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Faculty of Commerce

Girls in Assiut

Islamic economics

Student name : ‫أروه أحمد حسن أحمد‬

Student ID : 2001

Signature Name

Course lecturer:

Research evaluation

Degree Evaluation

The Islamic economy didn't have an independent subjectivity and there

was no dividing line between it and other aspects of Islamic in tellentual
life. Zakat and other. Financial restrictions were collected through Islamic
methods. Islamic economy is comprehensive religion that regulates the
servant's relationship with his god and his relationship with his brothers
in society. Islamic economic in language is taken from the intention.


is the legal provisions and rules that govern earning and spending of
money. there are two provisions of Islamic economics

(1) Fixed / constant provisions. (2) variable provisions

-characteristics of Islamic economics are:-

(1) combining stability and sophistication

(3) the combining of material interests and spiritual needs.

(4) reality. (5) The Islamic economy is human.

(6) the economy is part of Islam. (7) Balanced economy.

(8) Moral economy. (9) Objective economy.

-features of the Islamic economics:-

(1) Public property. (2) Private property. (3) share the risk.

(4) Alms and endowments. (5) State resources.

(6) The inheritance. (7) Transparency.

-what it aims for:-

Shedding light on the most important principles / chara cteristics and

origins of the economic system in Islam and is interested in discussing.

Some contemporary economic concepts from Islamic logic such as

production , Consumption and distribution.

- Islamic economic in language :-

Is taken from the intention.

Convention :-

Is the legal provisions and rules that govern earning and spending of

-The provisions of Islamic economics.

There are two types of provisions:-

(1) fixed / constant provisions.

They are economic assets, Foundation and prin ciples that the economy
carries out and don't accept change at any time and place for any fixed
evidence in the book / sunnah and consensus. like:-sale license and
prohibition of usury.

))‫ ((واحل هللا البيع وحرم الربا‬-: ‫قال تعالي‬

(2)The man is like female luck.

))‫((للذكر مثل حظ االنثيين‬-: ‫قال تعالي‬

(3) Prohibition of taboo.

(4) Prohibition of Muslim blood and money.

))‫((إن هللا قد حرم دماءكم واموالكم‬-:‫للحديث‬.

)2) Variable provisions.

They are the moving / evolving and changing provisions according to the
require ments of the interest / and these provisions may change
according to the conditions of consideration /and they are subject to the
juris prudence of scholars.


(1) Forced abscess on the open ground as an analysis of usury and

legalization of bribery and the sale of wines and pork. (2)

characteristics of Islamic economics are:-

(1) combining stability and sophistication (change).

(1) The money is the money of the god and the servants are under
stimating it and it isn't permissible for them to aquire it from its trans
gression or anything that harms people .

(2) Respect for private property and everyone has their own space.

the change is in facing the problems of society.

(2) Combining public and private interests.

That is /the combining of economic freedom and state intervention in an

inter grieve manner.

(3)the combination of material interests and spiritual needs.

‫ كقول عمر بن الخطاب (رضي هللا عنه‬:-

((‫))وهللا لئن جاءت االعجام باإلعمال وجئنا بغير عمل فهم اولي بمحمد منا يوم القيامة‬.

A person must watch himself and return to god until he is righteous.

(4) Realism.

Islamic economics is realistic because its laws are consistent with the
reality of man.

(5) the Islamic economy is human.

Because he doesn't neglect non-economic factors such as moral and

social factors.

(6)The economy is part of Islam.

(1) Devotional economy.

the dignity of work and the evaluation of it to the degree of worship.

(2) the physical incentive isn't the only goal/but is related to god's

(2) self-control.

(1) Its importance for the economy.

))‫((وهو معكم اينما كنتم‬-:‫قال تعالي‬.

Like:-Refrain from mixing milk with water.

(7) Balanced economy.

(1) The balance between individual and collective interest.

*Adopting them and not neglecting one of them

*Prevailing in the public interest when it isn't possible (monopoly).

(2) the balance between spirit and substance.

*Not taking into account economic systems of spiritual and moral values.

(8) Moral economy.

