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Chapter IV


This section presents the result of the study based on the collected data from the

respondents. These include the presentation of tables, analysis of data, and interpretation of data.

The presentation of data is subdivided into two parts. Part 1 presents the quantitative data about

the respondent’s use of types of text-speak in terms of abbreviation, acronyms, shortening. While

Part 2 presents the qualitative data about the respondents’ experiences during the pandemic as


Part I: Commonly Used Types of Text-Speak

Table 4.1 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the Respondents

Rate of Correct Spelling in Abbreviation
Very Often (4)

Sometimes (3)

mean (wm)
Rarely (2)

Never (1)


Abbreviation Correct Spelling

1.      Km Kilo meter 36 17 3 2 3.50 Very often

2.      Dept Department 19 14 15 10 2.72 Sometimes

3.      Govt Government 20 7 12 19 2.48 Rarely

4.      Rept Report 13 11 9 25 2.21 Rarely

5.      Yr Year 17 15 12 14 2.60 Sometimes

6.      Subj Subject 19 19 9 11 2.79 Sometimes

7.      Univ Universe 12 18 12 16 2.45 Rarely

8.      Lit Literature 15 9 9 25 2.24 Rarely

9.      Ref Reference 12 17 8 21 2.34 Rarely

10.  Kg Kilogram 42 6 4 6 3.45 Very often

General Weighted Mean: 2.68 – Sometimes
Scaling: 1 Never = 1.00 – 1.75 3 Sometimes = 2.50 – 3.25
2 Rarely = 1.75 – 2.50 4 Very Often = 3.25 – 4.00

Table 4.1 shows that majority of the respondents correctly spell the abbreviated words

Km as Kilo meter with wm 3.50 “sometimes”, Kg as Kilogram with wm 3.45 “very often”, Subj

as Subject with wm 2.79 “sometimes”, Dept as Department with wm 2.72 “sometimes”, Yr as

Year with wm 2.60 “sometimes”, Govt as Government with wm 2.48 “rarely”, Univ as Universe

with wm 2.45 “rarely”, Ref as Reference with wm 2.34 “rarely”, Lit as Literature with wm 2.24

“rarely”, and Rept as Report with wm 2.21 “rarely”. Overall, with a general weighted mean of

2.68 “sometimes”.

This implies that many of the respondents sometimes can correctly spell the selected

abbreviated words when used particularly Km as Kilo meter, and Kg as Kilogram. Cannon

(2011) explained that abbreviation is spelled more often today without periods than with them

suggest that it is now more direct part of the vocabulary. Abbreviation is largely a convention of

written language, sometimes abbreviation carry over into spoken language. This emphasizes the

use of abbreviations common in almost all types of text genres in formal or informal context

(Glass et al., 2017).

Table 4.2 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the Respondents
Rate of Correct Spelling in Acronyms

weighted mean
Very Often (4)

Sometimes (3)

Rarely (2)

Never (1)

Acronyms Correct Spelling

Acquired Immune 2.50 Rarely

11.  AIDS 20 8 11 19
Deficiency Syndrome
12.  CTTO Credit To The Owner 23 17 7 11 2.90 Sometimes
Personal Identification 2.98 Sometimes
13.  PIN 26 14 9 9
14.  SOS Save Our Soul 22 12 8 16 2.69 Sometimes

15.  IQ Intelligence Quotient 32 8 9 9 3.09 Sometimes

16.  DIY Do It Yourself 27 14 5 12 2.97 Sometimes

17.  ASAP As Soon As Possible 30 11 9 8 3.09 Sometimes

18.  ATM At The Moment 21 11 10 16 2.64 Sometimes

Human Immunodeficiency 2.21 Rarely
19.  HIV 16 4 14 24
20.  UFO Unidentified Flying Object 23 12 9 14 2.76 Sometimes
General Weighted Mean: 2.78 -- Sometimes

