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26/01/2022, 17:17 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator

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Fantasy Town Generator

Town Name: Newick

Town Size: Small Town Normalize? Walled?

Environment: Grassland Coastal? River?

Race: Any Race Culture: Default Culture

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Population: 1/2
26/01/2022, 17:17 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Approximately 1600; primarily human, some halfling.


Newick is governed by a mayor, a female human named Phily Hyte.

Notable Places:

The Shrine of Arah:

A stone lantern enshrining the flame of Arah, Lady of Animals, said to bestow favor to those who leave an offering.
The Guildhall:
An impressive half-timbered building, decorated with brightly dyed pennons.
It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared
amongst several local trade guilds.

A few NPCs:

Arvin: Female Dwarf Entertainer, Good. Arvin has blonde hair and brown eyes, and an unusual scar on her leg. She wears expensive clothing and several pouches hang
from her belt. Arvin has an animal companion, a ginger cat named Orin.

Witha: Female Human Professional, Neutral. Witha has straight copper hair and grey eyes, and a round nose. She wears fine clothing and a lynx fur cape. Witha is
creative but disloyal.
Helia: Female Human Assassin, Evil. Helia is exceptionally beautiful, with blonde hair and soft brown eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a poisoned short sword
and dagger. Helia seeks revenge against the thieves' guild which left her to hang.
Leony Marte: Male Halfling Illusionist, Good. Leony is short, with short blonde hair and brown eyes. He wears fine clothing and wields a dagger and darts. Leony is a
skilled actor.

Fantasy Town Generator

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