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Basics of Testing

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1 Testing Overview

2 Verification and Validation

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Testing Overview

Overview & Features

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 Understand the challenges of Project Development Build

 Recognize the need of a tool to automate build process & Managing
 Configure Maven and check the set up
 Describe the features of Maven

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Software Testing
 It is not sufficient demonstrating that the software is doing what it should

 It is more important to demonstrate that the software is not doing what it

shouldn’t do

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Testing Objectives


Manage Quality


Find Defects


Show It Works

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Definitions of Testing
 Software-testingaisaprocessaof analyzing (or) operating software for the purpose
of finding bugs.

 Testingaisatheaprocessatoaidentifyadefects, where defect is any variance

between actual and expected results.

 Softwareatestingais the process used to help identify the correctness,

completeness, security, and quality of developed computer software.

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Definitions of Testing (Contd.).
 Testingaisagenerallyadescribedaas group of procedures carried out to
evaluate some aspect of a piece of software.

 Testingacanabeadescribedaas the process used for finding defects in

software, and for establishing that the software has attained specified
degree of quality with respect to selected attributes.

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Issues in Testing

 Testing considered late in the project

 Requirements not testable

 Integrate after all components have been developed

 One step forward, two steps backward

 Test progress hard to measure

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Why does software have bugs?
 Miscommunication or no communication

 Software complexity

 Programming errors

 Changing requirements

 Time pressures

 Poorly documented code

 software development tools

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Benefits of testing?
 The prime benefit of testing is that it result in improved quality, bugs get fixed.

 We take a destructive attitude towards the program when we test, but in larger extent
our work is constructive.

 We are beating up the program in the service of making it stronger.

 Demonstrate that software functions appear to be working according to specification

 The performance requirement appears to have been met.

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Principles of Testing
 Early Testing.
 Testing shows presence of defect.
 Pesticide paradox.
 Exhaustive testing is impossible.
 Testing is context dependent.
 Defect clustering.
 Absence of error fallacy

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Economics of Testing
Customer Dissatisfaction

Optimum Cost of
Number of

Over Testing
Under Testing


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Participants in Testing – Who ?
 Customers

 Users

 Developers
• (Includes individuals / groups which gather
requirements, design, build, change and maintain
 Testers

 Senior Management

 Auditors

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Start Testing - When ?
 Timing: As soon as we have a Software Requirements (baseline).

 Objective –
• To trap requirements-related defects as early as they can be identified.

 Approach –
• Test Requirements

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Stop Testing – When?
Following factors are considered,

• Deadlines, e.g. release deadlines, testing deadlines;

• Test cases completed with certain percentage passed;

• Coverage of code, functionality, or requirements reaches a specified point;

• Bug rate falls below a certain level; or

• Beta or alpha testing period ends.

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What Is defect?
 Theasoftwareadoesn’t doasomething that the product specification says it should

 Theasoftwareadoesasomethingathat the product specifications says it shouldn’t do.

 Theasoftwareadoesasomethingathat the product specification doesn’t mention.

 Theasoftwareadoesn’t do something that the product specification doesn’t mention

but should do.

 Difficult to understand, hard to use, slow etc.

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Skills Required in Tester (Contd.).
 Communication and Interpersonal Skills
For a tester, both verbal and written communication are crucial e.g. communication
of defects to developers, quality level of product.

 Time Management and Effort Prioritization

Testers have to juggle a lot of tasks like creating test cases, execution,
documenting test results, creating test metrics etc. Tester may be involved in
testing more than one module or project at the same time.

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Review Questions

1.The testing activity in a project, should be started,

a) once the coding is done
b) once the maintenance is finished
c) once the Design is completed
d) once the initial version of the SRS is available

2. In order to test the functionality of an AUT, ‘Black-

box testing’ is the appropriate approach.

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Review Questions
3.The testing activity in a project, can be stopped
a) once the required test coverage is achieved
b) once the schedule is over
c) once the test cases are executed
d) once the Random testing is done

4. Match the following:

a) Prevention 1) Show that the AUT works

b) Detection 2) Find Defects
c) Demonstration 3) Manage Quality

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Verification and Validation

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Verification And Validation
 Verification

 Validation

 Techniques of Verification

 V Model

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 Disciplined approach at evaluate whether a software product fulfils the
requirements or conditions imposed on them (Are we doing the job right?)

