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Abstract ALQALAM 2010

1. The Rise of Nahdiyin Community in Manado

By: Abd. Shadiq Kawu

The article is a summary of research on Nahdatul Ulama Organization in
Manado. Research used qualitative approach and data was collected through in -
depth interview.
Research shows that NU presence in Manado is very meaningful as it
supports the traditional Islam existence and pluralistic nature of Manado
community and promotes a model of open and tolerant religiosity. The NU figures
who become proselytizer in this area have pionered the creation of
multiculturalism based religious community.

Key words: Nahdlatul Ulama

2. Islamic Religious Instruction with Active, Interactive And Pleasurable Learning

( study on class activity (PTK) in X SMA Negeri 14 Makassar)
by : Badruzzaman.
The research on class activity has an aim to measure the student
performance level on Islamic religious instruction (PAI) implemented with model
of active, interactive and pleasurable learning process. This learning process
was divided into three formats; interactive and active, active and pleasurable,
and interactive and pleasurable. The implementation of each format was
conducted in two phases: first phase, conventional learning process of which the
teacher gave pre test after the activity and, second: learning process with such
format of which teacher give postest after the activity.
Result shows that the performance level of student increased after using
the format. The index of student performance on PAI before interactive and
active learning process after pretest was, r= 5,29, and increased to r= 9,16 in
post test; and in active and pleasurable learning process, pre test r= 6,94,
increased to post test r= 9,71; and in interactive and pleasurable, pre test r=
6,84 increased to post test r= 9,76. To improve the performance level of PAI
which mostly involving memorizing the lesson, it is recommended to use a
format of active, interactive and pleasurable learning process. In addition, it is
also important to involve three types of learning method in this process: namely
reading, narrating the result of reading, and writing
Key words: learning, active, interactive, delighfull.

3. Study on Text Kitta Kana-Kananna Allo Ribokowa as Socializing Media of Islamic

Teaching in South Sulawesi Muslim Community
by: Abd. Kadir M
This research is the study on text “Kitta Kana-Kananna Allo Riboko” which
has aims to know the manuscript content and form, to reveal religious value
implied in the manuscript, the strategy to sociliaze its religious value, and to know
the community perception on the socialization of the manuscript. Research was
conducted in three regencies of South Sulawesi Province; Gowa, Takalar, and
Jeneponto. Data was collected through observation and interview. Analysis was
conducted to selected manuscripts in accordance with philology method, namely
manuscript description, transliteration, translation and content analysis.
The result shows that the ancient manuscript is still preserved properly
until today by the community. There were also many variations of Kitta Kana-
Kananna Allo Ribokowa manuscript which were found during the research. The
contents, however, are basically the same. They discuss about light of
Muhammad, Adam creation, death, hell, and heaven. The religious teaching
implied in manuscript are about faith, particularly to death and hereafter, threat of
hell torture and promise of the heaven bliss. This manuscript is still relevant to be
socialized to community today. The socialization can be conducted through
copying, reading, and campaigning. The Manuscript Kitta Kana-Kananna Allo
Ribokowa needs to be preserved as cultural heritage.
Key words: kitta, kana-kananna, allo riboko, media, socialization

4. Oral Tradition as Media of Education (Study on Mandar Community Life

cycles in Polman Regency) (By: Idham.)

The object of the research was oral tradition implying

religious values expressed by Mandar community. Research was
addressed to answer the two following questions: 1) what oral
tradition affecting Mandar community life cycle? and 2) what was
the educational element in that oral tradition?
Research was qualitative and used practical ethnography
strategy (practical ethnography) and conducted in regencies:
Polewali, Tapango, Tinambung, Balanipa, Limboro, and
Campalagian, Mandar, West Sulawesi. Data was collected
through in depth interview, involved observation, documentation
and FGD (Focus Group Discussion).
Result shows that: 1) rich cultural heritage of moral and
religious value transmitted through oral tradition exists in life cycle of
Mandar community, and 2) the oral tradition has a role as educational
media for community.

Key words: oral tradition, life cycle.

