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Additions  and  Changes  to  
BodyTalk  Fundamentals  9th  Edition  
PG  48:  Short  and  Long-­‐Distance  Work  
In  order  to  most  effectively  work  with  animals  with  BodyTalk  it  is  necessary  to  take  
BodyTalk  for  Animals  and  BodyTalk  Access  for  Animals.  It  is  important  to  understand  that  
there  are  many  nuances  to  working  with  animals  that  are  different  to  working  with  people.  
PG  119:  Hydration  Summary  
Not  necessary  to  place  the  damp  cotton  swab  on  the  navel  before  asking  Further  More  
Specific  to  find  out  what  exactly  needs  to  be  hydrated.  
PG  167:  Body  Chemistry  -­‐  Microbes    
It  is  interesting  to  be  aware  that:  At  present  it  is  estimated  that  there  are  100  trillion  
microbes  in  the  body  of  which  only  about  5-­‐10%  are  pathogenic/harmful.  The  pathogenic  
microbes  are  the  ones  we  are  focusing  on  in  BodyTalk  Fundamentals  the  Body  Chemistry  
PG  170:  Body  Chemistry    
For  Allergies,  Intolerances  and  Toxins,  you  can  facilitate  finding  the  factor  by  asking:  
• How  they  are  coming  in  contact  with  it.  Is  it  being  Inhaled  (coming  in  through  the  
lungs),  Ingested  (coming  in  through  the  mouth),  Skin  Contact  (coming  in  contact  
with  the  skin),  
• or  Injected  (breaking  the  skin  barrier  like,  bug  bites,  actual  injections,  etc.)  
• Where  they  are  coming  in  contact  with  it.  
• What  is  it  (A  good  way  to  break  this  down  is  to  start  by  asking  if  it  is  man  made  or  a  
natural  substance).  
PG  188  –  189:  Active  Memory  Technique  #3,  #4  
Surfacing  and  disassociating  happens  in  both  clockwise  and  anti-­‐clockwise  directions.  
PG  205:  Brain  Summary  
It  is  not  necessary  to  ask  Triune  Brain  when  looking  for  Further  More  Specifics.  (Triune  
Brain  is  just  a  categorical  way  of  looking  at  the  brain  and  not  necessary  to  ask).  Further  
More  Specific  may  take  you  to  a  location  on  or  an  anatomical  structure  within  one  of  the  
areas  of  the  brain.  
PG  231:  Meridian  Summary  
Although  in  the  Fundamentals  we  focus  more  on  doing  all  12,  in  the  summary  it  does  
mention  for  Further  More  Specific  you  can  go  to  the  Appendix  for  the  Advanced  Meridian  
Technique  (PG  315)  

PG  249:  Vivaxis  
Another  Alternative  Muscle  Testing  Position  added.  

PG  258:  Cellular  Repair  
We  are  breaking  up  the  steps  into  sections,  which  may  make  them  easier  to  memorize.  
Preparation  Steps  (1-­‐4),  Repair  Steps  (5a-­‐5b),  Closing  Steps  (6-­‐9)  
We  are  no  longer  advocating  asking  for  any  kind  of  label  such  as  cancer,  arthritis  etc.  
Preparation  Steps  (1-­‐4)  
1. Find  the  focus  for  the  cellular  repair.  
Use  the  categories  of  vaccines,  acquired  or  inherited  conditions  to  establish  what  is  
to  be  balanced.  If  the  condition  is  acquired  or  inherited,  establish  and  organ,  
endocrine  or  body  part  that  is  the  priority  for  repair.  Write  “DNA/RNA”  plus  the  
area  to  be  repaired  on  a  sticky  note  and  place  it  on  the  navel(or  thymus  if  the  navel  
is  unavailable).  
PG  259:  Cellular  Repair  
(The  masseter  muscles  are  found  on  the  jaw  behind  the  teeth.  When  looking  for  the  tender  
points  tell  the  client  to  let  you  know  when  you  have  found  a  tender  point  then  release  the  
pressure  but  still  maintain  light  contact  over  the  point.    Find  the  tender  points  in  one  side  at  
a  time.  It  is  important  to  not  overly  stimulate  the  tender  points  as  it  may  aggravate  any  TMJ  
issues  or  create  soreness  in  the  masseters.  You  can  contact  the  masseters  with  one  hand  if  
your  hand  is  large  enough,  but  may  be  best  to  use  both  hands.  Make  sure  your  hand  does  
not  cover  any  part  of  the  client’s  mouth  as  this  is  often  felt  to  be  energetically  invasive.)  
PG  275:  Lymph,  Circulation/Nerve  Supply    
We  are  asking  for  the  to,  from  and  within  as  the  2nd  step  so  that  it  creates  a  clearly  
understandable  phrase  like,  blood  to  the  liver  instead  of  blood,  liver  to.  
There  are  three  pieces  of  information  that  need  to  be  collected  for  this  technique:  
1. Establish  whether  you  need  to  address  blood,  nerve  or  lymph  circulation.  This  will  
determine  which  master  organ  the  client  will  touch:  the  heart,  brain  or  spleen,  
2. Establish  whether  the  priority  is  to,  from,  and/or  within(lymph  circulation  has  only  
from  and/or  within).  
3. Establish  which  Organ,  Endocrine  or  Body  Part  has  the  issue.  
PG  286:  Reciprocals  Head  to  Body  
We  reordered  the  2nd  group  in  a  more  linear  fashion  so  that  it  is  easier  for  students  to  
  8.  Eye  –  Nipple  
  9.  Zygoma  –  Pubic  crest  
  10.  Vomer  –  Xiphoid  
  11.  Mouth  –  Navel  
  12.  Temporal  bone  –  Ilium  
  13.  Ear  –  Axilla  
PG  308-­‐309:  Organ  Specific  Appendix  
Any  Organ    
• lymphatics  -­‐  carries  hormones,  fats  from  the  digestive  system,  enzymes,  proteins  
and  cellular  waste  to  lymph  nodes  and  back  to  the  blood  stream  
Small  Intestine  
• sphinter  of  oddi  -­‐  regulates  the  flow  of  bile  and  pancreatic  juices  as  well  as  prevents  
the  reflux  of  duodenal  contents  into  the  pancreatobiliary  system  
• common  bile  duct  -­‐  bile  passage  
Endocrine  Specific  Appendix  (page  310-­‐311  in  the  manual)  See  following  pages  
PG  322-­‐328:  Test  Your  Knowledge  Answers  (page  322-­‐328  in  the  manual)  See  following  
Corrected  Case  Examples  
We  have  included  a  few  of  the  corrected  case  examples  so  you  can  see  the  flow  of  the  
Exploring  Procedure.  Pages  99,  144,  150,  174  in  the  manual.    See  following  pages  
See  corrected  Summary  Pages  
308 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Organ Specifics
Structure More Specific Definition/Physiology
stroma ground substance/framework
parenchyma functional aspect
circulation – arteries or veins carries blood to or from organ
Any Organ nervous system stimulation or relaxation of organ
carries hormones, fats from the digestive system, enzymes, proteins
and cellular waste to lymph nodes and back to the blood stream
cells vital functions of an organism occur within cells
right or left bronchi
external respiration
right or left superior lobe
gas exchange
Lungs right or left inferior lobe
right middle lobe
parietal or visceral pleural membrane protection, secretes fluid
plural fluid reduces friction
surfactant reduces surface tension
right or left atria regulation of fluids
right or left ventricles ejects blood
parietal or visceral pericardium protection, secretes fluid
pericardial fluid reduces friction
endocardium lines the inner cavities of the heart
myocardium heart contraction
epicardium outer protective layer of heart
tricuspid valve
bicuspid valve lines the inner cavities of the heart, stimulates heart contraction,
aortic semilunar valve outer protective layer of the heart, prevention of backflow
pulmonary semilunar valve
right or left coronary arteries carries blood to the heart
coronary veins carries blood away from the heart
SA node initiates heart rhythm
AV node transfers heart rhythm to ventricles
bundle of His or purkinje fibers transfers heart rhythm through ventricles
carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, excretion of bilirubin,
right or left lobe processing of drugs and hormones storage, syntheses of bile salts,
Liver activation of vit D.
kupffer cells cleansing, phagocytosis
hepatic duct moves bile
cardiac sphincter allows food in
pyloric sphincter allows food out
cardia receives food from esophagus
fundus allows for an accumulation of stomach gases
body/corpus mechanical digestion and digestion with enzymes and HCL/
pyloris allows food to pass into the duodenum
gastric glands secretes gastric juices
Stomach mucous protection
hydrochloric acid assists protein digestion
pepsinogen/pepsin protein digestion
gastric lipase fat digestion
gastrin regulates stomach acid
muscosa protection, secretes mucus
submucosa connective tissue supporting mucosa
muscularis peristalsis
310 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Endocrine Specifics
Structure More Specific Definition/Physiology
stroma ground substance/framework
parenchyma functional aspect
circulation – arteries or veins carries blood to or from endocrine
Any Endocrine nervous system stimulation or relaxation of endocrine
hormones, fats from the digestive system, enzymes, proteins and
cellular waste to lymph nodes and back to the blood stream
cells vital functions of an organism occur within cells
onset of puberty, daily circadian rhythm, seasonal circadian rhythm,
Pineal melatonin
anterior, posterior lobe oxytocin contraction of uterus and mammary glands, human bonding
antiduretic hormone reabsorption of water by kidneys
thyroid stimulating hormone secretion of thyroid hormones
adrenocorticotropin secretion of cortisol
follicle stimulating hormone production of estrogen or sperm
Pituitary stimulates ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum in the
luteinizing hormone female and the production of testosterone by the interstitial cells of
the testis in the male
prolactin secretion of milk
growth hormone stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration
melanocyte stimulating hormone stimulate the production and release of melanin in skin and hair
regulate metabolism, maintain body temperature, important in
triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroid Regulate metabolism, maintain body temperature, important in
thyroxine (T4)
calcitonin reduces calcium in the blood
Parathyroid glands parathyroid hormone release of calcium from bones
lymphocytes maturation into T cells
Thymus T cells activation and proliferation, immune function
thymosin stimulates development of T cells
islets of Langerhans blood sugar level balance, produces insulin, glucagon, somatostatin
beta cells, insulin lowering blood sugar level
alpha cells, glucagon increasing blood sugar level
delta cells, somatostatin inhibition of insulin and glucagon
medulla secretes epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine
cortex production of aldosterone, cortisol, and androgens
epinephrine/norepinephrine or adrenaline/noradrenaline stimulation of sympathetic nervous system
mineralocorticoids, aldosterone conserving sodium, excreting potassium
mobilization of fat, gluconeogenesis, anti-inflammatory, anti-
glucocorticoids, cortisol
allergenic, depression of immune system
pituitary-adrenal axis hormonal response to stress
influence the female reproductive tract in its development,
maturation, and function
progesterone regulates the condition endometrium of the uterus
Ovaries during pregnancy causes pelvic and cervical expansion and relaxation,
relaxin inhibits muscular contractions of the uterus, stimulates growth of
mammillary glands, increases amount of water in the uterus
inhibin inhibition of FSH
testoserone development of reproductive tissues and secondary sex characteristics
inhibin inhibition of FSH and regulation of spermatogenesis
Appendices 311