Ethics of Islam:-

truthfulness/honesty/tolerance/lack of voice and lack of spending.

)9) objective economy .

It works not to differentiate in dealing with honesty with all / prohibiting

usury for all and
co-operating on good with all.(3)

Features of the Islamic economics are:-

)1) public property.

It is responsible For providing a decent life and achieving social justice

and this contravenes the capital system.

)2) private- property.

Islam supports the private property rights of taxes / in heritance and then
prohibition the private benefit may not prevail over the public.

(3) Share the risks.

It is the basis and pillar of Islamic economics / sharing.

profit and loss is the basis of achieving justice between work and capital.

(4) Alms and endowments.

It works to achieve social solidarity and help the poor.

(5) State resources.

*Direct tax like zakat.

*In direct tax like taxes on drugs to encourage spending rather than

(6) The inheritance.

When the inheritance is divided after the death of its owner/and its
granted to you if you want the right according to Islamic law.

(7) Transparency.

Correctly accessing the information so as not to mislead.(2)

-Islamic economics .is well-known and applies according to sharia

provisions that prevent in justice in obtaining financial resources and
getting rid of anything that impedes mankind and enables a person to
perform his duties in society.(1)

-Islamic economics aims to the study of human falah achieved by

organizing the resources of earth on the basis of co-operation and

-resources of Islamic economics are:-

(1) Quran / such a divine sources.

the first source of Islamic economics

))‫((واحل هللا البيع وحرم الربا‬-: ‫قال تعالي‬.

(2) Sunnah.

The second source of Islamic economics.

It is all that was added to the prophet Mohamed say / actor or report.

))‫((وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا‬-: ‫قالي تعالي‬

(3) Ijma.

The common belief from Muslim scholars.

(4) Qiyas.

the other principles that are compared to those three sources.(6)

- The role of Islamic jurisprudence and the concept of justice in the

economic system.

(1) The key to economic philosophy in Islam lies in the relationship of

man to his god / lord / his people / the universe and human beings / the
nature and the purpose of human life on earth.

(2) Man _ god relationship is defined by taw hid.

(3) the essence of monotheism is completed adherence to the will of god.

(4) The will of god constitutes the source of value and becomes the end
of human endeavor.

(5) life on earth is a test and its purpose should be prove successful in
the test by doing god's will.

(6)The entire universe / in spite of the natural substance contained there

in/is subject to exploitation by man.

(7) Life on earth is a test from god.

-The central features of an Islamic economy are summarized as the


(1) Quran / sunnah and behavioral norms.

(2) Zakat tax.

As the basis of Islamic fiscal policy.

(3) Prohibition of benefits.

Islamic economics in practice or economic policies supported by self -

identified Islam groups / has varied throughout its long history.

traditional Islamic concepts having to do with economics in clouded:-

(1) Zakat.

the taxation of certain goods.

(2) Gharor.

The interdiction of chance.

uncertainty like selling fish in water, and dates on the palm.

-How is this economic Ibadan performed?

there are many positive values such as patience and goodness.

there are negative values like:-in justice / stinginess /compactness and


-Rational economic man.

while there is hardly anyone opposed to the need for rationality in human
behavior/there are difference of opinion in defining rationality.

However / once rationality has been defined in terms of overall individual

as well as social well-being / then rational behavior could only be that
which helps us realize. this goal.

we summarize from all of the above that Islam has set a general frame
work for the economic policy of the Islamic state based on the reliance
on general principles / especially economic guidance and the principle of
social balance.

*Money is for god and man doesn't have absolute property /but it is left

*Spending uses a flexible tool to distribute national income.

: References

(1)Islamic economics ( 2019 – 2020 )

D.r / Kholoud Hossam

(2) ‫ خلود حسام‬/ ‫ ) د‬2020 – 2019( ‫االقتصاد االسالمي‬



(4) islamic economics

(5) kuran '' the economic impact of Islamic fundamentalism ''

in Marty and Appleby fun damentalism and the state u of
Chicago press , 1993 , pp. . 302 – 41

(6) features of Islamic economics or

‫ صالح العلى‬/‫معالم االقتصاد{ االسالمي د‬

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