5. Local Content in Curriculum of Religion and Religious Education Institution in

West Sulawesi (by Sofyan BR.)
Curriculum is important aspect to run education institution. One
of the subjects that must be included in curriculum is local content
instructing specific aspect of local tradition, social and culture. Although it is
important to make student be familiar with their locality, those subjects have
not been accommodated selectively in curriculum of Madrasah Diniyah,
Aliyah and Islamic Boarding School. This article is intended to support local
content inclusion in curriculum formulation.
Key words: local content, curriculum, education, religion

6. Religious Understanding and Behavior of Muslim Student in Samarinda (by

Ramlah Hakim.)
Research is aimed to have deeper understanding on the imbalance
between ideal and normative values and its realization in social life of youth
muslim. Research, therefore, attempted to answer the question: “how the
religious understandings were reflected in daily life of muslim student in
Samarinda? Research used qualitative and quantitative method. Students of
STAIN dan Unmul were taken as sample.
Research shows that, from their understanding and behavior, it apparents
that religious radicalism emerges among youth muslim, although in some social
life, shows also some positive tendency of tolerance. Research also shows
some rigid perception on some Islamic belief, such as the desire to establish
khilafah islamiyah and to implement shariah. This tendency is a dangerous sign
of radicalism emergence among students in Samarinda.
Kay words: understanding, religious behaviour, student

7. Reflection Of Religious Value in Elong Ugi To Panrita

by: Abdul Asis.
In Buginese society Elong ugi means song. In literature, elong ugi is a
kind of poetry that has similarity to poem and traditional poetry. Elong
ugi is an effective medium to express feeling and thought. Elong ugi to
panrita is divided into elong onronna sempajannge and pangaja
panrita sulesanae. The research used descriptive qualitative method
involving collecting and analyzing data. Research found some
reflections of religious value in elong ugi, which were 1) virtue of
praying, 2) the virtue of good behavior, 3) keeping clean, 4) self
controlling, 5) daily worshipping, 6) doing more prayers, and 7) having
firmer belief and piety.
Key words: religious value, elong to panrita

8. Stylistika, Gender Relation of Student Executive Body of IAIN AMBON.

By: Arman Man Arfa.
This research focuses on the pattern of gender relation in Student
Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon. The problem addressed by this
research was: what is student perception on gender relation and what the
pattern of gender relation in Student Executive Organization of IAIN
The objective of this research is to find out student perception on
gender and gender relation in Student Executive Organization of IAIN
Ambon. Research promotes the understanding of students on gender and
the role of woman in public domain.
Research is qualitative. Data collected through in depth interview
to the member of Student Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon,
observing their activity and finding out information in current documents.
Result shows that samples have some general perception about
gender relation; for them, gender means biological difference and equal
rights, men can do what women do, and women can do what men do.
Three patterns of gender relation were found in Student Executive
Organization of IAIN Ambon: woman cannot become a leader, man is
much appropriate to be a leader and man and woman have the same
opportunity to be the leader, particularly for Student Executive
Organization of IAIN Ambon.
Key words: gender relation, leader, student.

9. Religious Proselytizing Is Not For Rural People !

by: Saprillah.
This article is a summary of the result of the research on the
religious proselytizing in underdeveloped areas. Research was conducted
in Buae village, Watangpulu sub district. Data was collected through
interview and observation.
Result shows that religious proselytizing by state institution such as
Religious Affair Department and other social religious institution was not
managed to and did not reach remote areas. It had an implication to the
religious proselytizing stagnation in those areas.
Therefore, writer recommends adaptive religious proselytizing be
conducted in such areas. This adaptive model should start with mapping
on current and forecasted issues in targeted community. The proselytizer
should have, at least, complete map of targeted areas. To make them
easier transform their knowledge, They should know the language and
economic, social, cultural practices belonged to community. The
proselytizer, therefore, should not be a stranger in his/her community.
He/she should be diligent to ”read” the social situation and the current
community behaviour deviation.
. Key words: religious proselytizing, adaptive proselytizing.
10. The Implementation of Jigsaw Learning Strategy in Aqidah Akhlak (faith
and moral) course.
By: Ulfiani Rahman.
Research was focused on class activity and aimed
to know : 1. How big is the self confident of student to attend the
course with jigsaw learning strategy.; 2. What the extent of
student seriousness to prepare and to report the discussion and
its result?; 3. What the student impression on the implementation
of jigsaw strategy. Research conducted in two cycles through
observation, interview and documentation.
The result of research shows that: 1. The
implementation of aqidah akhlak course with jigsaw strategy
could enhance the student self confidence; 2. The strategy also
made student be serious to prepare their report of discussion
result; 3. student felt easier to understand the content of the
course; 4. Generally, student felt impressed, enthusiastic and
comfortable. They felt jigsaw strategy has made them
experience effective learning process.
Key words: Jigsaw learning strategy, learning performance, self



Tulisan ini merupakan ringkasan penelitian tentang organisasi Nahdlatul Ulama
(NU) di Kota Manado. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan
menggunakan wawancara mendalam sebagai alat pengumpulan data.

Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran NU di Kota Manado sangat penting.

Ini karena potret demografis masyarakat Manado sangat plural dengan basis
masyarakat Islam tradisional. Kontur demografis seperti ini memerlukan model
keberagamaan yang terbuka dan saling menghargai. Para tokoh NU yang sebagian
besar menjadi dai telah lama mengawal masyarakat Islam Manado tumbuh sebagai
komunitas agama yang memiliki perspektif multikulturalisme.

Key words: nahdlatul ulama


(Studi Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Pada Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama
Islam di Kelas X SMA Negeri 14 Makassar) Oleh: Badruzzaman.
Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tingkat pretasi
Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dengan menggunakan proses pembelajaran Aktif,
Interaktif, dan Menyenangkan. Pembelajaran dibentuk dengan tiga formasi, yaitu
Formasi Pembelajran Aktif dan Interaktif; Aktif dan Menyenangkan dan Interaktif dan
Menyenangkan. Setiap formasi pembelajaran dilakukan dengan dua tahap, yaitu tahap
pertama pembelajaran konvensional yang sering dilakukan oleh guru agama yang
diakhiri dengan pratest. Tahap kedua dilakukan dengan pembelajaran formasi di atas
yang diakhir dengan postest.
Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa prestasi belajar siswa setelah dilakukan
ketiga formasi pembelajaran tersebut meningkat. Prestasi belajar PAI siswa sebelum
pembelajaran Aktif dan Interaktif, r= 5,29 pada pratest meningkat menjadi r= 9,16
pada posttest; pada pembelajaran Aktif dan Menyenangkan pratest r= 6,94, meningkat
pada postest r= 9,71; dan pada formasi Interaktif dan Menyenangkan pratest r= 6,84
meningkat pada postest r= 9,76. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa dalam upaya
meningkatkan prestasi belajar PAI siswa yang dominan merupakan meteri pelajaran
yang bersifat hafalan dibanding penalaran hendaknya menggunakan metode-metode
pembelajaran yang merangsang daya hafalan setiap siswa seperti Metode Pembelajaran
Aktif, Interaktif dan Menyenangkan. Selain itu, pertimbangan yang lain yang urgen untuk
diperhatikan adalah pelibatan tiga jenis bentuk aktivitas belajar dalam setiap
pembelajaran yaitu membaca, mengungkapkan hasil bacaan, dan menulis, khususnya
pada pembelajaran PAI yang dominan merupakan meteri hafalan.
Key words: pembelajaran, aktif, interaktif, menyenangkan


SULAWESI SELATAN (Oleh: Abd. Kadir M.)


Penelitian ini merupakan kajian teks terhadap Kitta kana-kananna Allo

Riboko yang bertujuan mengetahui bentuk dan isi naskah, mengungkapkan nilai-
nilai agama yang terkandung dalam naskah, bentuk sosialisasi nilai-nilai agama,
dan mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap sosialiasi naskah tersebut.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan dengan memilih tiga
kabupaten sebagai lokasi penelitian, yaitu Kabupaten Gowa, Takalar, dan
Jeneponto. Untuk memperoleh data dalam penelitian ini, digunakan studi
pustaka, wawancara dan observasi. Analisis naskah dilakukan terhadap naskah-
naskah yang dipilih sesuai cara kerja filologi, yaitu deskripsi naskah,
transiliterasi dan terjemahan naskah, dan analisis isi naskah.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa naskah-naskah kuno masih banyak