Body Chemistry Specifics

Allergies or Intolerances
Dairy - milk, cheese, butter, whey lactose, etc. Grain - wheat, corn oats, rye, rice, barley, etc.

Fruit – bananas, tomatoes, strawberries, citrus, etc.

Vegetables – legumes, onions, peppers, eggplant, potatoes, etc.
Protein – chicken, turkey, fish, beef, etc.

Foods Condiments - vinegar, yeast, salt, pepper, spices, catsup, etc.

Sugar – sucrose, dextrose, maltose, fructose, corn syrup, brown sugar, etc.
Alcohol - wine, beer, hard liquor, etc.
Medications, Supplements & Vitamins – A,B C,D E, F,K, etc.
Minerals – calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, zinc, iodine, chromium, selenium, etc.
Other – chocolate, coffee, tea, nuts, caffeine, etc.
Food Additives MSG, aspartame, saccharine, food coloring (yellow, red, blue, green), sulfur, potassium benzoate, etc.
Injected medications, supplements, insulin, bug bites {ticks, fire ants, bees, spiders (brown recluse), wasps, etc.

Inhaled or can be Mold, (cladosporium, penicillium, aspergillus, stachylbotys, chartarum), pollen, grasses, poison ivy, poison oak, dust mites, animal
Skin Contact dander/hair/saliva (cat, dog, bird, horse, etc.)

(many of these may also be

Detergent, soap, deodorant, cosmetics, skin care products, paint, solvents, chemicals, metals, materials
Skin Contact experienced by the body as
(wool, nylon, latex, polyester, acetate, spandex,), etc.
a toxin)

Influenza, Respiratory, Epstein-Barr (mono), Polio, Varicella (chickenpox), Mumps, Measles, Hepatitis ( A, B, C, D, G, Non A-G),
Herpes Simplex (1. fever blister; 2. genital), Herpes Zoster (shingles), Warts.
Typhus, Strep, Staph, E-coli, Influenza, TB, Respiratory, Cystitis (bladder infection), Syphilis, Camphylobacter Pylori, Meningitis,
Borrelia, Burgdorferi (Lymes)
Giardia, Tapeworm, Pinworm, Amoeba (acanthamoeba, entamoeba), Leishmania, Cryptosporidium, Isospora, Balantidium,
Trichomonas, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Trypanosoma cruzi, Naegleria, Toxoplasma, Malaria
Fungal Tinea (ringworm, athletes foot, jock itch), Environmental (aspergillus, penicillium, stachybotys chartarum, cladosporium)

Pesticides, Tobacco smoke, Perfumes, Essential Oils, Anesthetics, Fumes (gasoline, formaldehyde, phenol, radon, freon, methane,
propane, chlorine, ammonia, carbon monoxide, etc.)
Water, Heavy Metals (aluminum, mercury-amalgam filings, copper, nickel, lead, etc,), Medications (aspirin, acetomenaphin,
Ingested/Injected ibuprophen, antibiotic, barbituate, amphetamine, antihistamine, antidepressant, antipsychotic, diuretic, etc.), Chemotherapy,
Vaccines, Food Additives – MSG, aspartame, saccharine, food coloring (yellow, red, blue, green), sulfur, potassium benzoate, etc.
Skin Contact Detergent, Soap, Deodorant Cosmetics, Paint, Solvents, Chemicals
Radiation Sun, Ultraviolet, Computer, Microwave, Cell Phone, Electrical Sources