Scaling: 1 Never = 1.00 – 1.75 3 Sometimes = 2.50 – 3.25

2 Rarely = 1.75 – 2.50 4 Very Often = 3.25 – 4.00

Table 4.2 shows that majority of the respondents correctly spell the acronyms such as IQ

as Intelligence Quotient with wm 3.09 “sometimes”, and ASAP as As Soon As Possible with wm

3.09 “sometimes”, PIN as Personal Identification Number with wm 2.98 “sometimes”, DIY as

Do It Yourself with wm 2.97 “sometimes”, CTTO as Credit To The Owner with wm 2.90

“sometimes”, UFO as Unidentified Flying Object with wm 2.76 “sometimes”, SOS as Save Our

Soul with wm 2.69 “sometimes”, ATM as At The Moment with wm 2.64 “sometimes”, AIDS as

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome with wm 2.50 “rarely”, and HIV as Human
Immunodeficiency Virus with wm 2.21 “rarely”. Overall, with a general weighted mean of 2.68


This implies that many of the respondents sometimes can correctly spell the selected

acronyms when used particularly IQ as Intelligence Quotient, and ASAP as As Soon As

Possible. According to Plag (2003) and Carter (2009) acronym is the process whereby a new

word is formed from the initial letters of the constituent words of a phrase or sentence which

generally consist of all capital letters. So Adam (2003) points out that acronyms may include

other than initial letters to make them more word-like i.e. for example IQ or ASAP.

Table 4.3 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the Respondents

Rate of Correct Spelling in Shortening

weighted mean
Very Often (4)

Sometimes (3)

Rarely (2)

Never (1)

Shortening Correct Spelling

21.  luv Love 24 16 4 14 2.86 Sometimes

22.  u You 41 10 5 2 3.55 Very Often

23.  r Are 24 10 11 13 2.78 Sometimes

24.  wer Where 19 11 9 19 2.52 Sometimes

25.  tnx Thanks 27 12 9 10 2.97 Sometimes

26.  txt Text 33 8 11 6 3.17 Sometimes

27.  cr Comfort Room 41 7 4 6 3.43 Very Often

28.  pm Private Message 41 5 5 7 3.38 Very Often

29.  no. Number 29 15 6 8 3.12 Sometimes

30.  w8 Wait 15 8 8 27 2.19 Rarely

General Weighted Mean: 3.00 -- Sometimes

Scaling: 1 Never = 1.00 – 1.75 3 Sometimes = 2.50 – 3.25

2 Rarely = 1.75 – 2.50 4 Very Often = 3.25 – 4.00
Table 4.3 shows that majority of the respondents correctly spell the shorten words u as

you with wm 3.55 “very often”, cr as comfort room with wm 3.43 “very often”, pm as private

message with wm 3.38 “very often”, txt as text with wm 3.17 “sometimes”, no. as number with

wm 3.12 “sometimes”, tnx as thanks with wm 2.97 “sometimes”, luv as love with wm 2.86

“sometimes”, r as are with wm 2.78 “sometimes”, wer as where with wm 2.52 “sometimes”, and

w8 as wait with wm 2.19 “rarely. Overall, with a general weighted mean of 3.00 “sometimes”.

This implies that many of the respondents sometimes can correctly spell the selected

shorten words when used particularly u as you, cr as comfort room, and pm as private message.

According to Cannon (2011) explained that shorten words may be in form of acronym or

abbreviation. Acronyms are shortenings built from the initial letters in a phrase or name i.e. u =

you, while abbreviations are a shortened form of a word or phrase i.e. cr = comfort room. This

explains the use of word formation or the processes aimed at producing new words in a

Part II: Respondents’ written essay on the effect of the pandemic on them as students.

The following statements are directly excerpted from the respondents’ essay on their

experiences during the pandemic and its effect on them as students. Using thematic analysis, the

qualitative data collected are organized based on related themes. These are supported by related

literatures that explain the relevance of the findings on the main concept of the study.