terpelihara di tengah-tengah masyarakat, variasi bentuk naskah Kitta Kana-
Kananna Allo Ribokowa cukup banyak meskipun isinya pada dasarnya tetap
sama, yaitu tentang Nur Muhammad, penciptaan Adam, kematian, kiamat,
Neraka, dan Surga. Nilai-nilai agama yang terkandung dalam naskah adalah
tentang keimanan, terutama tentang kematian dan hari akhirat, ancaman siksa
Neraka dan janji kenikmatan Surga mendorong penciptaan kehidupan yang baik
di dunia. Naskah ini masih relevan disosialisasikan dalam kehidupan
masyarakat. Bentuk sosialisasi naskah dilakukan dalam bentuk penyalinan,
peminjaman, pembacaan, dan ceramah. Naskah Kitta Kana-Kananna Allo
Ribokowa perlu dilestarikan sebagai suatu warisan budaya.

Key words: kitta, kana-kananna, allo riboko, media, sosialisasi


Orang Mandar di Kabupaten Polman) (Oleh: Idham.)


Sasaran penelitian ini adalah tradisi lisan yang

mengandung nilai-nilai keagamaan yang diekspresikan oleh
masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini mengangkat dua pertanyaan
penelitian, yaitu: 1) Tradisi lisan apa saja yang ada dalam siklus
hidup masyarakat Mandar? dan 2) Unsur pendidikan apa saja
yang ada dalam tradisi lisan sebagai media pendidikan bagi
masyarakat Mandar? Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah
untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian di atas.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan
strategi ethnografi praktis (practical ethnography). Penelitian ini
diadakan di kecamatan: Polewali, Tapango, Tinambung,
Balanipa, Limboro, dan Campalagian Kabupaten Polewali
Mandar Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Adapun cara pengambilan data
dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, pengamatan terlibat,
dan dokumentasi, serta FGD (Focus Group Discusion).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) siklus hidup
masyarakat Mandar terbentang luas warisan budaya bangsa yang
sangat kaya dengan nilai-nilai moral dan keagamaan yang
disampaikan secara turun-temurun dari generasi ke generasi melalui
tradisi lisan, dan 2) Tradisi lisan yang tampak dalam siklus hidup
masyarakat Mandar mempunyai peran sebagai media pendidikan
bagi masyarakat.

Key words: tradisi lisan, daur hidup, siklus hidup.


BARAT (Oleh Sofyan BR.)

Kurikulum adalah aspek penting dalam penyelenggaraan

pembelajaran di lembaga pendidikan. Salah satu komponennya adalah muatan
lokal. Substansinya adalah aspek-aspek spesifik yang berkaitan lingkungan, sosial,
budaya, dan atau tradisi lokal. Aspek spesifik tersebut bekum diakomodir secara
selektif dalam kurikulum madrasah diniyah dan pondok pesantren. pengakomodiran
muatan lokal dalam kurikulum sebagai wadah pengakraban siswa dengan unsur
lokalitasnya belum terjembatani secara memadai oleh madrasah aliyah dan pondok
pesantren. tulisan ini dimaksudkan sebagai penguatan aspek spesifik lokal dalam
penyusunan kurikulum muatan lokal.

Key words: muatan lokal, kurikulum, pendidikan, agama, keagamaan


SAMARINDA (Oleh: Ramlah Hakim.)


Mengacu pada ketimpangan dari apa yang ideal-normatif (das sein) dengan
realitas di ranah sosial (das solen) pada paham dan sikap keagamaan kalangan muda
muslim. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan sebuah riset yang mengarah pada kebijakan, yaitu:
“Bagaimana kecenderungan pemahaman dan prilaku keagamaan mahasiswa muslim di
kota Samarinda?Melalui riset dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dipadukan dengan data
kuantitatif. Dengan populasi mahasiswa muslim di kota samarinda dan sampel
mahasiswa muslim di kampus STAIN dan Unmul.

Hasil riset menunjukkan kecenderungan paham dan sikap keagamaan mahasiswa

muslim yang berpotensi pada tumbuhnya benih-benih radikalisme agama, meski pada
sisi lain terlihat kecenderungan toleransi pada aspek kehidupan sosial. Temuan riset ini
juga memperlihatkan kekakuan pada aspek-aspek yang menyentuh pada ranah normatif
Islam, semisal penegakan syariat dan khilafah Islamiyah. Kecenderungan ini dapat
menjadi bahaya laten munculnya paham dan gerakan radikalisme agama di kalangan
mahasiswa muslim.

