Hul Assignment 1

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10 years ago peaceful pro-democratic demonstrations against president Assad turned into a

full-fledged civil war in Syria as the demonstrations were crushed using force. The opposition
supporters(rebels) picked up arms in retaliation, and the country descended into a civil war.

The Syrian crusade is driven by three campaigns violence between the Syrian government and
opposition forces, coalition efforts to defeat the Islamic State, and Turkish forces military
operations against Syrian Kurds. In 2013 Islamic State started seizing territories in Syria.

The Syrian government is backed by Russia and Iran. Opposition forces are backed by US,
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other countries in the region. The coalition consisting of US, UK,
France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia expanded their air campaign in #Iraq to include #Syria

The coalition carries out military(air) strikes against Islamic State and supports Syrian
Democratic Forces #SDF for ground operations. #Turkish troops are also involved in ground
operations against #Islamic State and have launched attacks against armed #Kurdish groups in

According to US-led coalition,98% of territory held by Islamic State has been reclaimed by SDF
and Iraqi security forces. Syrian government with support of Russia and Iran has slowly
regained control of territory from opposition forces. Efforts of diplomatic resolution has failed

#Geneva peace talks, UN-backed conference has failed to reach a political resolution as Syrian
government and opposition forces struggle to find mutually acceptable terms for resolving the
conflict. In 2017 peace talks initiated by Russia resulted in a #cease-fire agreement

Shortly after the announcement of cease-fire, Syrian government forces attacked opposition
force-controlled areas and broke the ceasefire. The Syrian government has tried to portray Syria
as a recovering country. In reality, Syrian authorities are still violating #HumanRights

Syria is not safe for refugees to return. Amnesty’s 51 page “You are going to your death” report
depicts the human rights violations committed against 66 returnees between 2017 and 2021.
Countries should stop deporting refugees to Syria under Assad dictatorship.

Syrian government security forces are detaining, torturing, raping, and disappearing returning
refugees according to a report by Amnesty International. This report is based on interviews with
41 #Syrians including refugees returning, their relatives, friends, humanitarian workers

Countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Lebanon, and Turkey are putting direct and indirect
pressure on refugees to return to Syria ignoring the horrific reality on the ground. #Internally
#displaced Syrian face detention, intimidation and disappearance in camps if they try to leave
When the internally displaced Syrians return to their home villages from camps they are
accused of being #terrorists and treated as such if the villages are in a pro-opposition area. The
basic human rights of #Syrian people are being violated, even #children have not been spared

Even the most fundamental rights of Syrian people such as the right to freedom are being
violated. The perspectives of US-led coalition, Syrian(Assad) government, opposition forces,
Russia, Iran have been hard on an international scale- in Geneva peace talks.

Refugees, internally displaced people, and people with less to no power have been
marginalized and their voices lost. The human rights violation of returnees should be ended and
the respect, protection and fulfillment of the human rights of all people in Syria should be

For the Syrian people’s freedom, the VITO countries should interfere or they should make
increased efforts to help democratize the nation. Representation of Syrian civilians should be
increased in Social media and news. It may help somewhat to present the reality on ground

Due to the civil war, human rights of Syrians are being violated, they do not even have drinking
water and food available to them, they are forced to live in camps, they are forced to flee their
homes in order to save their lives. NGOs are trying to get first aid, food, water

More than 4lac people have been killed in Syria since the start of the war. More than 6 million
people have fled the country and more than 6.6 million have been internally displaced. External
military intervention or #outside actors complicated and prolonged the #Syriancivilwar

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