Climate Hot, Cold, Damp, Dry, Wind, Altitude
Pineal: Melatonin
Pituitary: TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Growth Hormone
(Chemical messengers
produced by the endocrine Thyroid: T3, T4, Calcitonin
Hormones glands that have a specific Thymus: Thymosin
effect on target cells in Pancreas: Insulin, Glucagon
another part of the body.)
Adrenals: Epinephrine (adrenaline), Norepinephrine, Endorphins, Cortisol, Aldosterone, DHEA
Gonads: Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone
(Chemical messengers
Melatonin, Serotonin, Endorphin, Tryptophan, Dopamine, Acetylcholine, DHEA, Norepinephrine,
Neurotransmitters that act in nerve impulse
Epinephrine, Histamine, Glutamate, Glycine, GABA, etc.
322 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Test Your Knowledge - Answers

Chapter 1 (Page 31)

1. Name and describe the scientific models which can be used to 3. Name and describe the five different levels of body.
explain how BodyTalk works.
(1) The physical body is the most obvious and concrete. The focus is
Dynamics systems model: the body is viewed not as independent parts, on symptoms and decreasing or eliminating them. (2) The vital body
but as systems that interact with each other and are dependent on each is more or less the phantom, template form of the body. It is based on
other for their own functioning. (Page 26) subtle energies and so the modalities based on energy medicine, such as
acupuncture and homeopathy, will have good results with any imbalances
Quantum physics and the holographic model postulate that when on this level. (3) The mental body consists of the egoic mind and the
the smallest “particles” of matter are broken down, there exist only vast belief systems, attitudes, thoughts, and emotions that are created by
amounts of space filled with possibilities and probabilities suggesting that mind. Advanced psychotherapeutic approaches, such as Jungian
that particles are merely concepts. (Page 27) psychotherapy, which are focused on making changes at this mental
level. (4) The supramental body is defined by the intuitive, higher
2. What is meant by “Consciousness is applied quantum physics?” aspect of consciousness. (5) The Bliss body, here there is no need for any
modalities. This is where spontaneous healing on all levels takes place.
Research has demonstrated that when the smallest “particles” of matter This is a rare situation as that individual would be operating from a fully
are broken down even further, there exist only vast amounts of space enlightened state of consciousness. (Page 29)
filled with possibilities and probabilities suggesting that particles are
merely concepts. The bodymind is therefore an interrelated web of Chapter 2 (Page 39)
concepts... “No theory of reality compatible with quantum theory can
require spatially separated events to be separate.” In other words, each 1. Describe what is meant by the term “innate wisdom”.
and every electron must know exactly what every other electron in the
universe is doing in order to know what it, itself, has to do at any given Localized consciousness is what animates all parts of the bodymind, right
moment. Therefore, all distant events are constantly interconnected and down to the cellular level. It “knows” what is going on at all levels since
interdependent – all is one. It follows that, when something shifts all other it is present from the beginning as the innate wisdom. Its operation is
elements making up the web of reality must respond and also shift... It obvious on a day-to-day basis in the homeostatic processes of the body
follows that the body, with its own innate wisdom/consciousness and that keep everything within optimum levels for all cells to function at
connection to a much larger universal web, is constantly “in touch” with their peak. Its operation is also obvious as the built-in mechanism that
and responding to the wisdom of “all that is”, or universal consciousness. initiates the healing process. When we cut ourselves, the in-born wisdom
The most startling conclusion that quantum physics has come up with or knowledge of what has to occur brings the proper cells to the area,
so far is that consciousness, or the act of observing, affects the outcome which release the necessary products to quickly seal the cut and then
of any research study – what is observed, exists. Or, in other words, heal the wound, all in the proper sequencing and at all levels – physical,
consciousness is required to collapse all the waves of possibilities and emotional, and mental. The body’s innate wisdom is responsible for all
probabilities that exist into one form: consciousness creates reality. … parts of the bodymind working in synchronicity. (Page 35)
universal consciousness… is the ground substance for all of reality. …
The topic of consciousness has, up until now, been considered the realm 2. True or False? The BodyTalk practitioner is asking the innate
of philosophy. However, with new understanding coming from the field wisdom of the client what is needed to re-establish a healthier balance.
of quantum physics, consciousness is being redefined as applied quantum
physics. The two fields of study are not really separate. (Page 27-30) False. The localized consciousness in the bodyminds of each person
involved in a session is drawn upon slightly differently. BodyTalk
practitioners use one aspect of their innate wisdom (the interface
of left and right brain) to collect information about breakdowns in
communication within the client’s bodymind complex. We then rely on
the innate wisdom of the client’s own body to bring about the healing
changes. (Page 36)

3. Being in the zone that we speak of in BodyTalk refers to?

Working in the zone refers to the experience that comes about when the
practitioner’s left and right brain functions infuse one another in a way
that allows for lateral or “outside of the box” type thinking. (Page 37)
Appendices 323

Chapter 3 (Page 59)

1. True or False? The Yes/No responses used in BodyTalk can be 6. In BodyTalk, why do we ask for the priority rather than the
influenced by the client. problem?

False. Once you understand that you are really asking your own “innate” Since the BodyTalk practitioner is aware of the importance of revealing
the questions, and that it is your innate that is tuning into the innate the most advantageous sequencing of the issues in the bodymind, there
wisdom of the client, then you realize that it is your own muscle system needs to be a constant awareness that all questions are directed towards
that is moving the client’s arm appropriately even though it might feel as finding the “priority” that needs balancing which is very different from
if it is the client’s arm that is or is not moving. Now the client can fully looking for “problems.” In the average person, most parts of their body
relax without having to do anything and can even be asleep, unconscious have a problem to some degree, so if we asked the question “Does this
or in a coma. (Page 45) organ have a problem?” we would intuitively get a Yes response in almost
every case. However, is that the aspect of the imbalance that needs to be
2. True or False? When using a surrogate during a session, the client focused on or is there something else that is more important to address
must be conscious. first? For example, the liver could have a problem but maybe the person is
about to have a heart attack so focusing on the liver would not be the most
False. Although we can work with anyone who is lying still for us whether advantageous sequencing for this person, at that point in time. (Page 51)
they are awake, asleep, or unconscious, there are occasions when getting
the Yes/No responses is still a challenge. In these cases, the practitioner 7. True or False? During the full breath cycle the brain monitors all
can use the arm of another person as a surrogate. Remember that this is of the frequencies of the bodymind complex.
just a prop to allow your right brain to perform its function and bring
information to the attention of the left brain. (Page 47:) True. A yoga principle that has immense relevance to BodyTalk is that
each time we breathe in and out, the brain scans all of the frequencies of
3. True or False? The BodyTalk practitioner can perform BodyTalk the body. As we breathe in, the scanning goes up the frequencies from
long-distance sessions any time he/she wants to. lowest to highest. As we breathe out, the reverse happens. (Page 56)

False. It is also very important for the BodyTalk practitioner to receive 8. List three functions of breathing that seem important in connection
verbal permissions from a client before doing any type of distance work. with BodyTalk sessions.
We do not conduct sessions on people who are unaware of them being
performed unless in an emergency situation or when the client is underage Breathing creates movement, breathing affects Qi flow, breathing is a
or in a coma where permission from the legal guardian is required. This scanning tool. (Page 56)
all relates to the ethics of working with clients in general, where upon
examination, the motivation behind working on someone without their 9. When we tap the head, what are we are saying to the brain?
knowledge would reveal itself to be egotistic on the part of the practitioner
and very agenda-based. (Page 48) Facilitate the changes. (Page 53)

4. True or False? Working with intention is working without an 10. When we tap the sternum, what are we are saying to the heart?
Store the memory of the changes. (Page 53)
False. When you proceed with intent, you are proceeding toward a goal
with bias and expectations derived from past training and experiences. You
are hoping for a specific outcome to the session. In BodyTalk, we prefer
that you conduct a session by paying full attention to what is happening
in the present moment. You are there fully with the client where attention
and awareness take advantage of the interfacing of left/right brain which
encourages innate mental clarity; whereas if you proceed to do something
with intent, your own agenda, beliefs and expectations inhibit the healthy
interface of the left and right brain. (Page 51)

5. True or False? Paying full attention during a session supports the

BodyTalk practitioner to be in the present moment.

