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Name: Test 1A – Year 7 Class: ______ No.: ________ Date: ______________________________

Teacher: _______________ Mark: ____________________ Enc. Educação: _______________________

I – Reading (20 minutes)

Read the text.



Vocabulary: 1former – ex/antigo/a; 2half-siblings – meios-irmãos; 3chapters – capítulos

A. Fill in the table with the words/expressions from the box.

date of birth name nationality father husband son brother surname

1. _____________________ – Meghan 5. ___________________ – Thomas

2. _____________________ – Markle 6. ___________________ – Thomas Jr.
3. _____________________ – 4th August 1981 7. ____________________ – Prince Harry
4. _____________________ – American 8. ___________________ – Archie

B. Answer the questions.

1. How old is Meghan? _______________________________________________________________
2. Where is she from? _______________________________________________________________
3. Are her parents married? ___________________________________________________________
4. How many siblings has she got? _____________________________________________________
5. What is she like? _________________________________________________________________
6. Have Meghan and Harry got children? _________________________________________________

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)
II – Language (15 minutes)
A. Look at the picture and complete the text about Kate Middleton, Meghan’s sister-in-law.
The first letter of the words has been given.

Her (1) n_________

III – Writingis–Kate and her (2) s________ is Middleton. She is
15 minutes
from England, so she is (3)
E______________. She is Prince
William’s (4)
w__________. She has got three (5)
c___________: two
sons, George and Louis, and a (6)
d__________, Charlotte. Kate is
tall and (7)
s__________. She has got (8)
s________ brown hair and
brown eyes. She is very elegant! Look at what she is wearing – a
white (9)
d_________ with a red hat and red (10)
s__________. How

B. Fill in the gaps with the personal pronouns or possessive determiners from the box.
1. Meghan is a Duchess now, but ______ still loves Hollywood.
2., Serena Williams, the tennis player, is ________ friend. their she
3. Harry is British and ______ wife, Meghan, is American. his its her
4. The Windsors are famous in Britain. ________ palace is in England
and _____ rooms are huge.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs to be or have got.
1. The Queen ___________ 93 years old. She ___________ eight grandchildren.
2. “___________ Harry ___________ many children?” “No, he _________.”
3. My father and I ___________ British, but my mother ___________ (not).
4. “How tall ___________ you and your brother?” “We ___________ 1.80 m tall.”
5. The members of the Royal Family ___________ beautiful hats, but they ___________ (not) many

D. Use the correct question word to complete the questions. There is one example.
 How many children have you got? – I’ve got three children.
1. ______________ is Kate’s surname? – Middleton.
2. ______________ are Kate’s children? – They are 1, 4 and 5 years old.
3. ______________ is Buckingham Palace? – It’s in London.
4. _____________ is Prince Harry’s birthday? – It’s on 15th September.
5. ______________ is Prince William? – He is 1.91 m tall.

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)
E. Make sentences using the present continuous. There is one example.
 the children / play / in the royal gardens / . The children are playing in the royal gardens.
1. the Queen / have / a cup of tea / . ____________________________________________________
2. they / not read / the newspaper / . ____________________________________________________
3. Jack / sleep / at the moment / ? _____________________________________________________
4. my friends / study / for the test / . _____________________________________________________
5. Sarah / not listen / to the teacher / . ___________________________________________________
6. your brothers / run / ? ______________________________________________________________

F. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer using the verbs given below. There is one example.

kiss () / hold () eat () / cook () dance () / walk ()

Is the Queen kissing her dogs? 1. _______ he _____________? 2. _____ they ______________?
No, she isn’t . __________________________. __________________________.
She is holding them. __________________________. __________________________.

III – Writing (15 minutes)

Write a short text about YOU (35-50 words). Mention:
 name and age; date of birth; occupation/job; family;
 physical appearance;
 favourite free time activities.


Good work!
Your teacher

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)
Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)

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