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Total No.

of Printed Pages: 3 SEM 3 BCA SE 21

(Skill Enhancement)
(PHP Progrumming)
Course Code: ANT-SE-T2-301

Total Marks: 50(Th-28+Prac-124+IA-10) Time: 1/, IHours

Thefigure in the margin indicatefull marks

for the questions

1. Choose the correct answer: 1x55

(a) PHP files have a default file extension of
() html (ii).xml (ji) php (iv)ph
(b) Which version of PHP introduced Try/catch Exception?
() PHP 4 (i) PHP 5

(iil)PHP 6 (iv) PHP 5 and later

(c) How should we add a single line comment in
our PHP code ?
(i) iii) #
(iv) /*
(d Which of the below symbols is a
newline character?
) r
i)n (iin) /n
(e) PHP's numerically indexed
position array begin with

() 1 (i) 2
2. Answer the following:
(a) Can we run PHP from HTML file?
If yes, how ?
(b) Differences between GET and POST methods?
(c) What these tags specifyin PHP <? PHP and 2>2

3. Write about the following built-in functions

(any three): 2x3=6
) Trim)0
(i) Strlen0
(ii) Strchar()
(iv) Strtoupper)
(v) Join0

A4. Explain anythree data types used in PHP 3

5 Answer any two ofthefollowing: 2x4-8

(a) Write PHP function that checks if a string is in lowercase.

(b) Write PHP function that checks ifa given numbér prime

function that print first even numbers.
() Write PHP
(d) Write PHP function that adds firstn numbers.


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