True. In BodyTalk, we prefer that you conduct a session by paying full

attention to what is happening in the present moment. (Page 51)
324 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Chapter 4 (Page 81) Chapter 5 (Page 91)

1. The BodyTalk Protocol chart contains _______ that are taught in 1. True or False? When Practitioner Permissions is a priority, you
this Fundamentals course. need to find a statement that needs to be repeated.

The Basic BodyTalk Protocol chart contains all the techniques that are False. The correction for practitioner Permissions is to take a moment to
taught in the BodyTalk Fundamentals course. (Page 63) assess what is going on. You can sit back, take a few deep breaths, find a
quiet space within, and center yourself. All it takes is to bring the agenda
2. The Exploring Procedure chart helps you to ______ the protocol to awareness, become aware of what the mind is preoccupied with, or
chart. recognize the effect of any factors contributing to the brain’s lack of focus.
For example, the solution may be as simple as you eating something or
The Basic Exploring Procedure chart which provides the methodology drinking a glass of water. (Page 86)
for navigating the Protocol chart. (Page 63)
2. True or False? When Client Permissions is a priority, but Details is
3. When you arrive at an item in the protocol (e.g. Thyroid), what No, you need to find a statement that needs to be repeated.
is the next question?
False. In this case, the question comes up whether the client should be
Here is some background info to answer the question. The question “Is having a BodyTalk session with you at all. It may mean that you are not
More Specific a priority?” is intended to break the structure of an item the best practitioner for the client right now and you have to refer him or
down into its component parts. So if the item is anatomical in nature, her to someone else. It may also mean that the client needs another system
you go to the smaller structures of the anatomy; if the item is conceptual, of therapy, for example a different modality that you are also trained in or
you go to the smaller structures of that concept. An example: if the item is they need a referral to another type of practitioner altogether. (Page 87)
the heart and you have to be “More Specific,” you might get taken to the
cells of the heart. The next question would be “Further More Specific?” 3. True or False? Permissions need to be linked to an item before
This might take you to the nucleus of the cells. The next question would the tap out.
be “Further More Specific?” and so on, until you got No to “Further
More Specific?” That would be the end of that line of questioning. So to False. As Permissions is a part of the Protocol chart, it can become an item
answer the question, if you have arrived at the thyroid through Section in the formula linking to or from any other item. Hence the reminder in
1, Organs, the next question would be “Is Further More Specific on the flow chart to ask for Details, Link and Implementation after you find
Thyroid a Priority?”. (Page 66 and 74) the statement the client needs to say while being tapped out. The other
item may represent an area where the client’s subconscious resistance
4. If after tapping out heart to lungs, you ask: “is heart to lungs still a is held or it could be the part of the person that is being affected by a
priority?” and the answer is “Yes,” what are the two possible reasons permission issue. In either case, tapping out the formula including the
it might still be a priority? Permissions item will help address the resistance to change. It does not
need a link in all cases. (Page 90)
After tapping out a formula, your first question would be “Is this formula
still a priority?” If Yes, you need to determine if that is because you need Chapter 6 (Page 137)
to tap longer or if there is a download time required. (Page 76)
1. When the SB junction is locked down, the person will...?
5. True or False? Once you have an item with all of its details, you go
straight to the Implementation Box. If the SB is locked down, the person will have difficulties in breathing in.
Since breathing in reflects the act of taking in life’s situations fully, the
False. When you get No to “Are Further Details a priority?” the next person will be constantly living in a reactive mode. (Page 96)
question is “Is Link a priority?” If the response is Yes, it refers to looking
for another item from the Protocol chart that needs to be linked to the 2. True or False? Switching is a biological function that can be
first item, thus expanding the formula. (Page 72) eliminated by the BodyTalk Switching technique.

False. There is a normal biological switching mechanism that is designed

to stop us from overtaxing the body physically, mentally, or emotionally.
The normal switching mechanism is necessary and balancing this does
not attempt to stop it from happening. (Page 102)
Appendices 325

3. True or False? Everything that is problematic in the body is reflected

in the brain as faulty activity in specific cold spots.
Chapter 7 (Page 162)
1. True or False? The knowledge of anatomy and physiology is
True. The theory postulates that everything that is problematic with
essential for a BodyTalk practitioner.
the body is reflected in the brain as faulty activity as these specific cold
spots. (Page 106)
True. It is in your best interest to learn as much anatomy as you can.
(Page 142)
4. True or False? Our stress handling ability has been adapted to
modern times.
2. True or False? Linking lung to small intestines is the same as linking
small intestines to lung.
True. The threat to survival in modern times is not what it used to be.
Advancements in civilization have decreased the sources of real danger
False. That the sequence of links is important. For example, you may
to the bodymind. (Page 107)
tap out “heart linked to liver” and then later in the session be required
to tap out “liver linked to heart.” The energy dynamics are different and
5. List five examples where water plays an important role in the body.
the link could be working at different levels. (Page 143)
(1.) Nerve transmission. There are small waterways or micro- streams
3. When Body Parts are a priority and Details? is No, what would
along the full length of neurons. These allow the sodium-potassium
you be contacting during the tap out?
pump to operate and guide the action potentials towards the axon
terminal endings. When the body is dehydrated, nerve transmission is
When you arrive at Body Parts and “Details?” is No, it means that
compromised and brain function is strongly diminished. Mental illnesses
you are to address the whole body including all physical, energetic and
can be a result of brain cell dehydration. Chronic nerve pain can be
consciousness parts. The term for this is General Body Energies or G.B.E.,
the end result of chronic dehydration. Other chronic pain conditions
which is not to be confused with E.G.B. This concept comes up often in
including arthritis can often be reduced significantly after tapping out
General Environment balancing and in techniques to be studied in an
the Hydration technique.
advanced BodyTalk course where the whole bodymind system is addressed
and not just all of the physical body parts. The contact during tap out
(2.) Muscle contraction. Water is required for the sodium, potassium
can be on the abdomen to represent the G.B.E. (Page 153)
and calcium ions that are involved in skeletal muscle contraction and
relaxation to be transported within the muscle fiber.
4. List the main categories of the Body Parts side-box on the BodyTalk
Protocol chart.
(3.) Free radicals. When the body’s tissues are dehydrated, free radicals are
produced. Effective hydration removes free radicals faster than any other
See Protocol Chart: Brain, Head, Back, Chest, Abdomen, Limbs, General.
therapy. Taking supplements to reduce free radicals is ineffective when
the body is dehydrated because the supplement cannot work effectively.
5. In which four directions can emotions leave the diaphragm?
A fully hydrated body may reduce the need for antioxidant supplements.
(1.) They can go up to the chest and head to be experienced as expressed
(4.) Lung function. Lung dehydration is considered a significant factor in
emotions. This is common with acute emotions that have just happened.
respiratory diseases. Sometimes the most dramatic results can be obtained
For example, we discover our pet dog has been killed and the emotions
in asthma and chronic bronchitis with simple rehydration.
of grief and, maybe, anger go to the diaphragm and quickly up into felt
expression – we cry and feel angry. It is better for such acute emotions
(5.) Cell division. Dehydration is a major producer of stress in the body
to be expressed outwardly.
and it alters the balance of amino acids. This will allow DNA errors during
cell division that can lead to many diseases such as cancer and other cell
(2.) Emotions can go down into the intestines to be eliminated from
mutation problems. (Page 114)
the body. This is the healthiest way for “old” emotions that have been
stirred up to be released.
6. True or False? Blockages caused by scars only affect the local area.
(3.) They can be held in the diaphragm for a while but not be released,
False. Keeping in mind that fascia is continuous throughout the body
either up or down. At this stage the liver decides to take the emotion and
as one structure in and of itself, when one section of it becomes stuck
store it in the connective tissue or other body parts for release later. This
or immobilized, it can then affect other areas and have ramifications
now becomes an active stored emotion and one of the main triggers in
throughout the entire body. (Page 121)
disease and the main factor balanced by the Active Memory technique
in BodyTalk.

