner attacks

Confidentiality of the firmware

• The main point is to prevent external access to firmware

• This is achieved thanks to RDP level 2: No more jtag access is possible
• RDP Level 2 is setup using option bytes
• Update is still possible using the SBSFU
• SBSFU ensures at each boot that RDP configuration is setup as expected

Unique entry point

• Ensure that after a reset, the platform always boots at the same address
• This feature is ensured thanks to RDP Level 2
• The RDP Level 2 deactivates the ability to boot on system bootloader or RAM

Code Immutability

• Ensure that secure boot code and authentication key cannot be modified in any
• This feature is ensured thanks to the combination of WRP and RDP Level 2
• WRP (Write protection) is setup thanks to option bytes
• WRP can be setup to protect a selection of flash sectors
• The RDP level 2 makes option bytes no more changeable.

RDP usage

• RDP Level 2 brings the confidentiality + bootlock + immutability (with WRP) for all
• On recent STM32 families RDP Level 1 can be used with some limitations
• This concerns G0, G4 and H7 implementing secure memory
• The combination of RDP1 and secure memory brings the impossibility to connect
with debugger and the inability to change the content of secure memory
• Confidentiality is ensured thanks to jtag deactivation
• Unique boot entry ensured thanks to BOOT_LOCK on G0 and G4
• Immutability ensured thanks to secure memory

Cryptography integration and isolation

• Cryptography used to ensure integrity and authenticity of the application

• This feature is ensured thanks to
• X-CUBE-Cryptolib libraries
• Opensource mbedTLS crypto
• Isolation of symmetric key
• On STM32L4, L0 protected thanks to PCROP and firewall
• On STM32F4, F7, L1 protected thanks to MPU privileged
• On STM32H7, G0, G4 protected thanks to PCROP and MPU privileged during SBSFU execution
and thanks to secure memory during application execution
• On STM32WB protected thanks to isolated M0 core

Additional security mechanisms

• Tamper
• Watchdog
• Disable debug GPIOs
• Disable DMA clocks to enforce MPU protection

SBSFU security mechanisms handling

• All these mechanisms are handled by SBSFU

• At each boot, SBSFU ensures
• All static protections (Option bytes configuration) are well setup
• All dynamic protections (MPU, Firewall, Watchdog, tamper) are setup according to expected
• From v2.2.0 version a control flow mechanism was introduced
• This mechanism is a counter measure against power glitch attack
• If an instruction is bypassed because of glitch, for instance to avoid a static
protection check or a dynamic protection activation, this will be detected.


• Proper handling security mechanisms is one of the most important things

• SBSFU provides a framework to easily setup all the mechanisms needed
• SBSFU ensures all mechanisms are properly setup


1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion

How SBSFU uses cryptography ?

• After security mechanisms are properly setup, the cryptography operations can be
securely executed
• SBSFU uses following crypto algorithms :
• Integrity: SHA256
• Authentication: Elliptic curve ECDSA with p256 curve
• Confidentiality: AES CBC

SBSFU authentication process

• SBSFU implements 2 steps authentication

• 1st step: Authenticate the metadata
• 2nd step: Once metadata content can be trusted, the SBSFU simply checks firmware digest

SBSFU meta data

Application firmware

SBSFU Header

FW Version
FW Size
SHA256 Application fw digest
FW digest

ECDSA Meta data

SHA256 Meta data digest
Sign signature

Private key
ECC p256

SBSFU integrity and authenticity check
RSA or
Computed meta SBSFU
Public key ECDSA
data digest
ECC p256 Verify
Computed Fw
Meta data signature
Next step: Check FW SHA256
digest SHA256 FW digest OK
Application is

FW Version
FW Size
SBSFU Application firmware
FW digest
Meta data

1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion

SBSFU architecture overview

• SBSFU is split in 2 components

• Secure engine
• SBSFU application
• Secure engine is a framework to handle critical functions in an isolated
• Secure engine is composed of
• An API that defines the services provided in secure engine
• A Core that implements these services

SBSFU Application and secure engine
SBSFU FW Version
FW Size
Application firmware
AES Key FW digest
Public key
ECC p256 Meta data


Public key AES Key

ECC p256
Secure Engine (SE) SE SBSFU Application

Execute Crypto operations Interface Uses SE API to perform crypto
and Store Keys API operations

Package Architecture Overview
Secure Bootloader & Secure Firmware Update Basic User Application

SBSFU Application User Application

Secure Boot

Local FW loader loader

New FW detection Secure Engine Middleware

Secure Engine Protections
Secure FW Update Examples
Secure Engine Interface

FW version Standalone
Call Gate Entry point
management FW Loader
FW User Code
Error management / User Appli
Crypto for Example
Recovery procedures Secure Image Boot.Info
Functions Helpers