Kay words: faham, sikap keagamaan, mahasiswa


Oleh: Abdul Asis.


Elong ugi is mostly defined as song in Buginese society. Tehey only see the
development of composed elong to sing. In literary side, elong ugi is a kind of
poetry that has similarity to poem and traditional poetry. Elong ugi is the
most effective medium to express feeling and thought. Elong ugi to panrita is
devided into elong onronna sempajannge and pangaja panrita sulesanae. The
used method is descriptive qualitative involving collecting of data and data
analysis. Found religious value reflections are 1) virtue of praying, 2) the
virtue of good behaviour, 3) keeping the cleaning, 4) self controlling, 5) daily
worshippng, 6) enriching worshipping, and 7) empowering belief and plety.

Key words: religious value, elong to panrita


AMBON. Oleh: Arman Man Arfa.


This research focus on the study of the pattern of gender relation in

Sudents Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon. The problem statmenets of this
reseach are how are students’persepsion about gender and how is the pattern of
gender relation in Students Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon.

The objective of this research are to find out student’s persepsion about
gender and gender relation in Students Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon,
therefore this resarch can give an understanding for the students about gender
and support the girl in public domain.
The method of this research is qualitative research by using indept
interview to the member of Students’ Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon as
sample, observation toward their activity and find out the information in current
Based on the result of this research indicate that there are some
perseption about gender relation. Gender means the biological difference
between men and women, gender is the equaliy right of men and women, men
and women have the same quality, men can do what do women do, on the
contrary women can do what men do. There are three pattern of gender relation
in Students Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon, they are: there is a gender
bias in Students Executive Organization of IAIN Ambon because they think that
women cannot become the leader, men are appropritae to be the leader and men
and women have ethe same opportunity to be the leader of Students Executive
Organization of IAIN Ambon.

Key words: stylelistica relation gender, leader of students executive

organization of IAIN Ambon.


Olen: Saprillah.


This article is a summary of the result of the research on the religious

proselytizing in underdeveloped areas. Research was conducted in Buae village,
Watangpulu sub district. Data was accumulated through interview and

Result shows that religious proselytizing by state institution such as

religious affair department and other social religious institution was not
managed to and did not reach remote areas. It had an implication to the religious
proselytizing stagnation in those areas.

Therefore, writer recommends adaptive religious proselytizing should be

conducted in such areas. This adaptive model should start with mapping on
current and forecasted issues in targeted community. The proselytizer should
have, at least, complete map of targeted areas. They should know the language
and economic, social, cultural practices belonged to community so as to make
them easier in knowledge transformation. The proselytizer, therefore, is not a
stranger in his/her community. He/she should be diligent to ”read” the social
situation and the current community behaviour deviation.
. Key words: religious proselytizing, adaptive proselytizing.



Oleh: Ulfiani Rahman.


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas.

Tujuannya untuk mengetahui: 1. Seberapa besar siswa percaya diri
mengikuti pelajaran dengan strategi belajar Jigsaw; 2. Seberapa besar
siswa bersungguh-sungguh dalam menyiapkan gilirannya melaporkan
hasil diskusi sesuai tugasnya; 3. Seberapa tinggi hasil penguasaan
siswa terhadap materi yang dipelajari dengan strategi Jigsaw; 4. Kesan
siswa tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan strategi Jigsaw.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 siklus melalui teknik observasi,
wawancara dan catatan tentang kejadian yang terjadi.

Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa: 1. Pelaksanaan

pembelajaran (aqidah akhlak) dengan strategi belajar Jigsaw dapat
meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa; 2. Melalui strategi belajar
Jigsaw pula, maka siswa bersungguh-sungguh menguasai materi
(aqidah akhlak) yang menjadi tugasnya sebelum mendapat giliran
melaporkan hasil diskusinya; 3. Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran
dengan strategi Jigsaw, siswa merasa mudah memahami dan mengerti
pelajaran (aqidah akhlak); 4. Pada umumnya siswa terkesan dengan
menyenangi dan antusias pada pelaksanaan strategi belajar Jigsaw
sebab memberikan pengalaman yang sangat seru dalam proses belajar

Key words: strategi belajar Jigsaw, Prestasi belajar, kepercayaan diri

(self confidence)

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