(4.) Rarely, emotions will not budge from the diaphragm. These emotions
end up stored in the connective tissue of the diaphragm muscle itself
and continually compromise the function of the diaphragm. To dislodge
them, the diaphragm often has to be addressed specifically (covered in
an advanced BodyTalk course). (Page 157)
326 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Chapter 8 (Page 176) Chapter 10 (Page 206)

1. True or False? A virus is never linked to an Active Memory release. 1. Which lobe of the cortex relates primarily to processing touch
and body awareness?
False. Often, Body Chemistry is oriented to something in the
environment or linked to General Environment or Active Memory to The parietal lobe. (Page 201)
clear the specific emotional events that initiated the disharmony in the
immune system. (Page 167) 2. What is the primary focus of the limbic brain?

2. True or False? An intolerance is an immediate reaction of the Its primary focus is survival. (Page 200)
immune system to a specific substance that has entered the body.
3. In terms of brain functioning, what sets us apart from other
False. Intolerances, often food related, are categorized here as a more primates?
insidious or slower reaction that the body has to one or more substances.
The reactions may not start to occur for a few days after contact with the Scientific studies have concluded that what sets humans apart from
substance, making it much more difficult for the person to realize what other primates may be found in the brain’s frontal lobes. It is the ability
triggered the adverse response. (Page 169) to understand the mental processes of another and is the basis of our
socialization. It allows us to feel empathy, sympathy, understand humor,
Chapter 9 (Page 194) and when others are being ironic, sarcastic, or even deceptive. (Page 201)

1. True or False? In Active Memory Events you need to find a phrase 4. What is your line of questioning to get you to “sacral aspect of
for the client to repeat. reptilian brain?”

False. Active memory events do not need a statement, the client will be Assume you have asked through the protocol to get to Brain.
asked to simply reflect on the event identified. (Page 186) Is brain a priority? Yes

2. In Active Memory dealing with fears or phobias you must get Further more specific on brain? Yes
the client to _________________ while rolling the eyes in order to
effectively release the emotional associations involved with the fear Cortex a priority? No
or phobia.
Limbic? No
In all cases, the effectiveness of this technique is largely dependent upon
how strongly the client can be re-involved with the fear or phobia while Reptilian? Yes
the Active Memory technique is being done. (Page 187)
Further more specific on reptilian a priority? Yes
3. What is the key word that describes the function of the up and
down movement of the eyes in the Active Memory balancing? Occipital? No

Releasing. (Page 189) Cervical? No

4. True or False? Belief Systems are always caused by an experience Thoracic? No

the client was unable to process at that time.
Lumbar? No
False. It is also possible to work with active memories by bringing to
consciousness attitudes and belief systems not necessarily linked to Sacral? Yes
events, but learned in childhood that are no longer useful, or never were
useful. (Page 182)

5. True or False? The client should always be informed of what is

being balanced with the Active Memory technique.

False. If the subject matter is controversial, it may be inappropriate

to discuss with the client. For example, if the situation highlighted is
childhood sexual abuse by the father, what is sufficient to say is that
an aspect of the early childhood relationship with the father is going to
be balanced or disassociated. This is a precaution, in case the client as
a child, feared sexual abuse and it did not really happen; or if the child
saw a movie and imagined experiencing something similar. (Page 190)
Appendices 327

Chapter 11 (Page 237) Chapter 12 (Page 253)

1. True or False? Chakras are consciousness centers for transformation. 1. True or False? A major contributing factor to disease is often due
to unresolved conflicts within the client’s environment.
True. As centers of transformation, the chakras step down subtle energies
and transform them into nerve, hormonal and cellular energy within the True. Frequently, the practitioner will find that the bodymind will not
physical body. (Page 211) fully balance until unresolved conflicts with factors and people within
the client’s environment are linked and harmonized. (Page 241)
2. Which is the Yang partner of the Throat chakra?
2. True or False? The General Environment balancing technique has
The Solar Plexus chakra balances the Throat chakra to create a single nothing to do with Active Memory processing.
combined chakra. The digestion of life’s experiences is balanced by the
outward expression and communication of inner truth. (Page 221) False. With the General Environment technique we are restoring
harmony by removing the emotional charge from the environmental
3. Name the 3rd Chakra and list two primary aspects it governs. factor using a shift in the client’s perspective. In a way, this is an alternative
to the Active Memory technique.
Solar Plexus Chakra - personal power and self esteem. (Page 214)
3. Explain the role of consciousness (or the mind) of a person, as they
4. If you would be linking the 1st and 7th Sub-Chakras within the relate to their environment.
Sexual Chakra, you would be: (Mark the correct statement)
We need to remember that from a consciousness perspective, the
a. Linking the material and spiritual aspects of the client’s sexuality. environmental factors that the client is having issues with are outward
projections from their own mind. Things in the environment in and of
5. The client contacts their _______________________ for the Meridian themselves are not the problem. This is a difficult concept for the mind
balancing technique and must also ________________________. to grasp, because we are constantly bombarded with information about
how this is bad for us, or that causes cancer, or the other thing leads
Sphenoid bone and rolls eyes. (Page 229) to horrible symptoms, etc. We are brainwashed into thinking that the
environment has a real effect upon the body. (Page 241)
6. The deep contact points during the Meridian balancing technique
are the ________________ meridians. 4. What is the Birth Vivaxis technique designed to do?

Yin. (Page 229) In the case of the Birth Vivaxis, the technique is designed to strengthen
the link between the client and their place of birth. (Page 248)
7. How do you find the location of the Pancreas Reflex Point on a
client? 5. What are three signs that a person’s environmental vivaxis may
be out of balance?
To locate the point, have the client place their right hand under the left
armpit and then replace the left arm beside their body. The point will be When clients have a disturbance in their environmental vivaxis, they tend
just in front of the arm below the little finger. (Page 233) to feel uneasy in their environment. They will complain that they do not
“fit in” to the surrounds and feel uncomfortable there, both physically
8. Describe some of the symptoms a client might have if their Pancreas and socially. (Page 248)
Reflex Point is unbalanced.

