RevECPE Honors Test U2 26049

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A Circle the words that mean the same as the words in bold. (12 x 1 = 12)
1. The police are trying hard to solve the problem of gang-related crime. grappling with / impeding
2. The player’s injury is bound to affect the result of the match. pace / outcome
3. Approximately how much electricity does the wind farm produce annually? utilize / generate
4. The research facility boasts very modern equipment. state-of-the-art / sought-after
5. As the plane rose higher, the city lights disappeared in the distance. faded away / wrapped up
6. The new medicine kept the patient’s condition from getting worse. hindering / deteriorating
7. Water is made clean and safe when you boil it. purified / fertilized
8. New laws are going to be passed to reduce noise pollution. encroached / enacted
9. Only the manager can give permission for the purchase of new software. codify / authorize
10. The risks of expanding a business can’t always be expressed in numbers. quantified / exemplified
11. The idea of using solar panels is becoming more popular here. gaining ground / maximizing
12. Sam improved his language skills by reading and writing every day. honed / attained

B Choose the correct answer. (10 x 2 = 20)

1. Thanks to the vaccination program, the majority of 6. The loud music was such a ..... that the students
the population is now ..... to this disease. found it impossible to concentrate.
A. restricted C. negligible A. distraction C. resistance
B. neutralized D. immune B. controversy D. duration
2. Does the new immigration law ..... a change in 7. Whenever he is in trouble, Andy tries to ..... the
government policy? blame to someone else.
A. customize C. signify A. repel C. shift
B. solidify D. stabilize B. surpass D. float
3. Not having eaten all day, I snacked on an energy bar 8. When asked to stand in at the last minute, Liz really
to ..... my hunger at bay. rose to the ..... and gave an excellent presentation.
A. keep C. put A. task C. instruction
B. stop D. hide B. feat D. occasion
4. Soldiers are expected to ..... any order they are 9. Farmers are asking for a government ..... to cover
given by a commanding officer. the cost of water.
A. endorse C. execute A. priority C. authority
B. undergo D. justify B. subsidy D. flexibility
5. I don’t remember much about the accident because 10. The drought affected crops around the country, .....
it was all over in a split ..... . food supplies and causing widespread hunger.
A. minute C. moment A. distorting C. diversifying
B. second D. instant B. depleting D. detracting

C Complete the text. Use the words below. (13 x 2 = 26)

light • limitations • adverse • encounter • conducive • peak • confer
inhibit • undergoing • enhancing • predominantly • counteract • associated
We all know that exercise is good for us, but competing in demanding long -distance races can have
(1) ............................. effects on the body. Despite being in excellent physical condition, marathon runners often
(2) ............................. health problems in the days immediately after an event. The problems which are
(3) ............................. with running a marathon – (4) ............................. muscle damage and swollen joints – can greatly
(5) ............................. a runner’s ability to engage in physical exercise, placing strict (6) ............................. on when they
can resume their training program.
However, according to research, cherry juice may (7) ............................. the negative effects of competing in long-
distance events. In one study involving 20 runners, drinking unsweetened cherry juice for five days before and after a
marathon was found to be (8) ............................. to a rapid recovery. In (9) ............................. of these findings,
researchers believe drinking cherry juice could definitely (10) ............................. an advantage on athletes by
(11) ............................. their recovery after endurance events and helping them achie ve (12) .............................
performance in subsequent races. It might also be beneficial for patients (13) ............................. treatment for
inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis.

D Circle the correct answer.
(10 x 1 = 10)
1. The doctor couldn’t make a diagnosis until she had examined / was to examine / had been examining the patient.
2. How often you use to see / were you seeing / did you use to see Tim before he moved to Michigan?
3. As they were rehearsing / had been rehearsing / rehearsed the play for months, the actors felt confident they knew
their parts.
4. The new owners of the house decided to turn the room which had always been used / always used to use /
would always be used as an office, into a spare bedroom.
5. Realizing they were to lose / were losing / lost control of the situation, the police chief requested back-up.
6. From the look on Jake’s face, it was clear he was expecting / had been expected / had been expecting the good
news for some time.
7. The friends weren’t allowed to board the ferry as it left / would leave / was about to leave.
8. Liz couldn’t come to the movies because she was having / used to have / would have dinner with her parents.
9. This part of town wouldn’t be / didn’t use to be / hadn’t been so densely populated when I lived here.
10. Which students involved / were involving / were involved in the bullying incident?

E Complete the sentences. Use the words below. (6 x 2 = 12)

yet • just • never • until • for long • forever
1. ............................. he started working in the evenings, Alex had never watched daytime TV.
2. The photographer was ............................. about to take a picture of the deer when it ran off into the forest.
3. The mayor was ready for the news conference, but the TV cameras had ............................. to arrive.
4. I hadn’t been sleeping ............................. when I was awakened by a loud noise.
5. Although the lake often froze over in the winter, we ............................. used to go skating there.
6. My uncle was ............................. telling us about his experiences in the navy.
F Choose the correct answer. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. The proposal, which ..... of 10 different sections, had 6. “Shopping at 4:30 on a Saturday was a bad idea.”
to be shortened. “I ..... !”
A. had originally consisted A. so had told
B. was consisted originally B. was told by you
C. originally was consisting C. told you so
D. had been originally consisted D. had so told you
2. I ..... you could help me fill out this form later today. 7. Didn’t you use to enjoy going for long walks after
A. had wondered how ..... ?
B. was wondering if A. it would rain
C. would wonder whether B. was it raining
D. was to wonder when C. had been rain
3. ..... to be a small wedding, but in the end, over D. it had been raining
500 guests were invited. 8. The university never ..... so many overseas students.
A. Although meant A. hadn’t attracted
B. It was meaning B. would be attracting
C. They had meant C. was attracting
D. It was meant D. used to attract
4. By the time the report was published, many of the 9. I shouldn’t have opened the email, but how ..... it
facts ..... public. contained a virus?
A. were already made A. had I known
B. had already been making B. was I to know
C. had already been made C. was it known
D. already were made D. did I know
5. John’s decision to quit law school ..... surprise, 10. The emergency services failed to warn residents
including his parents. about the storm, even though it was clear ..... .
A. caught everyone by A. that it came
B. was catching everyone in B. when it had come
C. had everyone caught in C. had it been coming
D. was caught by everyone a D. it was coming

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