Theme 1: Negative Effect of Online Classes to Students’ Performance

Theme 1 presents the negative effect of the pandemic on the education of the selected

respondents, particularly on the effect of online classes to students’ performance. According to

Sharma (2020) the online method of education can be a highly effective alternative medium of

education for the mature and self-disciplined students, it is an inappropriate learning

environment for more dependent students. In order to successfully participate in an online

program, students must be well organized, self-motivated, and has good time management skills

in order to keep up with the pace of the subject.

Below are the respondents’ feedback:

R5: During the pandemic many events that I anticipated were all cancelled, but
despite all of that I learned many things…it has been very hard for us…
R7: It affected my ways of being an outgoing person and became quiet…
R20: It affect me a lot cause today I was more irresponsible than being
responsible. I was addicted to gadgets…
R28: This pandemic affects my past school year like grade 6 because it is in
online which is much harder than my grade 5 level…
R32: I’m bored in my home because there is no face to face classes…
Based on the respondents’ statements, online education is not appropriate for younger

students i.e. elementary or secondary school age, and other students who are dependent learners

and have difficulty assuming responsibilities required by the online program. Furthermore,

Successful on-ground instruction does not always translate to successful online instruction, and

with this students’ education may suffer.

Theme 2: Positive Effect of Online Classes to Students’ Social Learning

Theme 2 presents the positive effects of online classes to students’ social life during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Online learning offers the students the flexible time of place and time of

delivering or receiving learning information (Sharma, 2020). This also proves the increasing

influence of globalization and the emerging ICT tools which creates student-centered learning

that explores the new learning methods. It offers flexible time management as well to students in

distance learning.

Below are the respondents’ feedback:

R6: It doesn’t affect me that much because we have online classes and can have
time with my family…
R43: I was so happy in time of pandemic… I like staying at home…
R15: I was happy that my work got reduced and have more time for my hobbies.

Based on the respondents’ statements, online learning offers the flexible time of place

and time of delivering or receiving learning information. This help to secure students learning

opportunity even at home during the pandemic. From students’ perspective online learning

allows the exploration of finding more flexible ways to learn. The learning through text has now

been replaced by interactions, opportunities with instructors and other students with anytime-

anyhow-anywhere basis. Hence, it cultivates the competency and learning skills among the
students. It also offers wide avenue for students to continue learning to acquire new and upgrade

knowledge, skills, and values.

Theme 3: The Challenges faced by Students in Modular learning

Theme 3 presents the struggles and difficulties of the respondents in modular learning

during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Dochy (1989 as cited by Friestad-Tate, Schubert

and Mccoy, 2014) explained that modular learning most important consideration is the student.

Modular learning arranges information in a way that presents points in an intelligent way, and it

can be individualized according to students' needs. However, this may also prove great

disadvantages to students who are not familiar to such new modality.

Below are the respondents’ feedback:

R1: I have a relaxing and stressed life during the pandemic. I learned new
hobbies like arts and learned through the internet… I sometimes experience
mental burnout because of module…
R11: Sometimes I can’t understand my module and sometimes I wish that face to
face is available…
R10: I can’t properly learn in modules…
R22: I’ve dreamed of face to face class since children were not allowed to go
outside… I don’t want modular classes because I can’t experience the high school
life that I’ve dreamed…
R21: I can’t go out of my friend and during school time it was so hard because its
modular. I want face to face back.
R14: My modules are getting harder and harder to the point where I can’t
understand what are they trying to point out…
R9: Sometimes I can’t understand my modules/lessons… I can’t have long rest
because of stress…

Based on the respondents’ statements, modular learning post difficulties and high risks to

students learning opportunity. The disadvantages include greater self-discipline and self-

motivation required for students, increased preparation time and lack of concrete rewards for
students. Thus, the numbers of activities in each module is one of the main problems that

emerged in the implementation of Modular learning which resulted to stressing and timid

behaviors of the students.

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