It is closely associated with the mood swings found in unstable sugar

balance and is often strongly indicated in premenstrual tension and
depression associated with food intake. (Page 232)
328 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Chapter 13 (Page 264) Circulation of the lymph, within represents the movement of the
interstitial fluid amongst the cells of the tissues in the area. (Page 274)
1. The first area to consider when asking what needs to be repaired
with Cellular Repair is? Chapter 15 (Page 291)
Vaccinations (Page 262,263 or Protocol Chart) 1. Explain the concept of “reciprocals” using a person’s gait as the
2. Explain the relevance of using the sore points in the masseter
muscles in the Cellular Repair technique. This relationship can be seen clearly when you observe a person walking.
The arms and legs move in synchronicity, the left arm balancing the body
The masseter muscles are involved in the operation of the when the right leg is forward and the right arm balancing the body when
temporomandibular joints and have an extraordinary number of the left leg is forward. The motion of the shoulders counterbalances the
receptors that constantly send impulses back to the brain – far more opposite hips, the elbows follow the opposite knees and the wrists balance
than would obviously be necessary for normal jaw movement. There the opposite ankles. It is similar for the head balanced on the spine when
appears to be some form of encoding in the way the impulses are sent to walking, where every point of the upper spine is counter-balanced by a
the brain. In clinical experience, different tender spots in these muscles point in the lower spine. (Page 283)
may correlate with different conditions being highlighted for repair, so
a focus on this muscle engages the attention of the brain. The sacrum, 2. List six possible effects that balancing the reciprocals could result
or “sacred bone,” in traditional Chinese medicine, is the entry point in.
of the ancestral energy. Both the sacrum and the masseters have also
been used in applied kinesiology techniques to balance ancestral energy (1.) Significantly affect the total health of the person.
and seem to influence genetics. These are some of the reasons that the
relationship between the sacrum and the masseters is important to the (2.) Boost the general energy levels of the person.
Cellular Repair technique. (Page 258)
(3.) Lift the person’s mood and strengthen their resolve (possibly a side
3. After the genetic code has been opened, the client’s hands are effect of the general energy boost).
placed where?
(4.) Balance the energy meridian system that influences every major
The client places both hands on the sides of the head covering the limbic organ.
brain. (Page 260)
(5.) Have a dramatic effect on the overall structural integrity of the person.
4. What is the most common link after the Cellular Repair is (Significant changes in posture are often noticeable to trained eyes.)
(6.) Improve total circulation and lymphatic drainage of the body
As the brain has done a lot of energetic processing of changes to the (probably due to the postural changes). (Page 284)
DNA, it may require some balancing itself, after completing the Cellular
Repair technique. At this point, you ask if Cortices are a priority. If Yes, 3. Which is the reciprocal partner of T5?
tap out the Cortices technique. If the Cortices needs a link, it is usually
to the area of cellular repair. (Page 261) T6, (Page 288)

Chapter 14 (Page 278) 4. You are at extrinsic reciprocals “left shoulder tip to right hip”
and Further More Specific is a priority. What would you be looking
1. Name the main areas associated with the Lymph technique. What for next?
structures are found here?
You will first need to determine if you are working bilaterally… or which
The focus of the Lymph technique is on the six main areas that lymph diagonal pair is the priority… More specific could also mean that you
nodes are found: Neck, Clavicle, Axilla, Spleen, Abdomen, Groin. Lymph have to find a more specific location within the area of the reciprocal.
Nodes are found here. (Page 270) (Page 288)

2. What structure is considered the master controller of the nerve


As a part of the technique, there is an “anchor” symbolizing the master

organ of the particular system that is being addressed: Nerve circulation
is represented by the brain. (Page 274)

3. What does “Circulation, Lymph within” refer to?

Chapter 6: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: EGB 99

Example 6.2
(Assuming you have asked through the Protocol to get to E.G.B.) To E.G.B.? No
E.G.B. a priority? Yes To Section 1? No
Further More Specific on E.G.B.? Yes Forward? Yes
SB Junction? Yes Section 2? No
Further More Specific on SB? No Section 4? Yes
Further Details on SB? Yes Details on Section 4? Yes
Orientation of SB? Yes More Specific on Section 4? Yes
Time? Yes Body Chemistry? No
Further on Time? Yes Active Memory? Yes
(Breakdown the concept of time.) More Specific on Active Memory? Yes
Past? Yes (Follow the questioning for the Active Memory technique until
you arrive at “specific event: being stuck for over an hour in
Further on Past? No the birth canal.”)

Further Time? No Further More Specific on Active Memory being stuck for
over an hour in the birth canal? No
Further Orientation of SB oriented to past? Yes
Further Details on Active Memory being stuck for over an
Forward? Yes hour in the birth canal? No

Person? No Further Link? No

Place? No Implementation? Yes

Event? Yes Tap Out? No

Further on event? Yes Hand Positions? Yes

(Find the specific event.) For the SB Junction technique? Yes

Birth? Yes Finger in mouth? Yes

Further on birth? No Point finger back more? Yes

Further Event? No Further Hand Positions? No

Further Orientation of SB oriented to birth? No Further Implementation? Yes

Further Details on the SB oriented to birth item? No Tap Out? Yes

Link? Yes The formula being tapped out is “SB Junction orientated to
birth linked to an Active Memory event of being stuck for over
To some aspect of SB? No an hour in the birth canal” with specific attention to having
the client pointing the finger back more on the hard palate.
144 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Example 7.1 Case History 7.1

(assuming you have asked through the Protocol to get to Organs)
J essica suffered with chronic muscle spasms of the trapezius,
Are Organs a priority? Yes subscapularis and neck extensors for 6 years. She had tried chiropractic
and massage therapy which provided only temporary relief. She
Further More Specific? Yes started complaining of anxiety attacks which became progressively
worse which threatened her ability to keep her business open. After
Lungs? Yes one session linking her lungs to all the endocrines, the shoulder spasms
subsided within 3 hours. The following session consisted of linking
Further More Specific? Yes (Since there are two lungs, find out an active memory to the lungs and heart. She felt an explosive release
if you are working with both or one of them.)
of energy at that time and now no longer suffers from the anxiety
Bilateral lungs? No attacks or muscle spasms.

Right lung? Yes

Further More Specific? No Example 7.2
(assuming you have asked through the Protocol to get to Organs)
Further Details on the right lung? No
Link? Yes Are Organs a priority? Yes

To something in right lung? No Further More Specific? Yes

To the lungs? Yes Lungs? No

Details on the lungs? Yes Heart? No

More Specific? Yes Liver? Yes

Bilateral lungs? No Further More Specific? No

Left lung? Yes Further Details on the liver? No

Further More Specific? No Link? Yes

Further Details on left lung? No To Liver? No

Further Link? No To Organs? Yes

Implementation? Yes Details? Yes

Tap Out? Yes More Specific? Yes

Tap out over the head and sternum with one hand and have Forward from liver? Yes
the thumb and fingers of the other hand indicate the right lung
linked to the left lung. Gall Bladder? No
Stomach? No
Spleen? No
Small Intestine? Yes
Further More Specific? No
Further Details on small intestine? No
Further Link? No
Implementation? Yes
Tap Out? Yes
A hand is placed over the area of the liver and another hand is
placed over the small intestine while the client is tapped out over
the head and sternum.
150 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Example 7.5
(assuming you have asked through the Protocol to get to Endocrines) To Endocrines? No
Are Endocrines a priority? Yes To Section 1? Yes
Further More Specific? Yes Details on Section 1? Yes
Pineal? No More Specific? Yes
Pituitary? Yes Forward from Endocrines? Yes
Further More Specific? Yes Body Parts? Yes
Anterior lobe? No Further More Specific? Yes
Posterior lobe? Yes Brain? No
Further More Specific? No Head? No
Further Details on posterior lobe? Yes Back? No
Orientation? No Chest? No
Definition on posterior lobe? Yes Abdomen? Yes
Physiology? Yes Further More Specific? Yes
Production of oxytocin? Yes Uterus? Yes
Further on the production of oxytocin? No Further More Specific? No
Further Physiology? No Further Details on uterus? No
Further Definition on the posterior lobe of the pituitary defined Further Link? No
by the production of oxytocin? No
Implementation? Yes
Further Details on the posterior lobe of the pituitary defined by
the production of oxytocin? No Tap Out? Yes
Link? Yes The client can place one finger over the pituitary spot with the focus
on the posterior pituitary defined by the production of oxytocin and
To something in posterior lobe of pituitary? No another hand placed over the area where the uterus is located while
being tapped out.
To pituitary? No
174 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Example 8.2
(assuming you have asked through the Protocol to get to Body Chemistry) To Section 4? Yes
Is Body Chemistry a priority? Yes Details on Section 4? Yes
(Take the saliva soaked cotton swab and place it in the navel, over More Specific? Yes
the thymus or in the left ear.)
Forward from Body Chemistry? Yes
Further More Specific? Yes
Active Memory? Yes
Microbes? No
Further More Specific? Yes
Toxins? Yes
Belief System? No
Further More Specific? Yes
Event? Yes
An inhaled toxin? No
(Continue the questioning sequencing to find the specific event that
An ingested toxin? Yes is the priority – the procedure for which is covered in the next chapter
on Active Memory.)
Further More Specific? Yes
Is Active Memory arguments with spouse at the breakfast table
A liquid? Yes while drinking coffee? Yes