 Method: walkthrough, formal inspection and review of each software


 Also called static testing

 Done by a systematically reading the contents of a software product with

the intention of detecting defects

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Verification (Contd.).
5. Helps in identifying not only presence of defects but also their location
6. A ‘filter’ applied at various points during the SDLC to ‘purify’ the product
as it progresses through various phases

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Verification - Examples
 Requirement Reviews - Developers, Testers, Users, Managers

 Design Reviews - Developers, Testers

 Code Walkthroughs - Developers

 Code Inspections - Developers

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 Disciplinedaapproachatoaevaluate whether the final, as-built software
product fulfils its specific intended use (Are We Doing The Right Job?)

 Method: testingaeach software product at each phase of life cycle using

test plan, test cases. (Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing,
Acceptance testing)

 Also called as dynamic testing

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Validation (Contd.).
 Done by systematically testing a software product with the intention of
finding defects

 Helps in identifying the presence of defects, not their location

 Necessary to demonstrate not just that the software is doing what it is

supposed to do, but also is not doing what it is not supposed to do

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Validation Example
 Unit Testing - Developers

 Integrated Testing - Developers, Testers

 System Testing - Testers

 User Acceptance Testing - Users

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Techniques for SW Verification

 Walkthroughs

 Inspections

 Reviews

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 Anainformalaprocess, initiatedabyathe authoraof a software product to a colleague
for assistance in locating defects and for suggesting improvements

• Normally not planned

• Authoraexplainsathe product

• Colleagueacomesaoutawithaobservations

• Author provides clarification if required

• Author notes down relevant points and takes corrective actions

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 A thorough, word-by-wordacheckingaof a software producta(or part of a product)
with the intention of:

• Locatingadefects

• Confirmingatraceabilityaof relevant requirements

• Checking foraconformanceatoarelevantastandards and conventions

 The fundamental goal of the inspection process is to eliminate defects from a

given, well defined work product.

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Inspection Team
 The inspection team is a group of individuals that work together to analyze each
work product of a development activity in order to detect and remove defects.

 Inspections accomplish this by assigning five different procedural roles to the

individuals that make up the team

 The five procedural roles are: Author, Moderator, Reader, Recorder, and Inspector.

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 Follow-up: a subsequent examination of a Product for the purpose of monitoring

earlier Changes.

 Formal or official examination.

 A process in which one or more persons checks changed documents or data to

determine if the changes are correct.

 An analysis undertaken at a fixed point in time to determine the degree to which

stated objectives have been reached. This is generally used as a basis for
decision making, including updating plans.

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Types of Reviews

 In-Process Reviews

 Milestone Reviews (also called)/ Decision-point/

Phase-end Reviews

• Test Readiness Review

• Test Completion Review

 Post Implementation Reviews (also called) Post

Mortem Reviews

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Benefits of Reviews
 Identification of the anomalies at the earlier stage of the life cycle

 Identifying needed improvements

 Certifying correctness

 Encouraging uniformity

 Enforcing subjective rules

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Management of V & V
 Prepare the plans for execution of the process

 Initiate the implementation of the plan

 Monitor the execution of the plan

 Analyze problems discovered during the execution of the plan

 Report progress of the processes

 Ensure products satisfy requirements

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“V” Testing Concept
 Life Cycle testing: CONTINUOUS testing throughout the SDLC

 Goes hand-in-hand with formalized system development process

 Need to plan the testing activities parallel with the SDLC phases

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The ‘V’ Model

Customer User Acceptance Test Plan Acceptance

Requirements Testing

System System Test Plan System

Specifications Testing
High Level Test Plan Integration
Design Testing
Unit Test Plan
Low Level Unit
Design Testing

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Review Questions
1. Why do you use verification techniques even though the
Validation techniques used?
a) Verfication is better than Validation
b) Verfication is a Black-box testing
c) Verification is helps in finding-out the defects earlier stages
d) Verification can be used instead of Validation.

2. Which of the Following Verification techniques is a team

4.None of the above

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Review Questions
3.Match the Following:
a) Verification 1) BETA testing
b) Validation 2) Walkthoughs
c) Past-Mortem Reviews 3) System Testing
d) Completely Informal 4) Reviews
e) After ALPHA testing 5) Post-implementation reviews

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Thank You

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