Hardware Abstraction Layer API Boards Support Packages


STM32l4xx STM32f4xx STM32l0xx … STM32G0xx STM32G4xx STM32H7xx …

HW Components

STM32 Nucleo Board STM32 Discovery Board

Development Boards
Reset SBSFU startup sequence in 2 image
SBSFU entry point
Check static
security protections

Activate dynamic
security protections
Check request fw download Download new firmware using local
loader or standalone into Slot Dwl
Check Current fw to install Install new firmware (swap) Reset

Verify current fw is authentic Launch application fw


Invalidate/erase firmware Implemented in a

finite state machine
Checking static security

• STM32 implements static security settings through option bytes

• SBSFU provides an easy way to activate each protection through compile time
option ( #define)
• Just after booting, SBSFU ensures option bytes are in expected state
• 2 possible behaviors when an option byte is not in expected state
• 1) Development mode: SBSFU programs the option byte and resets.
• 2) Production mode: SBSFU provides a default behavior (reset) that customers can change. But
no code used to program option bytes
• Static protections handled
• RDP, WRP, PCROP, Secure Memory, Bootlock

Dynamic security setting

• This step is done just after static protection check

• Purpose is to setup all security related configurations such as
• Firewall (for L4 and L0)
• Watchdog
• Tamper
• Disable debug GPIOs
• Disable DMA clocks
• Each protection can be enabled/disabled through compilation flag

SBSFU FLASH mapping on STM32L476
SBSFU vector table SE_Code_region_ROM_start Use of symbols to gather
Secure Engine information used by different
SE_Code_region_ROM_end / SE_IF_region_ROM_start
SE interface SE_IF_region_ROM_end / SB_region_ROM_start
projects in one place.
Download image header (512) _

Download image
Slot_Active_1 after Slot_Dwl_1 to
address a constraint specific to firewall
V __ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_start__ usage on STM32L4.
Active Image header (512)

Active image

__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_end__ / __ICFEDIT_SWAP_start__
Swap area

Free for user data

SBSFU protection on STM32L4

Extract from SBSFU User manual

(UM2262 Getting started with the X-CUBE-SBSFU)

SBSFU figures
• Memory footprint
• Flash : between 32 KB and 56 KB depending on features, debug, target and compiler used.
• RAM : 4KB used by the secure engine
• Boot time
• Boot time mainly depends on the crypto operations(about 90% of boot time)
• This depends on the performance of addressed target and available hardware accelerator.
• Order of magnitude is between 100ms and 1 second
• Update time
• The update time depends on
• Download interface speed
• Flash writing speed
• Note that single image update is much faster compared to dual image update


1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion

SBSFU package advanced features

• Key Management Service

• Added services in Secure Engine to manage static and dynamic key storage. New key can be
provisioned with similar mechanism as firmware update
• Secure Element support
• Example supporting the STSAFE-A110 used to validate authentication key.
• External flash support
• Support of external flash accessible through QSPI
• External flash used for Slot_Dwl
• On STM32 supporting on the fly decoder (STM32H7B3) slot_active can also be in external flash
• Partial update
• Ability to update only one part of the firmware to reduce update size.

Update options in 2 images

• Default legacy 2.3.0 behaviour

• Usage of SWAP area but no rollback authorized
• No swap
• Installation without decryption in place, without SWAP.
• If interrupted, restart from last point
• No support of partial update in this setup
• Self test by user application before complete validation
• Swap application during install
• New fresh application performs a self test (server connection for instance)
• If test OK, application calls SE_APP_ValidateFw API. Firmware is validated
• Is self test fails, application should force a reset. The SBSFU will then rollback to previous image


• In order to manage multi core devices SBSFU can define up to 3 active slots
• Associated to these slots you can have up to 3 download slots
• It is possible to keep only 1 download slot for 3 active slots
• SBSFU check authenticity and integrity of each slot at startup

• SBSFU jumps to first valid slot in numerical order


1 Secure boot principle 5 SBSFU cryptography

Secure firmware update

2 6 SBSFU Architecture

3 SBSFU Package 7 SBSFU Advanced features

4 SBSFU and protection 8 Conclusion


• X-CUBE-SBSFU package is supporting all recent STM32 families

• Only exception concerns the STM32 families based on CortexM33
• The introduction of TZ and decision to support the ARM TFM framework lead to change the
secure boot strategy on STM32L5.
• For STM32L5, ST supports a X-CUBE-SBSFU equivalent solution based on MCU boot
• SBSFU code has been audited by external LAB (Brightsight)
• SBSFU provides many different configurations to fit with various setups
• SBSFU package is maintained and new features come regularly
• We support customer with their SBSFU implementation

Thank you

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