Mouth wash? No Further More Specific? No

Coffee? Yes Further Details on the Active Memory arguments with spouse
at the breakfast table while drinking coffee? No
Further More Specific on coffee? Yes
Further Link? No
Caffeine? Yes
Implementation? Yes
Further More Specific on caffeine in coffee? No
Tap Out? Yes
Further Details on Body Chemistry for the caffeine in coffee? No
The formula to be tapped out is “Body Chemistry for the caffeine
Link? Yes in coffee linked to an Active Memory event involving arguments
with the spouse while drinking coffee at the breakfast table.” Note
To toxin? No that since hand positions did not come up as a priority, you would
be able to use sticky notes for one of the techniques, while doing the
hand positions for the other technique – it would not matter which
To Body Chemistry? No one is done for “real.”
Chapter 6: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: EGB 101

Summary: SB Junction
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to SB
Move forward in the
SB Junction a Priority? E.G.B. side-box.

Find Specific specific structures that
Further More Specific?
make up the SB, (e.g. occiput, sphenoid)

Further Details?
Link? Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.


Hand positions? e.g. sphenoid/chin
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum over two exaggerated breaths
while performing the SB Junction technique:

1. Client places a finger on the roof of the mouth.

2. Practitioner places a finger on the pituitary point.

Symptoms of a restricted SB Junction

• restricted breathing • depression

• poor memory • endocrine disorders
• tension headaches • digestive disorders
• ‘foggy’ head • poor response to sessions
Chapter 6: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: EGB 105

Summary: Switching
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in the
Switching a Priority? E.G.B. side-box.


Further More Specific? (Does not apply here)

Further Details?
Link? Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.


Hand positions? e.g. pressure/angle
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum over two exaggerated
breaths while performing the Switching technique:

1. Client places two fingers over each eye with firm but gentle
pressure, no pain.

2. Practitioner places a thumb and finger on the Switching

Reflex Points which may be gently stimulated.

Switching Symptoms

• circuits “blown” • right/wrong confusion

• mental confusion • poor reading comprehension
• memory lapses • self-destructive behavior
• left/right confusion • poor response to sessions
112 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Summary: Cortices
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in
Cortices a Priority? the EGB side-box.

Further More Specific? Usually specific lobe, or hand position.

Further Details?
Move through the Protocol
Chart to find the next item.



No Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum over two exaggerated breaths
while performing the Cortices technique:

1. Hand on the base of the skull.

2. Tap out head and sternum for 2 full breaths.

3. Move hand up along the skull. Tap out.

4. Repeat until reach just above the eyebrows.

5. Hold the sides of the head last. Tap out.

Results of Cortices Balancing

• Coordinates left/right hemispheres • Relaxing

• Updates brain hologram of bodymind complex • Improves mental clarity
Chapter 6: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: EGB 119

Summary: Hydration
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in the
Hydration a Priority? E.G.B. side box.

Further More Specific? Specific Organ, Endocrine, or Body Part
that requires hydration. Place damp
No cotton swab over the priority area.

Further Details?
Place damp
cotton swab in
client’s navel.
Yes Move through the Protocol
Link? Chart to find the next item.



Hand positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out the Hydration Technique:

1. With damp cotton swab in place, client places hands on sides of

the head (temporal/limbic lobes).

2. Practitioner taps out the modified Cortices.

Hydration Symptoms

• Arthritic pain • Lethargy

• General amplification of pain • Headaches
• Impaired metabolism • Cellular degeneration
• Malnourishment • Poor coordination
• Gastrointestinal pain
128 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Summary: Scars
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to Scars:

Move forward in the
Scars a Priority? E.G.B. side-box.

Further More Specific? Type of Scar takes you to: Further More Specific
1. Skin scar (mole, blemish , takes you to:

No rash, skin tag, birth mark, etc.) Organs, Endocrines, or

Body Parts to find the scar
2. Adhesion or adhesion.

Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
Link? to find the next item.



Hand Positions? e.g. depth/angle
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while stimulating the
134 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Summary: Interference
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in the
Interference a Priority? E.G.B. side-box.

Further More Specific? 1. Clothing
2. Jewelry
3. Electronics
No. It means “everything” 4. Other
is an interference

Remove? Remove the item
of interference.
Carry on with the
Move through the Protocol No formula.
Chart to find out if using
General Environment, Active
Memory, Body Chemistry, or Balance client to the factor?
any other technique in the
Protocol Chart.

Further Details?

Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out the technique being used to balance the client

to the item of interference.
Chapter 7: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: Organs, Endocrines, and Body Parts 147

Summary: Organs
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in
Organs a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Specific Organ Further More Specific takes you to
structures within the Organ (possibly
down to cellular and quantum levels).

Further Details?
Yes Move through the Protocol Chart to
find the next item. (You must have
an item either before or after the


Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while indicating

the items in the formula.

Note: If an organ or part of an organ is your first

Item, you must have a link.
152 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Summary: Endocrines
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to

Move forward in
Endocrines a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Specific Endocrine Further More Specific takes you to structures
within the Endocrine (possibly down to
cellular and quantum levels).

Further Details?
Yes Move through the Protocol Chart to
find the next item. (You must have
an item either before or after the


Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while indicating

the items in the formula.

Note: If an endocrine or part of an endocrine is your

first Item, you must have a link.
Chapter 7: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: Organs, Endocrines, and Body Parts 161

Summary: Body Parts

Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to Body
Move forward in
Body Parts a Priority? the Protocol.

Find Specific Body Part,
Further More Specific? Tissue or System
Further More Specific takes you to structures
within the Body Part (possibly down to
cellular and quantum levels).

Further Details?
Yes Move through the Protocol Chart to
find the next item. (You must have
an item either before or after the
Body Part).


Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while indicating

the items in the formula.

Note: If an body part or part of a body part is your

first Item, you must have a link.
Chapter 8: BodyTalk Protocol Section 4: Body Chemistry 175

Summary: Body Chemistry

Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to Body
Move forward in
Body Chemistry a Priority? the Protocol.

Place cotton
swab with saliva
in client’s navel.
Further More Specific? 1. Microbes (viruses, bacteria, Further More Specific
parasites, fungi) takes you to:
1. Location, or
No 2. Toxins 2. Name/type of factor
3. Allergies Write the factor on a
4. Intolerances piece of paper and place
it beside the navel.

Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out the Body Chemistry technique:

1. Client places hands on the sides of the head

(temporal/limbic lobes)

2. Practitioner taps out the modified Cortices.

Chapter 9: BodyTalk Protocol Section 4: Active Memory 193

Summary: Active Memory

Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to Active
Move forward in
Active Memory a Priority? the Protocol.
Further More Specific? 1. Belief System:
Heart - self love, to be loved, to love
Pelvis - sensuality, sexuality, control
No Body Image
Yes 2. Events:
Orientation? Lifetime periods
Further Details? Past Relationships
Definition? Childbirth
No Fetal life
Specific events
Yes Move through the 3. Fears/Phobias
Link? Protocol Chart to find
the next item.


Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while performing the Active
Memory technique:

1. Client makes a triangle touching the cheekbones and pituitary

spot with one hand.

2. Client slowly rolls the eyes clockwise (to their right from
above the forehead) about 4 times, saying the phrase out loud, or
visualizing the event/fear/phobia.

3. Repeat anticlockwise (to their left from above the forehead).

4. Client stops saying the phrase or visualizing, while moving

eyes side to side about 4 times.

5. Client breathes in while looking up, and then breathes out

while looking down, about 4 times.

6. Practitioner ensures the eye movements are smooth without

any “skipping”.

7. Ask if diaphragm to intestines link is a priority.

Chapter 10: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: Body Parts - Brain 205

Summary: Brain
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to Brain:

Move forward in
Brain a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Further More Specific may take you to a
location on or an anatomical structure
within one of the areas of the brain:
• Cortex
• Limbic
• Reptilian
Further Details?
Yes Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item. (You must
have an item either before or
after the Brain item.)


Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum, while indicating

the Brain items in the formula.
226 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Summary: Chakras
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in
7 Chakras a priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Specific Chakra Further More Specific takes you
to a sub-chakra of that Chakra.


Further Details?
Yes Move through the Protocol Chart to
Link? find the next item. (You must have
an item either before or after the


Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while indicating

the items in the formula. Use a hand to indicate a
major Chakra and a finger to indicate a sub-chakra.

Note: If a chakra or subchakra is your first Item, you

must have a link.
Chapter 11: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: Energies 231

Summary: Meridians
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in
Meridians a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Refer to appendix for Meridians

Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum, while performing

the Meridian technique:

1. Client holds fifth finger and thumbs together,

contacts sphenoid (at temples) with other fingers and
rolls eyes.

2. Practitioner places 3 fingers over pulse points of

client’s wrist with light contact.

3. Repeat with deep pressure.

4. Repeat all on the other wrist.

Chapter 11: BodyTalk Protocol Section 1: Energies 235

Summary: Pancreas Reflex Point

Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Pancreas Reflex Point:
Move forward in
Pancreas Reflex a Priority? the Protocol.


Further More Specific? (Does not apply here)

Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum, while performing

the Pancreas Reflex Point technique:

1. Client touches the left Pancreas Reflex Point and

massages it gently.

2. Practitioner indicates the same general area on the

right side.
Chapter 12: BodyTalk Protocol Section 2: Environment 247

Summary: General Environment

Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
General Environment:
Move forward in
General Environment a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Find the three pieces of information needed:
1. The environmental factor
2. Where it is entering
No 3. What is being affected
Write the factor on a piece of paper and
place it over the point of entry.

Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while performing

the General Environment technique:

1. Practitioner holds and jiggles the piece of paper

with the environmental factor written on it, over the
point of entry.

2. Client holds the area being affected.

Chapter 12: BodyTalk Protocol Section 2: Environment 251

Summary: Vivaxis
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in
Vivaxis a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Birth or Environmental Further More Specific takes you to
the specific environmental factor for
environmental vivaxis and then the
No location(s) around the circle. For birth
vivaxis it takes you to the locations
around the circle.
Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Proceed to perform the Vivaxis technique:

1. Client stands, with arm at right angles to chest and

parallel to floor.

2. Perform base-line test for strength of the arm muscles.

3. Have the client think about the place they were born
or the environmental factor.

4. Test muscle strength while turning client around

in circle.

5. Tap out head and sternum at all weak spots.

Chapter 13: BodyTalk Protocol Section 4: Cellular Repair 263

Summary: Cellular Repair

Preparation Steps (1-4)

1. Write DNA/RNA plus the vaccine, organ, endocrine or

body part on a sticky note and place over the navel.

2. Interference a priority? Look for jewelry, clothing, metal

on midline, etc.

3. Preparation links a priority? Pineal – pituitary; masseters –

sacrum; masseters to something else. Tap head and sternum,
if preparation links are required.

4. Find tender spots in masseters and gently hold those spots

and say silently: Open the genetic code.

Repair Steps (5a - 5b)

5a. Client holds limbic areas while practitioner holds top

two cortices in sequence. Tap head and sternum while
silently saying phrases (see below).

5b. Client holds the masseters while the practitioner holds

top two cortices in sequence. Tap head and sternum while
silently saying phrases (see below).

Closing Steps (6-9)

6. Further links a priority? Pineal – pituitary; masseters –

sacrum; masseters to something else. Tap head and sternum,
if required.

7. Practitioner holds pineal – pituitary and the masseters

(or client can hold the masseters) while silently saying the
phrases (below) one more time without tapping. Hold a
minimum of 30 seconds.

8. Ready to close the code? No - Hold position #7 longer

if Yes, Practitioner holds the masseters while saying silently:

Close the genetic code.

9. Remember to ask if Cortices are a priority. If so, ask if

there is a link. It is usually to the area of Cellular Repair.

Cellular Repair Phrases:

“Replace the old genetic code with the new healthy genetic
code; replace the old cells with the new healthy cells.”
Chapter 14: BodyTalk Protocol Section 4: Lymph, Circulation/Nerve Supply 273

Summary: Lymph
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in
Lymph a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? First confirm the zygoma, pubic bone, clavicle,
or clavicle as the contact point. Then go to the
side-box listing the lymph node areas to find all
the priority areas to stimulate.
Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum while performing the
Lymph technique:

1. Client holds the zygoma (or alternative).

2. Practitioner stimulates/jiggles the priority lymph node

areas, either physically or energetically.
Chapter 14: BodyTalk Protocol Section 4: Lymph, Circulation/Nerve Supply 277

Summary: Circulation/Nerve Supply

Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Circulation/Nerve Supply:

Move forward in
Circulation/Nerve Supply a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? 1. Blood, Nerve, or Lymph
2. To, From, and/or Within
No 3. Organ, Endocrine, or Body Part
Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum, while performing the
Circulation/Nerve Supply technique:

1. One hand holds the anchor (heart for blood, brain for
nerve or spleen for lymph).

2. One hand holds the organ, endocrine, or body part of

priority and focuses the blood or nerve supply to, from,
and/or within that organ, endocrine, or body part. Lymph
circulation is only from and/or within that organ, endocrine,
or body part.
290 BodyTalk Fundamentals

Summary: Reciprocals
Assume you have asked through the Protocol to get to
Move forward in
Reciprocals a Priority? the Protocol.

Further More Specific? Go to the side boxes and find Further More Specific takes you to a
specific section of reciprocals. specific reciprocal and can take you
further down to a location on one or
No both of the reciprocals pairs.
Further Details?
Move through the Protocol Chart
to find the next item.



Hand Positions?
Tap out? Specific Tapping?

Tap out over the head and sternum, while performing the
Reciprocals technique:

1. Lightly touch the reciprocal points, in order and

bilaterally, unless only one side comes up as priority.

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